A night full of passion and desire had come to an end, and again the sun appeared through the window and through the curtains, a small ray of sunlight reached Hina's face, who slowly began to wake up, annoyed by the light that it reached the eyes.

Hina started to get up, while she massaged her butt.

- "uuhhh, what a pain, my butt hurts, my head hurts" She said while holding her head and all the memories of the previous night came to her, from the pleasure of remembering how they buried a cock in her ass, to the total regret remembering all the things he did with his little sister, he could only blame the fever of the moment, that he even forgot that it was his little and underage sister.

Hina held her head while she looked around looking for her sister, and she found her, she was on the table, with her legs spread and with a white liquid that came out of her pussy, she was totally naked and her small tits had bite marks, Seeing the state her sister was in only added to the regret she was beginning to feel, but deep down, there was a bit of arousal.

- "Rui, Rui, Rui" Hina repeated as she approached her sister and hugged her tightly, tears ran down her face, and she began to rock next to her sister, minutes later, Rui began to move, and to wake up.

- "Nee-san?"

- "Rui, how are you feeling?" Hina said with concern.

- "It hurts, everything" Rui said lethargic..

Hina smiled at this, if it hurts, it's because she was fine, it would be bad if she didn't feel anything.

- "It is normal that it hurts if you are not used to such acts, but Rui, you never told me that you were no longer a virgin"

At the reprimand of her sister, Rui made a face, she did not think that she cared more about that, than what happened during the night.

- "Nee-san, does that really matter?"

- "I know and I'm sorry Rui, this is all my fault" Hina said regretfully.

- "No, Nee-san, it's not our fault, it's theirs, they drugged us Nee-san"

Hina wanted to say that she was not, but she wanted to keep her reputation a little, and what better, that her little sister believed that she was also a victim of a drug, she did not like to lie to him, but she did not remain of other.

- "Yes Rui, this is not our fault, now, are you better? Can you get up?"

Rui nodded, and tried to get up, but her weak legs trembled, only with the support of her sister was he able to get up and remain standing.

- "And our clothes Nee-san"

I shook my head, how could I know? I only remember that Leon undressed me, and from then on everything was pleasure, although I don't want to admit it, I was completely out of my mind, it was all lust at that time, to think that I did that to him. things to my little sister, what kind of big sister am I, I couldn't protect her, I even dragged her along with me. Hina thought regretfully.

- "Her clothes are in the bathroom, they are washed and dried, hurry up they stink" Said Agata, who was there from the beginning, only she did not want to interrupt the lament of the sisters.

- "Senpai" Rui said confused, she didn't know why her Senpai would do something like that to him.

- "Why are you hiding, you didn't enjoy last night, now what do I remember? You bit my butt, how disrespectful to your Senpai" Agata said with annoyance.


- "Come on Rui, we have to clean up" Hina said, dragging her sister to the bathroom, she didn't want to stay any longer, she didn't even know who Ágata was, she had only met her last night, along with June, Hina had many questions but there was no one who could answer them, Leon.

Agate who was left alone, also left, but not before launching cleaning magic to the whole place, she reeked of various lewd smells.

Leon who was having breakfast, had June on his lap, she fed him in his mouth, a spoiled king, but who can blame him, he had a hectic night pleasing 4 beautiful women, while they ate, Agata was back.

- "Did you wake up?" Leon asked.

- "Yes, they are taking a bath, they stink"

- "It's obvious, with all that night exercise, it's not like that, Agata, whoever saw you doing all those things on the couch, I think we'll have to change it," Leon said mockingly.

Agata just sighs, she always wonders how she can change so much in bed, many times she regrets the things of the night before, but in the end she forgets and blames Leon for turning her into a pervert.

- "It's all your fault" Agate said without shame.

- "You're right, now June, let Agata sit on my lap"

Pouting, June reluctantly withdrew, while Agata obeyed and laid her shapely butt on Leon's thighs.

Agata took the cutlery to feed León, but she was surprised with a hug from behind, two arms surrounded her abdomen flat with her, she could feel how they bit her ear, and a bulge began to prick her butt .

- "We are eating Leon." Admonished Agate.

- "No, it's just a natural reaction, puuufff" said Leon, who blew in her ear, earning Agata's blush.

- "hyyy, don't do that suddenly"

- "Ask Agata, do you like me?"

This pervert has to ask those things while he eats us, doesn't he think of the time and place? Agata thought.

