StarCraft World, Time Jump 3 years. POV Leon.

The wind was blowing and the flowers were dancing with it, it looked quite beautiful and calm, perfect for my experiments, I have been practicing a skill lately, it is my creation, but it is something that comes out in several novels and video games, drain life, ability to steal the vitality of others and give it to me, either to recover or to store it.

In Diablo this ability exists, but I need to land hits for it to work.

I concentrated and raised my hands, although it is not necessary, I usually use my eyesight, but it is like a magician's custom.

Focusing on the flowers, I could feel it, the life that ran through them, and with the force of my will and mana, I attracted all that vitality to me, and it began to travel outside of my body, I tried to enter, but I am full of vitality, if I measured was 10, it would be 10, so there was no case.

Since I was able to get the vitality out of the flowers, it was a successful experiment, now I would try to return it, I sent that vitality back to the flowers that had withered, but it did not work, I think it has to do with that they died, and they could not absorb that vitality back of its own free will.

In order for them to flourish again, you would have to force that vitality to enter, it would not be difficult, since it does not have souls, for example, if a human being dies, his soul leaves him, and no matter how much vital energy he injects, he will not return. to life, what I would have to do is put that soul back into the body, of course the body has to be in good condition, and be one that accepts that soul, as I know that, I already did..

While I was focused on my thoughts, I could feel someone approaching me, but, that someone was not happy at all, I turned around and saw her, a dark aura was coming out of her body, those reddish eyes were shining with fury, I was standing straight while she clenched her fists tightly, ready to beat up whoever angered her.

- "Leon" Riven said.

Looking at the mess I was standing in, I remembered that these pretty flowers were planted by her, Riven, and she put a lot of effort into it, as the environment was not suitable for these flowers, but I still succeed, this girl does not give up. until you achieve your goal.

Now ..., there are two ways to get out of this problem, the easy one, which is to approach her, kiss those little lips and tell her how much I love her, I will apologize, and she will tell me, do not worry I will do it again, but , it wouldn't be fun, now is the fun way, blame someone else.

- "I'm so sorry Riven, you know how Syndra is, I tried to stop her, but don't reach, she had already made a mess" I said with great regret, I know how much you care about these flowers, I will return them to her original state later.

-"Where is she?"

- "I should be with Keiko, I'll send you to her"

-"do it"

- "Wait, before" Look in my inventory, and take out a pan, it is better than his iron fists, I will have a little mercy with Syndra who always pays for my mistakes, she is a good girl, despite how crazy she is.

- "Thank you Leon" Riven said with a smile when she received the pan, with a click I teleported her close to where Syndra was, I can only wish her luck, I know she will come out alive, she always does.

Now that I do, or of course, recover the flowers, it was not difficult because I am a druid, nature is within me, and of course you will wonder why I did not use it before, it was because I was practicing the skill.

Although I wonder if this ability will help me, to be honest, I created it only for visual effects, since when I use it a green energy leaves the target to be drained and comes to me, it is like the vile energy that comes out in word game of warcraft.

Doing that would help me improve my role as a villain, when I have to play it, I'm a guy who strives to make his acts look good, I've always thought, if you're going to do something, you have to do it excellent.

Suddenly I could feel how the space was distorted and another beautiful woman appeared, silver hair, and red eyes, a more or less large chest, it was something small, the tip of her head reached her shoulder.

But before it was not like that, at first she had black hair and black eyes, but after she used her soul for different things, her hair turned silver like her eyes, that was her first appearance transformation, then, she He committed suicide, I can't stand the constant abuses of the past.

But now I revived her, or something like that, I just created a new body for her and put the soul inside her, as for the color change of her eyes, since I create the body, I inherited my eyes, I wanted to change it to its original self but I was lazy, although if I made her tits bigger, that did not give me laziness, that is, who does not like big tits, it is not that I have problems with small tits, if I like the woman, I will accept her How is it.

Even so, all men are perverts, and if we have the possibility of enlarging our wife's breasts and she does not bother, why not do it.

