Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 107 - Cap 107
Leon raised his feet on the table, and drank the juice he had in his hands, he was a man who knew when you should rest and hang out. Enjoying the small pleasures of life, not like other protagonists who only know how to cultivate.
Our MC did not believe in hard work, it was better to work smart, or to work little and earn a lot, short-term earnings were his favorite.
Of course, this ideal had exceptions, like women. León would not hesitate to take his time to get a girl, and he would not hesitate to get her immediately, it all depended on his mood, or how much value the girl has for him, in addition to many other factors, which need not be mentioned.
As always, our blonde protagonist had a pleasant companion by his side, a seductive woman with red hair and large breasts, her maid outfit helps to highlight her attributes, it was Hilda, Eris's mother.
Speaking of the brat, he was running towards her mother with a sword in hand. Quite a dangerous act, the mothers do not say, do not run with sharp objects, such as scissors, in this case, running with a sword was even more dangerous.
Leon did not care about this fact, the girl had a good weft armor, she never happened anything bad, he saw her fall several times and come out of it unscathed. Unlike her mother, who always fell or collided with something, if it weren't for the defensive charms Leon used on her, she would already be dead.
It was as if history wanted her dead, since that was her destiny, and Leon changed it. Fuck fate, Leon thought.
Hilda saw her daughter run, and she screamed at him like every worried mother.
- "Eris stop running and walk like a lady! How many times have I told you, you want me to punish you and take your toys away."
The little redhead stopped on the spot, and she started walking like a nice girl. She was afraid and respectful of her mother, she and she has received the iron fist from her several times. What surprised Eris is that her mother's blows were more painful than her teacher's Atofe, who was a demon queen who caused terror in people's hearts.
It was an unreal fact and outside the logic of physics, a mystery of life, we will never know why a mother's fists are harder than Mike Tyson's.
As for Leon, the hardest thing he got from his mother is an erection, we cannot deny that his mother has a depraved body, that she would make any man hard. More to our incestuous and perverted protagonist.
Returning to Eris, I keep her sword in the sheath, and walk like a young lady, straight back and firm, graceful steps. Eris hated all that, but she couldn't fight her mother, and she was forced to learn it, she didn't want her toys taken from her.
When we talk about toys, we refer to her swords, and everything that León gave him from her, for her is a treasure that he does not want to lose, she got used to them. In addition, she had sentimental value, since she gave them to the man she admires.
Eris has a relationship of fear and admiration with León, fear because I punish her severely, and respect, for how strong she is, and her great handling of the sword, a pity that León did not continue teaching her, since she did not like being a teacher. . Although sometimes she if she takes the time and teaches him some tricks.
Dirty tricks, not sexual, if it is the first thing you thought, I do not blame you, Leon is pervert and the first thing that comes to mind with dirty tricks, is something sexual.
But it was not like that, dirty tricks refers to kicks in the balls, and dirt in the eyes, for León, honor in battle is shit, it only matters to win and get out alive, what was the use of honor if you were dead.
For example, if you and your rival had a battle alone, and he won with dirty tricks, no one would know, and he simply has to tell a different story, who would they believe? Of course him! that you will be dead, for that very reason, León believed that you had to use whatever was necessary to win.
Eris walked up to her mother and gave her a short hug, then she approached Leon and kissed him on the cheek, grabbed a chair and sat, putting her feet up on the table, Leon didn't pay much attention to her, he was in his relaxed mode, enjoying life and the beautiful scenery in front of him.
Hilda smiled at first, her daughter looked more and more like Leon, she was like the mini version of her. Eris lately has been imitating the customs of León, and Hilda found it cute, of course that did not last long, putting her feet up on the table, it was not what a young lady did, less a person who is, and should be a servant.
- "Eris! Don't do that, she's rude." Hilda chided.
- "Eh ?!, but Leon also put them upstairs, what's wrong?" Eris replied, a little annoyed that she didn't say anything to Leon, ignoring that he is her master.
Hilda put her hand to her forehead, quite tired, her daughter always took Leon out every time she did things like that. That put her at a crossroads, if she said that he was bad, she would be saying that Leon was a bad person, and she did not want to put herself on the bad side of her master.
However, if she did not say anything, she would be spoiling her daughter, and she would not be a good woman in the future, Hilda wanted Eris to be a respectable lady, and for her to win the heart of Leon. It was her investment in her future, if her daughter were León's wife, Hilda would have a good life, and her position would be assured, she still had some fear, that León would get bored of her and her. quit.
Although, not only she did it because of that, it was also because of the fact that she did not know any better man, Leon was the best candidate for a husband. We could say that that was her main desire, she did not want her daughter to marry some idiot, she longed for her daughter to have a good life, and for her to choose correctly, especially when it comes to mens.
In the end, the truth was that all this worry is unnecessary, Leon does not abandon anything that belongs to him, he is too possessive for that, Hilda and Eris were already his for all eternity, even if he got bored of both, he would not leave them .
Hilda got up and lowered her daughter's feet from her table, and hit her on the head.