- "I have to answer"


Agata wrinkled her eyebrows, she did not want to answer, but there was nothing left but to please her Master.

- "Sigh, I like him tonight, I'm happy"

Leon had a question mark on his head, he didn't understand why Agata answered that "

-"Are we talking about the same?"

- "Of perverted things?" Leon smiled at this.

- "You have a pretty dirty mind, Agata" Leon said, apparently he was not referring to sex during the conversation.

- "Can you explain yourself better?"

- "Well, I mean what you did yesterday, that moment when you broke that boy's spine, and left him like a vegetable, did you like to do it? Feel the power! That feeling of being above the others and step on it like ants, like mere toys at our disposal, you felt it, right? That pleasure in humiliating it and showing that you are superior "

Ágata did not think that León knew about it, but neither did she care, even so Leon's questions and affirmations made her uncomfortable, since they hit the nail on the head.

- "I've watched you all this week, I wanted to see how you acted when you were alone, and I have to say, it's not far from what I imagined"

- "Don't you trust me, that's why you watched me" Agata said annoyed, she couldn't believe that her loyalty was proven, but when she has done so many things for Leon, besides, she wanted to divert the conversation.

- "If I didn't trust you, how could I leave you in charge of Azula, Shizuka and Kayle? You're always by their side when I'm not there, always taking care of them and preparing their food and everything they need.

- "So why watch me?"

- "I wanted to know you more, also, stop wrinkling your eyebrows, you will get wrinkles"

The cutlery that Agata had bent easily and the aura that surrounded her changed, showing that she was angry, June was sweating and wanted to tear herself away, but León was only smiling, he is not the kind of character that would be scared by angering a woman.

- "Leon, you are the only idiot who calls a woman old"

- "Of course! I'm a man who doesn't fear anything, now aaaaah" Leon said, opening his mouth to feed him, while they were doing their thing, Hina had finished bathing first, and although her sister did not want to be left alone, she was able to convince her.

- "Leon, why Rui?" Hina asked.

- "I never said I wouldn't, besides, you put the honorifics aside, that's good, it means we're already very close, don't you think?"

- "But ..., she had nothing to do with our deal, she was innocent" Hina said.

- "Well okay, how about this, from now on you are free ..., you can go, I will not call you and I will not try to blackmail you anymore, our connection came to an end, happy?"

Hina was surprised by those words, but also somewhat uncomfortable, since although at the beginning she wanted to get out of this situation where she was only an object to release Leon's pleasure, now, she really liked being used as one, it made her feel good.

- "Is it true, I can really go, will you leave us alone forever?" Hina asked doubtfully.

- "Nobody is forcing you to stay or if, to be honest, I'm bored with you, now go and take your flat-chested sister"

- "Nee-san" Hina wanted to say something, she didn't want to leave, but her younger sister had appeared, and she had to shut up, she would already find a way to return to the man who had conquered her, without attracting Rui, Hina still had a certain sense of responsibility.

- "Rui, let's go"

Hina took her sister and took her, she still had her school uniform and she still had her work clothes, but they would not go to high school, they would go straight to their home to rest and give explanations to their mother, since they had not called and not They showed up for a whole day, I'm sure I'd be worried.

- "Nee-san, we must go to the police" Rui said.

Hina thought about it for a few moments, but shook her head, going to the police would give them more problems than solutions, besides, she did not know what León would do with the recordings and she knew that last night had to be recorded, they would be the mockery of the world Whole if that came to light, besides, he could not go back to Leon if they stopped him.

She took her sister by her shoulders and stared into her eyes seriously.

- "Listen Rui, we can't go, think about it, if we go to the police I can assure you that this will be a great scandal, it will most likely be on the news, I will lose my job and you will be expelled, you will think we are the victims, but society is not as good as you think, we will not be able to live in peace. "

Rui thought about it for a few seconds, and she resigned herself to her fate, she could only remain silent and accept everything that happened, she did not want to go through all that.

- "Come on Nee-san"

Now that they were alone again, Agata continued feeding Leon, and June, she just wanted to disappear from the radar of her cruel superior, who was training her to be a good servant.

- "Delicious as always, but, you didn't answer my question, you liked feeling that power over others"

Agatha did not hesitate to answer, as she knew he would not leave her alone until she answered. "

- "Yes, Leon, I like to have this power, to be more than others, and I also like my job as a servant.

