Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 52 - Cap 52
A variety of women saw each other, all beauties without a doubt, black hair, red, blonde, with large breasts, and some tables, it would be paradise for every man, but no one would dare to be in the middle of all those muses, the inhabitant in the room was tense, no man would step into the room, everyone expected the slightest noise to attack like wild beasts, well it wasn't so, only two had a tense atmosphere, Kayle and Majime Yukinoshita, it all started well Since Kayle and Shizuka knew each other, and Majime Yuigahama was a friendly person by nature, it was easy to get along with others, as for Kayle and Majime, they both had a strong temperament, something that made them collide, but everything was changed , for the man who brought them together, who was doing something, which left them all blank.
León was kissing and putting one of his hands under the skirt of Ágata, who was wearing her maid uniform and was sitting on his lap, Ágata could only be surprised by the balls of her master, who did not care that they looked at him with desire. kill him, as soon as Leon went about his business, ignoring the stares.
- "cough, cough, Leon, what are you doing?" Kayle said angrily, she couldn't believe he was such a shameless pervert, she knew they were all in the family and several had done it with him, but they were just getting to know each other and she should have more discretion, she thought.
Leon listened to Kayle, and he stared at her a little confused, he stopped what he was doing and answered Kayle.
- "It's not obvious, the orgy has started, it's the best way to get to know them, rather, why are they still wearing clothes?" Leon bowed his head and said all innocent, not taking into account that he had his two daughters in front of him, who were blushing and shocked by how perverted their parents were, as for the others, they ranged from ironic laughter, to why I'm still wearing clothes, I have to seize the moment.
- "Are you kidding me right?" Kayle crossed her arms and frowned annoyed, Leon just sighed and thought that today was not a good day to have them all, but if for the maids, they were all gathered and today he could enjoy them with them.
- "hehehe, of course." Leon said with an idiotic laugh, but then whispered in Agata's ear..
- "tonight together everyone, let's have a good time." whisper that was heard by all, since they had very good hearing.
-"You finished?"
León ran to Ágata from his lap, got up, and looked at everyone one by one slowly, they were all serious, they knew that something important would happen, León looked again at Haruno and Basanti, and with a smile that made everyone fall in love again, He asked them to come closer, they happily approached and stood by his side, Leon approached them taking them both by his shoulder.
- "To all of you, I have an announcement to give, well to be honest I forgot to tell you, me and my good memory sometimes fail, I think it's old, no, just kidding, going back to the topic, these two girls my side, Haruno and Basanti ouroboros, they carry my blood, they are our family and our daughters, yes of all, Basanti and Haruno, all of them can be considered their mothers, older sister, well you understood, and now ... orgy!?"
They all ignored the last part, which was not important to them at all, they were all interested in the bomb he had thrown, two daughters, that surprised everyone, but those who knew Basanti, did not think she was something like her daughter, no their blood, but right now, they saw them as their daughters.
But the most surprised, were the two sisters who did not know how to treat the other, or what to say to her, they just stared without saying anything, Leon saw this, and had thought to take a little trip with just the two of them, while the rest were he knew, and he also believed that he should spend a little more time with Haruno, since he left her alone for many years unlike Basanti who was always aware of her.
While Leon thought, Lina ran smiling and hugged the two sisters, with all the strength she had.
- "Why didn't you tell me before, how mean you are to me! From now on, I'll love you, Okaa-sama."
The two sisters could only nod and agree, with a woman who was so overpowering with her feelings, how could they refuse. The other girls came up and hugged them, telling her what to call them and how happy they were with this new news.
The family reunion progressed and they all met, but Kayle and Majime could not get along, Leon did not care much about me, he thought there would be more conflict, but everything went better than expected, they all got along well, that two were not the best friends was not a big problem, there were many more with whom they could enjoy a pleasant conversation and company.
Leon approached Basanti and Haruno, took them by the hand, to lead them to another place.
- "While you beautiful ladies get to know each other better and enjoy this good meal, I will take these two brothers for a ride." Leon told everyone, they just nodded, they thought it was good that they had a father and daughter moment, but if they got over what he was going to do, they would have beaten him for being such an idiot and lack of tact.
With the girls holding hands, Leon teleported out of a large house, but had an old, dark and lifeless appearance, as if no one lived in it, Leon took out three masks from his inventory, two passed to the girls , he changed his clothes to his traditional costume, once you see him ready, he teleported to the entrance, and slowly walked.
As she made her way through the house, she looked around it, which was almost empty, Haruno and Basanti wondered whose house it was, she had felt other presences inside the house, so they understood that it was not uninhabited, and they were right. correct, the house had little or no furniture or decoration, due to the large number of debts that were sinking its inhabitants.
Leon arrived without interruption at his destination, there were only two people in this house and he planned to visit both of them, but first he went for the largest. In front of Leon a door, he did not knock, he opened it without problems since he did not even have a lock, when he entered the room, the smell was fetid, apparently the place had not been cleaned for a long time.
