Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 72 - Cap 72
Lian was hitting Leon's legs with his, while he used his hands to hold onto his arms, Leon just smiled, and saw how his mother tried uselessly to get out of his grip.
- "You are afraid, my dear Lian, you feel how you lose your breath, how you slowly lose consciousness and go to the world of dreams, although this dream would be eternal" said Leon, who ran his tongue slowly over his mother's face.
Lian looked at him with hatred and some incomprehensible words came out of her mouth, she was twisting hard trying to free herself from her.
But this effort to escape slowly was fading, Lian's legs lost strength and his small hands could no longer hold onto Leon's, his eyes became blurry and Lian's mind was trapped by darkness, but before he lost Consciousness was released by falling to the ground on his rear, which was fat enough to mitigate the impact.
- "Cough, cough, bastard, cough, you almost killed me"
Lian held onto her neck as she tried to speak and calm herself, being on the verge of death was exasperating.
- "I would never do that without first playing a game, it would be very boring if I killed you just like that, now that I think about it, how about we play a game?" Leon said with a smile, as if nothing had happened.
I would not kill this woman, after all, I have no hatred against her, besides, her sex with her is a lot of fun. Leon thought..
- "unhappy, I won't play anything with you"
Leon touched his lip with his finger, thinking about what he could do to finish everything, lies so much Lian sat on the couch, to rest.
- "Okay, how about this, you told me that you believed in your son, didn't you? That he could change, that maybe there is goodness in his heart!" Leon said wryly, Lian was not bothered by this, and she said without hesitation:
- "My little one is my life, and as such, he trusted him and myself."
How naive, she really trusts her son, there is nothing left to do to show her that garbage will always remain garbage, and people like him do not change. Leon thought.
- "And why did she sell you so easily?"
- "It's because he saw us doing something he shouldn't have, he was just upset, if it weren't for that, he would accept your dirty money"
Although she said that, Lian doubted a bit, after everything she saw, and what yang did, even her most loving mother would doubt the fidelity and sanity of her son.
Leon stared at Lian for a moment, and nodded, it was time to start.
- "Well, if you believe in your son, the best way to prove it is by testing his loyalty, don't you think?"
- "Because it should, my family is none of your business, you are just my lover" Lian said, putting one of her hands on her waist, and combing her hair behind her ear, to that add her sharp gaze, she looked very seductive , nothing to do with the image of a rude girl I wanted to give.
Oh if she knew we really were family, plus she looks fucking sexy, this woman is like wine. Leon thought.
- "How cruel, and I thought you loved me" Leon said with feigned sadness, but he quickly recovered and continued talking.
- "Leaving that aside, before you say no, how about if you listen to the prizes of the game in which we will participate, if you win, I will leave you free forever, I will not bother you anymore, and you can continue with your life, but if you lose. .., "Leon's gaze turned cold as ice, and Lian felt his body freeze, his skin went goose bumps, and he swallowed, something gave him a horrible feeling. - "if you lose, I'll take your life"
-"I will die?" Lían asked doubtfully.
- "I already said it, I'll take your life." Leon said, avoiding answering directly, Lian didn't notice this.
Leon had a mysterious smile on his face, something that Lian did not like, it was as if she was hiding something, and did not give him all the information, even so, she did not have many options.
- "I have the option to refuse"
Sigh, if I had a chance to go back in time, and not get involved with this lunatic, I would, although I enjoy his touches a lot, I have suffered too much at his hands too. Lian thought self-deprecatingly.
-"and why do you ask"
- "I wanted to be democratic"
- "That is not democracy!" