Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.

Chapter 100 - Cap 100 (R-18)

We're celebrating, chapter one hundred! ???????? ..., that's all, there's no more budget.


You stupid brat! She, what she thinks she's doing, she doesn't realize that the only way she can live a normal life is by holding onto that man's thighs.

And she comes, and she fucks her, ahhh, sometimes I regret having been so careless with her, but ..., sigh, my mother was very strict and I did not want Eris to live the same, I wanted her to have more freedom from action, and that he could choose his path, a pity that it will no longer be possible,

Hilda was between angry, for how stupid she was her daughter, and sad for not being able to give her the life she wanted.

- "You shouldn't be angry, your daughter is just training" Agata said, as she prevented Hilda from approaching her daughter, and reprimanding her..

- "Eh? Training?" I ask doubtfully.

- "Yes, León believes that the little girl has power with the sword, although from my point of view, the girl is mediocre, she moves the sword like a mad dog, her feet are badly positioned, every time a blow comes she closes her eyes , and that is the worst mistake a swordsman can make, or any fighter. The only good thing is his stubbornness, he has fallen 35 times, and got up all of them, it's the only thing that surprises me. "

Agata was very strict, and she had very high expectations, since her first disciple was Azula, and she already had a solid foundation and had incredible talent. Also, she thought Leon picked her up for her talent, and that's why she had more expectations, too bad she wasn't like that. Leon picked her up just because she would be a beauty, otherwise he wouldn't even bother to see her.

Hilda, who heard Ágata's harsh words, was upset, she was her little one, and as a mother, it was not pleasant to hear that your daughter is mediocre, all parents believe that her children are incredible, and they are special.

But she didn't dare to say anything, she was just a newcomer, and to start a fight now, it would be a great stupidity of her part.

- "You seem upset, and I understand, if she were a mother she would also be angry if my daughter was insulted"

Hilda decided to keep quiet, and look at her daughter, who spent more time on the ground than standing, her face was full of mud and grass, her legs were purple and her dress was torn, she looked like a freshly beaten beggar woman.

Seeing her like this, filled her with pain and sadness, forgetting that she was furious before, but what can she do to her, she was his daughter after all, and like most parents, they suffer when they see their son suffer, empathy is very high.

Agata looked at Hilda's face, and she noticed her feelings, so as a partner she decided to give a few words of encouragement.

- "Don't be sad, it sure hurts to see her like that, but look at her face ... what is her face, do you see those eyes?"

Hilda paid attention to Agata's words, and looked at her daughter again, she was dirty and bruised, but despite this, her daughter was smiling like she did before, her eyes were shining brightly and instead of screaming through her eyes. thumps, laughed and got up again.

She was no longer the depressed girl she had to comfort during the night, now she was the same Eris from before. That simple act made Hilda very happy, but at the same time a little worried, it was a contradictory feeling.

Hilda wanted her daughter to be happy, and she to be the same cheerful girl as before, but what she does not want is for her to be the same spoiled girl who even beat her teachers, she does not want Eris to bother to Leon.

- "Agata-sama, is Leon a patient man?" Hilda asked, to see what actions she would take next.

- "Leon ..." Agata had doubts about how to answer. León was very patient at times, but sometimes he got angry easily, it all depended on the person who was bothering them, if it was his own daughter or one of his wives, León would be patient, and then he would retaliate in bed .

But if it wasn't any of that, it wouldn't be funny at all for the person in question.

- "Leon I can be patient, but never put his patience to the test, it can go very bad if you do it, and you would not have a very good future, but if you are a good servant and follow everything that Leon says, I can assure you that you will have a good life, is the only advice I can give you, for now. "

Hilda was nodding, more or less understanding the idea. After looking at her daughter for a while longer, Hilda decided to ask something that she had wanted to ask for a long time, only she didn't have a chance.

- "Agata-sama, because Leon-sama saved us."

- "You really think he did it to save you, are you so naive Hilda?" Agata said, with a questioning look.

