Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 106 - Cap 106
POV Akara
Silver hair, big breasts, and a plump butt, a figure that would make many women envious, without a doubt, more at my age. On second thought, soon I will be one more year old, and I would be close to my ... I don't remember.
I wonder if León has something prepared, although in reality, I don't have a great attachment to celebrations, in the devil world I didn't have time for that.
I stretched out a bit and adjusted the chair, my back hurt, maybe because of my age. No, that's not it, it's probably because of Leon, sometimes he's rude in bed, it's not that I'm complaining, I also enjoy it. Total, my back pays the price, a potion and that's it.
After stretching, I bowed my head and looked at the large number of books that were stacked in front of me, advanced anatomy, engineering, herbalism, advanced magic, etc.
My potions are more effective with all this knowledge, thanks to this, I managed to replicate the rejuvenating potions, and of course, to solve several mysteries about medicine. Found the cure to several intractable diseases, if he made them known, he would surely win a nobel or science prize.
The truth is that I'm not interested in prizes or money, I would do it to save lives.
Since I was little I like potions, and alchemy, and above all, I like saving lives, seeing how those brats recovered their limbs and run again, seeing those smiles was enough payment. Knowing that I could help our harpies defend our camp helped me not feel useless.
And to forget all the loved ones that I lost in the monastery, like many of my sisters, not by blood, but we were families in that monastery, sigh, the devil was a formidable enemy, and his reign of terror dominated the hearts of the weaks.
However, every reign has an end. Leon appeared, and finished with everything, he became a hero and an example to follow for all children, who would say so.
In the world he is not well known, and they would surely hate him if they knew what he did, even in this world he is not very loved. The word hero doesn't fit him.
A hero, uh ... I will not tell lies, the first time I saw him, I knew, he was a womanizer. I remember how I try not to look at my breasts, I fail miserably, it is in his nature to be a lustful man. It sure would be a bad first impression for many women, although not for me.
For me, Leon was only a child, hopefully in his 20s, he did not have that warrior aura, and that desire to fight, I did not smell the blood that murderers have, he was a normal person. He didn't look like a hero, he looked like a person who didn't know where he was going.
Or so I thought, when I returned from his first incursion, with several wounds, and with a trace of enemy blood, I looked at his face, and his posture.
There was no trace of fear, serene, imperturbable and emotionless, as if he had gone for a walk in the park, and I knew ... he was not a hero. It was what our camp and the world needed.
León is someone who advances, and follows his objective until the end, until he achieves it, no matter what means he has to use or what he must do, he will do it. And it does it for him.
Exactly, we don't need a hero, they die for the good of others, Leon no, he would die for his own selfish desires, and those are the people who go the furthest, their inner desires are so strong that they don't give up, he thinks. rationally and walk their own way.
I looked at the sky and sighed, the sky was blue and the sun was at its peak, uff, it was good that I was in the sun, my skin is very clear, and sensitive, although I doubt that it hurts me. I took out a handkerchief and wiped away the sweat that gathered on my forehead, it was a hot day! And I am used to the rain, and on gray days, I hate the heat.
Then I took the glass of orange juice and drank a little to refresh myself.
Delicious! It is the only thing that came to mind, without a doubt, the growth of plants through manna, helps to improve the quality of fruits. Riven is very good at what she does, it takes perfect control to achieve such results.
If you put in too much mana, the fruit will rot, or it will become toxic. A little secret from Riven, she likes having sex outdoors, close to nature, I know, because I surprised her once, it was her and Leon's fault for not putting up a barrier.
I put the glass aside and continued flipping through the books, looking for what I needed to improve on my potions, and to progress on my new project. The creation of a Cyborg and an Android, and while they may sound similar, they are not.
The first is a creature composed of organic elements and cybernetic devices, the second is a kind of robot or anthropomorphic synthetic organism that, in addition to imitating human appearance, simulates some aspects of its behavior autonomously.
The only problem is that I don't know much about programming, I'm horrible at that subject. I asked León about it, and he told me to find a girl who knows something and he will make her his wife, sigh, León is very intelligent, and he can learn anything with ease, but he only uses it to get girls.
If people who strive for good grades knew that, they would die of grief and hatred.
Like his teachers. Leon looks great in the school uniform, in the real world he still goes to school. He is 15, almost 16, he must go as a good citizen ... lie, he almost never goes, and the times he goes, he spends himself sleeping or flirting with his girls.
Nobody complains about that, because his grades are excellent, and Kayle donates a lot of money, money buys everything, that's what she said.
Although Leon could actually use magic and control everyone's mind, he would save himself money and time. However, he doesn't do it, according to him, doing it would be very boring, and it's fun to hit people with wads of money.
Speaking of him, he has already returned to the house, apparently he went out for a walk. I saw him go through the patio, he was heading towards the house, I wonder what he's doing, maybe something perverted.
Leon, my husband. He is a lustful man, but also, my inspiration, thanks to him I decided to research cyborg and androids.
Keiko, is the name of the girl that Leon created. He made her body from scratch, and that is not a simple matter, all the organs and each part of the body must have a balance, to generate a human body, you have to have total knowledge of how one works.
And the very pervert made it, I study only to produce that girl, and I doubt that I did it for the sake of science, not with that depraved body that she has, breasts almost as big as mine, and a tight and fat butt .
He has a figure that generates jealousy just by looking at her.
Well, to tell the truth, I can debate the pervert, Leon said that Keiko is like Basanti's mother, and that's why he revived her. The girl died due to untold circumstances, she did not reveal much information about her and no one wanted to ask more.
It was enough to know that she was a good girl, good in the sense that she did not harm the family. She is very sweet with her daughters, she is a good mother, it warms my heart to see how she pampers them.
Without realizing it, a smile formed on my face. Thought about how I would be as a mother.
Well, returning to the topic, León has never touched Keiko, that girl still has her virginity intact! And I'm not lying! We are all surprised by such an event. She is beautiful and with a voluptuous body, how could Leon control her instincts? Interesting!
That yes, that girl with the face of an angel, and the look of an innocent girl, she is a demon, she murders left and right. Especially men, she hates all men, that's why she murders and tortures them. Although when she is with her daughters or with Leon, she is very maternal and loving, which is a great contrast to the other side of her.
The only good thing is that she only murders guilty or dangerous people, such as rapists, murderers, gangsters, traffickers, that fact calms my heart.
I do not like to hurt people, and I like to save lives, but that does not mean that I am naive, I know that there is a lot of evil in the world, I have seen it, those people deserve to die, going to jail is actually a luxury for them.
For that I thank you, I clean the whole area where we live, and people can walk safely.
While she was deep in thought, and studying, Leon pulled up one of the chairs next to me to sit down, and rested her head on my shoulder as he did so.
I couldn't help sniffing his hair, I like the scent of him, full of masculinity and testosterone. Especially when she trains and sweats.
-"Studying?" Leon asked, while he kissed me on the neck. It was a surprise attack, that he made me moan a little, and then he replied
- "Ahh! ..., it is necessary, to create a new life, which is half robot and human, it is difficult, I need several materials, and someone who knows how to program a new brain."
Leon thought for a few seconds, her serious face was attractive.
- "She occupies a human brain and that's it"
- "No, I want to produce a life from scratch" He answered.
- "If she does not have a soul, she will never be a life, she will only be a being that is capable of learning." Leon said, looking unconvinced of the idea. I don't blame him, his way of seeing things is different.
- "That is a Lion life, it does not matter if it has a soul or not, it is about being a conscious being, with the desire to know, learn and feel things."
Leon shook his head as he smiled. León will not hesitate to criticize you if necessary, of course, not to the point where we lose motivation, he wants us to have dreams and desires, that's why he criticizes, and supports, but in balance.
- "If you say so, I won't say anything else. Changing the subject, have you already solved the potions problem?"
- "No" I answered, while he gave him some facts.
The problem he talks about is premature aging and life expectancy.
When a potion regenerates your skin or heals a wound, it increases the rate of cellular regeneration for that to happen, however, that has a limit, and when it arrives, your cells stop being born or growing, and your body begins to die, and The more you hurt yourself, and the more potions you drink, the faster you age and die.
Of course, Leon is not affected, his body is perfect and his vitality is very high, this problem only affects normal people, and with low vitality. Like people in the normal world, in the devil world it is not a very common event, since he has mana in his body, and that helps them.
I have not been able to solve it and that I have several normal humans to experiment. I know, I said that I like to save lives, but all those experimental beings are inmates or people who deserve to die, so my conscience is clear.
- "And as the potions for cancer go, I need to pay my bet."
- "They are ready for consumption."
It was difficult to create a potion that would cure a specific disease, I had to create it from scratch, and it was not easy. The healing potions were made to heal everything, and that is the problem, León wants a specific cure, something that affects a fixed organism, and I had to study it from scratch to be able to solve it.
I had no idea what cancer was, or about other diseases, in general the people of my world only hurt themselves when they fought, it is very difficult for the people of my world to get sick, at most a cold, with a diluted healing potion they are already better.
- "Tch, to think that I would lose against that girl."
Leon looked upset, but I know he was fake, he wasn't a sore loser.
Lesya, it's the name of the girl he lost a bet with, it was a few years ago. Apparently León proposed a game to her, and she won, nobody knows the content of the game well, and we doubt that it is something sexual, nobody can beat him in bed, so we doubt it, a normal girl could not with León's sexual impulse , less alone.
For that, I admire her, she is a normal girl, with a normal life, and even so, I win against León, admirable to say the least.
Another positive point about the girl is that she has always wanted to change León, always behind him, complaining and expressing that there is a better way to solve things, in addition to brute force. Not even I, who like to save life, complain about her lifestyle.
I do not judge León for what he did or all the damage he caused, he is a child who is learning, I think he will soon find better ways to solve things ... Well, I admit it, I have my point of view biased and I favor León, for me the bad thing he does is because he is learning, if it were someone else who did it, he would surely disown him to death.
- "Someone's coming" Leon spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I sharpened my senses, and I could feel that someone was approaching, it was not someone I knew, nor someone from the town. And I'm sorry for his bad intentions.
Watch Agata, and he didn't move, usually, if someone with bad intentions approaches, she kills him without hesitation, this time she did nothing. Surely it was Leon who stopped her, I judge that she wants to play with our visitor for a while.
Moments later, a man appeared from the entrance of our house, a man in a large carriage, very ostentatious, with various gold ornaments and an entourage of guards. Tall, blond, and blue eyes, characteristic features of the nobility of this world.
He had an arrogant smile, quite disgusting, nothing compared to my husband's, how arrogant and all, he looks very handsome, and masculine.
Next to this man, a woman, somewhat beaten and with watery eyes, next to this, her husband, I am sure of that fact, because they are people who live in this town, and I know them all. They seemed like a loving couple, they seemed! Now the woman looks at him with resentment and hatred.
And the idiot, I call him an idiot because he looks at my sisters with lust. She from time to time she gives my husband poisonous looks, full of hatred and jealousy. Not only that, he looks very happy, as if his enemy would soon get what she deserved from him, I wonder why he hates Leon, I save him, shouldn't I be grateful?
It is so difficult to be grateful and continue with his life, what does he gain by hating my husband? He is a good man ... according to me, and that is what matters.
-"Why are you doing this?" Said the woman.
- "To save us, it is better that someone else appease the nobles, than us, or do you want to be his toy again?" Said the idiot, as he squeezed his wife's arm.
- "Oh, it hurts, free me! I prefer that, to being an ungrateful one, he saved us and they treat us well."
- "Shut up! They are better than us ..., Besides lol, I can touch these beauties if I help him." He whispered the last part to himself, it's a shame he has good hearing.
Leon smirked, and pulled out a couple of ... spoons ?, which he plans to make.
- "No one is going to come to receive our master, how reckless" Shouted one of the guards, as he slammed his spear against the ground.
- "Easy tenshin, you don't see all these beautiful ladies, they are hypnotized by my beauty, they will serve me soon, right?" The nobleman said, with a fake smile.
- "Hahahahaha, I'm not even that narcissistic!" Leon laughed.
