(I got the wrong name, it was Yang, not Yung, I realized when I had finished writing everything, I am lazy to change it)

A very elegant woman, was sitting cross-legged in an armchair, her cold aura and calculating gaze would leave anyone thinking twice before flirting with her, but of course there are exceptions to the rule, today was this woman's rest day, she used a short skirt to the knees, black, a white shirt that was well buttoned covering his large chest, although it threatened to come out.

This woman, with black hair and brown eyes, had a frown, and was tapping her finger in reply against the back of the chair, as for the provocateur of her bad mood was a thin man, neck and tie, he had an arrogant look is her face.

- "So? What are you planning to show me this, Luo ho?" Lian Wuang said, looking at some quite revealing photos, where they show her, and Leon having due intimacy of her.

- "Not much, I just want a few shares of your company Mrs. Wuang, and of course, something else would not be bad" Luo Ho said passing his tongue over his lips, he had a lustful look, and it seemed that it would not take long to lose the control and pounce and claim payment for those photos, too bad for him, it wouldn't be.

Seriously, I'm not an idiot, even if I gave him all that, he would keep blackmailing me, besides, I think this is another game of that idiot, he cannot introduce himself as a normal person, walk in the door and bring a gift, it is not much to ask , but hey, you can't demand much from a lunatic like him. Lían thought.

- "If I give you those shares, will you leave me alone?"

- "Of course, and don't forget, I want your body".

Lian frowned again, looked at the table, and grabbed a glass to drink some water, her mouth was dry due to the heat and irritation caused by a certain idiot.

- "Sigh, it seems, I have no choice" Lian said, stretching his hand under the table, and took out a pistol, his small and thin fingers touched the safety, and then the trigger, Luo Ho was dumbfounded, he did not see coming That, I was beginning to sweat, and not from heat.

- "Es-es-wait, we can talk about it, I think I passed my hand ..., a little, I think, how about this, I'll leave the photos just for the actions, also ..., we don't want to dirty the room , It is not like this"

Even with a gun pointed at his head, the guy was still greedy, ignoring his position.

- "You're right, I don't want to make a mess, but someone else will clean it up"

Bang, this woman who had a heart of ice, and a temper of steel, did not hesitate to pull the trigger, she knew that everything would work out in her favor, especially when it was only a game that was imposed on her, or so she thought.

Luo's body lay silently on the couch, sitting with a hole in his head, the blood dripped from the corner of his nose, until it fell into the man's pants and his eyes that were wide open in surprise.

Lian put the weapon back in her place, and sat as if she wasn't the one who just killed Luo Ho.

- "You're happy, what if you go out, and leave these games"

"Clap, clap, clap", a blond man entered the scene, he wore a mask that had a purple ray in his right eye, two holes in the eyes and a mouth.

- "I can't believe it, you're so cruel and cold, look at the poor man, I can't even cry" Said Leon, who was looking at the poor idiot who died recently.

And to think that he would kill him, it hurts Edmund Ho, now he lost a son, although this bastard deserved it, he has a long history of corruption and abuse of women, what a good person I am, cleaning the world of this scum. Leon thought.

- "Cruel? I wasn't like that, you forced me" Lian said annoyed, while she unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a great cleavage, which showed her white underwear.

Leon noticed this, and gave Lian another look, his mother looked so seductive, with that sweat that wet her shirt, and pressed it against her body, her nipples were visible on the shirt, apparently the bra she was wearing was not very thick.

- "seducing me?"

- "For unbuttoning my shirt? You've seen me naked so many times, I don't think this will work" Lian said innocently, but on the other hand she spread her legs, exposing her white lace panties .

- "How can you believe that, don't you know that a naked woman doesn't excite as much as a semi-naked woman, it's like those women who wear short skirts, and you can almost see their bottoms and panties, almost ... to imagine what's underneath and all its secrets, it's so exciting and exciting at the same time, because you think I like the costumes in role-playing games, like the stewardess, sometimes it's fun to have sex with clothes "

Lian couldn't believe how perverted her lover was, and her point of view of the erotic, even though she was perverted too.

- "Well, I understand, now leave your dialogue for your perverted friends, if you have"

Leon paused for a second, but then he continued walking towards Lian, he wouldn't bother with the topic of friends, since he doesn't have, and what could he do, there was no one interesting near him, whom he could easily befriend.

