Leon had left his father in the care of his daughters, he wanted to see how the two acted when they were alone, since since they met there was always someone else by his side, he knew that Haruno was like a crazy dog ​​that took him away the strap, since she always had to hide behind masks to fit in and not feel alone, that happens when you are different from others, but now she had an equal, Basanti who was the calmest and always had people like them with whom talk, besides that he always had his father by his side, which Haruno did not.

Leaving that aside for later, our protagonist walked down the hall with his mask on again, he went to his little sister's room, León had planned to make her his new personal servant, León thought it was a better idea than to leave her in this family that would soon disappear.

Make your sister a servant, some would be scandalized if they heard that, but Leon did not care, he had never seen her before and they did not grow up together, she was just a stranger who was collateral damage of their plans and fun, also the girl had been taught to serve as a model wife and follow her husband in everything, not unlike a servant, being sincere, she had a better life next to Leon, it would ensure a long life, and protection, also not that she forced them to do nothing but serve him, all of León's servants had hobbies or things they enjoyed doing in their free time.

Arriving in front of the door, León entered as if it were his house, the room was quite empty, there was a table, a bed and some princess curtains and it was pink, typical of a 10-year-old girl, which was the present age of León's sister, sister who was surprised by the sudden entrance of a stranger with a mask to her room, the girl was with a set of tea, and some stuffed animals, apparently they were playing house or tea time to be more precise.

- "What's wrong little girl, are you scared? You shouldn't be, I'm not going to do anything wrong." Leon approached and picked up one of the cups that the girl had thrown when she got up in surprise, and handed it to her, but the girl did not accept it, and hid behind her teddy bear.

- "The bad guys always wear masks and say they don't do anything wrong." The girl replied shyly.

- "Where did you get that information girl, that's not entirely correct.." Leon asked, he also thought that this girl is very smart, believing in someone who wears a mask would be stupid.

- "Dad and Mom always say it, don't get close to them or I'll be a girl who dishonors their family." Leon's sister said, still hiding behind the teddy bear.

- "I'll tell you something, that's true, but ..., it's also a lie at the same time, or do you think your parents don't lie." Leon knelt down and caught up with the girl, who was not very tall for her age.

-"They do not do it!" The girl said very confidently.

- "False, they always lie to look good, you can't trust adults, girl, they use the truth to their advantage."

- "That's not true, I don't believe you" The girl turned her face, ignoring Leon, she didn't like liars.

- "Well, I'll show you, your mother says that women should keep their husband true." León said, he knew that since childhood he is instilled to respect her husband and be a good woman of respect, both parents of León's sister wanted to find a good marriage that would lead them to have a better life and a greater position Social.

- "um, she always says so." the girl nodded.

León laughed behind his mask, and with a wave of his hand, an image appeared on the screen, the girl was very surprised by this, since it happened so suddenly, in the image her beloved mother appeared, the image was stopped.

- "Wow! You are a magician, Mr. Mask." Said the girl looking at the image that Leon created, she even approached and touched it, but it passed through which made her curious.

- "Mister mask? Oh right! I never showed up, I'm Leon and your name is little one." Leon said removing his mask, it was to gain confidence in the little girl and believe in him, more easily.

- "Wow! You're very pretty, I thought you wear a mask because you're ugly and bad." The girl said innocently, who was looking at León with bright eyes, she had also lowered her guard since he did not use the mask and looked good, even he no longer hid his face from the stuffed animal, now she was holding him against her chest with a smile.

- "Thanks for the compliment, but you didn't say your name." Having a good appearance helps a lot in gaining the trust of others, I do not understand how those Lolis from the hentais fell before the tricks of those fat and ugly old men, and not only them, equal adult women, weft armor, powerful is. Leon thought.

- "Oh sure, my name is Shui Cheng older brother." Shui said with respect and a slight bow, as he had been taught in one of his many classes on how to be a fine lady.

- "Well Shui, I see that you are a good girl, so I'll tell you the truth, your mother is not good at all, if you don't believe me, look at the picture." Leon said pointing to the image, which was beginning to move.