- "It's Leon-sama! I already told you that he is your master, she stops being so disrespectful."
Eris was rubbing her head in pain, and she looked at her mother with teary eyes.
Hilda sighed, she would not buy her daughter's puppy eyes, and less pouting, she knew her daughter well, and she would not allow herself to be controlled by such childish acts, she had to be a heavy hand to raise her, it was her duty as a mother, whatever because I have a great future.
Hilda was one of the mothers who would do whatever it takes to raise her child, even if she has to do things that make her children hate them. The good thing is that Eris wasn't such an idiot, and she knew her mother's thoughts, and she knew she wanted the best for her.
- "Eris, where is Atofe?"
- "She is inside an ice cube." She replied nonchalantly.
Leon closed his eyes, and nodded. No further information was necessary, knowing Atofe, surely he was looking to fight, and faced Agatha, bad idea, his regeneration is useless, if he has nothing to regenerate. Ice was his worst enemy.
It would be hours before he thawed again or he could break the ice. Leon was not concerned about her health, she was Atofe, an immortal demon queen, she would not die from a little ice, less catching a cold. Also, she was a big "M", sure she would be enjoying herself on the ice.
It wouldn't be a surprise if when he came out, she was all wet, and we're not talking about the melting ice.
- "Eris, did you want something?" Hilda asked.
- "Yes! Mother trains with me, it's good for your health."
Hilda frowned, she hated the idea of training, she was not a woman who liked to fight.
- "Your mother is very healthy, she does not have to worry."
- "Mother! The last time you complained that your back hurt, and you barely walked well, you limped all day, you couldn't even sit down"
- "T-that th-was, for ...."
Hilda panicked and went blank, as she explained to her daughter, that her limp was due to her rough sex, and that she could not sit up thanks to the anal sex she had for the first time. Hilda looked at Leon to see what he was saying, but he was just snickering.
He found the misunderstanding funny.
- "Okaa-sama?" Eris said, bowing her head.
- "Cough, I had a bad night, don't worry about it." Hilda replied when she felt her daughter's concern.
- "Are you sure she was bad? I remember hearing you scream with happiness" Leon said maliciously.
Hilda pouted, and supplied Leon.
- "L-lion! Don't make it difficult for me."
- "Okay, Eris, your mother works out at night, I train her personally, that's why she sometimes limps or can't sit up, I'm very hard with my workouts, you should know that by now."
Eris hit her palm with her fist, she had connected the dots.
- "Sure, now I understand everything, that's why Mom screams so much at night."
- "E-Eris, how do you know that?"
- "Once I got up to go get water, I heard you yell Lion softer !, so that was why, I wanted to go in, but Agata stopped me."
Hilda collapsed on the table, with her hands covering her ears, she did not want to listen anymore, her face was red with embarrassment, just thinking about the possibility that her daughter would come in and catch her doing such lewd things, that made her too ashamed As a mother, it would not be worthy for your daughter to see your dirty and depraved face, unless they saw her with a cock in her ass.
Of course Leon thought otherwise, the very idea of putting Hilda on all fours in front of her daughter was exciting, fucking her and letting Eris observe her was a wonderful idea.
Leon got hard thinking about the idea, Hilda would be ashamed and who knows about her, maybe it will make her more horny. After all, when a person is invaded by desire, he shows another face, one that you wouldn't suppose exists, until he shows it.
Pleasure releases the shackles of morality and common sense, and it is a fact. Just think about it, most men would not hesitate to eat a woman's pussy, lick her, and go deep, no matter what.
Let's not say that they are all very clean, who knows what happened in that place, but at that moment, you don't give a shit, the same with anal sex or black kisses, they never guess what happens in those places, you are so hot and full of lust, that you only enjoy the moment.
It is a fact and reality not debatable, or will it be that people eat the black part of the banana, no, most will say that it is disgusting, the end of hypocrisy.
Well, this fact is not exclusive to men, it is the same for women, it is not that all men are very hygienic, even so, several will not hesitate to give oral sex, regardless of various facts, such as that that cock was inside her Generally speaking, not all of them love oral sex, although some do like rimming.
Cough, putting the subject aside, and let's go back to Leon and company.
- "Okaa-sama, you're fine."
- "ha ha ha, let her rest, her body still can't keep up with me." Leon paused for a moment and patted Eris's head. - "But don't worry, I'll make sure your mother exercises every night, isn't she, Hilda."
- "Thanks Leon." Eris said, all innocent and smiling.
Hilda sighed helplessly, raised her face from the table, her cheeks were puffed up and her lips pursed.
- "Come on Hilda, you know it was a joke" Leon said, while Hilda got up and approached, then he squeezed Hilda's cheeks, and kissed her on the forehead. And lastly, she grabbed her breasts from a blind spot.
The redhead was in a good mood immediately, she liked to be pampered, and treated well. She pity that she had to do, or she would stay longer. She took time off to accompany Leon, but she actually had work to do, and she couldn't put it off too long, or Ágata would be upset.
- "Okay, I think I'd better finish doing the laundry and Eris, come with me"
Eris grumbled, she didn't want to work, but she couldn't refuse either, she had no choice, she grabbed her mother's hand and accompanied her. Eris was not a lazy girl, if she were her, she would not train so hard, much less would she get up so early, what she hated was doing housework.
Leon was left alone, a true miracle, he is almost never alone at home, or in whatever house he lives in, he is always surrounded by his women.
"-I suppose ... let me get used to not being alone, a few seconds passed and I already want to have a girl by my side."
Leon looked towards the house, he had a soft look, and full of affection.
Who would say, a sadistic and genocidal man, had a soft side to him. Leon got used to being with someone, even if they were silent, the company was pleasant, being alone, they reminded him of those days in the abyss, where he was who knows how long.
Leon would not deny that this place was boring and lonely. After a minute, he shook his head and erased the annoying thoughts, now calmer, he walked towards his house, with relaxed steps, feeling the air on his cheeks.
- "I have a good life, many women, good food, and best of all, I am free, I can do whatever I want."
Freedom, humanity has always dreamed of that, but he never asked himself: "What is freedom?"
A concept with various definitions, and with various points of view, your freedom is not the same as the freedom of others. And above all, we do not all want the same kind of freedom, some want to have economic freedom, others, spiritual freedom.
Some want to be free to think about what they want, others want to be free to choose what they want. And so, we can name various types of ideas.
What is yours? Who knows, maybe you want to be free to say what you want, or be free from your mortal bonds and achieve immortality.
Now the question is, how do we manage to be free, who knows, we all have an idea, but ..., not all of us are capable of implementing it, either out of fear of achieving it, or out of fear of not achieving it.
Many are afraid of leaving their area, and many want to continue living where they are, they are afraid of change, and it is normal. This has to do with the idea of what would happen if everything changes, how do I face that fact? What do I do if I don't like it? In this way, the questions add ideas in your head, and you do not advance.
It is a simple but complicated idea, like being free without the process you chain yourself. But at the same time, people love the idea of being chained and not being free, of not having to make decisions, and of not being guilty of what happens, it is safer, and it makes you feel good about yourself.
It's simple, when someone makes the decision, you can blame him if something goes wrong, and if you take it and something goes wrong, that will make you feel bad, and unprotected, it will make you afraid, you feel inferior and you do not want to be the owner of your life, all for the fear of being wrong again.
Now, what would León's answer be, on how to be free? It is simple, to have everything under control, if you have everything in your hands, nothing will go wrong, and everything goes the way you want, so you will be free.
Although the truth is, that is very boring, that's why León sometimes leaves things to chance, it's more fun when the luck is cast, and you have to improvise.
In short, people don't know what they want.
Leaving that aside, Leon entered the house, and he saw his women watching a series on television.
On the sofa was Akara, Ágata, Riven and Charsi, it was Sunday, and they always met, and did activities together. It was like a ritual that the women of León had, it was to get to know each other better, and to iron out possible conflicts.
Every time they had conflicts, they settled it among themselves, like women, but if they couldn't, they went to León and looked for a solution.
This Sunday, the women of León thought about watching a series, something out of their routine, or what they are not used to. Charsi and Akara came from the devil world, a place where they did not have this kind of entertainment, it was something new for them.
Akara enjoyed soap operas, Charsi enjoyed documentaries and historical things, Ágata didn't watch much television, and she didn't like anything in particular. And Riven, she didn't seem interested, but since it was reunion day, she had to stay and express her ideas.
All this was to get to know each other better, after all they live together, and they can't just pass by and not say hello, they didn't necessarily have to be best friends or sisters, a simple friend or acquaintance was enough.
León's harem was vast, and with different ideals and tastes, therefore, they sometimes clashed. It was normal, large groups always tend to divide into smaller groups, where people who have something in common come closer.
These groups always generate a leader, they do not necessarily name him, it is something that comes naturally and nobody says anything.
Of course, like any group, there is always the one who is excluded, and León knows who would be that excluded in his harem, it would be Azula, who still does not know the rest of her sisters.
León knows Azula's personality, and he knows that he will clash with everyone, Azula is one of the women who always wants to be above everyone, not only that, Azula hates the idea of sharing her man, the very idea of knowing that others are They sleep with him, he drives her crazy.
The day you present them, León does not intend to do anything, he will let things flow, he knows how everything will end.
None of his women will allow themselves to be trampled on, and will show their teeth if necessary, one thing is to avoid fighting, quite another thing is to defend themselves. In general, the girls from León avoid unnecessary conflicts, all out of respect for his husband, they do not want it to be all war and a hostile environment, it would not be fun to live like this.
Leon knows that Azula will face reality when she meets the others, and the truth is simple.
Azula sees herself as perfect, the most beautiful, the strongest, the perfect wife, far from reality, force? Kayle can erase it with a finger, beautiful? All the women of León are charming and full of beauty, with a body blessed and sculpted by hand.
