Every time I wake up in the morning, I wake up in heaven, I can't rate Hilda boobs otherwise, they are like clouds, perfect for sleeping and doing other things, only surpassed by Kayle's wings.

Hilda has a good habit of hugging something when she sleeps, maybe a habit that she won with Eris, why her husband didn't even sleep in the same bed, I begin to doubt about Philip's true sexuality, that man refuses to sleep next to him. such a perfect woman.

In the sense that his breasts are perfect pillows, as is his butt, I can only thank Philip for wasting such a good product.

I can't complain, life treats me well, and very well when I can sleep hugging two redheads with big breasts. Agata hugs me from behind and presses her breasts against my neck.

Her breasts are harder, although very soft, it has to do with her training and genetics perhaps. If so, I hope Eris has breasts like her mother's.

This duo of redheads, they have entertained me so much these last weeks, Hilda especially, every time I have the opportunity I intimidate her..

As that time I forced her to have sex on Eris, while she was sleeping, it was a great challenge for her, Hilda is very boisterous in sex, I remember that she grabbed her own panties and put them in her mouth to keep quiet, and not wake up your daughter.

There was also that time that Hilda cut the vegetables and taught Eris how to do it, it was very exciting, I hid under the counter and used my magic fingers to masturbate Hilda while her daughter is in front of her.

Hilda moaned several times, she even formed a puddle on the ground, it was a miracle that Eris didn't notice anything, or maybe she was playing the idiot and she didn't want to embarrass her mother, I'll have to find out, although from what I understand, Eris doesn't have sex ed, but I doubt he didn't see his perverted grandpa fuck the maids, maybe that perverted old man taught him something.

The good thing about the old man is that he was not a lolicon, and he adored his granddaughter, so he never laid hands on her, the Boreas are very loyal to his family, and very protective, I have to admit that, even Philip's lolicon never played to your daughter.

Okay, let's put those perverted thoughts aside, it was time to wake up and finish the first phase of my plans.

Slowly and carefully not to wake up my beauties, I managed to get up, but it was useless, Agata opened her eyes and stared at me, then she looked at the time and began to get dressed to prepare breakfast.

- "Good morning, Leon"

- "Good morning, Agata, I'll be back in an hour, I have something to attend to, have your bath and food ready."

Before I left I gave her some instructions, giving her a new maid uniform, it is for the new acquisition.

- "New girl?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, I don't care about her frown or her annoying tone of voice, how many women she had wasn't her problem, but I don't blame her either, I know she's jealous and a little tired of having to teach and care for others.

That could be my fault, and it is, but what can I do? Ágata is a very efficient woman, and an excellent teacher, and she is the one who gives the least problem. The rest of my maids are problematic girls or not suitable for teaching, I think I will have to be more strict ..., better not, a lot of work, as long as they take care of their body and take good care of me, I will not punish them, I will leave the rest to Ágata .

Then I will reward her, when I finish my plans and conquer the girls I love, I think that later I will have vacations with the whole family, it is necessary to spend time together, and of course, that everyone knows each other, I think it would be fun to see it, as long as they do not try to kill each other , all good, it does not matter if they get along or not, it is not necessary.

-"I retire"

I told him before I left, manners first of all, it is not necessary to treat badly people who treat you well. Agata looked at me, and she smiled sweetly, her previous frown disappearing as if by magic, rapidly fluctuating female emotions.

- "Take care, don't forget that you have more than 15 wives and maids waiting for you."

I nodded seriously, even though I know nothing will happen to me.

There is nothing that threatens my existence in this world.

I left the room and appeared near an inn, the cold wind hit my cheeks, the smell of wet grass floods my nose, the mud dirties my shoes due to the rain of the previous night, although now the sun shines like never, increasing the humidity and the possibility of catching a cold.

The inn was old, but it had many visitors every day due to its cheap accommodation, although its food was terrible.

The adventurers came and went, they were early risers, and very hardworking, although there are always the black sheep, those adventurers who did not care much about their work and do what they want, they are just garbage that should be exterminated.

Filthy filthy rats, you should kill them all ..., no, they are not worth it, they are very weak ..., although I could let my pets go to feed, they must be hungry ..., no, better not, later I'll take them out to eat, oh, if you don't know what pet I'm talking about, it's my Zerlings.

I look away from those useless ones, as they are not interesting.