- "Leaving that issue aside, your skin looks quite pale, and a little dry"

Lian frowned again, she did not like that they questioned her skin, her beauty was hers, her pride, she always took care of her health to have an enviable body and smooth skin.

- "Your mother did not teach you not to speak ill of women's skin, I am white as snow, that makes me a beauty according to our culture" Lian said annoyed.

But you are my mother, Leon wanted to say, but I keep it to him, it was not yet time to reveal her identity.

- "I mean, you're sick" Leon said.

- "Pff, are you a doctor now?" Lian scoffed.

- "It is not necessary to be, my senses are very good"

- "So, are you coming to see me because I'm sick?" Lian asked with doubt, she knew that León was not a good guy, and that the relationship between the two of them was not the best, but even so she expected León to worry about her, even a little, Lian understood that he was only a Lover for Leon, someone disposable, but even so, she began to feel something for him and wanted something more.

- "No, it's for other matters, but first drink this, you'll feel better after a few seconds"

Although Lian was a little disappointed at first, she was glad afterwards, that she cared about her health.

Leon threw a bottle with a liquid inside, it was a minor healing potion, Lian looked at this bottle curiously, he shook it a little, and took it in one sip, it never crossed his mind that the bottle contained poison or something similar , Lian knew that the man in front of her didn't need to resort to that kind of method to kill her, just with a snap and she would be erased from history.

- "Wow, it tastes great, and I feel so much better, what an incredible tonic" Lian said sincerely.

I have to admit that my health is bad lately, I feel a little tired and irritated, although I did not go to the doctor, I did not find it necessary, I just took some pills, but I still felt tired, I wonder what it is? That aside, this masked guy has very good things, if we sold these medicinal bottles, we would undoubtedly earn a fortune, we would revolutionize the medical industry, although I doubt that this guy is interested in money. Lian thought as she drank the flask.

León smiled satisfied, he was happy that his wife's potions were praised, that man would not be happy with his wife's work was recognized, leaving that aside, León was sitting at the coffee table, facing Lian, both looked at each other in silence, but this silence was not uncomfortable.

Lian stretched out against the back of the chair where she was sitting, thanks to this her chest was tightened with more against her blouse, and the poor button was sentenced to death, he shot out, only the bra covered those huge breasts, but it was not enough to hide them completely, you could even see that pinkish halo.

Leon got up from the table, and approached Lian, one of her feet on the floor and his knee on the couch, he slowly leaned down to kiss her neck, which was so unprotected.

- "mmm" A sound of pleasure came out of Lian's mouth, that horny mother was getting warm, she thought it would be another incredible day, until the door was thrown open.

Moments before.

Yung, Lian's second son, was coming to a great party, where there was no shortage of illegal things, and as always, the beautiful women, Yung came with a smile from ear to ear after remembering everything he did, and humiliating those foreign women, Yung had a great hatred towards foreigners.

What a good night, I really needed it, more after my father disappeared, why did you abandon me father? ..., sigh, you were my role model, not that one like that idiot of my mother, all day in the I work and leaving me alone, he never had time for me, but never mind, my father taught me the joys of life. Yung thought.

What Yung did not know is that all the money he received from his father was from his mother, yang who was the father, over the years he had spent all the fortune he inherited from Lian's father, if it were not for him. pocket money that Lian and his family gave him to maintain his status and not lose face, he would live on the streets.

Let's not forget that Lian's father hated her for having a child out of wedlock, and that is why Leon was abandoned in an orphanage, and that yang received all the fortune or inheritance that belonged to Lian.

Returning to Yung, he was heading home, he remembered that his mother said that today he would be free, and that they should spend time together, but he was not going to spend time with his mother, he was only going because he had run out of money, and his Accounts were at zero, thanks to the fact that his father was no longer there to support them, too bad for him, he would find something that would leave him stunned.

When he opened the door that led to the living room, Yung saw how his mother was with her eyes closed, and releasing some sensual voices, and above her, a tall, blond guy, looked foreign, Leon made his Yung see his face, that way it would be more fun.

- "How could youeeeeee, I will kill youreeeeeeee"

Yung was running like crazy against his mother, he could not believe how his mother had the courage to deceive his father, although that was quite hypocritical of him, he was present when his father was sleeping with other women, and he did not say anything.

Yung who was running was stopped by Leon, who got up quickly, and slapped him across the face.

- "Damn brat, go away and don't interrupt your new father, don't you see that I want to fuck your mother" Leon said with a smile, while he looked down at Yung, who I know fell from the slap.

- "youuuu, you don't know who I am"

Yung who was sitting on the ground, was enraged, he had never been slapped like that, except for the time Leon beat him up in a restaurant, Yung still remembered that day with fear, as he searched and found information about the guy who hit him, The hair stood on end, since he had a great background, Leon in the papers appears as Kayle's son, and Kayle has great power in Japan, and in the world.

- "Little Yung, I can explain it to you" Lian said immediately, as she fixed her clothes and tried to get up quickly, but was stopped by Leon, who grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her towards him, giving her a passionate kiss, Lian that he felt that his lips were stolen, he writhed from the pleasure that invaded his mouth, he did not know what it was, but this kiss was a hundred times better than the previous ones, what Lian did not know, was that Leon used a little of his mana, to stimulate your body.

Yung was stunned, not only did they beat him, his mother did not even defend him, he even let himself be kissed by the stranger, and the worst thing is that on his mother's face, there was pure happiness, and his hands did not stop touching the body of the stranger, Yung was going crazy.

Leon stopped kissing Lian, who was already in the clouds, and looked at her stepbrother.

That face of disgust and hatred that he has, what a greater pleasure it gives me to destroy these young teachers, so arrogant, presumptuous, showing a status that they did not even earn, if it were not for their parents, they would only be one more garbage than so much they complain. Leon thought, quite happy.

- "un-unhappy, let go of that woman"

- "Uh, can't you see that she doesn't want to, she's enjoying it" Leon said, running his tongue over Lian's white neck, letting out some moans of pleasure.

Yung could only look like an idiot, he did not dare to approach Leon, he was very afraid that they would hit him again, usually it is not like that, he is more arrogant and brave, but that only happens when he is with friends who can pay with his money, now that he is alone, all he has to do is hide his tail.

Leon let Lian breathe heavily on the couch, for all the pleasure she received, even her crotch is wet, then he approached her stepbrother, who was looking at him with hatred, but his trembling body did. betrayed.

- "Sniff, sniff, you smell like alcohol, women, I see you were partying, because you came home, were you enjoying your time?"

Yung refused to answer.

- "Respond" Leon said with a colder tone, which made Yung shiver.

- "I-stay if-without di-money"

After León thought for a few seconds, which was an eternity for Yung, who was sweating from León's terrifying gaze, a portfolio appeared in León's hands, he left it on the table, took out the safety and it opened, when Yung he saw what was inside, all his previous terror disappeared, and greed flooded him, the briefcase was full of bills to the top.

- "Since I'll be your future father, how about this, I'll give you all this money, you just have to leave me alone with your mother, it's not a bad deal, what do you say?"

The whisper of the devil entered Yung's ears, tempting him, and succeeding, Yung did not stop touching the wads of bills.

- "You have my blessing big brother, I leave you alone"

- "I hope you enjoy it (while you're still alive)" Leon said, leaving the last part in a whisper that his stepbrother didn't hear.

Yung took the briefcase and left, he didn't even care what would happen to his mother, as soon as Lian was in his lucid state, and he could see how his son abandoned her for some wads of bills, it was not something pleasant to see , her pale and sad face said it all.

Leon who looked at this, it seemed to him that it was karma, after all, Leon thought that Lian did the same in the past, when he abandoned him in that orphanage, Lian did not abandon him just because he respected his father, she was also afraid of losing her rich girl status and the good things that it brings.

- "That is your son, well, how charming, don't you think, I abandon you like a piece of meat. Leon said, adding more salt to the wound.

- "No, my little one would not do that, I know I left him aside, but everything was to give him everything he wanted, this ..., all this ..., what happens to me is your fault, of course, everything is your fault Lian said pointing at Leon.

Lían was a mess of emotions, and since she did not want to believe that her son just abandoned her, she could only deny reality, and blame someone else.

- "No, it's not my fault, you saw it, I just offered money and he accepted without thinking twice"

"You're wrong, this is all part of your plan, you were always supposed to watch, so that no one came"

Leon just kept silent, and shrugged, as if to say, I never said I would do that, Leon's carefree attitude only kindled Lian's anger, who pounced like an angry tiger against his prey, but as Leon he would let that They retaliated against him, using telekinesis, he forced Lian to sit up.

- "Let go of me bastard" Lian said that she was trying to move.

- "let's wait for it to calm you down"

A few minutes passed, and Lian breathed calmly on the couch, she had managed to calm down.

- "Well, you're calm" Leon said that he was sitting in front of Lian.

- "Free me, I need to go get my son" Lian pleaded.

- "You will still go for him, even though I don't hesitate to leave you alone for money, he even gave me his blessing"

Give me the blessing of him the very unfortunate, it seems that even his father forgot, it seems that I can not expect much from a trash like him. Leon thought.

- "He is only a child, he can change, I will guide him on a good path, and everything will change"

- "Change ?, hahaha, that kind of person does not change, or do you think they do"

- "He's my son and I believe in him" Lian said seriously.

- "How stupid, I want you to see this, and tell me if it can change"

Leon snapped his fingers, and a large screen was created by means of magic, in it you could see Yung riding a little girl, she was blonde and with green eyes, the poor girl screamed for help and cried loudly, but the People around Yung, they just laughed, as for the girl's parents, they were used as toys, even the father couldn't save himself, it was quite a disgusting scene.

Lian could only look with sorrow at his son's actions, she blamed herself that he became the way he is now, but there was still hope in her, that she could change him, but this was gradually going away, when the scene change, and that same girl, now was being beaten to death, by the same Yung who had a crazy face and a disgusted smile, while enjoying his actions.

Yung enjoyed destroying the weakest, and did not hesitate to use his status to get whatever he wanted, Leon knew this, and much more, he had sent his shadows to investigate him, and found a lot of shit from Yung, but all his vandalism They were covered up by their father, Yang, who was not far from the scum that was his son.

Leon brought his face close to Lian, and said seriously:

- "Do you think that someone with that personality will change? Even if he manages to change, shouldn't he pay for his sins? Will his entire mortal life be enough to pay for them? Think about it, and don't forget that this girl is one of many Add to that many women who lived in the slums, or foreign women who fled their country for greater freedom "

- "I .." Lian hesitated, and was interrupted by a scream from Leon.

- "Yo what !, They are not those people of your gender, they are women like you, you do not feel empathy, and what if that happened to you"

Lian was a bundle of thoughts and emotions, the videos of her son committing atrocities kept playing, and they made her stomach turn, she couldn't believe that all those things were done by her son, that little boy that she remembered, running through the home with their toys.

Oh, little Yung, my life, my son, I do not know how you came to be who you are, no ..., I lie, if I know how, your father ..., your father guided you on a path full of pleasures and debauchery, and I saw it, and I didn't do anything, but that's just that, it's time to take responsibility for that little boy and return him to his path, Lían thought, who took a deep breath, and was filled with determination.

- "You are right, my little Yung, he did many horrible things, but as his mother, I will forgive him, I will forgive all his mistakes and sins, and I will start from scratch"

Leon raised an eyebrow, and asked in a mocking tone.

- "And all those lost lives?"

- "Even if it wasn't my son, someone else would, I'm sorry for what happened to them, but it was their destiny"

This bitch is crazy, Leon thought, and that amused him a lot.

- "Fate, forgive their sins, look at you, you speak as if you were God"

Lian put her hand on her chest, and said with a wistful look, remembering the old days.

- "I'm just a mother, who wants her old son back"

- "So you will forgive all his sins, just because you are his mother?"

Lian nodded seriously and said:

- "No matter how bad his mistakes are, I will forgive them all, my son is my life"

- "hahaha, then ..., you will forgive mine, my dear Lian"

- "I don't think someone like you cares about forgiveness" Lian He didn't hesitate to answer, she already knew him for a while, and she knew what kind of person she was.

Leon nodded, she was right, Leon is not interested in anyone's forgiveness, and she said:

- "How selfish of you, but now I'll tell you why I let your son in"

Leon got up from the coffee table where he was, and walked away a little, Lian looked at this annoyed, he wanted to finish this later, to be able to go get his son, too bad he could not, Leon took out of his inventory a maid outfit, to Lian got a vein on her forehead, and she hoped the suit wasn't meant to perform one of her fetishes.