Perfect wife? They are all perfect, with their imperfections and everything, why? Because they are his wives.
Leon does not plan to defend Azula, or stop her, he wants her to seek a fight. León knows that she pampers her too much, and it is necessary for her to receive certain blows, so that she learns and can improve.
But all this remains to be seen, who knows if life gives surprises, and Azula arrives all diplomatic and shaking hands with everyone, and everything ends in smiles, of course the possibility is non-existent, but it is worth dreaming.
Returning to Leon, she was frowning, she did not like the series they were watching.
The series was Flash. What the hell of a character Leon thought, he was very beta and stupid according to him.
And there is no denying it, Barry Allen was a licking dog, as the Chinese say. Licking dog we do not refer to people who are always pending to another, giving everything, although this does not take them into account.
Flash was one, León hated that character with all his being, he only saw two seasons before sending everything to hell.
The idiot was always waiting for the girl he liked to be available, he never tried anything. He always watching from the side, letting another idiot fuck the girl he liked, of course he in the end he stays with her, but in the end.
On the way I ignore incredible women, all because, for a woman who only hurt him, and treated him as a friend, and worse, every time the girl was in trouble, the idiot who ran to save her, and was useless, she kept thinking he was her friend, and then she'd go off with her boyfriend and fuck him.
You can't be that pitiful. If León were in her position, he would never help her, abandon her and find another girl, because wasting time with someone who does not love you, and only calls you when he is in danger or in trouble, who is such an idiot to stay?
Leon would not hesitate to abandon her and fuck all the beauties that he had in front of him, and there were many, it seems that Flash was eunuch or asexual with how blind he was.
Of course, some will think that it was out of love, is this really so? Something that hurts you and only uses you, is it love? If it were true, all men who really love should die. And León would be the first to die, we cannot deny that León if he loves his women.
What Flash felt for the female protagonist, was a simple childhood whim, nothing more, he loved her because she was the only one who looked at him at the beginning, nothing more, it was more than nothing admiration.
If Leon had the opportunity to meet Flash, he would kill him, but first, he would fuck the scar he likes until she was dumb with pleasure. She deserved it for being a licking dog.
POV Leon.
Thc! Damn Barry Allen, you can't be so beta, what kind of man is waiting for the girl he likes to stay single, what stupidity, if she doesn't love you, and doesn't look at you, you go with another and you take off that toxic heartbreak, staying is a masochist.
Damn heroes, they are all similar, having such a rare and toxic love. If it was me, I assure you, I screw up Iris West in a number of ways.
The way to conquer girls like Iris west, and it was simple, fuck other girls, show her that you don't need her and that you won't be by her side forever. And that's it.
This class of women think that you will always be their side as a second option, that is why they do not give you more importance, they know that they will not abandon them, and you will always be their dog, that is why they do not invest their time in you.
They know that in the end, you will still be there, and they can do whatever they want, and they can have fun with as many men as they want, and in the end, when they seek stability, they will go for you, because they know that you will not leave them for any reason, and that is why Only flash stayed with Iris, because she got bored with the other men.
All of this makes me reflect on young teachers and committed heroines.
They are actually so guilty, I think we need to analyze it better. Young teachers were born into a family full of money, and generally, they are all adored by their parents, and pampered until they could no longer.
Now what about these arranged marriage couples, usually the young master and the female lead have an engagement without knowing it, and then when their parents introduce them, it all starts.
The protagonist is disgusted because she is forced, and the young master falls in love with her madly with her.
And there the problem, the young master will do whatever it takes to look good with the girl, and he will start giving her various gifts and following her everywhere.
Is it wrong? Maybe yes, maybe not, the young teacher does not know what is wrong, for him it is a good idea, it is the way he was raised, it is the way they showed him love, for that he thinks is the right way to do it.
If we see it from that point of view, the young teacher is just a child who does not know about love, and who imitates what his parents taught him. Well, it's also his fault for being such an idiot, and for not investigating.
Now, from the heroine's point of view, she hates being controlled, and she wants to be free and have her own right to choose the man she wants. Not bad, we all have the right to choose what we want.
And that is why she despises the young master, and does not even remember that he is also in an arranged marriage, there is no empathy, not the slightest bit. She despises him from the beginning, for no reason.
She judges him without knowing him, well, they are not saints either, they are usually lustful idiots, but not all, some young teachers if they are in love with her, and want to make her happy by giving her things, since that is the way to express love from her.
For me, both are to blame, the young master for being an idiot, and the heroine, for the simple fact of not saying, "hey young master, I don't like the way you do things, can't you do it differently?" simple, just that enough, and who knows if the young master realizes that gifts and being clingy do not do.
And perhaps, he reflects and realizes his mistakes.
Sigh, so idiots, just talk and everything would be solved, but no, we better be idiots, and continue doing things wrong, until the protagonist arrives and the heroine will have the legs.
Thc, all this put me in a bad mood, there is no other choice, the trio is coming.