I walked towards the inn, I did not plan to go and enter, I wanted to go to the back, where they throw away the garbage and food leftovers.

Too bad that when I was heading towards the alley, an idiot yelled at me and approached me, he seemed a bit drunk, next to him a moderately pretty girl, an average woman and he was not in my zone, in fact, he was very mediocre in all the senses.

- "Hey brat! You should be careful in this city, it's very dangerous, what if you give me your money to take care of it." She said sarcastically, and clear malice, clearly not trustworthy, and her scarred face doesn't help at all.

Cliché? Maybe that happens when you look very young, and ignorant.

I can't blame him, now I don't carry a sword, and my clothes seem very fine and of good quality, maybe he thinks I'm an arrogant young teacher, a son of daddy who was born with a golden spoon.

- "Child, you should give him the money, we will take care of it for you, so you will take care of your pretty face."

The girl flirted with me, and she seemed like she was on my side, and that she really wanted to take care of me, what a good mastery in acting, too bad I'm a much better actor, and of course, I wasn't born yesterday.

They all turned around, and began to observe the situation, but no one tried to help me, they only gave pitying looks, and others made fun of directly, saying that I deserve it for being born rich.

How ridiculous, I never understood people who complain and hate people who were born with everything, that's stupid, if you don't like something, try to remedy it, you won't get anything if you just complain, sigh, but we all know that not it will happen.

People or human beings in general are very mediocre, they prefer to insult and complain, to find a solution to the problem, what idiots! If another person was born with wealth, and you don't like it, just look for a way to become rich, even What does it matter if the other person was born with wealth? Because complaining and saying that life is unfair, what good is that? They won't take you anywhere

Nothing to do, the human being will not change overnight, and that is good, it is much more fun that way.

- "Hey, brat, are you listening?"

Oh, I had forgotten the idiot, my fault, nothing to do, I like to complain about others, hahaha, something contradictory with my previous monologue, but that's the way I am, I'm a hypocritical guy, and I like it, I like it as I am, I like to ****, murder, be a hypocrite, lie, act, I like everything I do and who I am.

Yes, the first step to grow as a person is to accept who you are.

Cough, we better save the motivational phrases for another day, I have to throw it out.

- "Although it may not seem like it, I am over a thousand years old, so you are the brat."

- "Thc! You're a funny brat! Listen, I'll just repeat it one more time, give me the money, or don't blame me for being rude." He said very angry, he even began to show his muscles, he wants to intimidate me maybe, what a primitive type, we are not Neanderthals, we should solve our problems Talking.

Well, it is better to end the show, and burn the terror in the hearts of everyone present.

The damn idiot was going to touch my shoulder, how impolite, does he not know that I am talking internally, tch! Now that I think about it, Basanti told me that he always saw me looking at the horizon, and he seemed distracted, that happened through my internal monologues.

Going back to the idiot, his hand seemed in slow motion, it was boring.

As he arrived, I looked around, the crowd was already cheering, he sure likes to watch street fights.

While my gaze traveled all over the place, I noticed, a man with a cat mask, blond hair and a ..., school uniform? I think so, the blonde seemed curious, since he stared at he Almanfi.

Interesting, what is a Perugius Dola dog doing in this place, hmm? Most likely, he is looking for something, or just inspecting, looking for green-haired children to kill him, who knows, but it is interesting, when I have time I will try to talk with Perugius, maybe we can have a rational conversation.

No, I do not think that will happen, Perugius Dola is a man who believes himself to be a king, and acts like one, most likely he will ask me to be submissive to him, or to kneel or perhaps similar things, and if it is not him , one of his relatives would ask for it, and once he does that, I will kill him, no one humiliates me and comes out alive.

I am a being that is above all, I am a Lion, and I do not bow down to anyone! ... only when I give oral sex to my women.

Returning to the idiot, time returned to normal, his hand was about to touch me, but before that happened, I penetrated his stomach with my right hand.

She didn't even have to look at him, to know that he had a look full of terror and disbelief.

Like I said, I wanted to instill fear in people, so this simple act was not enough, I waved my arm up and as if it were tofu, I cut the guy almost in half, the guts, eyes, brain, blood, everything flew through the heavens, creating a scene straight out of a horror movie.