Shui looked at the image very concentrated, and was surprised again when it began to move, it was an image recorded from before by the shadows of Leon.

Shui's eyes shone, in the image you could see her mother entering a very luxurious restaurant, the guaduas came out and welcomed her, you could see lust in her eyes, the woman was pretty, although flat, they guided her towards a room and inside it a man was waiting who had already started to eat, Shui's mother approached and kissed the man, and there stopped the image Leon, it was not because of the girl, he did not like to see others have sex, he did not have that fetish.

Shui was paralyzed, her mother, who always stressed that she would be a good wife in the future, was cheating on her father, a father whom she loved and respected, something that did not last long.

- "Mother ..." Shui said incredulously, tears came out of her eyes and she sat on the ground when she saw such an act. "

- "See, she's not as sincere as you think, she's lied to you all your life, how can you trust a woman like that, you can only trust me, I'm sincere and I never lie." Said Leon, who was stroking Shui's head, to comfort her.

If all those deceitful people heard that, they would roll in their graves and spit blood at how shameless this cruel villain was.

- "Sniff, sniff, why mother does that, if dad finds out he will be very sad." She said between tears shui, that she had dropped the stuffed animal, and with her small hands she was trying to clean herself.

- "Come on, it's not that bad, like I said, you can trust me, also I have to tell you something else, you can't trust your father."

- "Daddy either? Leon shook his head sadly, which was false, as for Shui, he couldn't believe that so easily.

- "You can't, your father is not as good as he seems to be, he has hidden many things from you, and I don't know if to tell you."

- "That's a lie, it can't be." Shui replied a bit hesitantly. She thought that if her mother lied to her, there was a possibility that her father would be the same, but she did not want to believe in that, she wanted to go back to the past, where her family was united and all together, but it will no longer be possible.

- "One of them is, that he himself was the culprit that your mother cheated on him, thanks to her vices and debts, she got bored of putting up with it and I'm looking for a new man to take care of her"

- "Is Papa the culprit?"

- "You both have something to blame and now you will be alone." Leon had stood up feeling that someone was approaching the house, and that he had to speed things up a bit.

- "Please big brother stop them, don't let that happen, I don't want to be left alone." Shui ran to León and hugged him, she herself did not realize it, but she already trusted León, so much to ask him for help.

- "It is not necessary to do that, I think it is better that you stay away from it." Leon said that he let Shui's arms surround him, Leon was very patient to win the hearts of the people and be faithful to him.

- "Why, help me because I don't want to lose my family, I don't want to be alone." He said looking up at Leon.

- "And you won't be, that's why I'm here I'll take you and you will serve me."

- "Eh? Why would you take me older brother."

- "Your father never told you?" Leon asked curious, although he already knew the answer.

-"What thing?"

- "That you actually have an older brother, and that brother ... is me."

Shui did not stop being surprised this day, another great news came the same day, he no longer knew how to react, unless his brother was in front of him, it was not very credible.

- "But ..., we are not alike at all!" Shui looked him up and down as he walked away, to get a better shot.

- "Son of another mother, although that does not matter so much at the moment, I am really your brother and if you don't believe me, why don't you ask your father and discover my hidden story." Leon said.

- "I will! Daddy would never ... lie to me, right?" She said very doubtful, she no longer knew who to trust.

- "Well, wait here a moment and I'll go get it, ok, don't move and wait." Leon raised his finger and showed him the chair.

-"I wait for you." Shui said as she sat down and ordered her tea set, she was excited to have a real Big Brother.

Leaving ha shui in the room, Leon left for Feng, where a little trouble awaited him.

Minutes before.

Leon had already left the room, Haruno and Basanti were left alone, Haruno looked at Feng with hatred, while Basanti also hated him but did not show it, he kept a calm facade, they both hated Feng for leaving Leon abandoned and insulting him, Although Leon was not relevant, but they put a lot of emphasis on family, and believe that whoever abandons one of their own, is a piece of shit that deserves to suffer.

Haruno in a quick movement took out two daggers from his inventory and approached Feng, driving these two daggers into both thighs.

- "aaarrrrrrrrrggggggg" shouted feng as he rhetorized in pain holding both daggers.