Hilda was not such an idiot, she lived in a world of noblemen, one full of intrigue and betrayal, where you could not trust anyone, where nothing was free and where everyone wanted to take something from you, a world where everyone sought their own benefits.

Seen from that point of view, the nobles are the culmination of the human ideal, or what the human being is like.

Hilda looked at her body, big and soft breasts, beautiful face, silky hair, wide hips that ensured a good delivery, and an incredible grip in bed. Without a doubt, she had a depraved and horny body that any man would want, and they would not hesitate to use any trick to have it, like Leon.

- "He did it for my body, aahhh, and I thought that he would be my hero in white armor."

Agata could feel the bitterness in her tone of voice, and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

Hilda was not upset with Leon, that he coveted her body, it only showed that she was very beautiful and she could tempt him, that was good, because that would ensure her position and she would not be thrown out on the street. Some will think that she prostitutes herself for protection, and it could be so.

After all, León only wants to fuck Hilda, and Hilda only wants protection, she does not love León, not all women who are saved fall in love at first sight, that only happens to the protagonists of harem. Although if she is grateful to Leon, that cannot be doubted.

And being Leon, it won't take long to fall in love with Hilda, since this redhead never received love before, her husband never looked at her, nor touched her, her mother treated her as an object to enhance her nobility. Women like that are easy to fall in love with, you just have to take care of her, and give her a little affection, and of course, a lot of wild sex.

Why wild sex? It's because Hilda was a boring girl, she was almost always in the house, and she only went out to noble parties, parties that are very boring.

And Leon knew all this, and for that reason he did not intimidate Hilda, since it was not worth it. The girl would become submissive very soon.

In addition, he knew that Hilda would surrender to him without hesitation, she was mentally prepared for that, since she was little, her mother taught him that her body was only a bargaining chip.

So it wouldn't be fun, not like with other girls who are more stubborn and rebellious.

What Leon did not know is that Hilda would not give her body to any man, even when she was made aware that the king wanted to buy her, she looked for a way to commit suicide, and to take her daughter. Hilda thought it was better to die than to be raped by a pig.

Of course she didn't make it, she was very well guarded.

Now because she wouldn't hesitate to go to Leon's bed, it's simple. Hilda understood that Leon was strong, and she had a pretty good body and had a decent face, if she was going to be abused or raped, she would rather have someone like Leon do it.

It may sound strange, but if you were a man and a woman raped you, it would not be better if she was very beautiful, of course.

As Leon and Eris fought, Agata looked at her hand, searching for the time.

- "It's time to make breakfast, Hilda leaves Eris with León, and she goes to get milk, it's time to start our work as a maid.

Hilda sighed, she was laughing at her old self that she wanted to be a farmer, she could only say that she was very naive and that she did not know hard work, now she does.

Although I do not want to, I can only take the bucket and go to get fresh milk, and think that that simple act brought me back pain, I had a hard time sleeping last night because of this, sigh, but I have no other choice. She thought Hilda complaining about her back, what she didn't know is that after tonight, she would hurt more than her back.

Hours later ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Leon rested on the couch, his hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling, thinking of his next plans. He was not alone, Agata kept him company.

The redhead wore her secretary outfit, her crossed legs showed her beautiful milky thighs, and her shirt, lowering her, her large breasts. If she were Xianxia novel, her beauty would bring down kingdoms.

As for Hilda, she was in her maid duties, she had to wash clothes by hand, no modern washing machines, she had to learn to be humble and to be a worker. Ágata would not spoil her and make her work, so that she knows that nothing is free in her life.

Of course Hilda was not alone, Agata looked for Eris, who was in her courtyard brandishing her sword.

I grab her by the neck and carry her away, Agata was not interested in her being a girl, she had to learn the same as her mother. Eris tried to defend herself against her and refuse, but it was only enough for Agata to show her strength for the girl to become submissive. Eris respected her strength, and more if she came from a woman, she was also very scared of her.