- "Get up and bow down when you speak, you are in the presence of a lord" the guard shouted, and the nobleman seconded him.
- "Brat, I have no patience with men, now go and hide, I will play with these beauties, do not worry, I will give them some coins ..., better not, I will take them, many friends of mine will be happy to have them in their bed , hehehehe "
Leon stopped laughing, his eyes turned cold and emotionless. I watched the guards tremble under that gaze, even the nobleman began to sweat, wondering what fear he felt.
- "I thought you'd be more fun, too bad I'm wrong." León got up and grabbed one of the spoons- You know, this is a kitchen utensil, or covered, better known as a spoon, they are divided into several models, for different situations.
- "At first I did not know how to identify them, but over time, I could not, they are all the same, or so I thought. I found a way to know which is which, and it is simple, by its curves. You see this one, it has a smooth curve, and little steep, like the breasts of a quinceañera in full bloom, wait, women develop faster now, then it would be a 12, almost a loli. "
- "W-what the fuck is this ..." He stuttered at the nobleman, before finishing Leon interrupted him and grabbed the other spoon.
- "Thc !, silence, I'm giving you a kind of etiquette, cough, now there's another spoon, it's an ice cream one, its curve is pronounced and protruding, like the breasts of a milf. Do you understand? You can identify the spoons, according to the breasts, great! A useful tip for any pervert. "
The nobleman frowned, and clenched his fists. He seemed very annoyed, that happens when you don't understand what's going on.
- "You don't like the information?" Leon asked, the noble snorted in annoyance, and raised his hand, pointing at Leon.
- "Guards, kill him!" The nobleman ordered, a little panicky and nervous.
Leon snorted, and said:
- "Guards ..., behead yourselves"
The scene below was taken from a mystery horror movie. The guards drew their swords, and cut off their own heads. Blood spurted from their necks, staining all over the grass and the walls of the carriage.
The nobleman, who was in the middle of everything, had a stunned look, and his body was trembling.
- "Red looks good on you, let me fix you a little more, so don't go yet."
The ground cracked, and several vines curled around the nobleman's limbs and slammed him to the ground. He moaned in pain from the blow, plus those vines are poisonous, and acidic, his flesh slowly melting until it reaches the bone. And the poison attacks the nerves, increasing the dose of pain.
I'm not done with it, the vines attacked the man and the woman who led the nobleman, and he ate them, the vines were part of a carnivorous plant.
My husband had no mercy on either of them, and that's fine, they were both guilty, the man for lusting after us, and the woman for choosing such a bad husband.
Leon approached the nobleman and stepped on his chest, in his hand he held the ice cream scoop.
- "Aaaarrhhh!"
He leaned down, and placed the spoon on the nobleman's cheekbones, slowly rising to his eyes.
- "Forgive me great lord! It was not my intention to offend you." I beg the nobleman.
He was able to keep his mind clear despite the pain, good for him, not just anyone could.
Leon tapped the spoon on the nobleman's face several times.
- "Don't be afraid, I'll just do a little surgery."
Of course, he did not believe him, and he kept screaming for help, and sorry, too late, Leon put the spoon in his eye, and took it out, then proceeded with the other. The nobleman trembled with pain and shock at losing his sight.
Leon amused himself for a long time, gouging out his eyes slowly, then his teeth, and his nose, even peeling the skin from his face, with a butter knife.
By the time an hour passed, Leon was bored, and healed the nobleman, and let him go with a simple order, murder your entire family, and then commit suicide. The nobleman did not refuse, he could not, his mind was being controlled, and he left.
- "You liked the makeover, now his eyes shine with determination, and he has gray hair, he looks like the protagonist of Shonen manga, he just lacks the power up"
I just laughed, the fault of everything was not Leon's, it was the nobleman who provoked it. León was calm enjoying life, until an idiot arrived, and asked him to hand over his women, anyone would respond the same, there is no man who does not defend the honor of his woman ..., they almost do not exist, rather .
Putting that aside, I looked at the girls who were spectators to everything.
Agata was still the same, she did not flinch, Hilda went to vomit, she is not used to such a scene, there was a trace of fear on her face, but she will soon pass. And Lilia, he didn't seem too interested in seeing the scene, so she left a long time ago.
It was good that the girl was not there, she is too young to contemplate such a scene. Hmm? Harpies saw similar scenes since childhood, I think it would not be bad to see such acts, accustomed to the cruelty of the world. It's a shame Atofe took her to train on the mountain.
- "Should we train, what do you say?
Leon's arms encircled my waist, his hands played across my abdomen and up to my breasts. And I understood what kind of training I wanted.
- "Sure my husband." I smiled seductively, and we started training.
POV Rudeus - Time Skip - 1 year ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
Damn it, I swore I would live this life to the fullest, but fail, my family is broken, it was fragmented into pieces. All because of the idiot Paul, can't she keep her dick in her pants, was that too much to ask !?, Damn !, my mother is an amazing and beautiful woman, she always gave him a good I try ... how she could fool her.
If it weren't for that, today we would be a great family.
My little sister is almost 6 months old, she is very beautiful hehehehe, I will not let the idiots come near, she will surely be a beauty like our mother ... shit, she had a great future ... stupid Paul.
I leaned against the crib, and I played with my little sister, he had Paul's eyes, stupid Paul !, motherfucker, I would hit him if it wasn't that I can't beat him, tch.
- "Hello Norn, this is your older brother." I said, as she grabbed his little hand.
Seeing her reminds me of my brothers from my previous life, I was a shit at that time, so I promise not to repeat it again! And to be the best brother in the world. Wherever they are, I hope they have a good life, I mean my former siblings.
I hated them at first, for taking away my happiness and throwing me out of the house, what a shame, it took me too long to realize, that they only wanted the best for me, I sigh.
- "Damn Paul! You're useless"
I heard my mother screaming through the window, I went over to watch her go by.
Paul had a beard and dark circles, his hair was messy and full of sweat. His gaze was fixed on the floor, afraid to look into Mom's eyes, even I couldn't help but tremble, it's very scary when he gets angry.
- "You can't do anything right! You think money grows from trees."