The smell of alcohol from the empty bottles, which surrounded a man, he had a trace of beard, long black hair, most likely he had not bathed for a long time, he looked malnourished, whoever saw this man and knew who he is I would not recognize him as the great director of a company, and the father of a beautiful family, sorry for him, that family was already broken.
The sisters covered their noses and wrinkled their faces, León saw that, and decided to make the environment more enjoyable and use cleaning throughout the room, even in the homeless, León approached him, and put his hand on his head, he was By eliminating the vice that this man in decline had, and giving his mind more calm, Leon did not want to talk to an idiot who could not understand anything, he needed him sane, and to remember all his actions and that the game would begin.
Leon looked at his two daughters, and saw that they did not like the guy in front of him, so he decided to ask why.
- "What do you think of this man? He has fallen into misery by his own actions, even if he was deliberately led to this."
Basanti meditated for a few seconds, looked at the man lying next to the bed, and concluded that:
- "He is an idiot, even if he was guided by a thorny path, he only chose to go this, he is, the human being in his maximum splendor of stupidity."
Leon nodded at that answer, since it was true, then looked at his other daughter.
- "And your Haruno."
- "It's true what my little sister said, he's just an idiot who allowed himself to be manipulated, it's all his fault." Basanti frowned a little, still not used to having a sister, and less being treated as the youngest, since she has always been the most mature between her and Mary, who Basanti considers his other sister, although not by blood.
- "This is how they treat their grandfather, how bad they are" said Leon felt, as if he really cared how they treated his father, which was not true.
-"Grandpa!" they both shouted, they did not see it coming, as someone in such a deplorable state would be their grandfather, León's father, for them it was impossible that that was true, but if León said it, they only had to accept it.
- "Technically speaking yes, but it really doesn't matter much, if you ask me, the truth is I was never interested in this man, nor my origin, this man abandoned me and left me in an orphanage, and that doesn't matter to me, even so, , who brought him to that state, what do you think? " Leon moved away from his father, and approached his daughters.
- "He abandoned you, he deserves it." Haruno said annoyed, forgetting that she too, in quotation marks, was abandoned, although it was not Leon's fault.
- "I did it with you, don't you tell me? You plan to do the same!" Leon said very dramatically, which won a laugh from Basanti, instead Haruno got nervous and shook his head quickly.
- "No! I would never do it, I love you and you love me, that's all, the rest was, how to say ..., a bad move of fate! That's it, or bad luck, it's not something you want and I don't blame you for that, instead he "Haruno left his nervous tone and changed to an angry tone. - "I discard you, even knowing that you existed, everything bad that you do to him is well deserved." Haruno wrinkled his eyebrows, and glared at Fang.
- "Everything you do must have a reason, and I think he bothered you, didn't he?" Basanti asked.
- "He did, he could have stayed calm living his life, but even so, he decided to annoy my family, so I decided to teach him a lesson."
- "Then he deserves it, nobody touches our family." Even if he is my grandfather, if he tries something against one of us, he must pay the price. Basanti thought.
Both girls had the same opinion, Leon just smiled, he thought that maybe the apple does not fall that far from the tree, he looked at the old man in front of him and he was about to wake him up. With a little water on his face, the man woke up scared, he tried to stand a little unbalanced, he looked like a drunk although he was not, he could not stand up and looked to the sides, he saw some chairs and began to crawl to the chair closer, he affirmed himself to it and sat down. He put his hand on his face and leaned forward, you could tell that his head hurt, but when he remembers everything he has done so far, looking for the nearby garbage can, he vomited what little food he had left.
- "Puagggg, what, I, did, how did all this happen." Feng said, very sad and regretful, he couldn't believe what he did all this time, Leon approached Feng, not before telling the girls to stay there to just watch and not interrupt.
- "It's true, since you started in the game, you just fell more and more, prostitutes, alcohol, drugs, you even sold your own wife, that's what disgusts me the most. What kind of man lends to who his wife is , the person who sleeps next to you every night, the one who makes you food, the one who gave you a child, even if you don't love her or it was only fixed, she is still your woman, only a true madman would do what you did, you make me sick."
Leon was very disgusted when he said this, and it was not because of the smell, it had already disappeared, but because of how sick he was according to this guy, although he was partly to blame for this, he could not stop hating and despising people who they abandon those who supported him, and more if she is your wife, the girls were the same, for them what he did was the worst they have seen so far and that his father is a genocide.
Feng Cheng, León's father, raised his head and in front of him he saw a man with a mask, he could recognize him immediately, he also understood that he was the original, the real one and not someone imitating him, it was a lake that told him his years From experience, let's not forget that he recovered his previous state, before he sank into vice, where he loved his family and loved his lover, mother León.
-"and you are." Feng said, standing straight, he could not show weakness, not before a man who loved chaos and fear, Feng thought, it was his analysis of all the acting and what he investigated and saw on television about the masked man. Feng had his own research on Leon or enigma as he saw it, but he never thought he would have to use it now, he researched it out of curiosity.
