Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.

Chapter 51 - Cap 51 (R-18)

I was lying on the handle of a cart, while looking forward to brighten my day, I find that going to a supermarket is quite boring, from my point of view, the only good thing is to be able to look at beautiful women, like the one in front of my, blonde, golden eyes, black dress, and a butt that greets me every time I take a step, I feel that those cheeks wink at me and ask me to take them, or maybe it's me and my perverted mind, it can be, but I'm not sure, as for Kayle, who is the woman I am referring to, she is looking at the food that is missing at home, she could have sent any maid we have to dissociate, but Kayle likes to do normal things from time to time from time to time and I cannot deny myself, these small details are what make a relationship stronger, and make her happy.

- "Leon, take off that perverted face and stop looking at my ass, and see the list and the missing things."

She turned to look at me, she seemed annoyed with that frown, and one of her hands on her hips, but it was not true, she is also an undercover pervert, who will remember the first time we met, I thought it would be a nuisance in the ass with his sense of justice, but it wasn't, he became more, how to say, flexible.

- "Okay, but I'll look at the others, they're not very good, but food is food." I told her to annoy her, and it didn't work much, she just gave me a carefree look.

- "Tried to make me jealous? Leon, stop joking, I know you have quite high standards, and these women, none are within range." Kayle said, taking some things off the shelf, it looked like rice.

- "You know me well huh." I gave him a small smile..

- "Yes, so much that I don't understand, as a super villain like you, he doesn't want to dominate the world economy." Kayle narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she looked at me, maybe she thought I was hiding something from her.

- "Why would I want to do that? It's very boring, you know, I never understood those characters who come back from the future being born again and want to dominate the world economy, I believe you if they are weak, but damn, most of them are super powerful and with cheats, with a click and they would have all the money they want, but no, they want to create or rather take other people's ideas and make them their own, and they help everyone with that money. "

- "They are just hypocrites, they do everything for their good." Kayle said as she put the things she had in her hands on the shelf.

- "It's true, they are not good, take the opportunity away from another who already had that idea, and was going to come up with that one, that is not being good at all, even so most of these characters disguise themselves as people of good faith, and that they justify their desire for money to take care of their harem, which is not necessary, just look at you and Line, you keep the whole house, and it is not necessary to have so much money so that we are happy and we do not lack anything, just one company and that's it. "

- "You're right, also most of these characters spend all day looking at their businesses, and neglect their women, and the only thing is that they don't complain about it, when you disappear for more than a day I'm already giving you a sermon of an hour, so stay like this Leon, be a supported, I prefer a husband at home, than one who never is. "

The good thing that León can stop the time between worlds, I was surprised when I mentioned it, but I'm glad, he won't leave me alone for months, now that I think about it, how can those women cultivate for so long, I couldn't go years without touching León , I think I would go crazy. Kayle was thinking.

- "You see that I am right, they are looking for money to give them a better future and spend more time with them, of course they will give them a better future, but they do not spend time with them, and there is also the issue that they want to make a legal wedding with all of them. , and for that he needs power. " Kayle nodded, she agreed with me.

- "That is not necessary, I think that if you love each other, the rest is just a role, I am not saying that having a ceremony is bad, you and I even had one, you were very romantic that day, I have to admit it, good to what I was going, is that this type of character, does it more than anything to demonstrate something to the world, which is not necessary, the only thing that a man who loves his women must demonstrate, is that, that you love them, it is not the world needs to know. "

Kayle said very seriously, she even approached me and leaned on the car while we argued, that's why I like this woman, she also complains about stupid mc with me, she understands me completely, I put my face close to hers and I gave her a kiss She deserves it, she smiles happily.

- "Exactly, the world is shit, you can be a great philanthropist and give great advances to the world, but in the face of fear and danger, all of them would abandon you and would not support you, that's how the human mind works, the only ones who would stay by your side, is the one who truly loves you, like you Kayle. " Kayle turned red, hiding her face in her arms, she took a while so that he did not notice it, she looks cute when she gets shy, the compliments are a weak point of her.