All men like breasts, I speak in general, and because we like them, that has to do with our birth, the first thing we touch and taste are tits and breast milk, not only that, it is something that we It gives security, and when we grow up, we stop worshiping our mother's breast and go for that of other women, it is nature.

Although I still go for the chest of Lian, my mother, but who can blame me, she is so hot, and her breasts are big, round and firm, and that rear so spectacular, that it makes a wave movement every time I hit it. puppy.

Although to be honest, I never considered her my mother, so she wouldn't be incest, it's not that she has something against incest, I don't care, everyone likes her.

I think I strayed too much from the topic, let's go back to Keiko, who has been looking at me for a long time waiting for my internal monologue to finish.

- "Weren't you with Syndra?" Asked.

- "When I saw Riven arrive, I knew that you had blamed her for something again, so I ran immediately"

- "What a good friend, you abandoned her to her fate, well, what did they do?"

- "As usual, we played" She said with a smile.

Play? Do you call those butchers playing? Well, for her it is an art, when I revived her I thought that that part of her would disappear, but how wrong I was, that desire to kill did not disappear, apparently that desire was not for being abused, it came from her from birth, something innate, I was only the trigger for her to express those wishes, it was a surprising discovery.

Apparently not only society or how the person is treated affects the birth of the personality of this, some are born predestined to do something that they are born loving, that explains how some people that despite being born in a neighborhood full of scum and crime They still go on another path and become something very different from what they were predestined.

-"You had fun?"

- "Keiko had fun" answered Keiko, who some time ago began to speak in the third person about herself.

- "It's good to know, now, let's see kerrigan that she is alone"

- "Keiko thinks she doesn't care, that girl is very quiet and calm"

Speaking of kerrigan, despite the years she is still introverted, she speaks very little or almost nothing, sometimes I think about erasing her memory and making the personality of her original self born, but Riven has already got used to her, and sees her as little sister, almost daughter, if I started playing with her head, she would be very worried and I don't want that.

Third Pov minutes before

Two women, both with silver hair, were in a place, quite dirty and full of corpses, on the walls you could see some people in chains, most of them little girls and women who were naked, there were also a few men.

The place was a hiding place where they kept the merchandise, they trafficked people, although the best sellers were the girls, because, it was not that they were all lolicones, no, it was because of the possibility that they would awaken psychic powers, that is why they were so sought after, and Why were they treated so badly if they were precious goods? It was because they believed that if they suffered some trauma or were treated badly, that would prompt them to awaken their powers.

Although they were all girls, it is necessary to mention that men can also awaken Psychic powers, but to a lesser extent, in addition, if the girls did not awaken anything, it was easier to sell them as prostitutes.

The world of StarCraft, although they were very technologically advanced, they did not advance anything morally, everything was still the same shit, also, not everyone was rich like the nobles who gave themselves the high life, or did not have enough to live, so many Parents sold their children to have more money and to be able to support the rest of the family.

Going back to how the room was, the men, unlike the women, all were dressed or with some garment, most were dead, several mutilated, some did not have any of their limbs, others still groaned while their internal organs dangled.

- "Arrrrrggg" a creepy scream was heard.

One of the women, called Keiko, was holding a knife in her hand, while she slowly opened one of the men who was still alive, she had him tied with chains to the wall, he screamed in pain while the knife opened his abdomen and the guts were beginning to come out.

Keiko had a face full of happiness and ecstasy, she was like a girl playing with her favorite toy, although the scene was nothing like that.

- "You see Syndra, Keiko always thought that this is art, how those guts fall and the blood begins to fall forming a puddle ..., you hear those screams, they are the best melody, don't you think so"

- "Siiii" Syndra said, hugging herself and beginning to breathe heavily, she was absorbing all the negative emotions that the man generated, in addition to all the emotions that the prisoners generated by the treatment they received.

Both girls were crazy, and together, they were a difficult duo to control, since Keiko revived, she got along very well with Syndra, they both consider themselves the same, they always go out together and do this kind of thing, Leon never stopped them, since They cleaned up society a bit, they focused on murdering people from the criminal sphere.

In that they were torturing the test subject, Syndra felt a bad omen, and she was not wrong, as a second after her, her hair stood on end when she heard a very angry voice.