- "I'm just what you would call, the epitome of humanity."
- "I understand, you are just one more looking for your identity."
- "True, I would not say that, it seeks to satisfy my desires, that is what moves us, that is being human, the desire to have, to love, to live, to die, everything, everything begins, with a desire."
- "If so, I want to go back to the past." he said sadly, as he turned to the nearest table, where he started looking for some cigarettes.
- "You can never, the past is there to remember, to move forward and not stagnate, accept it and accept that you are, who you were, who you will be."
- "So I'm trash, I'll be trash, and I was trash, what a good motivator you are."
- "I wasn't trying to motivate you, I was just telling the truth, now let's put that aside, I want you to think about something, what I'm doing here with you, with a subject who is nobody, but even so, I'm talking to you, a man I consider the most dangerous, feared and respected in the world. "
- "First of all, who are you. You are Enigma and the name suits you, you are someone who cannot be understood, and that everything he does has a hidden meaning."
Feng, took a breath, and lit the cigar he had already found, put it in his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.
A cigarette was a good thing to relax, and think about everything I have to do. Feng thought.
- "Second, why are you here, I don't want to believe it, but the only thing that comes to mind, would be that everything happened to me because of you, but that would be hard to believe, pff, I'm a nobody like you said, just I am the director of a company, who wanted a man like you, a man like me, eh, tell me. " Feng shrugged, before taking a taste of his cigar.
- "You are insightful and you are right, you were right, I was the cause of all this."
-"Why?" Feng said with one hand covering his wrinkled face, although he was furious with the guy in front of him, what could he do, nothing, but now that his body was so weak, hopefully he could sit up straight.
- "The why of everything, maybe it can be a simple whim, what do you think?" said Leon, who was still standing, looking down at Feng.
- "You ruin a person's life on a whim, I don't think so."
- "I ruined the lives of millions of people, one more does not make a difference, you don't think."
- "No, no, no, I know there's something else, just say it, and get rid of this old bag of bones, if that's what you want." Feng said tiredly, he just wanted to take a bath and think that it was all a dream.
- "You give up, that's not fun."
- "What can I do, fight, I couldn't be on my feet for more than 5 seconds and that doesn't count how long it would take me to get up." Feng only showed a wry smile, he knew he could only wait for fate.
- "You think I'm so mean, of course I wouldn't fight with you, it's not worth it, I would do something more fun, but we'll talk about that later, now I'll tell you why, why I did all this to you and it's simple, you insulted at one of my women, you looked at her lustfully, and thought even worse things about her. " Said a very cold Lion.
- "I don't even know who it is, how I could have done it."
- "If you know, you thought about using it as a toy, and that it would help you to rise in your company."
- "I've done that, I don't deny it, but none of those normal women, I think it was yours."
- "You're right, not one of them is, you could never touch what is mine, but if you thought about that."
- "It was just a thought, and you do all this to me." Feng said incredulously, who could only keep smoking to better understand the situation and relax
- "Thought leads to imagination, and imagination to plan, and from plan to act, you see, you started the cycle, if it didn't stop it ... you would have tried that! Use it to your advantage to climb your ladder Social!" Leon approached and took Feng by the collar of his shirt, he was really angry just remembering that, he does not like that others fantasize about their women.
- "At least tell me who it is, I will apologize, I will not do it again." Feng grabbed Leon's hands trying to appease him, he was nervous, he thought he would die today, he had to do something to live.
- "And I promise not to kill again." Leon said sincerely, and left Feng back in the chair, even patting his shoulders.
- "..." Feng could only remain silent, incredulous at the mention of Leon.
- "You see, you can't believe me, how could I trust you? It's impossible."
- "Please, I have already paid, look at me, I'm broke, what more do you want. Feng opened his arms, he wanted to show that he was already broke, and nothing was left.
- "Before continuing, I want you to see something."
Oh yeah, don't stop, don't stop damn, keep it up at that point, even though I hate you, I have to admit you're a man who can please a woman
Those words came from a video that León put, in it, you could see Lian Wuang, León's mother, and Feng's love, and León came out failing her wildly, Feng seemed incredulous, he could not believe that the woman he loved was in such a state, all sweaty, with semen running down her legs and chest, she was on the man who ruined her life, ride him and moving her waist at will, she did not seem obliged, not with that face of pleasure, Feng's shoulders fell Even more, he had sad eyes, although he knew that she was not his wife, and she was married, he never saw them have sex, so he could mitigate the damage, it did not hurt so much, but seeing him and more with Leon, he could not stop hurt your heart.
- "What do you think, a beast in the bed, eh" Leon said with some popcorn that he had taken from his inventory, he seemed amused with Feng's face of suffering, meanwhile behind him, Haruno and Basanti, were with his face Red as tomato looking at the video, they both knew it was León in that video, the mask was useless with them, also Basanti saw León naked many times, she could recognize him without hesitation.