- "It's good to know that you accepted yourself and your destiny" said Leon, who was looking at the spoon, which was still in the air with the food.

- "I am a woman who likes to move forward, stagnating is not my thing"

- "I see that, and your brother, what about him"

- "Okay, I'm over my death a long time ago, and that of our parents, he's no longer a crying child ... now, say aaah!"

Ágata had lost her parents at an early age, and she was left alone with her little brother who was very sad for her loss, so she had to be her strong and responsible older sister.

She and her brother were handed over to her uncle to take care of her, but her uncle did not spend much at home, he works for special forces, and had many missions that took him months away from home.

The little agate was responsible for all the household chores and taking care of her brother, she always tried hard to improve herself and be better, she did not do it to attract attention, she wanted to have control of everything, so she would not lose anything else .

Time passed and Ágata joined the special squad together with her uncle, at the tender age of 15, there were no thoughts of having a boyfriend or playing with her friends, she wanted to be more, to be someone important, and she was, but not As she thought, but Agata had to admit that she reached new heights with the help of Leon, a new world full of possibilities was opened for her, as for her little brother, she will still see him from time to time, making sure that have good health and money, but nothing else, for her he is already an adult, and must fend for himself, also, he thinks that Ágata is dead, and although he cried for his older sister, he looked recovered, that's why Ágata , never appeared in front of him again.

But it was not only for that reason that she did not appear, Agata knew well human envy and greed, and not even her little brother would escape from that, and knowing that Agata has so many things and would have a long life, most likely she will complain about her, and demand that they give him the same, and obviously León would not let someone else, apart from his harem, have the possibility of having mana and a long life, although it is said long, León still could not get them to inherit life unlimited, but you are soon to find out.

Leaving Ágata's past aside, the hours had passed, Hina and Rui were already at home, clearly their mother and stepfather gave them a long reprimand, but Hina knew how to get around everything well, she said that they were assaulted and stole their phones, and They were unable to return home as they stayed late at the police station and stayed at a friend's house.

His parents accepted the excuse and let them go, but Natsuo, did not believe them, and tried to get the truth out of both, but Rui locked himself in his room and did not go out, as for Hina, she only went to work, even though she was late , would still show up.

Pov Hina------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A week had passed since she was abandoned by that ungrateful wretch, I use my whole body as a dump for his semen, and no thanks, grrrr, what a rage, but I can't do anything, and I tried to go, but, I can't.

What would I say when hello I want to be with you, most likely I will throw myself out into the street, sigh, just thinking about that hurts my chest, is this love? I don't know, but I never felt this with Shu, but with Leon, it's different.

We better put those thoughts aside, although I miss how she hugged me and touched me, ummm, what good memories.


I had to clean up the drool that fell on me, how terrible how perverted I became, leaving that aside, now I'm standing in front of Rui's room door, she has missed class all week, my mother attributes it to the trauma of being mugged, that's what they think, but I know it's because I was depressed about what happened with León, where she was used as a toy just like me.

But, that depression happened two days ago, now she is sexually frustrated like me, I have even masturbated very often, those vibrators that León left me are useful.

Going back to Rui, and I lost one of my toys, and I know it was her, once I could see how she touched herself and called Leon between moans, she spends all day doing that, apparently she fell pretty quickly into the clutches of that man.

I'm surprised he didn't go looking for him, well, I think so, I can't watch him all day, Okaa-sama told me that he went out during the afternoon, which is when I'm teaching, I don't know where he's going, neither does Okaa -sama, but I want to believe that you are not going to look for Leon.

Because that would make me jealous, yes, jealous, that he accepted my sister instead of me, that I have a developed and mature body and I want to please him, I don't even want to think about it, sigh, I can't believe it, what that man who did to me I can't stop thinking about how he used me, and I succeed just thinking about it, I'm even a little wet.

Lately I am so sorry for having given my first time to Shu, I have thought about it many times, but what a stupid schoolgirl love I had, if I had only waited and not tangled with a married man, maybe León would have welcomed me as his wife and I would be so happy now, but, that would only happen if I could change the past, I can do nothing anymore.

I knocked on my sister's door, but she did not respond, when I touched the handle, a click sounded, apparently it did not lock it, I opened it very slowly, I wanted to see what she was doing and not scare her.

I looked out a bit, I could hear Rui's moans, I recognized them immediately, I opened a little more to see better, and there was my cute little sister masturbating, using a vibrator in both of her holes, and I could recognize both, it was not the one that me I had stolen, it was one that Leon used on me when we were in class.