Basanti was surprised, he did not see his sister's outburst coming, he quickly approached Haruno who had a crazy look and pushed her away before he killed Feng, Haruno was angry, Basanti was also upset, but not to kill him without approval of Lion.

- "What are you doing Haruno." Basanti said annoyed, she did not like that she moved on her own, when both had received an order to do nothing but watch.

- "Ah? It's not obvious, take it out a bit, the bastard spoke very badly of León, he must pay a little." She said calmly, although, the eyes were the same as when Leon sees his prey, and Basanti knew that look well.

- "So I see, but you don't have permission to do that, Leon just said to watch him and that he was coming back."

- "I'll just enjoy a little and then I'll heal it" said Haruno who took out a bottle and showed it to him, it was a healing potion.

- "It doesn't matter, you wait and ask, you don't do what you want."

- "I'll ask him when he comes back." Haruno replied, who was approaching Feng again, who was going into shock due to the loss of blood, it was not much but his bad condition, must be added the time without food and exercise that he takes, which makes him very weak .

Basanti approached and took her by her arm, Haruno didn't look at that very well.

- "Enough, wait for me to come back and do what you want, I have no doubt that León will please you." Basanti tried to convince her sister with words, using force is not something she wanted.

- "Yes he will, why wait" Haruno tried to get out of Basanti's grip, but Basanti is stronger since he has trained for years, it would not be fair to compare them.

- "You will not do anything, just wait a few minutes and I told you that you can do what you want if you wait."

- "Good! My fault, I'll sit down and wait," said Haruno with great sincerity.

Basanti alone and Haruno without hesitation jumped back to attack Feng, who cried out in pain again, Basanti did not expect Haruno to be so good at pretending, she did not like that they saw her face.

She raised her hand and pointed at Haruno, using lightning magic she tried to paralyze her, Haruno feeling that the manase swirled behind her, she jumped avoiding the lightning, which hit Feng, Basanti gritted her teeth, and attacked again, Haruno would not be hit. so easily, and with a movement of his hand a bone prison caught his adversary, Basanti did not stay still and broke it easily, he attacked with another lightning Haruno, who jumped back, but this time Basanti had already launched another lightning with his hand anticipating his movement.

Haruno paralyzed in place, she could only smile helplessly, apparently her sister was better than her, but she still wouldn't give up.

- "Now you will stay still, and wait." Basanti, thinking that he had won, turned his back to Haruno and went to see Feng, so that he would not die, when he approached he jumped back, a giant skeleton tried to catch her, Haruno had a large reserve of skeletons within his shadow, where I kept them, but I only released 1, the room was not that big.

Basanti seeing that his sister would not give up easily, he planned to knock her out, it hurts her, the paralysis lasted less than he thought and Haruno cast one of the necromancer's abilities, decrepitation, an ability that makes all enemies very slow and weak. An area.

Feeling very weak, Basanti teleported behind Haruno to knock her out, who turned around and raised his hand to defend himself, but before they hit each other, Leon appeared and grabbed them by the neck like two spoiled kittens.

- "Now they both calm down, and they explain to me how we got to this" Leon asked calmly, although they were fighting they both held back so as not to harm the other, also although I already knew more or less the process of everything, I just wanted to see their sincerity .

Both explained the situation with their heads bowed, they knew they had made a mistake and neither tried to blame the other, they were both at fault and they accepted it, which Leon liked.

- "Well, I'll tell you two something, and never forget it, ok." Both girls nodded their heads, Leon had already released them and was in front of him.

- "It does not matter these little fights, no attempt to really harm the other, it was something friendly, and we can all have a different opinion with another person, and it is fine to defend their point of view, but !, if they go beyond something friendly..."

The atmosphere turned cold, and both sisters knew that the next words, they could not forget.

- "Eh they try something malicious against the other, personally I will punish them" With that threat it will be enough, I know that they will not do anything bad against the other, but it does not hurt to put insurance, also, I do not have any such bad punishment, I just blurted out. Leon thought.

The sisters nodded more forcefully than before, they even shook hands. Leon nodded knowing that both understood, and thought to take them to a quieter place so they could get to know each other better.