- "Why are you continuing with this, you said it yourself, it was just a thought."
Leon put more videos still, but they were of Feng's current wife, with other men Leon had sent his shadows to watch her and record for this moment.
- "No more, stop, don't continue." Feng crouched down so as not to see and covered his ears so as not to hear the moans that came out of the video. He was rocking like crazy in the chair, Leon approached and took his hands from his ears and forced him to look at him.
- "You know the name of the woman you had bad thoughts about."
- "I don't know, just say it now." Feng said as he returned his gaze to the ground.
- "kale, Kayle Ouroboros." When I hear that name, I raise my face and look at the mask of Leon in disbelief.
- "Kayle? A blonde woman, very beautiful like a model, is she your wife ?!" Feng said in surprise.
-"If she is."
- "But she has never shown anyone, everyone says she is single, even that she likes women, that's why I adopt so many." Leon was surprised by that information, he was sure to use it to tease her later.
- "I didn't know that, but that's another issue. It's not obvious then, only one man is always on her side."
- "It can't be, it's impossible." no, no, no that is not true, how could it be, behind that mask, it is not a lie, he is playing. Feng thought, his mind in total chaos.
- "Yes, it can be." Said Leon amused by Feng's changing face.
- "You are, you are the ... my son."
-"Bingo." Leon raised his hand, brought it to his face, and slowly he was removing his mask, with every inch, Feng's heart became more chaotic, he could not believe, he never thought of seeing that face, not in this way, and the mask, had disappeared, and Feng could recognize his own son in front of him, the same son who left him broke.
- "Impossible, you are not my son ..., if you were, because you are so little filial, I gave you life, you owe me respect, and you do all this to me, you even slept with your mother, and you cannot deny that you did not know, it is impossible that you did not know, you have investigated everything, right! " Deep down, Feng knew that he was actually her son, but he wanted to believe that no, he could not bear such disgrace, having such a disobedient and unfilial son, would be the laughing stock of all, which he already was, but, people now is in chaos, tends not to think correctly.
- "It's true, I know everything, since I was left, even my two dear brothers."
- "If you knew, why didn't you come back, and paid your respect to your parents!" Feng shouted, he was angry, for being dishonored by this son, and because he did not help him with all the power he has, he believed that it was Leon's duty to give him his support. In these moments Feng forgot all the fear and nervousness that he had before, since he was standing before his son and he believed that he could have some influence, a serious mistake.
- "Respect, you ask me for respect, you can't have more face, look at yourself, you said it yourself, you're trash, you're not worth it."
- "But that's now, before you did all this to me, because, for a woman, I am your ungrateful father, son, you must respect me."
Leon crouched in front of his father, and laughed, and with a relaxed tone replied.
- "ha, respect is not something you are born with, you talk like those kings, or princes, who ask for respect just for being born a noble, how stupid they are, they are only states given by man, nothing worthwhile , something that with a single snap of my fingers, would disappear forever, respect is something that must be earned, and you have not done it. "
-"I am your father!" Feng was leaning on his argument, being a father, as he looked at Leon in disgust.
- "Enough is enough! Father here is father, do you think that title has some value, let me tell you something, it's not worth ..., not shit!"
- "My son murdered a genocide!" Shouted Feng, and seeing that he had Leon's face close, he tried to slap him, it was his right as a father, but Leon stopped that hand that came to his face, he thought that only some people could do that and those were his wives, and only It would be in the sexual sphere and if he had been wrong and was meritorious.
Leon stood up straight and puffed up his chest with pride, his aura had changed and in front of everyone, there was a man who knew he was more than that, he was a God, a God who has power and can judge humans and know that it is the best for them.
- "You are wrong, I am a liberator, I freed all those people from their pain of living in a lower existential plane, from feeling miserable and not being able to fulfill their wishes, from realizing that they are only star dust that will live for a few years , and they will die in misery, you see, I put all their souls to better use. "
- "You're crazy, you just justify your actions based on a stupid argument!"
- "Crazy? No! I am a visionary, a genius and like all geniuses, I am called crazy when I start something, but when they see that I am right, I will be a genius and they will praise me, everyone will shout my name and say ..., my savior!"
- "That is not being a genius, you are not building a company or a new invention that will revolutionize an era, you are destroying the world!"
- "You need to destroy, to build."
- "You are a monster and this world needs a hero, and I will be and stop you, disobedient son."
- "This world never needs a hero, but a monster who dares to do what is necessary for the world to evolve."
- "Your stupid son, come here and let your father punish you and make you pay for all the damage you have done!" Feng put his hand to the belt, which was loose and began to remove it, lies he saw Leon angry. "
- "Punish me, hahahahaha, you are a very good comedian." Leon laughed in Feng's face, which was getting redder than he was angry every time, if it weren't for his weak body, he would have already gotten up to hit Leon.