- "Syndraaaaaaaa"

- "Big sister" Syndra said scared, while she turned her body like a rusty doll.

Syndra as the months and years passed, she began to see Riven as her older sister, as she always gave her advice and took care of her, Riven was a great support for her, and had great respect for that.

Riven crossed her arms, while waving her pan, that only scared Syndra more, it was not the first time she had seen her older sister angry, she had already received her fury several times, and although she was stronger and could defend herself with ease He never did, he wouldn't be able to harm his older sister.

- "I don't like hitting you Syndra, but, you know how much I want those flowers, but still, you destroyed them, I have to punish you"

- "Big sister I can assure you, this time I did not go, I was all this time with Keiko, she can confirm it"

- "Keiko?"

- "It's true, true kei .." When Syndra turned to ask for help, her best friend Keiko hers, she realized that she was gone, they had left her alone, to her luck .

-"Something to say?

- "I love you big sister" Syndra said, raising her arms to hug Riven.

- "And I love you" Riven said happily, Syndra sighed relieved, and smiled too, but ... that smile disappeared seconds later.

- "So for that, I must teach you manners" Riven slowly approached Syndra, lifting the pan from her.

After a few minutes, Syndra was crying on the floor, while Riven looked at her a little regretful, thinking that she was exaggerating a bit.

- "Now, now, stop crying, I'll heal you"

A green light began to surround Syndra, and it made her feel better, she was riven's ki.

- "Sniff, you wouldn't have to heal me if you didn't hit me"

- "I see you're better" Riven said, she approached her sister and stroked her head.

Syndra nodded, and she got up, she couldn't stay all day crying, besides, she had to go home, she was already getting hungry, Riven took her hand, and she was ready to go.

-"Let's go?" Syndra asked, tilting her head tenderly.

- "..."

Riven hesitated a little before leaving, he did not like to see all those women and girls naked, cold, hungry and suffering, it makes him remember the things he did in the past, and how he left many families like this, by murdering the man of the family.

Sighing, he turned around and with his Ki, he broke all the chains and heal the wounds, he looked in his ring, and took out some blankets to cover them, he also took out some food, with that she was satisfied, she just wanted to have her conscience a bit clean, not that she would take them by the hands and look for them a home, Riven was very clear what her priority was, and it was her family and home, she could not waste all her time taking care of strangers.

When they both returned home, they teleported to Syndra's room, which was very simple, there were no computers or some technology, Syndra hated technology.

If there were many horror books, she liked to imagine the feelings of the people in those books, there was also an exhibition of stuffed animals, of different shapes and sizes, although Syndra now had more friends, she still liked to talk alone, or with some object, Like trees or stuffed animals, Syndra had two personalities, one lunatic and destructive, and the other childish.

Rivne looked at her sister and thought:

Soon we will return to the real world, León wants the new members to meet each other, but I am worried about Syndra, that world is quite peaceful compared to this one where there are many wars and crime.

Most likely, she will be uncomfortable in that place, since she will not be able to absorb so many negative emotions, that is why I think that Leon should show her another kind of pleasure, since he still does not sleep with her, something that surprises me, Syndra is very beautiful, and has good attributes, besides, she feels something for him, although she still does not understand it, he is very idiotic in that sense.

While Riven was in her thoughts, Syndra lay down on her bed and opened a small black portal, from which she took out some sandwiches to eat, opened a packet of cookies and put as much of it in her mouth as possible, she looked like a squirrel, this was a custom she had since she was little since it was the only way that they wouldn't steal part of her food.

Who would think that this girl who looks so funny and cute eating, is actually a monster, not only because of her other personality, but because of her power, which has already reached the height where she can easily destroy a continent. It must add its power plus dangers, the ability to control people's minds and feelings.

But since I improved so much, because León did not stay still during his stay in this world, he spent a long time with Syndra, teach us how to be stronger, something that was easy, since her power grows by just absorbing negativity or negative feelings, The only thing missing was that she could control that power, dominate it and make it hers and that's it, since uncontrolled force is useless. After a few months, she made it.