I shouted furiously, Paúl did not respond, his hands were tightening the hilt of the weapon. I know how he feels, frustrated, and upset with himself, I felt it before.
I'm not sorry, he deserves it, because of him this family collapses.
We have serious financial problems, Paul spent a large amount, all to get his old partner back, he just got his head back. She was already dead, Paul tried to find out what happened, she never succeeded.
And for that reason, I spend another large sum of money, investigating who it was, but the idiot was swindled, and I was left without a single coin, all our savings disappeared, even Mom, who came from a rich family, had nothing.
Paul tried to convince her to ask her family for money.
I never saw a stronger slap, that day mom was furious. If she had spent the money, she would not have doubted, but it was Paul, and she went for stupid things. Also, she didn't have a great relationship with her mother, not when she left home and she married Paul.
I turned away from the window, and went back to the crib.
- "Norn, we have another little sister, I hope she's doing well, and we get to meet her."
That was the turning point in our peaceful life. Lilia, how much I hate her, I would like ... forget it, I'm not a murderer, I hope to have a peaceful life, and marry Sylphy. If it weren't for her, I would have collapsed a long time ago, what a good girl! She is the ideal wife, we just have to grow up.
Or so I thought, I did not know at the moment, although later I would realize a clear fact, the only ones who have the right to get what they want were the strong. And me with Sylphy, it was something that was not meant to be.
- "As she was called our little sister." I told Norn, she was laughing and pouting some.
She looked so beautiful, and no, I'm not a lolicon, she's also a baby.
What will become of my lost sister, surely she has Lilia's hair, and her big breasts, hehehe, that I hate her does not mean that she cannot admire her body. Tch !, now that I think about it, my little sisters will have several annoying flies, I will have to take care of them from the idiots, and find a good husband, thinking about it, better not! That they stay alone forever, it is the best for her.
Cough, although I have to admit that in my previous life, I read several stories of incest, cough, not that I want to repeat it or anything like that, in this life I am an exemplary brother!, And I will guide my sisters on the right path , they will become nuns, or miko in this case.
Minutes passed, and Paúl and Mom no longer argued. Some footsteps were heard down the hall, until he stopped at the door, the handle moved and the door opened, showing my beautiful mother.
Although her beauty diminished a bit, her hair dull, and her breasts seem saggy, not literally, it's like they are sad, I don't know how to explain it.
- "Okaa-sama."
- "Rudy ..." she said, a little tired, and looking away from me, she didn't seem very happy to see me, damn Paul, if I didn't look like him, mom wouldn't make that face.
- "Oka ..." she wanted to speak, but she stopped me.
- "Your father needs you, accompany him"
I nodded, and left, but not before saying goodbye to my little sister. I took the doorknob, and closed it gently. I didn't leave right away, I stayed behind the door. And I heard it, something he never expects from mom, I wish she had never stayed.
- "Damn it !, I wish I had never met Paúl ..., I would have preferred to meet León ..., hmm! I still can't forget his touches, if it weren't for his constant visits, the stress would have killed me Sigh, Norn, my child, like your mother, I will teach you to choose the right man, not like your father's failure. " She said with great resentment.
I couldn't hear anymore, and I walked away, careful not to make noise, I didn't want him to hear me. Not after knowing all that information, I never thought that mom was doing NTR to Paul.
Shit, now as I look into their eyes, they are both rubbish, they were both fooled ...
I leaned against the wall, my tears kept running, I was frustrated, disappointed, sad, full of hatred and remorse. My heart was clenching and my legs were shaking, I just wanted to escape from the house, and not see them anymore, I wanted to run, look for Sylphy and stay with her.
I don't know how, but I got up, went to the door and went out to get some air and relax, bad idea.
When I was outside, a white light that covered all my vision, I was approaching, I tried to run. The light was faster than me, and it caught up with me. I had to close my eyes as I was dazzled.
Seconds later, a cold wind hit my cheeks, and I opened my eyes, bad idea, below me, the damn clouds !. I was skydiving, it was free fall style.
The only way to live was to stop my fall, and before hitting the ground, use some wind magic.
And so my adventure began, and my first encounter with the being called Hitogami.
POV Third person.
The ground was hard and cold, that was the first thought of a blue haired girl, who was hit by a light and teleported away. The girl with blue hair, got up with difficulty, and with great pain, she had fallen face down to the ground, and from a great height.
- "Uggg, that hurt! Who was the idiot who uses magic ..."
The girl was speechless when she saw where she was, not out of fear, if not, because there were no doors, it was surrounded by 6 walls, counting the floor.
- "Wh-where am I, what happened to me ..." She said a little in panic.
Roxi, her name is the girl with blue hair and double braid. She did not know it at that moment, but her dream of being rescued in a labyrinth had just begun, but before, she had to suffer a little, so that the encounter would be more magical.
As Roxi searched for a way to escape, other people were also hit by the great catastrophe that struck an entire region. The Metastasis.
On the other side of the world, Paul, was surrounded by goblins, whether he got out alive or not, it depended on his luck and tenacity, if he got out alive, he could be called the next goblin slayer.
Another person affected was Zenith and her daughter. Unlike the original story, Zenith did not end up in the mana crystal, but in a great plain, where there were only rocks, and nothing in sight.
Zenith was an ex-adventurer, and she had great instincts, she grabbed her daughter and ran to safety, too bad for her, bad luck follows her, and her destiny is being controlled, all for her to be forced to accept a chain in his neck.
And finally, a girl, typical Japanese, black eyes and black hair, delicate and slim body, white and smooth skin. She fell on some rocks, and got hit a bit.
- "T-that hurt!" The Japanese girl got up from the ground, with great difficulty, and looked around her, she couldn't help screaming in surprise. - "Eh? What happened, where is this, and the truck, don't tell me ... I'm dead !."
With his face full of surprise, her adventure was just beginning.
All these interesting events were seen by one person, Leon. That he played chess against himself. He doesn't actually play, but he found it fun to do it right now.
- "All the pieces in their place, you just have to wait and arrive at the right time"
León planned everything, it only remains to wait and for the events to take their course, to finally reap their fruits.