- "Leon, I talked a bit with Hilda, and she told me a little about her past, and how she lost her nobility, all thanks to a secret informant, revealing all the dirt that the boreas house hid. "

"To be honest, that was quite suspicious, although the Boreas house had several enemies, none could have found so many secrets, even if they did, they would not betray them with the king, before they would use all these secrets to their advantage."

Agata had a doubtful look as she looked at Leon, she didn't believe in coincidences, and she knew Leon very well.

- "I think so too, it's very suspicious" she said with an innocent face, too bad Agata didn't buy her façade.

- "Leon ..., it is not necessary to pretend ignorance, I know that you are behind all this."

- "Slander !, I am a good man and lover of the laws, perhaps you think that I, Leon! Someone with the name of a legendary hero, would be able to do something so vile? Do you think I am capable of destroy an entire family, just to stay with the girl, and fuck her, do you think I would do so many bad things, just for a couple of tits. "

- "Yes, I think you are capable of that, and other things more" she answered without hesitation.

- "How cruel you are Ágata, and I thought you trusted me." Leon said sadly, of course that act lasted a few seconds, since she smiled as if nothing had happened and continued speaking: - "In any case, why did you ask something so stupid, if you already know the answer."


- "Do you think I was a bastard?" He asked, out of curiosity, Leon didn't care what others thought of him.

- "No, I even think it's not your fault."

Leon was surprised, he even leaned slightly, as if to hear better.

- "Oh, interesting, and whose fault would it be?"

- "It is their fault for being weak, and being part of the people who are not capable of controlling their destiny, because if they were strong, no one would attack them, and they could live in peace."

-"Wise words"

- "You said them, after raping me over and over again, it was when you captured me, I don't think you will forget it" Agata said without scruples or hatred, I have long since overcome his past.

- "How can I forget it, you were the first woman to **** and torture, you were a good experiment, but that was a long time ago, there is no resentment, right?"

- "I don't hold a grudge against that, I was weak and couldn't control my destiny"

Leon nodded, understood that Agata was not thinking about the past, and let go of all the hatred or fear that he may have had.

- "If you could go back to the past, would you change it? You would change that decision to go on that mission, and be captured by me."

Agata shook her head, and smiled, a very sweet smile.

- "No way, I would do it again, although I do regret something, having met you that way, and having lost my first time in such a rude and cruel way." He said bitterly.

- "Heh! If you want we can repeat it, repairing your hymen shouldn't be difficult."

Agata rolled her eyes, like such a serious subject, it changed to a perverted one in a matter of seconds. He could only sigh and continue speaking.

- "It's not worth it. Now another question Leon, why using such vile methods to get Hilda, or any other woman. I don't understand that, you are handsome, powerful, you have wealth and you know how to treat a woman, it shouldn't be difficult. for you to get one by honest means. "

Leon raised an eyebrow, thinking that the redhead was very inquisitive.

- "You're right, it's not necessary, but it's more fun to do it this way, besides, because I should spend my time conquering her, if all I want from her is hers, her body."

For León, not all women are the same, he has always said that he cannot love everyone the same, and you don't love all the women you pick up, for León some are just toys to pass his time, and he will not put a lot of effort On your part.

Like Hilda and Lilia, for León they are only women to pass the time, although of course, he will keep them and will not let them go, his toys are his and nobody else's, he will never let them go.

They are tied to Leon for eternity.

It will seem cruel, but it is not so much, since León also pampers them, although to a lesser extent, but compared to the rest of the women, they live in luxury.

He has a great home, eternal life, they will never get sick, delicious food and clean clothes, and of course, that a lot of sex and affection, it is not that Leon treats his women badly, even if they are only toys.

Although he would not hesitate to punish them if necessary, and of course, he would not hesitate to reward them either.

And so they both continued talking, thinking about the past and the future.

Change of scenery - Time jump ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

It was already 10 o'clock, and the veil of night had fallen. Only the stars and the moon illuminated the cold and lonely streets, a place where technology was not abundant, it was customary to go to bed early and get up early to take advantage of the sun.