I approached Riven to start everything, too bad that before, my shadow sent a message, look what happened through his sight, it was Roxi, nothing to do, duty calls me, it's time to be the knight in white armor.
Our MC did not believe in hard work, it was better to work smart, or to work little and earn a lot, short-term earnings were his favorite.
Of course, this ideal had exceptions, like women. León would not hesitate to take his time to get a girl, and he would not hesitate to get her immediately, it all depended on his mood, or how much value the girl has for him, in addition to many other factors, which need not be mentioned.
As always, our blonde protagonist had a pleasant companion by his side, a seductive woman with red hair and large breasts, her maid outfit helps to highlight her attributes, it was Hilda, Eris's mother.
Speaking of the brat, he was running towards her mother with a sword in hand. Quite a dangerous act, the mothers do not say, do not run with sharp objects, such as scissors, in this case, running with a sword was even more dangerous.
Leon did not care about this fact, the girl had a good weft armor, she never happened anything bad, he saw her fall several times and come out of it unscathed. Unlike her mother, who always fell or collided with something, if it weren't for the defensive charms Leon used on her, she would already be dead.
It was as if history wanted her dead, since that was her destiny, and Leon changed it. Fuck fate, Leon thought.
Hilda saw her daughter run, and she screamed at him like every worried mother.
- "Eris stop running and walk like a lady! How many times have I told you, you want me to punish you and take your toys away."
The little redhead stopped on the spot, and she started walking like a nice girl. She was afraid and respectful of her mother, she and she has received the iron fist from her several times. What surprised Eris is that her mother's blows were more painful than her teacher's Atofe, who was a demon queen who caused terror in people's hearts.
It was an unreal fact and outside the logic of physics, a mystery of life, we will never know why a mother's fists are harder than Mike Tyson's.
As for Leon, the hardest thing he got from his mother is an erection, we cannot deny that his mother has a depraved body, that she would make any man hard. More to our incestuous and perverted protagonist.
Returning to Eris, I keep her sword in the sheath, and walk like a young lady, straight back and firm, graceful steps. Eris hated all that, but she couldn't fight her mother, and she was forced to learn it, she didn't want her toys taken from her.
When we talk about toys, we refer to her swords, and everything that León gave him from her, for her is a treasure that he does not want to lose, she got used to them. In addition, she had sentimental value, since she gave them to the man she admires.
Eris has a relationship of fear and admiration with León, fear because I punish her severely, and respect, for how strong she is, and her great handling of the sword, a pity that León did not continue teaching her, since she did not like being a teacher. . Although sometimes she if she takes the time and teaches him some tricks.
Dirty tricks, not sexual, if it is the first thing you thought, I do not blame you, Leon is pervert and the first thing that comes to mind with dirty tricks, is something sexual.
But it was not like that, dirty tricks refers to kicks in the balls, and dirt in the eyes, for León, honor in battle is shit, it only matters to win and get out alive, what was the use of honor if you were dead.
For example, if you and your rival had a battle alone, and he won with dirty tricks, no one would know, and he simply has to tell a different story, who would they believe? Of course him! that you will be dead, for that very reason, León believed that you had to use whatever was necessary to win.
Eris walked up to her mother and gave her a short hug, then she approached Leon and kissed him on the cheek, grabbed a chair and sat, putting her feet up on the table, Leon didn't pay much attention to her, he was in his relaxed mode, enjoying life and the beautiful scenery in front of him.
Hilda smiled at first, her daughter looked more and more like Leon, she was like the mini version of her. Eris lately has been imitating the customs of León, and Hilda found it cute, of course that did not last long, putting her feet up on the table, it was not what a young lady did, less a person who is, and should be a servant.
- "Eris! Don't do that, she's rude." Hilda chided.
- "Eh ?!, but Leon also put them upstairs, what's wrong?" Eris replied, a little annoyed that she didn't say anything to Leon, ignoring that he is her master.
Hilda put her hand to her forehead, quite tired, her daughter always took Leon out every time she did things like that. That put her at a crossroads, if she said that he was bad, she would be saying that Leon was a bad person, and she did not want to put herself on the bad side of her master.
However, if she did not say anything, she would be spoiling her daughter, and she would not be a good woman in the future, Hilda wanted Eris to be a respectable lady, and for her to win the heart of Leon. It was her investment in her future, if her daughter were León's wife, Hilda would have a good life, and her position would be assured, she still had some fear, that León would get bored of her and her. quit.
Although, not only she did it because of that, it was also because of the fact that she did not know any better man, Leon was the best candidate for a husband. We could say that that was her main desire, she did not want her daughter to marry some idiot, she longed for her daughter to have a good life, and for her to choose correctly, especially when it comes to mens.
In the end, the truth was that all this worry is unnecessary, Leon does not abandon anything that belongs to him, he is too possessive for that, Hilda and Eris were already his for all eternity, even if he got bored of both, he would not leave them .
Hilda got up and lowered her daughter's feet from her table, and hit her on the head.
- "It's Leon-sama! I already told you that he is your master, she stops being so disrespectful."