- "Now that everything is better, let's get down to business."

Leon saw Feng, and was glad that he was still alive, it would be of no use if he can no longer continue in the game, he took out a healing potion and threw it on Feng, who quickly noticed that his health improved. His previous malnourished form disappeared and his muscles gained flesh, only the dirty clothes and the alcohol smell remained of the old Feng, he only needed to wake up.

León thought that the best way was to enclose Feng's head in a dome of water, until he woke up, which he did and it worked after a second when Feng woke up desperately trying to breathe, seeing that everything was ready to go, León removed the bubble .

- "Hello Feng and welcome to the afterlife, what is your wish for your new life, poor helpless soul." Leon said mockingly, as he pulled out a chair to sit in front of his victim.

- "Cough, cough, you crazy bastard, you almost killed me and the two of them just the same, cough, cough, you are all crazy." Feng said, that because of how angry he was, he had even forgotten that Leon had gone to see his daughter.

- "Crazy ?! How can you say that about your granddaughters! If you are bad as parents like a bad grandfather, you are not left behind, eh." Leon said disappointed as he shook his head.

- "Grandpa? Impossible how you would have children of that age, do not come with ridiculousness."

- "I never lie, take off the mask Haruno and Basanti" Both girls took off the mask, and their face was revealed. Feng looked at them and thought that they would both be very beautiful when he grew up, but as for resembling his disgraced son, Feng doubted.

- "They don't look like you at all, don't come up with stupid things."

- "You're right, although Haruno looks a bit alike, but the two of them went out to their mother, what can I do, I don't choose their appearance, we better leave this nonsensical conversation aside, today! Can you consider yourself lucky Feng, ¿ Don't you think so? The prodigal son has returned home, it hurts that there was no celebration. "

- "Put your hypocrisy aside, like receiving you with open arms when you are a lunatic and a disgrace." said listlessly Feng, who was beginning to feel his body and could tell that he was in his best state.

- "How cruel, I even heal you, oh you don't realize it."

- "It's true, something you do for your father, who gave you life." Feng snapped with a frown.

- "Enough is enough, don't let the fumes go to your head, I also don't want to waste any more time with you, so, I want us to enjoy a father and son game, you win and I will give you a lot of money, and I will return everything what have you lost." Feng raised an eyebrow at this proposition, and it seemed pleasant, he even thought that his son was reconsidering.

- "You're finally being honest with your father, I like that, now tell me we'll play."

- "It's very simple, I want you to give me two souls and 10 million yuan, what an easy thing, don't you think?"

- "Two souls, how do I give you that?"

I wish I had a ritual or something, with how crazy this son of mine is, he can be anything, but if he is going to give me everything back, I will just go ahead and win the game, then I will make sure to brainwash him so that he is on my side, it is just a child with power, the problem is that he does not trust me, but I know how to get to him, he fucked his mother, he must feel something for her, I have to admit that in that he looks like me, I love that woman too I still do, and she to me, I will use that to my advantage to win over the boy with the Oedipus complex. Feng thought, who was looking for a way to win and take all the prizes, and have the life he always wanted, the only problem, he faces Leon.

- "Good question, you have to kill someone and I'll tell you who they are, if you do it and give me the money, you win and get everything back."

- "Just that, how easy, tell me who are the ones I should kill, the money, it will take me a little longer."

León laughed, something that annoyed Feng, but León continued with his own and took a photo, it was the image of feng's wife, but feng's smile did not waver, for him it was more important to earn money and power, he will be able to get a better wife when I win the game, was Feng's thought.

- "And who is the other one."

- "You don't hesitate to kill your wife, man, you don't have a heart."

- "With her death she will help her husband to achieve a better life, and that is why I married her."

This motherfucking bastard, and he thought I was bad, but this motherfucker takes the heartless man and husband of the year award. Leon thought very surprised, he did not think that Feng would accept so easily.

- "That attitude seems incredible to me, but hey, who am I to judge you, each with his own, well, now you have to fulfill the first part of the deal, your wife is arriving right now, you know what to do." Leon said moving his hand like throwing a dog, Feng just growled and left, but before, in a quick movement he attacked Leon, the blow only went through him.