Leon's house was completely silent, Agata and Eris were already sleeping. Eris was tired, she had never washed clothes before, and her back was a mess, but that didn't stop her from sleeping with a smile.

Now where was Hilda and León, of course in her room.

Hilda wore a white negligee that matched her smooth white skin. This outfit couldn't hide her attributes. Her breasts stood out like a sore thumb, they were so large that her halo was visible.

Looking down, her abdomen was flat and exquisite, her belly button was small and clean, her hips wide. Her legs were long and white, her thighs were thick and fleshy, it would be a pleasure to choke on them.

Her pussy was visible through the transparency of the negligee, she Hilda she did not wear underwear, although she did wear white stockings with garters, adding some points to her seductive figure.

If any man saw her, and she asked you to bark at her, you would surely bark.

Her red eyes were steady, her brows sharp. Her hair was loose and rolled down her shoulders, covering one of her breasts. Her face was a little red as was her shoulders.

Hilda had no problems with giving her first time and her body, she was always prepared for that, but that does not mean that she was not ashamed, also she was with a strange man, only two days ago that she knew Leon.

Speaking of Leon, he was sitting on the bed, completely naked, only wearing a tie, which even he didn't know why he put it on.

His cock was almost erect, Leon had a lot of experience, with many different women, but even so, Hilda managed to provoke him only with her clothes, well, any man would feel hot having a beauty with large breasts in front of him, more if She is half-naked and showing her shaved pussy.

Leon raised his hand and motioned for Hilda to come closer. Hilda took a deep breath, and she prepared herself for what was coming, her seductive butt moved from side to side as she walked, she seemed to be doing it unconsciously, perhaps remembering some lessons from her mother.

Hilda was in front of Leon, showing his entire body, his slender hands approached her shoulders and removed the straps of the negligee. "Suiss" With how silent the night was, she could hear how the clothes slipped and brushed against her beautiful body.

Leon couldn't help but swallow, and had to admit that his effort to get Hilda was worth it.

The moonlight filtered through the window, and he posed right on Hilda's body, if Leon was a painter he wouldn't hesitate to paint her, because her image was fucking perfect.

Hilda leaned down slowly, her chest was on par with Leon's waist, who spread her legs, showing Hilda her big cock, which was already erect, no decent man could bear her getting up, rather, why would she hold on, she was his wife and Leon was not a gentleman.

Or rather, Leon if he was a gentleman, and as such, it would be rude not to eat the plate that is served to him.

Leon was not a hypocritical protagonist, and if he had the opportunity to take a woman, she would take advantage of it, if he did not do it, someone else would. Also Hilda was destined to die, and he saved her, she should be grateful, and give thanks with her body.

- "Use your chest to satisfy me." Leon said, looking at Hilda's indecision, she had no idea how to continue.

Hilda approached Leon's crotch, grabbed her cock and began to massage it, it was a little clumsy, but gradually improving. Leon liked it, but what to feel the softness of that pair of udders.

- "You have big tits, use them."

Hilda used her other hand to grab one of her breasts, and put it over the tip of her. A bold move.

Leon's cock melted into a sea of ​​softness and elasticity, undoubtedly S-category breasts.

These breasts had a large and pink aureole, her two nipples were small and inverted, Leon who saw this, had the desire to remove them from their hiding place, he only had to warm the girl in front of him to achieve it, but all in good time. .

- "Uhh, well, now use both breasts."

- "Hmmm, yes Leon-sama."

Hilda grabbed both of her breasts, and circled Leon's cock, exposing only his head. It was like a second cunt, Leon thought. They were soft and springy, his cock sagging in pleasure.

- "ummm, move, up and down."

Gripping both of her breasts tightly, she began her work. Hilda was fascinated, it was something new to her, and although he thought it would be disgusting, she found it interesting, never before did she think that her breast would be used for such a thing.

"Suiss, suiss, suiss" Sounded the brush of her skin.