Returning to Riven who was watching Syndra eat, he could only sigh, he tried to remove that habit, but he never could, he approached her and took her hand, he had some serious questions to ask.

- "Syndra, how does it feel when León hugs you?

I have to make sure that I am not wrong and her feelings are love, I want her to fully enjoy the first time of her. Riven thought.

- "Yo, I feel weird, it's something I don't understand well, but I feel good." Syndra said that she had swallowed all the food.

- "Well, now I want you to think of something, if Leon left you, abandoned you and said that you are no longer part of his family, what would you think?"

-"Why do that"

-"Just think about it"

Syndra closed her eyes, and tried to imagine it, but she couldn't, she had absolute trust in Leon, and once he told her that he would never leave her alone, that was etched in her mind and heart.

- "I can't, I know that wouldn't happen" Syndra said, opening her eyes and shrugging her shoulders.

- "I see" That absolute trust, you only have it with someone you appreciate a lot, I'll leave the rest to Leon. Riven thought.

-"Let's eat?" Syndra asked, that despite having eaten, she was still too hungry, she was very gluttonous, she loved food, especially sweets, but unlike Anko from Boruto, she maintained an impeccable figure.

The hours passed and the night made an appearance, the stars illuminated and two moons saw how two people, one with a black halter-type dress that exposed her back and was tied around the neck, also a belt passed through that thin waist helping to keep the dress in place.

The other person had a black tuxedo with a black tie, a white collared shirt, his blond hair was elegantly slicked back, and her eyes looked at her beautiful companion with pleasure.

These two people were Syndra who levitated and had her black spheres around her, she did not like to use her feet, and the other person was Leon, both were on the terrace of the house.

- "How do you feel Syndra"

- "Well, I still don't understand what we're doing here, and why the dress"

León did not respond, he smiled and approached Syndra, he passed one of his hands around her waist and drew her towards him forcing her to descend, Syndra blushed, she could feel the breath and heat that emanated from León's body, something that she he liked a lot.

- "Now put your hand on my shoulder" said Leon, who took Syndra's right hand, and raised it.

Syndra looked confused, but even so she did what was asked of her, she would never deny a request from the person she held most dear.

-"You know how to dance?"

- "No, although when I was little they did those things in the town where I lived, they danced so that the rain would come, but they never invited me, they said it brought bad luck and could ruin the rain, but, even if it wasn't and it didn't rain, still they blamed me, never ... "

Syndra stopped, she was perplexed when some lips touched hers and made her shut up, she closed her eyes, felt something explode in her chest and a tingling ran through her body, it was the first time she had received something like that, no one had touched before his lips, after all, always looked at her like a plague.

- "haaaa" Syndra gasped when Leon released hers from her lips, and a shame that she didn't understand invaded her, forcing her to hide her red face on Leon's chest.

- "You shouldn't ruin this beautiful night with bad memories." Said Leon, who was stroking Syndra's head, he knew that she was not afraid of blood and death, but when you showed her affection, she would get nervous without knowing what to do.

So they stayed together, embraced in the moonlight, until Syndra gathered herself and showed a beautiful smile, she put her hand on her shoulder again and the other was firmly intertwined with Leon's right hand. .

A step back, a step to the side, no one understood how to dance, they only followed what they believed should be done, it was their instinct that called them and forced them to move, the minutes passed and they kept dancing, Leon released his hands, and passed them by Syndra's waist drawing her closer to him, she put both her hands on his chest, and then put her head, not out of embarrassment, she wanted to hear the heartbeat of her lover.

Slowly they moved embraced while some black spheres surrounded them and spun around the couple. No one was in a hurry, they wanted to enjoy the moment and for the whole night to witness how their two souls began to intertwine, and showed that they loved each other, although Syndra still did not fully understand the feeling, she was a novice in things of love, in As for Leon, even though he played some pranks on Syndra, he actually loved her.

But since he came to fall in love, it is something that was born over time, Leon several times went out with Syndra to see what crazy things he did and that they did not get out of hand, in that I noticed that they were not so different, and he came to accept her as a just as they shared certain hobbies.