When Leon laughed he got very serious and said.
- "You made me laugh so much, now let me tell you a joke, what happens if you join a disobedient son with a cute obedient girl."
Feng's face changed, he turned pale, he knew what girl he was talking about, his little daughter who was a few rooms away, Feng knew that if he did something to his mother like fuck her, he could not expect anything good from them meeting. .
León was kissing and putting one of his hands under the skirt of Ágata, who was wearing her maid uniform and was sitting on his lap, Ágata could only be surprised by the balls of her master, who did not care that they looked at him with desire. kill him, as soon as Leon went about his business, ignoring the stares.
- "cough, cough, Leon, what are you doing?" Kayle said angrily, she couldn't believe he was such a shameless pervert, she knew they were all in the family and several had done it with him, but they were just getting to know each other and she should have more discretion, she thought.
Leon listened to Kayle, and he stared at her a little confused, he stopped what he was doing and answered Kayle.
- "It's not obvious, the orgy has started, it's the best way to get to know them, rather, why are they still wearing clothes?" Leon bowed his head and said all innocent, not taking into account that he had his two daughters in front of him, who were blushing and shocked by how perverted their parents were, as for the others, they ranged from ironic laughter, to why I'm still wearing clothes, I have to seize the moment.
- "Are you kidding me right?" Kayle crossed her arms and frowned annoyed, Leon just sighed and thought that today was not a good day to have them all, but if for the maids, they were all gathered and today he could enjoy them with them.
- "hehehe, of course." Leon said with an idiotic laugh, but then whispered in Agata's ear..
- "tonight together everyone, let's have a good time." whisper that was heard by all, since they had very good hearing.
-"You finished?"
León ran to Ágata from his lap, got up, and looked at everyone one by one slowly, they were all serious, they knew that something important would happen, León looked again at Haruno and Basanti, and with a smile that made everyone fall in love again, He asked them to come closer, they happily approached and stood by his side, Leon approached them taking them both by his shoulder.
- "To all of you, I have an announcement to give, well to be honest I forgot to tell you, me and my good memory sometimes fail, I think it's old, no, just kidding, going back to the topic, these two girls my side, Haruno and Basanti ouroboros, they carry my blood, they are our family and our daughters, yes of all, Basanti and Haruno, all of them can be considered their mothers, older sister, well you understood, and now ... orgy!?"
They all ignored the last part, which was not important to them at all, they were all interested in the bomb he had thrown, two daughters, that surprised everyone, but those who knew Basanti, did not think she was something like her daughter, no their blood, but right now, they saw them as their daughters.
But the most surprised, were the two sisters who did not know how to treat the other, or what to say to her, they just stared without saying anything, Leon saw this, and had thought to take a little trip with just the two of them, while the rest were he knew, and he also believed that he should spend a little more time with Haruno, since he left her alone for many years unlike Basanti who was always aware of her.
While Leon thought, Lina ran smiling and hugged the two sisters, with all the strength she had.
- "Why didn't you tell me before, how mean you are to me! From now on, I'll love you, Okaa-sama."
The two sisters could only nod and agree, with a woman who was so overpowering with her feelings, how could they refuse. The other girls came up and hugged them, telling her what to call them and how happy they were with this new news.
The family reunion progressed and they all met, but Kayle and Majime could not get along, Leon did not care much about me, he thought there would be more conflict, but everything went better than expected, they all got along well, that two were not the best friends was not a big problem, there were many more with whom they could enjoy a pleasant conversation and company.
Leon approached Basanti and Haruno, took them by the hand, to lead them to another place.
- "While you beautiful ladies get to know each other better and enjoy this good meal, I will take these two brothers for a ride." Leon told everyone, they just nodded, they thought it was good that they had a father and daughter moment, but if they got over what he was going to do, they would have beaten him for being such an idiot and lack of tact.
With the girls holding hands, Leon teleported out of a large house, but had an old, dark and lifeless appearance, as if no one lived in it, Leon took out three masks from his inventory, two passed to the girls , he changed his clothes to his traditional costume, once you see him ready, he teleported to the entrance, and slowly walked.
As she made her way through the house, she looked around it, which was almost empty, Haruno and Basanti wondered whose house it was, she had felt other presences inside the house, so they understood that it was not uninhabited, and they were right. correct, the house had little or no furniture or decoration, due to the large number of debts that were sinking its inhabitants.
Leon arrived without interruption at his destination, there were only two people in this house and he planned to visit both of them, but first he went for the largest. In front of Leon a door, he did not knock, he opened it without problems since he did not even have a lock, when he entered the room, the smell was fetid, apparently the place had not been cleaned for a long time.
The smell of alcohol from the empty bottles, which surrounded a man, he had a trace of beard, long black hair, most likely he had not bathed for a long time, he looked malnourished, whoever saw this man and knew who he is I would not recognize him as the great director of a company, and the father of a beautiful family, sorry for him, that family was already broken.