Noticing that bothered me, and if realizing was already about my sister, I wanted answers.

- "Nee-san" She told me, a little confused.

- "Rui tell me the truth, be watching Leon"

- "I'm sorry Nee-san, Leon sama told me to keep quiet and not tell you anything, I couldn't refuse, since I reward myself"

- "What did he give you?" I told her, holding her shoulders so she would look into her eyes.

- "He visited me during the night, and it destroyed all my orifices Nee-san, it was the best thing that happened to me in life" Rui said, with a loving and lustful look, he even put me aside and began to rub his legs I could see how much liquid began to come out of her pussy, apparently, my little sister has no turning back.

- "Rui, he will come again"

- "No, he won't come today, I'll go see him, Nee-san is waiting for me, he accepted me as his maid, he will even take me with him"

-"What are you talking about?"

- "Mou Nee-san, let me go" Rui said, puffing out her cheeks.

-"Tell me!"

- "Okay, we will leave this country, to its place of origin"


- "In about two days"

I got up in a hurry, and went to my room, I was looking for the keys that I had from the department of León, I can no longer doubt if he leaves, he has to take me with him, he has to assume the responsibility of becoming a pervert and lover of her body is so spectacular.

I found the key and ran to my car, which was given to me by León, he gave it to me so that I would not be late, and because a girl alone on the street so late would be dangerous.

León can be a pervert, but he cares about my safety, that's so cute and I liked him so much, I felt so warm and happy, nothing to do with that idiot Shu, how much I hate that man now, I take a chance, to be with a real man.

When I arrived at León's apartment, I was going to use the key to enter, but I was greeted by that strange woman who used a gothic style, I remember her from that night where we were all unleashing our lust, this girl is a pervert, now that I remember it , I was tied in a chair while panting a lot, and I remember that I approached her, and ..., forget it, my face for sure is already red.

- "It's you! Go ahead Leon was waiting for you" Said the goth girl.

Leon was waiting for me, I'm glad about that, so the happier I am, maybe there is a possibility that he will take me with him.

When we were inside, I was surprised to see that Rui was on León, as he arrived before me, but, that is beside the point, my sister jumped on León while she screamed his name.

- "Leon-sama, Leon-sama, Leon-sama!"

That face was of pure pleasure and lust, I could see how that cock entered and left through Rui's pussy, just seeing it made me wet and excited, even my hand moved to my crotch and I began to touch myself on my skirt, while my thighs were they squeezed each other.

- "You are such a good girl Rui, you are true" Leon asked my sister, who was still jumping like a rabbit.

- "Yes, yes, yes, yes, I am a good girl" She replied, although I am also Leon, she just let him show it to you.

- "You are loyal to me"

- "Yes, I'll do whatever it takes for you!" Rui said, who began to kiss Leon on the neck and pectorals, her small tongue passed it everywhere, as if wanting not to forget the taste, how much she would give to change the place.

Leon made a sign to him, and the woman with red hair, now that I remember her name is Ágata, she approached, while she was dragging a person by the leg, she had black hair, wait ..., it was my little stepbrother, Natsuo, ¿ why are you here?.

Thinking of him, he has given me many problems lately, although at first I like that he showed concern for me, then annoyed, especially when he confessed to me and said he was in love with me, I rejected him immediately, how could I be with another man who does not It was Leon, he does know what my body wants.

"Pum" Agata threw Natsuo as if he were an animal, and he rolled on the ground, I think she hurt because he complained a little, although he was still unconscious.

And the surprises did not end with that, behind Ágata, a man appeared, blond hair and blue eyes, it was Shu, my ex-lover, the man for whom I gave a lot, and I did not receive anything, how much I hate him now that I see him again.

As for Shu, he looked with dark circles, and his eyes were full of hatred and anger, what happened to him that he looks so bad, I think he has to do with Leon, something tells me.

Agata brought a tray, in it, two pistols, that scared me a bit, why will she bring them?

- "Well, now that we are all gathered, Agatha, subject to that idiot"

With an impassable speed for a human, the redhead threw this cry of pain against the ground and tried to retreat, she said something this was not the agreement or something like that, she did not understand well, since Agata put a ball in her mouth to To shut up.