- "At least you tried, but there won't be a second time, don't forget that." Leon said with a smile.

Snorting, Feng withdrew from the room and started down the stairs towards the entrance, where his wife already stood.

- "Now, let's see your dear aunt."

Leon used teleportation and they appeared in front of Shui who jumped back in surprise once more, his eyes were bright, he was really starting to like his older brother.

- "I already spoke with your father Shui and he will tell you the truth, he is waiting in the dining room, how about you go?"

- "I'll go, but first, who are the two older sisters."

- "They are your nieces."

- "eeeeeeeh?

- "I know, too young to have children, even I was surprised, twice, but there will be time to talk to them, what if you ask your father the truth, aren't you curious?"

-"OK, I will go." Although she wanted to stay, she still had to know the truth, to find out if she really had nieces.

As Shui went down, feng was already at the entrance with his wife, there was no doubt in his face, he looked serene as if he was going to work, his wife looked at him strangely, he could see a change in her husband, he looked more alive So to speak, that made her a little happy, Feng took her by the arm and pulled her tight, she did not resist and followed him.

When they reached the dining room, Feng threw his wife on the floor, she screamed in pain when she hit the floor and hit her head, soon that scream was drowned out when feng took a knife on the table and buried it in her chest while she covered her mouth, so that her daughter would not hear all the commotion, the woman slowly lost her mobility and the attempts to escape from her murderer stopped, seconds later, her body lay inert.

On feng's face there was no remorse, until he heard a slight sound, a girl was with a pale face, she was on the ground while holding her teddy bear, Feng did not expect this, perhaps he felt almost nothing for his wife , but his daughter was his pride, several times he boasted of that, he even already had a good marriage in his sights, which was the other half-brother of León, son of Lian.

Feng tried to say something, but before Leon came behind the girl, he took her in his arms and put her to sleep.

- "bastard this was not part of the deal!" Feng shouted full of blood.

- "I didn't do anything, she just wanted to see you, it sure was a hard blow for the little girl to see her father kill her mother, don't you think?"

- "Damn ungrateful son, why are you doing this."

- "Don't worry about that, the deal keeps running, you still have someone else to kill, but first, collect those 10 million yuan."

As they spoke, the sound of police and ambulance sirens began to sound closer and closer.

- "What is that, why are the police coming?"

- "So it seems, now that I see all this? What will they say when they see all this disaster? Dead wife, several tests of infidelity by her on the table, husband with debts and with a lot of stress discovers her and! PUM! Explode, add to that missing girl, I don't see you have a great future if you are still standing here like an idiot. "

-"This is not a game"

- "If it is, it only adds that the police will join us, and you will play cat and mouse, I don't think I should tell you who the mouse is, right?"

Feng got up in a hurry and went to his room to look for clothes, he had to change quickly to escape, he already knew who to go with to get the money and hide while Leon gave him his second victim, to win the game, what he did not know is that this it was a game with a clear winner.

- "Never forget girls, that for people like that man, the most important thing is honor, social status and power, take away those three, and it will be a nightmare, just look at him, he killed his spouse for an empty promise of a better life , a naive and stupid man. "

- "Yes" agreed the two sisters, who were still crestfallen behind Leon.

- "Come on, what's up with that scolded puppy face, I know I gave you a little sermon but it's not that bad, or yes, also if we go home to yes, it will be hell for me with so many annoyed women to see them in that state . " Leon said that he turned around to speak to the front.

- "um" they nodded again, but now they were smiling.

- "That's better, now ... let's eat, we'll try Chinese food, I want to go to a luxurious place, I want to see if the young master appears and says, you don't know who I am, you beautiful ladies shouldn't be with a loser like this."

- "I don't think that happens, we are too small for someone to be interested in us." Haruno said.

- "You're right, well one day I'll be touched and I can have fun."

León took both of them by the hand, and left to spend some time with his father and daughter in a more normal way, while he thought about the next part of the game with his father, they were already in the middle of the game, a game that has lasted years, since That got him addicted to casinos, until now.

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