In addition, Syndra was not all crazy, she had her tender and clumsy side, where she tried to cook and exploded everything, which made León laugh, or when she tried to occupy a computer and made her explode, she also made León laugh, or when she tried to change a light bulb, and he was electrocuted, León also laughed at that, and from all those acts, Syndra's hatred for technology was born, and León's love.

POV Syndra

I have not stopped touching my lips, but, how could I, I always thought why Riven and León kissed so much, well, now I understand, it is because it is such an overwhelming feeling, so difficult to explain, it is so different from when I savor those emotions negative, it's ... something 100 times stronger and that I love.

Today was my best night, maybe the best day of my life, although I still did not know that it would improve.

Since I met him, although we started badly I have to admit it, but in my defense, I was out of control at that time, well, putting that aside, since that day, it has only been happiness.

The door opened and the cause of my happiness entered, but I was no longer wearing his suit, he was only wearing pants and was barefoot, it is a hot night, so I don't think he gets sick, although I never saw him get sick.

Leon took me by the shoulders and pushed me against the bed, his hands began to roam my body, when he got under my skirt and touched my forbidden place, I felt strange, I don't know how to explain it.

Between kisses and touches, time flew and at some point I was already naked, this did not embarrass me, many times I bathed naked with him, I knew his body from top to bottom in detail, and I always liked him, but I did not notice it until now , that my hands did not stop and touched his abdomen so well defined and hard.

My hands continued to caress Leon with longing, and his pants had disappeared, I was naked, I lowered my hand and touched that which was hanging, it was, hard and strange, but I kept caressing him, he in return kissed my neck tenderly and squeezed my breasts that They were deformed by his squeeze, it didn't hurt, I liked that feeling.

- "aaahh" A small cry of pain came out of my mouth, when something entered my body, I knew what it was, Riven explained to me how the whole process was.

I could feel it, how something entered and left me, how it opened my interior and filled it, it was fantastic, I felt enormous pleasure and my legs were tied tightly to León's waist, and my arms were intertwined behind his neck, my His lips did not stop touching hers, he did not want to stop feeling all these feelings.

At some point, we turned around, I was on top of him and I was moving my waist rhythmically, my hands were on Leon's chest and my hair was caressing his face, while I looked at his red eyes that mesmerized me.

And something exploded inside me, a heat invaded me and an electricity ran through my spine, but it did not end in that, I could feel another explosion of heat inside me, something began to fill me, and Leon was tightening my waist with force, I had released it, that special white liquid, and something broke inside of me.

My eyes became blurred and my cheeks felt warm, the tears did not stop coming out, a fear flooded me, Riven explained this whole process to me, and told me the possible consequences, and one of them, is to get pregnant if that white liquid it came into me, you don't know how much that scared me.

- "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I cried inconsolably, my tears fell on the face of León who was smiling, shouldn't he be worried about me?

- "Calm down, tell me what happens" Leon told me, caressing my cheeks, wiping my tears.

- "I am afraid, and if I have a son, will he also be treated like a plague? He will be called a demon, they will steal his food and he will be alone, he will happen the same as me Leon, I do not want that, I do not want my little one this only Lion, don't hug him, let him be pushed away, I still remember when my mom would push me away with a stick, she never touched me, she was afraid that my bad luck would hit her, or bewitch her ... "

I, who was expressing all my feelings, was interrupted by a laugh.

-"ha ha ha"

I hit the very unfortunate man on the chest, I say something serious to him and he scoffs.

-"Why are you laughing?!"

- "You didn't notice, if you have a son, who would be the mother?"

-"Hey?" He said stupidly.

Now that I think about it, that would be me, it would be my little one, it would not be alone, it would have me, León, my older sister, Keiko, kerrigan alike, although he never speaks, but, he will not be alone.

Just knowing that, I took a huge weight off my chest, I was still crying, but now with happiness, I leaned over León, and hid my face in his neck, he stroked my hair, and I purred him.

Sleep was starting to get the better of me and my last thought before going to sleep is that until now I didn't realize it, but now I have a family, and I won't be alone again.

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