- "cough, cough, changing the subject León, it's already 15 years or more, I don't remember well." Kayle looked at me again and changed the subject, something that suits me, I wanted to talk something with her alone.

- "15 years of jokes, fun, fights, and above all your complaints, you are too complaining, don't you think"

- "I think you're right, I'm sorry about that." There was a bit of guilt in her tone, she even leaned more on the car, she seemed discouraged, that was not the idea.

- "It is not necessary, each complaint of yours has made me grow, in how to treat them, and I appreciate that, sometimes I do not realize some things, and that you say them, it helps me, for example, when you complained that I slept with a random woman in the street, the others did not say anything, they did not complain, but I know they were upset, but they did not want to say anything, instead you, you confronted me, and that is necessary. " I took one of her hands, and I said looking into her eyes, winning a smile.

- "You're right, and it's not that they don't trust you, and don't want to tell you their complaints about that, it's that they don't want to bother me, also you're not the only support she has, Line always asks me for advice and help, Amaya is now very happy with akara and her food recipes, they get along very well, we are getting better and better. "

- "That is weird and good, after all he has all the courage to ask me for ridiculous and varied things, but he does not have the courage to complain, women, who understand them, it only remains to love them."

- "hahaha, I can't refute that, sometimes we get complicated in small things, nothing to do." she said happily, but her mood changed quickly.

- "Like you now Kayle, I can see that you want to release a little stress and you are not going to release it, you don't even tell me" I said very seriously.

-"What do you mean." Kayle told me as she narrowed her eyes, and stopped leaning on the cart,

- "You are a warrior, you have the passion for battles and blood to the extent that you proclaim your justice, you have done that a long time, in the past, but now, you have not raised your sword for a long time." It's true, she hasn't murdered for a long time, she leaves everything to my shadows or to a servant, something that bothers me.

- "I don't think it's a supermarket conversation."

- "It is not, but it is necessary." she looked at the sky for a moment, and sighed, while taking time to respond.

- "..., I think there is a lot of injustice in the world, and sometimes I want to go and end it."

- "and that stops you." I stopped supporting myself to look at her directly, I would not let her go without knowing what bothers her, she saw my resolution, and giving another sigh, she began to let go of everything.

- "I feel that, if I do that, I would have to kill you, that is, look at me, I am the aspect of justice, but I have never had the desire to raise my sword against you, you are a great evil, you are injustice reincarnated ! ..., I should be fighting against you, but I fell in love with what I swore to defeat, and I wonder, if I managed to end all the evil in the world and only you were left? Would I attack you? I'm afraid of that, of raise my sword against you. " When he finished speaking, with a strong sigh he leaned against the cart again, and he was sad, it is not something I like to see, but one cannot always be happy in life.

- "there will always be injustice, it is not something you should worry about."

- "You don't understand, every time I killed someone in the name of good, it felt fantastic, and I didn't want to stop, I ran around the world looking for someone to purge and eliminate the evil, that desire was attenuated when I got to your side, and I don't want it to get out of control again. "

I approached her, and took her in my arms like a princess, her face of surprise and shame was priceless, all these years and she is still ashamed that I treat her in such a loving way, but it does not prevent her from hugging my neck and stretching her lips for a kiss, I can not say no and kiss her, use my tongue to tease her and savor every part of her mouth, I can feel that people are looking at us, and we seem to them people who have no shame, I have to say that the culture In this country she is quite demure, and shy about things of sex or scandals, what I am going to is that if they see you grabbing this in the street, you are branded as immoral and those things, like a woman harassed in the subway, she would not scream , and she would be harassed, for fear of what others say, even that of the NTR is true, if I blackmailed a woman with a porn video of hers, even if I violate her, she would remain silent and follow all my orders want or no, they are idiots, they are so easy, that I don't want to do anything.

- "You are an idiot, do you think you would really attack me?"

-"do not know." he said slowly while hiding his face on my chest.

- "So, let's check it out, I have some friends who will help us."