Silver hair, big breasts, and a plump butt, a figure that would make many women envious, without a doubt, more at my age. On second thought, soon I will be one more year old, and I would be close to my ... I don't remember.
I wonder if León has something prepared, although in reality, I don't have a great attachment to celebrations, in the devil world I didn't have time for that.
I stretched out a bit and adjusted the chair, my back hurt, maybe because of my age. No, that's not it, it's probably because of Leon, sometimes he's rude in bed, it's not that I'm complaining, I also enjoy it. Total, my back pays the price, a potion and that's it.
After stretching, I bowed my head and looked at the large number of books that were stacked in front of me, advanced anatomy, engineering, herbalism, advanced magic, etc.
My potions are more effective with all this knowledge, thanks to this, I managed to replicate the rejuvenating potions, and of course, to solve several mysteries about medicine. Found the cure to several intractable diseases, if he made them known, he would surely win a nobel or science prize.
The truth is that I'm not interested in prizes or money, I would do it to save lives.
Since I was little I like potions, and alchemy, and above all, I like saving lives, seeing how those brats recovered their limbs and run again, seeing those smiles was enough payment. Knowing that I could help our harpies defend our camp helped me not feel useless.
And to forget all the loved ones that I lost in the monastery, like many of my sisters, not by blood, but we were families in that monastery, sigh, the devil was a formidable enemy, and his reign of terror dominated the hearts of the weaks.
However, every reign has an end. Leon appeared, and finished with everything, he became a hero and an example to follow for all children, who would say so.
In the world he is not well known, and they would surely hate him if they knew what he did, even in this world he is not very loved. The word hero doesn't fit him.
A hero, uh ... I will not tell lies, the first time I saw him, I knew, he was a womanizer. I remember how I try not to look at my breasts, I fail miserably, it is in his nature to be a lustful man. It sure would be a bad first impression for many women, although not for me.
For me, Leon was only a child, hopefully in his 20s, he did not have that warrior aura, and that desire to fight, I did not smell the blood that murderers have, he was a normal person. He didn't look like a hero, he looked like a person who didn't know where he was going.
Or so I thought, when I returned from his first incursion, with several wounds, and with a trace of enemy blood, I looked at his face, and his posture.
There was no trace of fear, serene, imperturbable and emotionless, as if he had gone for a walk in the park, and I knew ... he was not a hero. It was what our camp and the world needed.
León is someone who advances, and follows his objective until the end, until he achieves it, no matter what means he has to use or what he must do, he will do it. And it does it for him.
Exactly, we don't need a hero, they die for the good of others, Leon no, he would die for his own selfish desires, and those are the people who go the furthest, their inner desires are so strong that they don't give up, he thinks. rationally and walk their own way.
I looked at the sky and sighed, the sky was blue and the sun was at its peak, uff, it was good that I was in the sun, my skin is very clear, and sensitive, although I doubt that it hurts me. I took out a handkerchief and wiped away the sweat that gathered on my forehead, it was a hot day! And I am used to the rain, and on gray days, I hate the heat.
Then I took the glass of orange juice and drank a little to refresh myself.
Delicious! It is the only thing that came to mind, without a doubt, the growth of plants through manna, helps to improve the quality of fruits. Riven is very good at what she does, it takes perfect control to achieve such results.
If you put in too much mana, the fruit will rot, or it will become toxic. A little secret from Riven, she likes having sex outdoors, close to nature, I know, because I surprised her once, it was her and Leon's fault for not putting up a barrier.
I put the glass aside and continued flipping through the books, looking for what I needed to improve on my potions, and to progress on my new project. The creation of a Cyborg and an Android, and while they may sound similar, they are not.
The first is a creature composed of organic elements and cybernetic devices, the second is a kind of robot or anthropomorphic synthetic organism that, in addition to imitating human appearance, simulates some aspects of its behavior autonomously.
The only problem is that I don't know much about programming, I'm horrible at that subject. I asked León about it, and he told me to find a girl who knows something and he will make her his wife, sigh, León is very intelligent, and he can learn anything with ease, but he only uses it to get girls.
If people who strive for good grades knew that, they would die of grief and hatred.
Like his teachers. Leon looks great in the school uniform, in the real world he still goes to school. He is 15, almost 16, he must go as a good citizen ... lie, he almost never goes, and the times he goes, he spends himself sleeping or flirting with his girls.
Nobody complains about that, because his grades are excellent, and Kayle donates a lot of money, money buys everything, that's what she said.
Although Leon could actually use magic and control everyone's mind, he would save himself money and time. However, he doesn't do it, according to him, doing it would be very boring, and it's fun to hit people with wads of money.
Speaking of him, he has already returned to the house, apparently he went out for a walk. I saw him go through the patio, he was heading towards the house, I wonder what he's doing, maybe something perverted.
Leon, my husband. He is a lustful man, but also, my inspiration, thanks to him I decided to research cyborg and androids.
Keiko, is the name of the girl that Leon created. He made her body from scratch, and that is not a simple matter, all the organs and each part of the body must have a balance, to generate a human body, you have to have total knowledge of how one works.
And the very pervert made it, I study only to produce that girl, and I doubt that I did it for the sake of science, not with that depraved body that she has, breasts almost as big as mine, and a tight and fat butt .
He has a figure that generates jealousy just by looking at her.
Well, to tell the truth, I can debate the pervert, Leon said that Keiko is like Basanti's mother, and that's why he revived her. The girl died due to untold circumstances, she did not reveal much information about her and no one wanted to ask more.
It was enough to know that she was a good girl, good in the sense that she did not harm the family. She is very sweet with her daughters, she is a good mother, it warms my heart to see how she pampers them.
Without realizing it, a smile formed on my face. Thought about how I would be as a mother.
Well, returning to the topic, León has never touched Keiko, that girl still has her virginity intact! And I'm not lying! We are all surprised by such an event. She is beautiful and with a voluptuous body, how could Leon control her instincts? Interesting!
That yes, that girl with the face of an angel, and the look of an innocent girl, she is a demon, she murders left and right. Especially men, she hates all men, that's why she murders and tortures them. Although when she is with her daughters or with Leon, she is very maternal and loving, which is a great contrast to the other side of her.