The sisters covered their noses and wrinkled their faces, León saw that, and decided to make the environment more enjoyable and use cleaning throughout the room, even in the homeless, León approached him, and put his hand on his head, he was By eliminating the vice that this man in decline had, and giving his mind more calm, Leon did not want to talk to an idiot who could not understand anything, he needed him sane, and to remember all his actions and that the game would begin.
Leon looked at his two daughters, and saw that they did not like the guy in front of him, so he decided to ask why.
- "What do you think of this man? He has fallen into misery by his own actions, even if he was deliberately led to this."
Basanti meditated for a few seconds, looked at the man lying next to the bed, and concluded that:
- "He is an idiot, even if he was guided by a thorny path, he only chose to go this, he is, the human being in his maximum splendor of stupidity."
Leon nodded at that answer, since it was true, then looked at his other daughter.
- "And your Haruno."
- "It's true what my little sister said, he's just an idiot who allowed himself to be manipulated, it's all his fault." Basanti frowned a little, still not used to having a sister, and less being treated as the youngest, since she has always been the most mature between her and Mary, who Basanti considers his other sister, although not by blood.
- "This is how they treat their grandfather, how bad they are" said Leon felt, as if he really cared how they treated his father, which was not true.
-"Grandpa!" they both shouted, they did not see it coming, as someone in such a deplorable state would be their grandfather, León's father, for them it was impossible that that was true, but if León said it, they only had to accept it.
- "Technically speaking yes, but it really doesn't matter much, if you ask me, the truth is I was never interested in this man, nor my origin, this man abandoned me and left me in an orphanage, and that doesn't matter to me, even so, , who brought him to that state, what do you think? " Leon moved away from his father, and approached his daughters.
- "He abandoned you, he deserves it." Haruno said annoyed, forgetting that she too, in quotation marks, was abandoned, although it was not Leon's fault.
- "I did it with you, don't you tell me? You plan to do the same!" Leon said very dramatically, which won a laugh from Basanti, instead Haruno got nervous and shook his head quickly.
- "No! I would never do it, I love you and you love me, that's all, the rest was, how to say ..., a bad move of fate! That's it, or bad luck, it's not something you want and I don't blame you for that, instead he "Haruno left his nervous tone and changed to an angry tone. - "I discard you, even knowing that you existed, everything bad that you do to him is well deserved." Haruno wrinkled his eyebrows, and glared at Fang.
- "Everything you do must have a reason, and I think he bothered you, didn't he?" Basanti asked.
- "He did, he could have stayed calm living his life, but even so, he decided to annoy my family, so I decided to teach him a lesson."
- "Then he deserves it, nobody touches our family." Even if he is my grandfather, if he tries something against one of us, he must pay the price. Basanti thought.
Both girls had the same opinion, Leon just smiled, he thought that maybe the apple does not fall that far from the tree, he looked at the old man in front of him and he was about to wake him up. With a little water on his face, the man woke up scared, he tried to stand a little unbalanced, he looked like a drunk although he was not, he could not stand up and looked to the sides, he saw some chairs and began to crawl to the chair closer, he affirmed himself to it and sat down. He put his hand on his face and leaned forward, you could tell that his head hurt, but when he remembers everything he has done so far, looking for the nearby garbage can, he vomited what little food he had left.
- "Puagggg, what, I, did, how did all this happen." Feng said, very sad and regretful, he couldn't believe what he did all this time, Leon approached Feng, not before telling the girls to stay there to just watch and not interrupt.
- "It's true, since you started in the game, you just fell more and more, prostitutes, alcohol, drugs, you even sold your own wife, that's what disgusts me the most. What kind of man lends to who his wife is , the person who sleeps next to you every night, the one who makes you food, the one who gave you a child, even if you don't love her or it was only fixed, she is still your woman, only a true madman would do what you did, you make me sick."
Leon was very disgusted when he said this, and it was not because of the smell, it had already disappeared, but because of how sick he was according to this guy, although he was partly to blame for this, he could not stop hating and despising people who they abandon those who supported him, and more if she is your wife, the girls were the same, for them what he did was the worst they have seen so far and that his father is a genocide.
Feng Cheng, León's father, raised his head and in front of him he saw a man with a mask, he could recognize him immediately, he also understood that he was the original, the real one and not someone imitating him, it was a lake that told him his years From experience, let's not forget that he recovered his previous state, before he sank into vice, where he loved his family and loved his lover, mother León.
-"and you are." Feng said, standing straight, he could not show weakness, not before a man who loved chaos and fear, Feng thought, it was his analysis of all the acting and what he investigated and saw on television about the masked man. Feng had his own research on Leon or enigma as he saw it, but he never thought he would have to use it now, he researched it out of curiosity.
- "I'm just what you would call, the epitome of humanity."
- "I understand, you are just one more looking for your identity."
- "True, I would not say that, it seeks to satisfy my desires, that is what moves us, that is being human, the desire to have, to love, to live, to die, everything, everything begins, with a desire."