- "Use your mouth too" Guio León.

Hilda moved her breasts passionately, beads of sweat soaked her forehead, and her face was red from the heat. Hilda didn't have much physical stamina. So she had to try a lot.

Her mouth opened as wide as she could, showing her teeth that looked like pearls, and her tongue that was very long, she approached the tip of his cock, and hid it inside her mouth .

Her taste buds jumped with joy, Hilda had to admit that it was a unique flavor, it was a mixture of caviar and orange juice, or so she thought. Her tongue played with the tip of his cock and a pre-seminal liquid entered her mouth.

Her breasts did not stop stimulating Leon that he would soon reach the heaven of pleasure.

- "Uhhh, can't take it anymore, swallow it all!"

Leon grabbed Hilda's head and forced her to swallow her cock whole of hers, poor Hilda gagged and slapped Leon's thighs from her to let her breathe.

Of course he did not care, he wanted to release the load from her, and he succeeded, her cock throbbed and her balls contracted, letting out all the semen they stored. Hilda felt intense heat in her throat, and she had no choice but to swallow.

Glup ~ glup ~ sluprrrr ~ glup.

- "Cough, cough, cough, Leon-sama, cough, I hope you liked it."

Hilda was almost drowning, but she didn't complain, it was her job to please the new man, even if it was a bit rude.

- "Up, put your hands against the mattress."

The busty redhead felt a chill in her body, Leon had a dominant voice that forced her to obey.

Hilda followed the instructions, and put her hands against the mattress. Her back was white, with some spots. If you kept going down you could see how a line separated two mounds, and between them a pink hole and the other dark pink, a little wrinkled.

Hilda's butt was top-notch, and her anus was clean, ready for action, her pussy was no less, fully shaved.

- "aaaaahhhh!"

Hilda couldn't help groaning. Leon had grabbed her butt, her hands were sinking into a valley of pleasure, Leon massaged without hesitation, and gave her several slaps.

She couldn't hold it and bit her, leaving a tooth mark on one of her cheeks.

- "L-Leon-samaaaaa !, not so rude please." Hilda begged a little sore.

Leon nodded, and from her butt and went for her pussy. She had to lean down a bit, and ask him to spread her legs wider for better access.

- "So Leon-sama?" Hilda was red with shame, that they looked at her intimate side from so close to her, it was something new, the last time someone was so close to that place was when Eris was born.

- "Yes, stay still."

The agile fingers of her were used to open the outer lips of the vagina, inside her, you could see a small pink ball, it was so beautiful.

- "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ L-Leon-saama, it feels weird!"

- "And it will get better!"

Leon opened Hilda's pussy as far as he could, and entered her with her tongue, her inner walls were warm and juicy, her hands were not still, they kept grinding the little pink ball.

- "Ahhhhh ~ mmmhh !, Leon-sama, I-I want to go to the bathroom." Hilda said with great embarrassment, at first she did not want to, but the desire to pee was growing, and she did not want to do it in Leon's face.

Leon understood immediately and knew that Hilda had never had an orgasm before, so he continued with more rudeness, his lips collided with her vagina lips, it is as if he will kiss them, his tongue moved like a hurricane, absorbing a warm liquid that began to drip.

- "aaaahhhhhh ~ León-samaaaaa, I want to go to the bathroomoo"

Hilda squeezed her abdomen holding the urine, what she did not know is that it was not urine, it was an orgasm, the first of many that she would have throughout her life.

- "mmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhaaaaaa!"

Hilda's legs tightened and enclosed Leon's head, who was more than happy to be squeezed by thighs so soft, they looked like cotton. Although that did not distract him from his work.

slurrrrp ~ shuppp ~ slurrpp ~ shuuup Leon looked like a vacuum cleaner swallowing all the liquids that that pussy releases, it was like caviar, a unique and rare flavor, only available to a virgin milf, Leon was in heaven, thanking the day he had the opportunity to come to this world.