The only good thing is that she only murders guilty or dangerous people, such as rapists, murderers, gangsters, traffickers, that fact calms my heart.
I do not like to hurt people, and I like to save lives, but that does not mean that I am naive, I know that there is a lot of evil in the world, I have seen it, those people deserve to die, going to jail is actually a luxury for them.
For that I thank you, I clean the whole area where we live, and people can walk safely.
While she was deep in thought, and studying, Leon pulled up one of the chairs next to me to sit down, and rested her head on my shoulder as he did so.
I couldn't help sniffing his hair, I like the scent of him, full of masculinity and testosterone. Especially when she trains and sweats.
-"Studying?" Leon asked, while he kissed me on the neck. It was a surprise attack, that he made me moan a little, and then he replied
- "Ahh! ..., it is necessary, to create a new life, which is half robot and human, it is difficult, I need several materials, and someone who knows how to program a new brain."
Leon thought for a few seconds, her serious face was attractive.
- "She occupies a human brain and that's it"
- "No, I want to produce a life from scratch" He answered.
- "If she does not have a soul, she will never be a life, she will only be a being that is capable of learning." Leon said, looking unconvinced of the idea. I don't blame him, his way of seeing things is different.
- "That is a Lion life, it does not matter if it has a soul or not, it is about being a conscious being, with the desire to know, learn and feel things."
Leon shook his head as he smiled. León will not hesitate to criticize you if necessary, of course, not to the point where we lose motivation, he wants us to have dreams and desires, that's why he criticizes, and supports, but in balance.
- "If you say so, I won't say anything else. Changing the subject, have you already solved the potions problem?"
- "No" I answered, while he gave him some facts.
The problem he talks about is premature aging and life expectancy.
When a potion regenerates your skin or heals a wound, it increases the rate of cellular regeneration for that to happen, however, that has a limit, and when it arrives, your cells stop being born or growing, and your body begins to die, and The more you hurt yourself, and the more potions you drink, the faster you age and die.
Of course, Leon is not affected, his body is perfect and his vitality is very high, this problem only affects normal people, and with low vitality. Like people in the normal world, in the devil world it is not a very common event, since he has mana in his body, and that helps them.
I have not been able to solve it and that I have several normal humans to experiment. I know, I said that I like to save lives, but all those experimental beings are inmates or people who deserve to die, so my conscience is clear.
- "And as the potions for cancer go, I need to pay my bet."
- "They are ready for consumption."
It was difficult to create a potion that would cure a specific disease, I had to create it from scratch, and it was not easy. The healing potions were made to heal everything, and that is the problem, León wants a specific cure, something that affects a fixed organism, and I had to study it from scratch to be able to solve it.
I had no idea what cancer was, or about other diseases, in general the people of my world only hurt themselves when they fought, it is very difficult for the people of my world to get sick, at most a cold, with a diluted healing potion they are already better.
- "Tch, to think that I would lose against that girl."
Leon looked upset, but I know he was fake, he wasn't a sore loser.
Lesya, it's the name of the girl he lost a bet with, it was a few years ago. Apparently León proposed a game to her, and she won, nobody knows the content of the game well, and we doubt that it is something sexual, nobody can beat him in bed, so we doubt it, a normal girl could not with León's sexual impulse , less alone.
For that, I admire her, she is a normal girl, with a normal life, and even so, I win against León, admirable to say the least.
Another positive point about the girl is that she has always wanted to change León, always behind him, complaining and expressing that there is a better way to solve things, in addition to brute force. Not even I, who like to save life, complain about her lifestyle.
I do not judge León for what he did or all the damage he caused, he is a child who is learning, I think he will soon find better ways to solve things ... Well, I admit it, I have my point of view biased and I favor León, for me the bad thing he does is because he is learning, if it were someone else who did it, he would surely disown him to death.
- "Someone's coming" Leon spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I sharpened my senses, and I could feel that someone was approaching, it was not someone I knew, nor someone from the town. And I'm sorry for his bad intentions.
Watch Agata, and he didn't move, usually, if someone with bad intentions approaches, she kills him without hesitation, this time she did nothing. Surely it was Leon who stopped her, I judge that she wants to play with our visitor for a while.
Moments later, a man appeared from the entrance of our house, a man in a large carriage, very ostentatious, with various gold ornaments and an entourage of guards. Tall, blond, and blue eyes, characteristic features of the nobility of this world.
He had an arrogant smile, quite disgusting, nothing compared to my husband's, how arrogant and all, he looks very handsome, and masculine.
Next to this man, a woman, somewhat beaten and with watery eyes, next to this, her husband, I am sure of that fact, because they are people who live in this town, and I know them all. They seemed like a loving couple, they seemed! Now the woman looks at him with resentment and hatred.
And the idiot, I call him an idiot because he looks at my sisters with lust. She from time to time she gives my husband poisonous looks, full of hatred and jealousy. Not only that, he looks very happy, as if his enemy would soon get what she deserved from him, I wonder why he hates Leon, I save him, shouldn't I be grateful?
It is so difficult to be grateful and continue with his life, what does he gain by hating my husband? He is a good man ... according to me, and that is what matters.
-"Why are you doing this?" Said the woman.
- "To save us, it is better that someone else appease the nobles, than us, or do you want to be his toy again?" Said the idiot, as he squeezed his wife's arm.
- "Oh, it hurts, free me! I prefer that, to being an ungrateful one, he saved us and they treat us well."
- "Shut up! They are better than us ..., Besides lol, I can touch these beauties if I help him." He whispered the last part to himself, it's a shame he has good hearing.
Leon smirked, and pulled out a couple of ... spoons ?, which he plans to make.
- "No one is going to come to receive our master, how reckless" Shouted one of the guards, as he slammed his spear against the ground.
- "Easy tenshin, you don't see all these beautiful ladies, they are hypnotized by my beauty, they will serve me soon, right?" The nobleman said, with a fake smile.
- "Hahahahaha, I'm not even that narcissistic!" Leon laughed.