A second beat for the more experienced to start running, 5 seconds for normal people to run and scream in panic, of course not all of them, some were paralyzed with fear.

Now only the woman remains, her eyes full of fear and horror, I like that look, surely she was afraid, she even peed, I have to say that she sucks a lot.

- "D-don't come near monster!" I scream in horror.

That word, monster, I think defines me perfectly, and it is because I am, there is no need to deny it.

My steps were slow, I wanted to enjoy this little moment, after all, that's what life is all about, living those moments. To savor and enjoy them to the fullest, so as not to regret it in the future.

With every step she took, she backed away as she whimpered and begged me to step away.


Too bad they interrupted me, I didn't remember that Arumafi was that kind of person, does he like to save people? Or maybe he has a hero complex? Actually, I don't have much information about this idiot, I just know that he is very loyal to Perugius.

- "Arumafi, right? Stay away and I won't kill Perugius so soon, I'll let him live for a few more years"

I offered him a very tempting offer, I hope he accepts it, I don't feel like fighting, I just wanted to intimidate the weak, sigh, if I fight now I'll be late for breakfast, and I'm very hungry.

Arumafi did not answer, he used his ability to appear behind me, his unsheathed sword pointed directly at my neck, he very unfortunate did not even give a warning !, he was supposed to say, do not talk like that about my master and stuff .. ., But no !, the imbecile wanted to murder me !, and I who offered him such a good deal, that damned ungrateful wretch.

From what I remember I can only move where there is light, not that that information matters, Arumafi is a spirit of light supposedly, and I am a necromancer, and a druid, souls and spirits are my specialty, I am his natural enemy.

Bone Spirit and Spirit Wolf, one was skill that chased the target and damaged it, and the other was a skill that summons wolves, that would suffice.

Arumafi had to retreat due to the danger, his instinct was good, if my bone spirit touches him, he will die, he is no match for me, and if he does not die for that, my wolves will finish the job.

But if his uses his blinking ability they will never reach it, although I can increase the speed of my wolves and the bone spirit ..., no, that would be very boring, so I did a space block, and Arumafi could not use his ability.

The very unhappy one panicked for a second, but he is still a warrior, he recovered and started running, I'll leave him like that for now, if I die or not, it will all depend on Peragius showing up and saving him, or so I think.

I don't know how strong Pelagus is, but if he is killed by mere wolves, he doesn't deserve to live, and he doesn't deserve to be called an armored dragon king.

I turned my gaze to the girl, she already bored me, I raised my hand and cremated her, only her bones remained, it will be a memory for those who return, and now with everything finished, I will go for my goal, and my third redhead in this world, Lilia, hm !, I already have 3 redheads, four if we count her daughter, it's a good collection.

I went to the alley, and I walked towards the back of the inn, the garbage was piled up, and the smell was horrible due to the rotting food, for this reason people got sick in medieval times, they threw the garbage wherever .

Of course in this world they use fire mages to incinerate it, but they are not easy to find, so they must wait and while the garbage accumulates, and the rats begin to arrive.

Well, I didn't come to this place because of the garbage, but because of who comes next.

Her red hair was disheveled, her hollow cheekbones and worn look showed malnutrition, she should have a small belly to show her pregnancy, but due to her poor diet, she does not show.

She was Lilia, before she was all a beauty, thousands of men would kill for her, now she is nothing more than a homeless tramp.

All this time my shadows watched her whereabouts and her pattern of behavior.

At first she resisted with the little money she had left, it didn't last long, then she tried to look for work, I never managed to find it, so she had no choice but to ask for money on the streets, it didn't work either, all the people ignored her, it was as if did not exist.

That fact was for me, I cast a curse on her, the effect of said curse was to alienate people, in addition to making her unrecognizable to her acquaintances, and also hiding her beauty, everything necessary for her to reach this state .

To be honest, I don't like it very much, but I want to have a collection of red-haired girls, plus a new toy is not too much, and I don't want Paul to keep it, or Rudeus, Lilia doesn't have much value for me, but they don't know it. deserve.

To better explain it, what do children do when you give them a toy that they do not want, they reject it, now, what happens if you give that same toy to a child next to them, most likely that child will become jealous and snatch it from him, no matter if it was boring, or if he did not like it, this is the same phenomenon.