Eris was rubbing her head in pain, and she looked at her mother with teary eyes.
Hilda sighed, she would not buy her daughter's puppy eyes, and less pouting, she knew her daughter well, and she would not allow herself to be controlled by such childish acts, she had to be a heavy hand to raise her, it was her duty as a mother, whatever because I have a great future.
Hilda was one of the mothers who would do whatever it takes to raise her child, even if she has to do things that make her children hate them. The good thing is that Eris wasn't such an idiot, and she knew her mother's thoughts, and she knew she wanted the best for her.
- "Eris, where is Atofe?"
- "She is inside an ice cube." She replied nonchalantly.
Leon closed his eyes, and nodded. No further information was necessary, knowing Atofe, surely he was looking to fight, and faced Agatha, bad idea, his regeneration is useless, if he has nothing to regenerate. Ice was his worst enemy.
It would be hours before he thawed again or he could break the ice. Leon was not concerned about her health, she was Atofe, an immortal demon queen, she would not die from a little ice, less catching a cold. Also, she was a big "M", sure she would be enjoying herself on the ice.
It wouldn't be a surprise if when he came out, she was all wet, and we're not talking about the melting ice.
- "Eris, did you want something?" Hilda asked.
- "Yes! Mother trains with me, it's good for your health."
Hilda frowned, she hated the idea of training, she was not a woman who liked to fight.
- "Your mother is very healthy, she does not have to worry."
- "Mother! The last time you complained that your back hurt, and you barely walked well, you limped all day, you couldn't even sit down"
- "T-that th-was, for ...."
Hilda panicked and went blank, as she explained to her daughter, that her limp was due to her rough sex, and that she could not sit up thanks to the anal sex she had for the first time. Hilda looked at Leon to see what he was saying, but he was just snickering.
He found the misunderstanding funny.
- "Okaa-sama?" Eris said, bowing her head.
- "Cough, I had a bad night, don't worry about it." Hilda replied when she felt her daughter's concern.
- "Are you sure she was bad? I remember hearing you scream with happiness" Leon said maliciously.
Hilda pouted, and supplied Leon.
- "L-lion! Don't make it difficult for me."
- "Okay, Eris, your mother works out at night, I train her personally, that's why she sometimes limps or can't sit up, I'm very hard with my workouts, you should know that by now."
Eris hit her palm with her fist, she had connected the dots.
- "Sure, now I understand everything, that's why Mom screams so much at night."
- "E-Eris, how do you know that?"
- "Once I got up to go get water, I heard you yell Lion softer !, so that was why, I wanted to go in, but Agata stopped me."
Hilda collapsed on the table, with her hands covering her ears, she did not want to listen anymore, her face was red with embarrassment, just thinking about the possibility that her daughter would come in and catch her doing such lewd things, that made her too ashamed As a mother, it would not be worthy for your daughter to see your dirty and depraved face, unless they saw her with a cock in her ass.
Of course Leon thought otherwise, the very idea of putting Hilda on all fours in front of her daughter was exciting, fucking her and letting Eris observe her was a wonderful idea.
Leon got hard thinking about the idea, Hilda would be ashamed and who knows about her, maybe it will make her more horny. After all, when a person is invaded by desire, he shows another face, one that you wouldn't suppose exists, until he shows it.
Pleasure releases the shackles of morality and common sense, and it is a fact. Just think about it, most men would not hesitate to eat a woman's pussy, lick her, and go deep, no matter what.
Let's not say that they are all very clean, who knows what happened in that place, but at that moment, you don't give a shit, the same with anal sex or black kisses, they never guess what happens in those places, you are so hot and full of lust, that you only enjoy the moment.
It is a fact and reality not debatable, or will it be that people eat the black part of the banana, no, most will say that it is disgusting, the end of hypocrisy.
Well, this fact is not exclusive to men, it is the same for women, it is not that all men are very hygienic, even so, several will not hesitate to give oral sex, regardless of various facts, such as that that cock was inside her Generally speaking, not all of them love oral sex, although some do like rimming.
Cough, putting the subject aside, and let's go back to Leon and company.
- "Okaa-sama, you're fine."
- "ha ha ha, let her rest, her body still can't keep up with me." Leon paused for a moment and patted Eris's head. - "But don't worry, I'll make sure your mother exercises every night, isn't she, Hilda."
- "Thanks Leon." Eris said, all innocent and smiling.
Hilda sighed helplessly, raised her face from the table, her cheeks were puffed up and her lips pursed.
- "Come on Hilda, you know it was a joke" Leon said, while Hilda got up and approached, then he squeezed Hilda's cheeks, and kissed her on the forehead. And lastly, she grabbed her breasts from a blind spot.
The redhead was in a good mood immediately, she liked to be pampered, and treated well. She pity that she had to do, or she would stay longer. She took time off to accompany Leon, but she actually had work to do, and she couldn't put it off too long, or Ágata would be upset.