- "Get up and bow down when you speak, you are in the presence of a lord" the guard shouted, and the nobleman seconded him.
- "Brat, I have no patience with men, now go and hide, I will play with these beauties, do not worry, I will give them some coins ..., better not, I will take them, many friends of mine will be happy to have them in their bed , hehehehe "
Leon stopped laughing, his eyes turned cold and emotionless. I watched the guards tremble under that gaze, even the nobleman began to sweat, wondering what fear he felt.
- "I thought you'd be more fun, too bad I'm wrong." León got up and grabbed one of the spoons- You know, this is a kitchen utensil, or covered, better known as a spoon, they are divided into several models, for different situations.
- "At first I did not know how to identify them, but over time, I could not, they are all the same, or so I thought. I found a way to know which is which, and it is simple, by its curves. You see this one, it has a smooth curve, and little steep, like the breasts of a quinceañera in full bloom, wait, women develop faster now, then it would be a 12, almost a loli. "
- "W-what the fuck is this ..." He stuttered at the nobleman, before finishing Leon interrupted him and grabbed the other spoon.
- "Thc !, silence, I'm giving you a kind of etiquette, cough, now there's another spoon, it's an ice cream one, its curve is pronounced and protruding, like the breasts of a milf. Do you understand? You can identify the spoons, according to the breasts, great! A useful tip for any pervert. "
The nobleman frowned, and clenched his fists. He seemed very annoyed, that happens when you don't understand what's going on.
- "You don't like the information?" Leon asked, the noble snorted in annoyance, and raised his hand, pointing at Leon.
- "Guards, kill him!" The nobleman ordered, a little panicky and nervous.
Leon snorted, and said:
- "Guards ..., behead yourselves"
The scene below was taken from a mystery horror movie. The guards drew their swords, and cut off their own heads. Blood spurted from their necks, staining all over the grass and the walls of the carriage.
The nobleman, who was in the middle of everything, had a stunned look, and his body was trembling.
- "Red looks good on you, let me fix you a little more, so don't go yet."
The ground cracked, and several vines curled around the nobleman's limbs and slammed him to the ground. He moaned in pain from the blow, plus those vines are poisonous, and acidic, his flesh slowly melting until it reaches the bone. And the poison attacks the nerves, increasing the dose of pain.
I'm not done with it, the vines attacked the man and the woman who led the nobleman, and he ate them, the vines were part of a carnivorous plant.
My husband had no mercy on either of them, and that's fine, they were both guilty, the man for lusting after us, and the woman for choosing such a bad husband.
Leon approached the nobleman and stepped on his chest, in his hand he held the ice cream scoop.
- "Aaaarrhhh!"
He leaned down, and placed the spoon on the nobleman's cheekbones, slowly rising to his eyes.
- "Forgive me great lord! It was not my intention to offend you." I beg the nobleman.
He was able to keep his mind clear despite the pain, good for him, not just anyone could.
Leon tapped the spoon on the nobleman's face several times.
- "Don't be afraid, I'll just do a little surgery."
Of course, he did not believe him, and he kept screaming for help, and sorry, too late, Leon put the spoon in his eye, and took it out, then proceeded with the other. The nobleman trembled with pain and shock at losing his sight.
Leon amused himself for a long time, gouging out his eyes slowly, then his teeth, and his nose, even peeling the skin from his face, with a butter knife.
By the time an hour passed, Leon was bored, and healed the nobleman, and let him go with a simple order, murder your entire family, and then commit suicide. The nobleman did not refuse, he could not, his mind was being controlled, and he left.
- "You liked the makeover, now his eyes shine with determination, and he has gray hair, he looks like the protagonist of Shonen manga, he just lacks the power up"
I just laughed, the fault of everything was not Leon's, it was the nobleman who provoked it. León was calm enjoying life, until an idiot arrived, and asked him to hand over his women, anyone would respond the same, there is no man who does not defend the honor of his woman ..., they almost do not exist, rather .
Putting that aside, I looked at the girls who were spectators to everything.
Agata was still the same, she did not flinch, Hilda went to vomit, she is not used to such a scene, there was a trace of fear on her face, but she will soon pass. And Lilia, he didn't seem too interested in seeing the scene, so she left a long time ago.
It was good that the girl was not there, she is too young to contemplate such a scene. Hmm? Harpies saw similar scenes since childhood, I think it would not be bad to see such acts, accustomed to the cruelty of the world. It's a shame Atofe took her to train on the mountain.
- "Should we train, what do you say?
Leon's arms encircled my waist, his hands played across my abdomen and up to my breasts. And I understood what kind of training I wanted.
- "Sure my husband." I smiled seductively, and we started training.
POV Rudeus - Time Skip - 1 year ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
Damn it, I swore I would live this life to the fullest, but fail, my family is broken, it was fragmented into pieces. All because of the idiot Paul, can't she keep her dick in her pants, was that too much to ask !?, Damn !, my mother is an amazing and beautiful woman, she always gave him a good I try ... how she could fool her.
If it weren't for that, today we would be a great family.
My little sister is almost 6 months old, she is very beautiful hehehehe, I will not let the idiots come near, she will surely be a beauty like our mother ... shit, she had a great future ... stupid Paul.
I leaned against the crib, and I played with my little sister, he had Paul's eyes, stupid Paul !, motherfucker, I would hit him if it wasn't that I can't beat him, tch.
- "Hello Norn, this is your older brother." I said, as she grabbed his little hand.
Seeing her reminds me of my brothers from my previous life, I was a shit at that time, so I promise not to repeat it again! And to be the best brother in the world. Wherever they are, I hope they have a good life, I mean my former siblings.
I hated them at first, for taking away my happiness and throwing me out of the house, what a shame, it took me too long to realize, that they only wanted the best for me, I sigh.
- "Damn Paul! You're useless"
I heard my mother screaming through the window, I went over to watch her go by.
Paul had a beard and dark circles, his hair was messy and full of sweat. His gaze was fixed on the floor, afraid to look into Mom's eyes, even I couldn't help but tremble, it's very scary when he gets angry.
- "You can't do anything right! You think money grows from trees."