As we were, we were teleported to Mexico, as for those who saw us, I erased their memories and we were never in that place, and the shadows will take care of the cameras, well what do we do on this side of the world, it's not obvious, I come to To see an old friend that I have sold many things, the chapo Guzmán, that son of a bitch, is another one who became greedy, and has been playing behind my back, he was supposed to have a deal other than the sale of weapons, he would also receive 10 percent of the sale of the drug, since it provides a suitable environment for them to manufacture it, but that 10 percent, became 9, 8, 5, 4 and so on. I was saving it to kill later and have fun, but I'll give it to Kayle, the guy should thank Kayle, he will have a quicker death.

- "What do we do in this place León."

- "We will see if you get out of control, within this farm, there is one of the most powerful drug traffickers in the world, but now that the United States is in ruins, and has no power to do anything, your duty is to do justice, kill them all And don't leave just one alive, free yourself completely Kayle, I'll wait for you at the end of the trip, and you will see, everything will be fine. "

Saying goodbye with a kiss, I left Kayle at the entrance of the farm, and I in the safest place in it, with the robber dog, I was sitting looking at a table full of bills, many euros, the dollar was completely devalued, in when he saw me he was surprised, but he quickly changed his face, and got up to greet me.

- "If you are not the boss, welcome to my farm."

- "Welcome, that's how you tell who you steal from, it is not necessary to use that idiot face anymore."

- "No boss, don't come to disrespect me in my house, I'm not a thief." Although he said that, all the men around us, were already preparing their weapons, the safety sounds, and this idiot looks at me with a triumphant smile.

- "Come on, chapo, let's stop this farce, and accept it." I was wearing my usual mask, but I was still wearing the same clothes as in the supermarket, shorts and a sweatshirt, I was not wearing a shirt.

- "Well boss, I accept it, but, you have to understand, I am already so high, that not even the gringos can touch me, that a single man can do."

- "the gringos do not touch you, because I left them on the ground, and I am not only a man, I am a god."

- "And what do you want, I prayed to you like Santa Muerte, hahahaha."

- "You should, haven't you seen the cameras, justice has arrived and wants your neck."

In that the ungrateful dog looks at the cameras, he can see how Kayle who goes without her helmet showing all her beauty and long blonde hair, entered through the front door without fear of bullets, which rained on her, and slash, another head flew , with a serene face, he continued to distribute justice to these drug traffickers, who did not understand what was happening.

- "Who the fuck bitch, finish her off, shoot the damn bombs, now you tell me who she is or I'll send you with your creator to heaven." The idiot in front of me, took out his gun and pointed his gun, something stupid, knowing that I can appear out of nowhere, but in the face of the unknown, they tend to cloud their judgment, and make wrong decisions.

- "I already told you, he is the one who will end all the evil in this place, it is nothing personal, but you know, if your wife wants to release stress, who am I to say no."

I left him alone, I no longer cared, I kept looking at Kayle through the monitors, in just 3 minutes 90% of the staff were dead, even the servants, this woman had no mercy who kept advancing cutting heads, saying hearts or burning them up the ashes.

Kayle was already behind the door, when she went through it and looked around, it was a look from a hunter, and the last act began, the last 5 people who were in this room fired until the magazine was empty, but nothing happened, all of them the bullets pierced her, and with a movement of her sword, another head flew through the air, cauterizing the wounds so as not to be stained with blood, she was not wearing her armor, she was still wearing her dress.

- "wait po ..." the chapo couldn't finish when a blaze turned him to ashes, as for Kayle, who had killed everyone, gave me a predatory look, and lunged against me, pushed me to the ground I took off my mask and he gave me a passionate kiss.

- "You didn't get out of control, you didn't, you had fun, you murdered without hesitation, you purged evil, now the question is, how do you feel?"

- "More relaxed, I don't understand every time I killed I wanted to murder another, and I felt euphoric when I saw how evil was purged, and that desire increased. It has been a long time since I killed someone, and that only increased it, but when it arrives here, and I saw you, when you were the only thing left in the room, I felt a great desire, but not to kill, if not to ... "I grabbed her butt, which she moved on my cock that was already hard, It was obvious what I wish I had

- "Make delicious, right, the same thing happens to me, when I have fun and do some evil acts, when I get home and see them, that feeling goes away, and it gives me a state of relaxation. You will never attack me Kayle Because I love you and you love me, it's that simple, so stop giving up stupid ideas, and let's make love.

