Pov line

Today we saw a classmate being harassed for having a little more weight, I don't know why, but generally I don't get involved in those problems, but I saw myself when I was little and I was alone, of course I had my sister, but always I felt that nobody loved us, our parents abandoned us, nobody wants to adopt us, the other children don't want to play with us, you know.

Except for him, he was always alone, I don't know how he did it, but he was not affected, as if it were someone else's problem, he wanted to be like him, I wanted to ask him how he did it to be alone and not feel miserable, but I couldn't, I was afraid, afraid of being rejected once again, of not being wanted.

But everything bad has its end, and my light appeared in life, my joy, even though I never saw him start a conversation, oh there he was, asking if I was okay, he surprised me, I had hidden, even so that day she found me, she always cried alone in that place, so that my sister wouldn't worry, I thought no one would find me, but she did. That was the beginning of everything, now I can say that I am, even if I have to share my man, I do not complain, when nobody loved me, he did, surely people will talk about our relationship, a harem is not well seen, but it is our decision and we do not care about the opinion of others, after all they did not help me when I was alone.

Leaving my past behind, now I meet Amaya and lina. We are thinking of helping Keiko, you know her name means happy, funny and always cheerful woman, but it is far from that.

Line: So Amaya, what ideas do you have?

Amaya: We should talk to the school and then they will call their parents.

Lina: That will complicate things, they will only annoy her more, also I don't know if her family cares what happens to her daughter, maybe they won't even show up..

Amya: all parents love their children.

Lina: "if it were true, we wouldn't live in an orphanage." my sister said with a frown.

Amaya: "that ... clearly Amaya didn't know how to answer" after all we are a living fact that not all parents love their children.

Line: "Lina is right."

Amaya "I am part of the disciplinary committee if they tell me who is bothering her, we can warn them" you could see how she puffs her chest with pride.

Lina: "it could work."

Line: "I don't think it will work, to be honest, when we ask Keiko he will most likely refuse to say it, by means of making the situation worse." and out of fear.

Amaya: "what will we do."

Lina: "Let's ask Leon, he said he would help us." My sister trusts Leon a lot, we should learn to be more independent to support him in the future.

Amaya: "that criminal doesn't even care what happens to the others." I cannot deny that, Leon is not a sato who will help everyone, unless it benefits him.

Line: "It would help if I got her attention, but she doesn't." maybe we should put a maid outfit on him, I recently found out that it was one of his wishes, as I watched him look at a store where he sells this type of product.

Lina: "we could join our group, you know that nobody does not bother because they are afraid of the lion."

Amaya: "how did that start?"

Lina: "Why are you afraid of León?"

Amaya: if that?

Lina: we were walking, when a group of children approached us, because we were the same, they were curious, it did not bother us at first, then they began to ask why we are with a Chinese, and we should not hang out with him.

Amaya: "Chino?"

Line: "his name, he hasn't changed it yet." It seems that he lacks age or emancipation.

Amaya: "ooooh true."

Lina: "that made us angry and we told them that it was not their problem." That really annoys me, who decides who I'm with is just me.

And then they started bothering us, it didn't last a day. Leon found out and I don't know what he did, but they never came back.

Amaya: "that criminal, surely intimidated them and forced them to leave." I'm sure I intimidate them, I know him well.

Lina: "Don't be like that, also when you think to confess Amaya."

Amaya: "I, I, I, I, confess, what are you talking about. He stammered."

Line: "If you do, we will let you marry." It is necessary to encourage her, or we will be until we finish high school waiting for her to confess.

Lina. "If it's true, don't forget that only one can be the wife, if you confess in a month, we will let you be the wife."

Lina: "It's true Amaya. Better hurry up, or you lose."

Amaya: "I, I'm going." and runs away. but the door was closed.

Lina: "I knew you would run, Amaya, how about if you sit down and talk, it's already more than 5 years."

Line: sister is right, if you continue like this, you will not succeed.

Amaya: "hmp, I don't like it."

Lina: "how stubborn, nothing to do sister"

Line: "that's right, we better continue with the plan. I'll see what she does." It's not that Leon is going anywhere, we still have a lot of time.

Lina: "you're right."

Line: "then the best way to help her is to get together with her, she will end everything."

so we decided to go, and talk to her.

Pov Amaya.

I confess it should be him, hmp, it should be the other way around. I don't understand why he hasn't.

Lina: "what's up amya."

Amaya: "hmp, nothing." I won't tell him or make fun of me.

Lina: "good" she looked at me doubtfully.