- "From today, you will come with me, and you will be one of my personal servants, you do not think he is good, and that is why I let your son in, it was for you to say goodbye because you will not see him again"

Lian couldn't believe what she heard, and tried to analyze it believing that there was a hidden meaning or it was a joke, but she didn't seem like it, she crossed her arm and snorted.

- "Pff, why do you think I'll go with you" she said a little more relaxed.

- "And why would you stay, just look at yourself, you have nothing, your son hates you, your missing husband, your lover and father of one of your children, died by your own hands, you only have that company, but what will it do for you, money will not comfort you at night, instead I, you can have a night with me, that will leave you happy for a whole month, there are only positive points if you come with me "

- "You want me to give up my son, the only thing I have left ... for you? Who only ruined my life" Lian said annoyed, while she crossed her arms.

- "Ruin it? I took you out of that pit of depression and monotony, and revealed the truth to you, that your life is shit"

Lian had no way to refute that, since in a sense she knew it was true, so she clicked her tongue, and changed the subject.

- "Tch, to go with you is to put a slave strap on me"

- "Perhaps you are not, you are a slave of your past, and of your present, it is not very different, don't you think? All your life you have lived following the steps that others dictated to you, since you were born until today"

- "Maybe you are right in many things, but I will not go with you, I want my son back" Lian said, irritated with Leon, who seemed like she knew everything about her life.

- "What nonsense, are you an idiot, did you hit your head when you were little? Do you think that if you recover it ..., something will change, no, you will continue alone, and at the end of your miserable mortal life, when you can stand up. by yourself, or clean your junk, you will be alone, your child will not visit you, no one will, that always happens, it is the cycle of life "

- "You're right, when it is only old bones and a sack of meat without beauty, not even you will visit me, but as a consolation I have that you will be the same, ha!"

- "hahahaha, I, I am immortal, I will never die"

Lian doubted a second, but she knew that he was not lying to her, he saw so many incredible things from Leon, that it would not surprise him if he had a method that would help him live longer, but if he doubted immortality.

- "...., And because you're here, maybe you don't have anyone else to keep you company, maybe your long life is so lonely, that I'm the only one who pays your attention" Lian said mischievously, trying to annoy Leon.

- "I have a family, I even have children, and I am younger than you think, I am almost 16 years old"

I never thought I was so young, I have slept with a child the age of my son, a minor, sigh, how pathetic of me, but well it is not my fault, he forced me and, I am the victim .. ., The FBI will not come, right ?. Lian thought, trying to laugh a little at his situation.

- "If so, why do you want me?" Lian said, putting her thoughts aside.

Leon lifted his hand, and squeezed Lian's chest.

- "How could I waste such big tits, and that luxurious butt"

Besides fucking my mother, that gives it a very erotic forbidden touch, and I like it. Leon thought.

- "umm, then I'll just be your sex slave? '" Lian said that she was resisting the touch, in her mind was still the idea of ​​going out to find her little Yung.

- "One who will live long, you will not have to go through those stages of mortals, such as old age and death, always young and beautiful, is it not the dream of all women?" Leon was trying to seduce with his words, his voice was sweet and calm, but Lian didn't fall, and inside Leon was getting tired of the little swaying of words.

- "I prefer a day of freedom, a thousand years of slavery, besides, I want my son back, that's my dream" Lian said, getting up, wasting no more time wasting.

- "Sigh, if you don't want the good one ..." Leon brushed his hair back, and his gaze changed from him, this gaze was sharp and penetrating, it was someone observing an insignificant being who refused to follow his fate.

Lian felt a chill down her back, and all her instincts told her to run away, but she was too stubborn to leave, plus she would not show weakness in the face of her hateful lover and enemy.

Suddenly Lian's vision changed, and she felt a strong grip on her neck strangling her, and her feet did not touch the ground.

- "Sigh, I tried to be good, and take you by hook, but you denied all my good deeds, how bad Lian, I hoped you were smarter, too bad ..., since it's not by hooks, you'll come by by bad" Leon said, holding his mother by the neck.

She will continue.

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