- "Rui, you see Natsuo, your now stepbrother and your first time, if you are truly loyal to me, and want to come with me, leave all your ties behind, and kill Natsuo, kill him and I will accept you as a beautiful servant"

That surprised me, but it didn't bother me, it even made me envious, I don't know why, before I wouldn't think like that, if it had been my old self, I would have been agitated and yelled at him, I wouldn't hesitate to defend my student and brother, but now I don't know, I just want to be with him, and for him to destroy me with his penis, to kill, it seems something trivial.

As for my sister, her smile was huge, that expressionless girl was no longer there, apparently she only needed to discover a good man to start showing her emotions, I'm happy for her.

Rui got up, and he did not doubt he took the weapon that was on the tray, apparently it was heavy because the sight was going down, he could not keep it straight, then, he pointed his weapon at Natsuo, and bang !, a shot towards He breasted, bang !, another one to breasted.

When she noticed that she stopped breathing, and Natsuo had died, Rui dropped the weapon and ran towards Leon, hoping to be congratulated, she couldn't believe how much my sister changed, I don't doubt it.

Leon began caressing my sister, who had put his cock inside her again with small hands.

- "And you Hina-chan, are you a good bitch, are you loyal to me?" I wonder Leon.

And obviously I answered that if right away, he told me to come closer and lift his foot, I already knew what he wanted to do, so I put my head down, and he put his foot in it, and began to stomp on me, I could feel my face against the cold ground.

But I didn't dislike her, I loved her, my pussy got wet, being mistreated by León, it's my greatest pleasure, every time she steps on my head and calls me her bitch, I can't do anything but bark at her to show that I'm a good bitch.

- "Woof, woof, woof, stronger, step on me harder Leon!"

He did not hesitate, and pressed my head harder.

- "aaaaaaaahhhhh" I moaned like the bitch that I am, had an orgasm just being stepped on, I can't take it anymore I want him to give me up the ass, but I'm a bitch, I can only wait for him to want it, I'm so obedient, I I ask if they will give me an award

- "I see that you came since you wet the whole floor, apparently you had not known the pleasure Hina-chan for a long time"

- "ha, ha, ha yes Danna-sama, she couldn't reach orgasm with just a toy, she needed it"

He was not lying, not once could I reach an orgasm since he left me, a whole week waiting for this, it is ..., this feeling of being dominated is insurmountable, I can no longer deny it, I am a masochistic bitch.

- "Good bitch! Now, the same as with Rui, leave your past behind, and kill whoever it was ..., your lover"

Do not hesitate, if I can go with him, and spend the rest of my life, I will do whatever it takes, get up from the floor, go to the tray, and look this hateful man in the eye, do not hesitate to shoot between those eyes, bang, I took a life with my hands, and I don't know how to feel.

Pov Lion ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

Everything went quite well, although at first I wanted Shu to kill Natsuo, but Rui gave me a surprise, he appeared at the door of my home, and he rushed me, he went down straight to my pants and the rest is obvious, the girl is very obedient, so I tested their loyalty, and what better than to kill her stepbrother, and as for Hina, it was quite easy to make her addicted to me, but that's because they were normal girls, they did not have mana, chakra or any similar energy, If they were, it would be much more difficult, I hope I find one like that, it would be a good challenge.

- "I thought you would have more fun with them" Agata said, who was by my side from the beginning, we are on the roof looking at the moons and stars, it is a beautiful night, it is not bad to take your time and look at these things, they are important to balance life.

- "You're right, I finished much earlier than I expected, and it has to do with the fact that I miss the others, especially Azula, she adds another touch to my life, something I don't know how to explain."

- "You do not think that she pampers her too much, she will become very dependent on you ..., although she already is, every time you are not here, she only asks where you are"

- "I have everything under control" I think so, I will solve all my issues with azula.

- "Sure ..., now another question Leon, don't you get tired? After all, for them it's just a blink of an eye since you stop time, but for you, it could be months, or years"

- "Tired? Never, as long as you have a reason, you never get tired, and I have many reasons, besides seeing them happy, it makes me happy" I said with a smile, after all, it's true, I will do whatever it takes to maintain a smile on the face of the women I love.

Agata just smiled, then she made a table with sandwiches and two chairs appear, this maid, if she knows how to do her thing, although one chair was enough, I settled into the chair and took Agata by the waist and sat her on my lap, This is the last day that I stay in this world, so I am going to let myself be pampered for a while and what better, than to have a beautiful woman in my lap, and to give me, to eat.

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