Hilda was in the clouds, her eyes were white and her tongue was out, she couldn't hold it, her legs gave out and she fell on the bed, her butt looking like jelly as she trembled. Leon savored her fingers, not wanting to waste anything.

- "Just started and he's already in a coma, pff, that little resistance, or maybe I'm too good, I think that, but it's not my fault, I have so many women, that I learned many things"

Leon squeezed Hilda's butt and knead hard, while doing that, he injected her mana and vitality to wake up Hilda.

- "aaaahhhhhhh ~ Leon-samaaaaa!"

What he did not expect is that she would come again. Hilda had spasms and her legs were shaking hard, it looked like she was having a seizure.

Seconds later she was already back.

- "haa, haaa, haaa, Leon, sama, sorry for fainting, we can continue."

Hilda got up very slowly, while she supported her elbows against the mattress, her butt was again in the air, showing all her splendor.

- "Foreplay is over, it's time for the main course, get ready Hilda."

- "Eh ?! Wait Leon-sama, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Leon did not wait for her to finish, he grabbed her cock and buried it deep inside, he could feel that it reached the very uterus.

- "Leon ~ sama, I'm dying, take out what is killing me"

Hilda was in a panic, she felt a great stab at the bottom of her, she felt when something entered inside her, and she was opening it with force.

- "Don't die yet, I want to enjoy." Leon said with a sadistic smile.

- "Nooooooo, I don't want to die."

Leon grabbed the meaty hips, and the thrusts began. Every time he entered, the inner walls of Hilda's pussy squeezed, and squeezed her cock, as if begging and begging him to release her semen and impregnate her.

- "I'm going to die, ahhhhhh, Eris take care that mom dies today! Leon-sama is stabbing me."

León almost laughs, Hilda was very talkative and exaggerated, not that she was going to die for having a cock inside her, if it were like that, she would be the first woman to die penetrated, and she would remain in history.

- "Sniffff, Leon ~ sama pissed on me again, let me go Leeeeeooonnnnnn"

Hilda did not understand what was happening, her body wanted to urinate all the time, her hips moved on their own, and the stabs she received were more and more painful, and at the same time more and more pleasant, her body was a disaster, a disaster that he liked it very much.

Leon was at the peak of it, her hips did not stop, one of her hands was tightly grasping one of Hilda's buttocks, and his other hand was slapping without stopping, leaving several red marks on the white rear of Hilda.

Pa ~ Pa ~ Pa ~ Pa.

- "Leon-sama I'm dying, I'm dying, Leon ~ samaa is going to leave, I pee let me go, aaaaaaahhhhhh."

Hilda began to convulse, her back arched sensually, her hands clenching the sheets, wrinkling them in the process. Her mouth opened and closed, it was her second orgasm of the night, and it was not comparable to the first.

Hilda managed to make a perfect Ahegao, tongue out, white eyes, drool that fell like a waterfall.

Leon did not stop, and held Hilda by the hip so that she did not fall, and his thrusts increased in speed, Hilda who was in a dream, felt something inside her throbbing and became bigger, she thought she would really die now .

- "Arrgggg!"

Leon who felt like Hilda squeezed harder and harder, asking him to release the semen inside, it was her feminine instinct of her asking to be pregnant by the stronger male. Leon couldn't refuse, and released all of his semen into Hilda.

- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Even being in the clouds, Hilda could feel the heat in her belly, something that filled her with happiness, her feminine and maternal instincts were begging that she get more of that thing that entered her.

Hilda did not know how, but from one moment to another, she raised her butt even more, and she began to move on her own, she wanted him, she wanted him, she wanted another child inside her, she wanted more heat inside her, she wanted to feel again that desire to urinate, she did not understand anything, but she wanted it, and there is nothing more dangerous than a woman who seeks to please herself.

Leon smiled, he did not expect Hilda to move her hips by herself, but neither did he complain, the night was young, and it was just beginning, he would make sure to fill it and that for tomorrow he would not feel her legs.

And the rest of the night is history for another day.

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