I should confess, they said that I could get married if I did, how tempting, only one can have that position and I don't want to lose it, I wonder if it's wrong for more than one man to love the same man, how people will see us, since our relationship It's not normal, but I see Lina and Line and I think everything will be fine, I also don't think we're the only one, maybe we're a big family, the one we never had, that's why I can't deny how happy I am, hmp, but I will not confess he has to be the one who takes the first step, also he is not the only man in the world, but if the only one I love, hmp but I will not tell him, you will see, are he begging me to be his girlfriend.

Pov keiko

My name is Keiko, which means always happy, but since I can remember, I have never been able to see that happiness, only when how I can be myself and feel satisfied, I can escape from that cage of blows by my mother, I always hate her job and she said that I ruined her dream of being a star by being born, I was her mistake, there are also the constant abuse of my father, yes, I am dirty, no one will ever love me, I am always alone, there is no day that I do not suffer Before, primary school was my only escape, but it's over, even in that place I can't be at peace. while I was thinking about my life I came home, alone to find my mother with a guy I had never seen, but I know why he brought him, they can be called lolicones, today is another day in this hell, please, someone, save me Even if it's a devil, I'll give you my life and the demon called Leon will answer the call.

POV Itharia

My life has gone uphill since I met my husband, everything has been joy and good times, now I even have an older sister named akara, and she will continue to grow, I always want to get my family back and I think I am doing it.

Itharia: "Are you happy akara"

Akara: "Of course and your Itharia." obviously I can't deny it.

Itharia: "without a doubt. But I know that the trip is dangerous, I just pray that nothing bad happens."

Akara: "trust Leon, I feel that fate smiles at him, and fate is a woman and he knows how to treat one."

Itharia: "you're right, it would be our hidden sister."

Akara: "Maybe. I feel like you have another woman who hasn't told us, but I won't blame him for anything, when he wants to introduce them, we'll welcome them."

Itharia: "you're right, they are family, and as long as they are, we will take care of them. I also want children."

Akara: "It's too early, I wouldn't be wise with the journey ahead."

Itharia: I know, I say it for you, this camp is already safe, and it would not be a bad thing to start enlarging the family. "

Akara: "You're right, but I still have many potions to make, besides that Leon left several things to investigate, such as the potion to create a zombie, to maintain beauty and age, and others."

Itharia: "What will be the potion to create zombie."

Akara: "I don't know, and don't ask him, I know that what you have to do is your wish, as long as it is your wish, it is correct and we have to support it, we are family first and foremost."

Ithaira: "It's true. And how it went with the potions of beauty and youth."

Akara: "hehehe, I knew what you'd ask, we all want to stay young and beautiful, don't we."

Itharia: "it's true I can't deny it, when we get old he will continue to love me, those doubts are a nuisance." I don't want to get to an age where I'm only going to get wrinkles and sagging breasts.

Akara: "I think he will continue to love us, but I feel like he has a way of living for a long time, he just has yet to perfect it."

Itharia: "told you something."

Akara: "no but it's my instinct and years of experience, Leon has many secrets that he hasn't told us. We just have to trust and wait for the moment."

Itharia: "So be it Akara, I think we should go and see Charsi, León has not taken much attention recently, we should go see her and clarify her doubts, who knows, maybe she feels alone or left aside."

Akara: "It's true itharia, let's go."

Today is a good day, I hope it never changes.

Pov kayle

My mother gave me a path when she dropped her sword to pick it up, and to seek justice in this world full of deadly sinners who only bring chaos to the world, and that is the beginning of my journey. I always looked for and did justice to those who deserved it, but I came at a time where I did not know what I was doing, I just went from one place to another and killed, burned, judged as if their lives were not worth it, I did not know what to do this is my way, I felt insecure.

many times I tried to look for my mother and ask her what justice was, but there was no answer, I even asked my sister morga, but she said that I had to find her on my own, she went to my father and told me to follow my heart, but because I should follow my feelings, when justice is applied to the evildoers you don't need to have mercy, nor do they deserve it. and I kept looking for the path to true justice, but I couldn't find it, I felt empty, alone, I wanted to see my mother, I wanted to ask her many things, such as why doesn't she come back, why doesn't she hug me, I want to see her, I want to hug her, I want her to yell at me when I'm wrong, I want breakfast in the morning, I want a normal mother, I want a normal life just for a moment.

when there was only darkness and uncertainty ahead, a voice rang in my ears.

-you want to know what justice is to

-if I answered.

-you want to be happy.


-you want a normal life full of adventures.