- "If so, I want to go back to the past." he said sadly, as he turned to the nearest table, where he started looking for some cigarettes.
- "You can never, the past is there to remember, to move forward and not stagnate, accept it and accept that you are, who you were, who you will be."
- "So I'm trash, I'll be trash, and I was trash, what a good motivator you are."
- "I wasn't trying to motivate you, I was just telling the truth, now let's put that aside, I want you to think about something, what I'm doing here with you, with a subject who is nobody, but even so, I'm talking to you, a man I consider the most dangerous, feared and respected in the world. "
- "First of all, who are you. You are Enigma and the name suits you, you are someone who cannot be understood, and that everything he does has a hidden meaning."
Feng, took a breath, and lit the cigar he had already found, put it in his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.
A cigarette was a good thing to relax, and think about everything I have to do. Feng thought.
- "Second, why are you here, I don't want to believe it, but the only thing that comes to mind, would be that everything happened to me because of you, but that would be hard to believe, pff, I'm a nobody like you said, just I am the director of a company, who wanted a man like you, a man like me, eh, tell me. " Feng shrugged, before taking a taste of his cigar.
- "You are insightful and you are right, you were right, I was the cause of all this."
-"Why?" Feng said with one hand covering his wrinkled face, although he was furious with the guy in front of him, what could he do, nothing, but now that his body was so weak, hopefully he could sit up straight.
- "The why of everything, maybe it can be a simple whim, what do you think?" said Leon, who was still standing, looking down at Feng.
- "You ruin a person's life on a whim, I don't think so."
- "I ruined the lives of millions of people, one more does not make a difference, you don't think."
- "No, no, no, I know there's something else, just say it, and get rid of this old bag of bones, if that's what you want." Feng said tiredly, he just wanted to take a bath and think that it was all a dream.
- "You give up, that's not fun."
- "What can I do, fight, I couldn't be on my feet for more than 5 seconds and that doesn't count how long it would take me to get up." Feng only showed a wry smile, he knew he could only wait for fate.
- "You think I'm so mean, of course I wouldn't fight with you, it's not worth it, I would do something more fun, but we'll talk about that later, now I'll tell you why, why I did all this to you and it's simple, you insulted at one of my women, you looked at her lustfully, and thought even worse things about her. " Said a very cold Lion.
- "I don't even know who it is, how I could have done it."
- "If you know, you thought about using it as a toy, and that it would help you to rise in your company."
- "I've done that, I don't deny it, but none of those normal women, I think it was yours."
- "You're right, not one of them is, you could never touch what is mine, but if you thought about that."
- "It was just a thought, and you do all this to me." Feng said incredulously, who could only keep smoking to better understand the situation and relax
- "Thought leads to imagination, and imagination to plan, and from plan to act, you see, you started the cycle, if it didn't stop it ... you would have tried that! Use it to your advantage to climb your ladder Social!" Leon approached and took Feng by the collar of his shirt, he was really angry just remembering that, he does not like that others fantasize about their women.
- "At least tell me who it is, I will apologize, I will not do it again." Feng grabbed Leon's hands trying to appease him, he was nervous, he thought he would die today, he had to do something to live.
- "And I promise not to kill again." Leon said sincerely, and left Feng back in the chair, even patting his shoulders.
- "..." Feng could only remain silent, incredulous at the mention of Leon.
- "You see, you can't believe me, how could I trust you? It's impossible."
- "Please, I have already paid, look at me, I'm broke, what more do you want. Feng opened his arms, he wanted to show that he was already broke, and nothing was left.
- "Before continuing, I want you to see something."
Oh yeah, don't stop, don't stop damn, keep it up at that point, even though I hate you, I have to admit you're a man who can please a woman
Those words came from a video that León put, in it, you could see Lian Wuang, León's mother, and Feng's love, and León came out failing her wildly, Feng seemed incredulous, he could not believe that the woman he loved was in such a state, all sweaty, with semen running down her legs and chest, she was on the man who ruined her life, ride him and moving her waist at will, she did not seem obliged, not with that face of pleasure, Feng's shoulders fell Even more, he had sad eyes, although he knew that she was not his wife, and she was married, he never saw them have sex, so he could mitigate the damage, it did not hurt so much, but seeing him and more with Leon, he could not stop hurt your heart.
- "What do you think, a beast in the bed, eh" Leon said with some popcorn that he had taken from his inventory, he seemed amused with Feng's face of suffering, meanwhile behind him, Haruno and Basanti, were with his face Red as tomato looking at the video, they both knew it was León in that video, the mask was useless with them, also Basanti saw León naked many times, she could recognize him without hesitation.
- "Why are you continuing with this, you said it yourself, it was just a thought."
Leon put more videos still, but they were of Feng's current wife, with other men Leon had sent his shadows to watch her and record for this moment.