Well, Lilia is also very loyal, that shows when she swears her loyalty to Rudeus for saving her, I mean the moment she got pregnant and Rudeus manages to make her stay, lucky for her, that did not happen now, I say luck because she is better to my side.

Returning to the scene in front of me, Lilia had her clothes worn out, and she didn't wear shoes, her chest was smaller, what a shame, I would like to try it, but not now, it looks very bad, also I have no fetish for a pregnant woman.

Lilia went to the garbage, and I look for food, she always came this place to look for leftovers.

The redhead seemed desperate looking for food, trying not to eat anything very spoiled, a lesson she gained after spending a lot of time in the bathroom, obviously stale food causes intestinal problems.

That caused her crisis, without medication and without anyone to support her, her health deteriorated rapidly, she is lucky that he took care of her from the shadows, if not, her daughter would already be dead because of all that garbage that she consumed, and that affected her immune system.

I walked over to Lilia, I don't even notice my presence, she's so focused on finding something decent to eat, that she forgot to protect her back, she didn't mean to hurt her either, so it doesn't matter.

But if another homeless man showed up and stole his food, that would be bad, don't you think?

That reminds me of my days in Passionis, when I had nothing to eat, to think that I was about to eat zerling, sigh, poor me, when I have time I will exterminate all the remaining Xel´ Naga, if there are any left.

We better get back to our business, I have this bad habit of going around the bush and thinking about other matters while doing other things.

-"Hello there." I told him in a friendly tone, it didn't work.

Lilia jumped with fright, turned around quickly, while hiding a piece of potato on her back, as if she was afraid that it would be snatched away, her gaze was cautious and ..., with a little hope, that it has to do with no one looking at her, and everyone moving away from her.

Now Lilia knows how Orsted feels, as he has a similar curse.

Returning to the topic, Lilia grabbed the potato and began to swallow it greedily, her gaze never leaving me.

- "Come on woman, what's up with that caution, it's not that she wants to eat garbage, I have many women who would not hesitate to cook for me."

I think my words did not come, as she seemed ecstatic while eating that potato, that happens when you do not eat for a long time, and when you only eat tasteless garbage.

Wait a minute for her to calm down, and she did, now she seemed more relaxed and relieved.

- "Do you want to ... make fun of me?" She said with a hoarse voice, because she doesn't drink much water, if she learned water magic she wouldn't happen that to her.

- "Why do you think that?, But before answering me, she takes a drink of water."

She threw a bottle of water to overcome the hoarseness, the girl did not hesitate and drank it as if it were the last time, she almost swallowed the bottle, she has a large mouth, perfect for giving a good oral sex.

- "Now will you make fun of me?"

Lilia tossed the bottle in the trash, and she gave me a sour smile.

- "Again the same question, why do you think that?"

- "Why would a rich kid want to talk to someone like me?"

- "It's because I want to hit you, it won't be very hard, but if you hold on I'll give you some copper coins, do you agree?" I said half jokingly, some rich people have a fondness for hitting homeless people, it happens a lot in modern times.

Lilia's eyes shone with determination, and she didn't hesitate to answer:

- "I'll do it for 1 gold coin."

She was not surprised by her response, she was desperate for food, a home, and of course, what she carries inside her is one of the reasons she is still alive.

Despite the fact that her daughter ruined her life, in quotes, Liria still loves her, and she wants her to be born, she has a strong maternal instinct, not like mine, that abandoned me to the first adversity she had .

Sniff, how bad I felt about that ..., joke, hehehe, I have no grudge for that, I don't even care, yes, I have to admit that my mother is very horny, regardless of whether she abandons me or not, I would have fucked just the same, she's too beautiful to let go.

We better get back to our business.

- "It was a joke, look at you, you won't last a beat."

- "Try me, if I faint you won't pay anything, go ahead and do it."

- "Even if I hit you in the belly."

Her brows furrowed and her hands instinctively reached up to her abdomen, protecting him.

-"As you know?" She said she seriously, she was ready to attack or run if necessary.

- "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, and since I know about your pregnancy, because my eyes are special, I also specialize in souls, and I can see two souls in you."

Lilia nodded and lowered her guard, she thought that she had no reason to lie to him, and she knew that there are various types of wizards and strange people in the world, and of course many different races, so she did not doubt my abilities.

- "If you don't want anything from me, I'll keep looking for food, soon the sun will come to this place and the food will spoil."