- "Okay, I think I'd better finish doing the laundry and Eris, come with me"
Eris grumbled, she didn't want to work, but she couldn't refuse either, she had no choice, she grabbed her mother's hand and accompanied her. Eris was not a lazy girl, if she were her, she would not train so hard, much less would she get up so early, what she hated was doing housework.
Leon was left alone, a true miracle, he is almost never alone at home, or in whatever house he lives in, he is always surrounded by his women.
"-I suppose ... let me get used to not being alone, a few seconds passed and I already want to have a girl by my side."
Leon looked towards the house, he had a soft look, and full of affection.
Who would say, a sadistic and genocidal man, had a soft side to him. Leon got used to being with someone, even if they were silent, the company was pleasant, being alone, they reminded him of those days in the abyss, where he was who knows how long.
Leon would not deny that this place was boring and lonely. After a minute, he shook his head and erased the annoying thoughts, now calmer, he walked towards his house, with relaxed steps, feeling the air on his cheeks.
- "I have a good life, many women, good food, and best of all, I am free, I can do whatever I want."
Freedom, humanity has always dreamed of that, but he never asked himself: "What is freedom?"
A concept with various definitions, and with various points of view, your freedom is not the same as the freedom of others. And above all, we do not all want the same kind of freedom, some want to have economic freedom, others, spiritual freedom.
Some want to be free to think about what they want, others want to be free to choose what they want. And so, we can name various types of ideas.
What is yours? Who knows, maybe you want to be free to say what you want, or be free from your mortal bonds and achieve immortality.
Now the question is, how do we manage to be free, who knows, we all have an idea, but ..., not all of us are capable of implementing it, either out of fear of achieving it, or out of fear of not achieving it.
Many are afraid of leaving their area, and many want to continue living where they are, they are afraid of change, and it is normal. This has to do with the idea of what would happen if everything changes, how do I face that fact? What do I do if I don't like it? In this way, the questions add ideas in your head, and you do not advance.
It is a simple but complicated idea, like being free without the process you chain yourself. But at the same time, people love the idea of being chained and not being free, of not having to make decisions, and of not being guilty of what happens, it is safer, and it makes you feel good about yourself.
It's simple, when someone makes the decision, you can blame him if something goes wrong, and if you take it and something goes wrong, that will make you feel bad, and unprotected, it will make you afraid, you feel inferior and you do not want to be the owner of your life, all for the fear of being wrong again.
Now, what would León's answer be, on how to be free? It is simple, to have everything under control, if you have everything in your hands, nothing will go wrong, and everything goes the way you want, so you will be free.
Although the truth is, that is very boring, that's why León sometimes leaves things to chance, it's more fun when the luck is cast, and you have to improvise.
In short, people don't know what they want.
Leaving that aside, Leon entered the house, and he saw his women watching a series on television.
On the sofa was Akara, Ágata, Riven and Charsi, it was Sunday, and they always met, and did activities together. It was like a ritual that the women of León had, it was to get to know each other better, and to iron out possible conflicts.
Every time they had conflicts, they settled it among themselves, like women, but if they couldn't, they went to León and looked for a solution.
This Sunday, the women of León thought about watching a series, something out of their routine, or what they are not used to. Charsi and Akara came from the devil world, a place where they did not have this kind of entertainment, it was something new for them.
Akara enjoyed soap operas, Charsi enjoyed documentaries and historical things, Ágata didn't watch much television, and she didn't like anything in particular. And Riven, she didn't seem interested, but since it was reunion day, she had to stay and express her ideas.
All this was to get to know each other better, after all they live together, and they can't just pass by and not say hello, they didn't necessarily have to be best friends or sisters, a simple friend or acquaintance was enough.
León's harem was vast, and with different ideals and tastes, therefore, they sometimes clashed. It was normal, large groups always tend to divide into smaller groups, where people who have something in common come closer.
These groups always generate a leader, they do not necessarily name him, it is something that comes naturally and nobody says anything.
Of course, like any group, there is always the one who is excluded, and León knows who would be that excluded in his harem, it would be Azula, who still does not know the rest of her sisters.
León knows Azula's personality, and he knows that he will clash with everyone, Azula is one of the women who always wants to be above everyone, not only that, Azula hates the idea of sharing her man, the very idea of knowing that others are They sleep with him, he drives her crazy.
The day you present them, León does not intend to do anything, he will let things flow, he knows how everything will end.
None of his women will allow themselves to be trampled on, and will show their teeth if necessary, one thing is to avoid fighting, quite another thing is to defend themselves. In general, the girls from León avoid unnecessary conflicts, all out of respect for his husband, they do not want it to be all war and a hostile environment, it would not be fun to live like this.
Leon knows that Azula will face reality when she meets the others, and the truth is simple.
Azula sees herself as perfect, the most beautiful, the strongest, the perfect wife, far from reality, force? Kayle can erase it with a finger, beautiful? All the women of León are charming and full of beauty, with a body blessed and sculpted by hand.
Perfect wife? They are all perfect, with their imperfections and everything, why? Because they are his wives.