With those words, I kissed her again, while squeezing her butt with my hands, we really didn't have much time, they were waiting for us at home, so it will just be a quickie, take a bed out of inventory, clean the whole room and remove the corpses, I dimmed the light, and it was the perfect place, Kayle stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes for a few seconds, before smiling tenderly and saying:

-"I love you leon."

- "and I to you" the rest were only moans and a bed that broke.

Shizuka's World (oregairu) -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

It has been several days since I arrived in this world with Kayle and Ágata, I took her out of the world of Avatar and only left Sara, I decided to leave Sara in charge of Azula, it won't be long before they get along.

Today was a weekday and Kayle was rested at home and Ágata and Shizuka at the university, I want to take the time to take her to the other world and for her to meet the others, also Haruno and her mother Majime, but before that, I have to add another member and bring everyone together, it is Mayumi Yuigahama, that woman with light orange hair and red eyes, with huge breasts, now I am at her house and she is in her room, she told me she had a surprise for me, and it is obvious what it is.

A few minutes later, a beautiful woman in a cowboy costume, very erotic I have to add, her nipples were covered by a thin thread, as were her butt and pussy, she left very little to the imagination, she even had the bell on her neck She was coming in giving a very sensual dance, emphasizing her best attribute, breasts.

At the moment that he was already in front of me, who was sitting on the sofa, he separated his legs and put them around mine, putting his butt in my lap and his hands wrapped my neck and I brought them to his chest, I did not resist , who would be so stupid to do it, only a dense harem protagonist would, when he squeezed me tightly on his breasts, he spoke to me.

- "You know Leon, a lot of things and time have happened between the two of you, and I know you have more women, but that doesn't matter, I want to be part of them, I love you and I hope you don't reject me."

As I could, I did many things to reach this result, the problem is that although I wanted to answer him, these plump breasts would not let me speak.

- "mmmmmm."

-"Hey?" he said in a silly voice.


- "Oh sure, now yes, hehehe." With a soft laugh, she released me and looked at my face, there was no fear of rejection in them, she knew she would say yes.

- "How could I reject such a beautiful woman, but when she is so kind and dedicated, from now on you are mine, forever."

- "I'm happy, it seems that the cow suit did work." Mayumi said as she lifted her breasts, when she adjusted the calf bra.

- "Don't tell me, Hanabi."

- "If she's a girl, she told me to use it to seduce you, that you were a total pervert and you wouldn't refuse my confession."

- "I'll punish her later, but before, I'll punish you." That Hanabi speaking badly of me huh, but it's okay, I taught Mayumi well, she even gave her the advice to put on that suit that fits her perfectly, so I will punish her in the way she likes best.

But let's go back to the woman who summons me, with my teeth I broke the thin thread that covered her nipples and kept her breasts in place, boing, they bounced and I couldn't resist biting them and savoring them with my tongues, how delicious.

- "auuu, not so strong, I know you like them but take care of them." Mayumi said, who gave me a light blow to the head.

- "lhokrare (I will)." Of course I will take care of them, like a hungry baby I sucked them and massaged them with her hands, some small moans came out of Mayumi's mouth, who hugged my head with her hands, and rested her chin on it.

- "Muuuuuu, don't stop" Mayumi said trying to imitate a cow, or maybe it was natural, no idea, I just wanted to enjoy her breasts.

With one of my hands, I began to pinch her other nipple and with the other, I put it between her panties that she was still wearing, but not for long, and I touched a pussy that was wet, and I started to play with it, squeezing her clits. .

- "ummm, don't catch a lion, he's coming, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." shouted her first orgasm Mayumi, merited tightly pressed my head between her chest and raised her head, without a doubt she closed her eyes.

Releasing her embrace, I held her by the waist, she had become weak after that orgasm, I think it has to do with the years of loneliness and not being able to reach one.

- "That, it was, great Leon, give me a second, yes, I'll touch you so keep that snake between your pants for a while, it's hitting my ass." Mayumi put her head on my shoulder and took a few seconds to recover.