- "You are not bored with this, you do not want a better life, delicious food, fine clothes and a room of your own, you do not want to enjoy the pleasures of life."

Lilia shrugged her shoulders, and gave a tired sigh before answering.


- "You want it, but you can't have it, right? You don't have anyone to help you, you're alone and abandoned with a child inside you, what a little man who did it, and how little filial your family is like to abandon you. "

- "How do you know all that, are you watching me?"

- "I hit the nail on the head, huh, and who I am ..., it doesn't matter for now."

Lilia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, and asked suspiciously:

- "You just guessed?"

- "I'm great at analyzing situations or people, for me you are like an open book."

- "Do what you want, I need to find food."

Lilia waved her hand as she turned around, she decided to ignore my presence, sigh, maybe trash is more important than me.

-"What is your name."

- "Lilia." She answered without hesitation, as she continued rummaging through the trash.

- "Well Lilia, I have a proposal for you, give me your life, your soul, everything you have left, which is not much, and become my servant for eternity, and I swear by my name, give you food, a place where live and protection. "

Lilia's hands stopped, she turned and looked at me again.

- "Because you offer me all that, I have nothing to offer you."

- "I already said, you have to pay with everything you have, even with what you have inside."

Nothing is free in life.

- "Do you love my son? He is special, he is valuable." She told me she while she narrowed her eyes.

- "Look woman, stop turning the matter around, and accept, I only offer a deal with you, because I'm bored, nothing more, you are not special, your daughter is not special either, Lilia, you are nobody! nothing, for me you are just a toy that I can collect. "

Do not hesitate to tell the truth, it was not necessary to lie, since I have all the cards in my hand.

-"A toy?" She said, she didn't seem angry at my previous words, she was even relieved that it was wrong.


Lilia understood what she meant, and she was processing it, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of being my loyal dog, and after a minute, she lifted her head from hers and looked me straight in the eye. After all, the eyes are the window to the soul.

- "I want my son to be free."

I shook my head.

- "Silly girl, do you think you are in a position to demand something, you are an idiot ... well, I want you to think about it, if you don't take my hand now, if you don't accept at this moment, what you carry inside you, it will die Even before being born, you don't have a chance, besides, who says she's not dead? Look at you! You're a mess. "

- "N-no she's dead!"

She yelled out loud, more than to convince myself, it was to convince herself.

- "You're right, I can see that she still lives ...," Lilia sighed in relief, her body relaxed noticeably, and she continued speaking:

- "But for how long? The longer it lasted ..., Lilia, they say that it is better to live one day as a Lion, a thousand years as a lamb, but I tell you that in a thousand years you will do many more things than in a day."

Lilia tightened the hem of her worn clothes, lowered her head and gritted her teeth, she must be racking her brains to come up with a good decision.

Time passed, and I kept waiting, although I was in a hurry, breakfast should be ready by now.

- "I accept, but ..., I want revenge against someone."

-"He is a man."

- "Yes" her voice had clear malice, oh boy, nothing worse than a resentful woman, my condolences to Paul.

- "From now on you are my cute little dog, nobody will intimidate you, and of course, protect you properly, your revenge, it is my revenge."

Well, I'm already fucking Paúl's wife, so the revenge has already begun.

- "Now come and kiss my feet, my cute little dog"

- "Am I a dog or a toy?"

- "You will be what I want you to be! Now if you kiss my feet, and the deal will be closed." I told him with authority, you have to know who is in charge, you don't need to be nice.

Lilia did not doubt, her knees bent, her skirt was long so she did not hurt her skin, she slowly bent until her head almost touched the ground, I look at my shoes for a few seconds, and I kiss them, a long kiss, or that It seemed, Lilia had lost consciousness.

The redhead lived under immense stress, where she did not have food and a roof to sleep, where she did not know if her son would survive, with the constant fear of being abused, with the thought that her family hated her, with the resentment and hatred that carried thanks to Paul.

All of this had her on edge, and she could hardly sleep, always tired and worried about what might happen, and all that disappeared when she made a deal with me, that's why she fainted, now the girl was not alone, and she had someone that he would take care of her, although of course.

I took out a major healing potion, and I spread it over Lilia, her hair regained her color, her face shone and her breasts grew, Lilia had recovered her old body and her beauty.

I took her around her waist, and went home.

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