-Then just follow me, and I will guide you, if you accept, and I can see red eyes looking at me, I don't know why but I feel safe when I see them, I think that if I accept I can find the ones I want so much.

I agree.

that's how I met him, Leon those red eyes that looked at me and asked me to accompany them on their journey. He showed me a lot of funny things, like anime, I had never seen something like that, I felt euphoric, it was fun. too many different and exciting meals. everything was new and so amazing. But there is also evil in this world, and what I saw I did not like, how can these disgusting mortals do that, and anger consumed me, and everything burned, when I realized the repentance came.

kayle: "What, I've, done." my voice was dull, sorry I felt bad.

Leon: "don't worry, it's okay, those women didn't want to live after everything they've done to her" I can hear concern and seriousness in her voice.

Kayle: "they were innocent"

Leon: "you were still human kayle, you will make mistakes." Am i human no.

Kayle: "I am justice."

León: "first of all you are a living being, a woman, you felt their pain when you saw them, it is not like that." a woman, I forgot that she was a woman, a person, she had feelings.

Kayle: "I ..., yes, avian pain" I could see the pain and the lack of living of those women. they didn't deserve it,

Leon: "see kayle, what I do is fair, everything I do is correct."

Kayle, only a monster can defeat another monster. you see the heroes, they always leave the bad guy alive, and he comes back and brings suffering to everyone again. To impart your justice, you have to become a monster, the villain, sometimes you will be hated, but as long as you do your justice everything will be fine, because you will save the innocent kayle.

and I feel his hand caressing my hair, I feel safe and happy. Caudno does it, I feel that everything will be fine.

Kayle: "what am I doing lion, my justice was wrong?" If I'm wrong, what do I have to do?

León: "don't worry about that, just what I tell you and I will bear the weight of your decisions, I will guide you towards your justice."

Kayle: "but he ..." before he continued speaking, I can feel something warm on my lips, I was surprised but it felt good, I couldn't hold myself and returned my intentions.

after a while, he looks at me and wipes my face, sure I didn't look pretty at this moment.

Leon: "just as I clean your snot, I will clean your disasters, make mistakes all you want, because you have me by your side forever. So we stay together burned for a long time until he fell asleep."

And with those words, I can say that I will follow this man for eternity, in search of my happiness and his.

Pov haruno

My name is Haruno and I am 8 years old. I am quite intelligent for my age, and very perceptive, I recently noticed that my father is not my father, my eyes a tint of red, and hair is blond at the ends, not only that, I can do things that normal people cannot, like throwing a ball of fire, or ice. But I didn't tell anyone, I plan to tell Okaa-sama, but I don't know what magic to show her, I think making skeletons, I want it to be an accident, I don't want her to know about my other magics or she might worry, I don't want to give her more problems, she hates her marriage, and I know, I wonder if my father was important to her, or if they only met once, I don't know but I want to know who he is, I want him to teach me more of this magic, it's incredible And exciting, I also want to ask him why he abandoned me and my mother, but regardless of everything, if I find him I will not let him go, you will see, I will not let him leave me twice, no matter what I have to do.

I forgot to mention that I have a sister, they are pretty, but I don't want her to live under my shadow. But I don't know what to do, he has always seen me as inspiration, there is also that Hayato man, it seems that they want to commit my sister to that idiot, he is a total idiot, always after me, but unlike Yukino he is not my sister If it is not cute, it is creepy, I hope I am not a stalker in the future or I will only have to make it ashes

Pov Charsi

Since I can remember, I have been in the care of akara and the harpies, then as I grew up, I began to like the forge, and slowly it became my profession and what I like to do the most. We had a good life, until the Andariel thing happened, and we were thrown out of the monastery, it hurts that my Malaise stayed.

From time to time scouts would come and try to help, but that too came to an end. everything in the camp had a gloomy atmosphere. One day a certain explorer arrived, his name was Leon, a very, very happy guy at times. from that day on the camp got a little better, and slowly my heart started to beat stronger. It was exciting to know that it was help for him, he always came with his damaged armor and I repaired them, I don't know why, but I felt happy.

Time passed and I heard that he had a relationship with Akara, I was surprised I felt sad, but not for much, I knew that it could be the second I had no problems, or so I thought but it seems that it would be the third, I also had a relationship with Itharia his mercenary, aaaah, sigh I always talked to him and we had a good time, but it seems that it was just my imagination, maybe I'm not as feminine as they are, it will be my muscles, ahhhh, what do I do, I don't know how to conquer a man, I just know armor, maybe I should ask Akara, and as if heaven was listening to me and she was coming with Itharia, apparently they wanted to have a conversation.

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