I shouted furiously, Paúl did not respond, his hands were tightening the hilt of the weapon. I know how he feels, frustrated, and upset with himself, I felt it before.
I'm not sorry, he deserves it, because of him this family collapses.
We have serious financial problems, Paul spent a large amount, all to get his old partner back, he just got his head back. She was already dead, Paul tried to find out what happened, she never succeeded.
And for that reason, I spend another large sum of money, investigating who it was, but the idiot was swindled, and I was left without a single coin, all our savings disappeared, even Mom, who came from a rich family, had nothing.
Paul tried to convince her to ask her family for money.
I never saw a stronger slap, that day mom was furious. If she had spent the money, she would not have doubted, but it was Paul, and she went for stupid things. Also, she didn't have a great relationship with her mother, not when she left home and she married Paul.
I turned away from the window, and went back to the crib.
- "Norn, we have another little sister, I hope she's doing well, and we get to meet her."
That was the turning point in our peaceful life. Lilia, how much I hate her, I would like ... forget it, I'm not a murderer, I hope to have a peaceful life, and marry Sylphy. If it weren't for her, I would have collapsed a long time ago, what a good girl! She is the ideal wife, we just have to grow up.
Or so I thought, I did not know at the moment, although later I would realize a clear fact, the only ones who have the right to get what they want were the strong. And me with Sylphy, it was something that was not meant to be.
- "As she was called our little sister." I told Norn, she was laughing and pouting some.
She looked so beautiful, and no, I'm not a lolicon, she's also a baby.
What will become of my lost sister, surely she has Lilia's hair, and her big breasts, hehehe, that I hate her does not mean that she cannot admire her body. Tch !, now that I think about it, my little sisters will have several annoying flies, I will have to take care of them from the idiots, and find a good husband, thinking about it, better not! That they stay alone forever, it is the best for her.
Cough, although I have to admit that in my previous life, I read several stories of incest, cough, not that I want to repeat it or anything like that, in this life I am an exemplary brother!, And I will guide my sisters on the right path , they will become nuns, or miko in this case.
Minutes passed, and Paúl and Mom no longer argued. Some footsteps were heard down the hall, until he stopped at the door, the handle moved and the door opened, showing my beautiful mother.
Although her beauty diminished a bit, her hair dull, and her breasts seem saggy, not literally, it's like they are sad, I don't know how to explain it.
- "Okaa-sama."
- "Rudy ..." she said, a little tired, and looking away from me, she didn't seem very happy to see me, damn Paul, if I didn't look like him, mom wouldn't make that face.
- "Oka ..." she wanted to speak, but she stopped me.
- "Your father needs you, accompany him"
I nodded, and left, but not before saying goodbye to my little sister. I took the doorknob, and closed it gently. I didn't leave right away, I stayed behind the door. And I heard it, something he never expects from mom, I wish she had never stayed.
- "Damn it !, I wish I had never met Paúl ..., I would have preferred to meet León ..., hmm! I still can't forget his touches, if it weren't for his constant visits, the stress would have killed me Sigh, Norn, my child, like your mother, I will teach you to choose the right man, not like your father's failure. " She said with great resentment.
I couldn't hear anymore, and I walked away, careful not to make noise, I didn't want him to hear me. Not after knowing all that information, I never thought that mom was doing NTR to Paul.
Shit, now as I look into their eyes, they are both rubbish, they were both fooled ...
I leaned against the wall, my tears kept running, I was frustrated, disappointed, sad, full of hatred and remorse. My heart was clenching and my legs were shaking, I just wanted to escape from the house, and not see them anymore, I wanted to run, look for Sylphy and stay with her.
I don't know how, but I got up, went to the door and went out to get some air and relax, bad idea.
When I was outside, a white light that covered all my vision, I was approaching, I tried to run. The light was faster than me, and it caught up with me. I had to close my eyes as I was dazzled.
Seconds later, a cold wind hit my cheeks, and I opened my eyes, bad idea, below me, the damn clouds !. I was skydiving, it was free fall style.
The only way to live was to stop my fall, and before hitting the ground, use some wind magic.
And so my adventure began, and my first encounter with the being called Hitogami.
POV Third person.
The ground was hard and cold, that was the first thought of a blue haired girl, who was hit by a light and teleported away. The girl with blue hair, got up with difficulty, and with great pain, she had fallen face down to the ground, and from a great height.
- "Uggg, that hurt! Who was the idiot who uses magic ..."
The girl was speechless when she saw where she was, not out of fear, if not, because there were no doors, it was surrounded by 6 walls, counting the floor.
- "Wh-where am I, what happened to me ..." She said a little in panic.
Roxi, her name is the girl with blue hair and double braid. She did not know it at that moment, but her dream of being rescued in a labyrinth had just begun, but before, she had to suffer a little, so that the encounter would be more magical.
As Roxi searched for a way to escape, other people were also hit by the great catastrophe that struck an entire region. The Metastasis.
On the other side of the world, Paul, was surrounded by goblins, whether he got out alive or not, it depended on his luck and tenacity, if he got out alive, he could be called the next goblin slayer.
Another person affected was Zenith and her daughter. Unlike the original story, Zenith did not end up in the mana crystal, but in a great plain, where there were only rocks, and nothing in sight.
Zenith was an ex-adventurer, and she had great instincts, she grabbed her daughter and ran to safety, too bad for her, bad luck follows her, and her destiny is being controlled, all for her to be forced to accept a chain in his neck.
And finally, a girl, typical Japanese, black eyes and black hair, delicate and slim body, white and smooth skin. She fell on some rocks, and got hit a bit.
- "T-that hurt!" The Japanese girl got up from the ground, with great difficulty, and looked around her, she couldn't help screaming in surprise. - "Eh? What happened, where is this, and the truck, don't tell me ... I'm dead !."
With his face full of surprise, her adventure was just beginning.
All these interesting events were seen by one person, Leon. That he played chess against himself. He doesn't actually play, but he found it fun to do it right now.
- "All the pieces in their place, you just have to wait and arrive at the right time"
León planned everything, it only remains to wait and for the events to take their course, to finally reap their fruits.
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