- "No more, stop, don't continue." Feng crouched down so as not to see and covered his ears so as not to hear the moans that came out of the video. He was rocking like crazy in the chair, Leon approached and took his hands from his ears and forced him to look at him.
- "You know the name of the woman you had bad thoughts about."
- "I don't know, just say it now." Feng said as he returned his gaze to the ground.
- "kale, Kayle Ouroboros." When I hear that name, I raise my face and look at the mask of Leon in disbelief.
- "Kayle? A blonde woman, very beautiful like a model, is she your wife ?!" Feng said in surprise.
-"If she is."
- "But she has never shown anyone, everyone says she is single, even that she likes women, that's why I adopt so many." Leon was surprised by that information, he was sure to use it to tease her later.
- "I didn't know that, but that's another issue. It's not obvious then, only one man is always on her side."
- "It can't be, it's impossible." no, no, no that is not true, how could it be, behind that mask, it is not a lie, he is playing. Feng thought, his mind in total chaos.
- "Yes, it can be." Said Leon amused by Feng's changing face.
- "You are, you are the ... my son."
-"Bingo." Leon raised his hand, brought it to his face, and slowly he was removing his mask, with every inch, Feng's heart became more chaotic, he could not believe, he never thought of seeing that face, not in this way, and the mask, had disappeared, and Feng could recognize his own son in front of him, the same son who left him broke.
- "Impossible, you are not my son ..., if you were, because you are so little filial, I gave you life, you owe me respect, and you do all this to me, you even slept with your mother, and you cannot deny that you did not know, it is impossible that you did not know, you have investigated everything, right! " Deep down, Feng knew that he was actually her son, but he wanted to believe that no, he could not bear such disgrace, having such a disobedient and unfilial son, would be the laughing stock of all, which he already was, but, people now is in chaos, tends not to think correctly.
- "It's true, I know everything, since I was left, even my two dear brothers."
- "If you knew, why didn't you come back, and paid your respect to your parents!" Feng shouted, he was angry, for being dishonored by this son, and because he did not help him with all the power he has, he believed that it was Leon's duty to give him his support. In these moments Feng forgot all the fear and nervousness that he had before, since he was standing before his son and he believed that he could have some influence, a serious mistake.
- "Respect, you ask me for respect, you can't have more face, look at yourself, you said it yourself, you're trash, you're not worth it."
- "But that's now, before you did all this to me, because, for a woman, I am your ungrateful father, son, you must respect me."
Leon crouched in front of his father, and laughed, and with a relaxed tone replied.
- "ha, respect is not something you are born with, you talk like those kings, or princes, who ask for respect just for being born a noble, how stupid they are, they are only states given by man, nothing worthwhile , something that with a single snap of my fingers, would disappear forever, respect is something that must be earned, and you have not done it. "
-"I am your father!" Feng was leaning on his argument, being a father, as he looked at Leon in disgust.
- "Enough is enough! Father here is father, do you think that title has some value, let me tell you something, it's not worth ..., not shit!"
- "My son murdered a genocide!" Shouted Feng, and seeing that he had Leon's face close, he tried to slap him, it was his right as a father, but Leon stopped that hand that came to his face, he thought that only some people could do that and those were his wives, and only It would be in the sexual sphere and if he had been wrong and was meritorious.
Leon stood up straight and puffed up his chest with pride, his aura had changed and in front of everyone, there was a man who knew he was more than that, he was a God, a God who has power and can judge humans and know that it is the best for them.
- "You are wrong, I am a liberator, I freed all those people from their pain of living in a lower existential plane, from feeling miserable and not being able to fulfill their wishes, from realizing that they are only star dust that will live for a few years , and they will die in misery, you see, I put all their souls to better use. "
- "You're crazy, you just justify your actions based on a stupid argument!"
- "Crazy? No! I am a visionary, a genius and like all geniuses, I am called crazy when I start something, but when they see that I am right, I will be a genius and they will praise me, everyone will shout my name and say ..., my savior!"
- "That is not being a genius, you are not building a company or a new invention that will revolutionize an era, you are destroying the world!"
- "You need to destroy, to build."
- "You are a monster and this world needs a hero, and I will be and stop you, disobedient son."
- "This world never needs a hero, but a monster who dares to do what is necessary for the world to evolve."
- "Your stupid son, come here and let your father punish you and make you pay for all the damage you have done!" Feng put his hand to the belt, which was loose and began to remove it, lies he saw Leon angry. "
- "Punish me, hahahahaha, you are a very good comedian." Leon laughed in Feng's face, which was getting redder than he was angry every time, if it weren't for his weak body, he would have already gotten up to hit Leon.
When Leon laughed he got very serious and said.
- "You made me laugh so much, now let me tell you a joke, what happens if you join a disobedient son with a cute obedient girl."
Feng's face changed, he turned pale, he knew what girl he was talking about, his little daughter who was a few rooms away, Feng knew that if he did something to his mother like fuck her, he could not expect anything good from them meeting. .
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