After Mayumi was fine, she got out of my lap, without hurry bending down and with affection in her acting, she began to remove my rest shoes, then she went for the socks, when I had my feet free, she stood in Seiza and He began to massage my feet, he even took out a lotion, and with great dexterity in his hands, he handled every part of my feet, he was finger by finger, by my heel, with a beautiful smile, which left the previous state of lust far away, she continued with the massage, while I rested with my head thrown back. A very loving act on her part, something worthy of a Milf, who has that nurturing or maternal side, although she is still young to be treated as a Milf, but who cares.

- "I see that you like me, that makes me happy, I was learning on my own, Hanabi helped me, the internet has many educational things." She said as she got up, I could see her pussy since her little suit had come off, it was pinkish.

- "I loved it, now, it's time for the main course."

I took her and put her on the couch, she knew what I wanted, she put her two hands against the backrest and spread her legs, and she gave me a flirtatious look back, I put my fingers in her pussy, which was all wet, I took them out and I tried them, they tasted like strawberries, after trying until my hunger was satisfied, I put my cock out of her pussy while rubbing it, but it did not enter, I wanted to disturb a little.

- "Muuu, come on Leon, don't leave me waiting." Mayumi said as she moved her hips from one side to the other, and that look she gave me, I can't hold it, I took one of her legs and raised it up and put all my cock to the bottom, I could feel how I was opening that pussy so thrown, that I needed a man who enjoyed it.

- "aaaauuuuuuuuuuuum." gave a scream when I reached the bottom, my hips automatically moved and entered that pussy that used its walls to squeeze me very hard, saying not to come out, and when it left that pussy it made lewd sounds, just like its owner who was moaning my name from time to time. The juice that lubricated her pussy, ran between her legs, I could not stop moving, she just lowered her head and looked between her breasts as he penetrated her, surely she found it more erotic.

- "I like it there, stronger Leon does not hold you back.aaaas, I know you like it hard.oooooo."

Since she begged for it to be rough, I held her from her collar, which was a bit loose and elastic, Mayumi removed her hands from the backrest and put them on it, after a few minutes she tightened the collar and began to bend her back more , her toes curled and her pussy tightened harder than ever.

- "aaahhh !, yesssssssssssssssss.!" shouted Mayumi reaching a new orgasm.-

I saw how her body weakened again, so I held her by her hips and leaned her against my body, when she came to herself, she looked back at me, she turned and gave me a kiss, while pushing me against the sofa, forcing me to sit down.

- "I do not think I can stand another orgasm, also soon I will have to go find Yui, so I will give you pleasure in another way" said Mayumi who began to remove the collar and the bell, she joined her hair making a ponytail and with the same necklace I tie it, I know where this is going, and I like it.

-"I want to see it now."

Mayumi bent down, and I thought she would give me a blowjob, and that's how it was going to be, but first she put her two breasts together and locked my cock between them, up and down, her soft breasts that looked like another pussy, caressed my cock receiving immense pleasure , not happy with that, Mayumi used her mouth and put it on the tip of my cock, and with her tongue, she curled it on my head, slurp ~ slurp, her mouth made incurable sounds, every moment that passed her speed increased and improved at the blowjob.

- "Mayumi is coming." I told Mayumi, while I grabbed her hair, that she had come loose and covered her face.

When I hear those words, it moves to a faster, when I climax, I try to swallow everything, I try since part of my semen came out of her nose, it seems that I breathe while swallowing, so she released my cock and began to cough.

- "cough, cough, sorry, you never really did this, cough, cough." I fixed her hair, and cleaned her face, I couldn't leave her like that, although I took a photo, for the memory.

- "It was incredible, besides, you shouldn't see the time." I pointed at the clock on the wall, she turned and looked at him, Mayumi's eyes widened.

- "Yuiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Mayumi screamed and ran very fast to the bathroom to clean herself, and go to pick up her daughter, it was really not that late, I changed the time, it is fun to see her so hurried and clumsy, also, it surprises me how she changed that lewd face to one of a concerned mother, certainly a worthwhile woman.

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