Leon does not plan to defend Azula, or stop her, he wants her to seek a fight. León knows that she pampers her too much, and it is necessary for her to receive certain blows, so that she learns and can improve.
But all this remains to be seen, who knows if life gives surprises, and Azula arrives all diplomatic and shaking hands with everyone, and everything ends in smiles, of course the possibility is non-existent, but it is worth dreaming.
Returning to Leon, she was frowning, she did not like the series they were watching.
The series was Flash. What the hell of a character Leon thought, he was very beta and stupid according to him.
And there is no denying it, Barry Allen was a licking dog, as the Chinese say. Licking dog we do not refer to people who are always pending to another, giving everything, although this does not take them into account.
Flash was one, León hated that character with all his being, he only saw two seasons before sending everything to hell.
The idiot was always waiting for the girl he liked to be available, he never tried anything. He always watching from the side, letting another idiot fuck the girl he liked, of course he in the end he stays with her, but in the end.
On the way I ignore incredible women, all because, for a woman who only hurt him, and treated him as a friend, and worse, every time the girl was in trouble, the idiot who ran to save her, and was useless, she kept thinking he was her friend, and then she'd go off with her boyfriend and fuck him.
You can't be that pitiful. If León were in her position, he would never help her, abandon her and find another girl, because wasting time with someone who does not love you, and only calls you when he is in danger or in trouble, who is such an idiot to stay?
Leon would not hesitate to abandon her and fuck all the beauties that he had in front of him, and there were many, it seems that Flash was eunuch or asexual with how blind he was.
Of course, some will think that it was out of love, is this really so? Something that hurts you and only uses you, is it love? If it were true, all men who really love should die. And León would be the first to die, we cannot deny that León if he loves his women.
What Flash felt for the female protagonist, was a simple childhood whim, nothing more, he loved her because she was the only one who looked at him at the beginning, nothing more, it was more than nothing admiration.
If Leon had the opportunity to meet Flash, he would kill him, but first, he would fuck the scar he likes until she was dumb with pleasure. She deserved it for being a licking dog.
POV Leon.
Thc! Damn Barry Allen, you can't be so beta, what kind of man is waiting for the girl he likes to stay single, what stupidity, if she doesn't love you, and doesn't look at you, you go with another and you take off that toxic heartbreak, staying is a masochist.
Damn heroes, they are all similar, having such a rare and toxic love. If it was me, I assure you, I screw up Iris West in a number of ways.
The way to conquer girls like Iris west, and it was simple, fuck other girls, show her that you don't need her and that you won't be by her side forever. And that's it.
This class of women think that you will always be their side as a second option, that is why they do not give you more importance, they know that they will not abandon them, and you will always be their dog, that is why they do not invest their time in you.
They know that in the end, you will still be there, and they can do whatever they want, and they can have fun with as many men as they want, and in the end, when they seek stability, they will go for you, because they know that you will not leave them for any reason, and that is why Only flash stayed with Iris, because she got bored with the other men.
All of this makes me reflect on young teachers and committed heroines.
They are actually so guilty, I think we need to analyze it better. Young teachers were born into a family full of money, and generally, they are all adored by their parents, and pampered until they could no longer.
Now what about these arranged marriage couples, usually the young master and the female lead have an engagement without knowing it, and then when their parents introduce them, it all starts.
The protagonist is disgusted because she is forced, and the young master falls in love with her madly with her.
And there the problem, the young master will do whatever it takes to look good with the girl, and he will start giving her various gifts and following her everywhere.
Is it wrong? Maybe yes, maybe not, the young teacher does not know what is wrong, for him it is a good idea, it is the way he was raised, it is the way they showed him love, for that he thinks is the right way to do it.
If we see it from that point of view, the young teacher is just a child who does not know about love, and who imitates what his parents taught him. Well, it's also his fault for being such an idiot, and for not investigating.
Now, from the heroine's point of view, she hates being controlled, and she wants to be free and have her own right to choose the man she wants. Not bad, we all have the right to choose what we want.
And that is why she despises the young master, and does not even remember that he is also in an arranged marriage, there is no empathy, not the slightest bit. She despises him from the beginning, for no reason.
She judges him without knowing him, well, they are not saints either, they are usually lustful idiots, but not all, some young teachers if they are in love with her, and want to make her happy by giving her things, since that is the way to express love from her.
For me, both are to blame, the young master for being an idiot, and the heroine, for the simple fact of not saying, "hey young master, I don't like the way you do things, can't you do it differently?" simple, just that enough, and who knows if the young master realizes that gifts and being clingy do not do.
And perhaps, he reflects and realizes his mistakes.
Sigh, so idiots, just talk and everything would be solved, but no, we better be idiots, and continue doing things wrong, until the protagonist arrives and the heroine will have the legs.
Thc, all this put me in a bad mood, there is no other choice, the trio is coming.
I approached Riven to start everything, too bad that before, my shadow sent a message, look what happened through his sight, it was Roxi, nothing to do, duty calls me, it's time to be the knight in white armor.
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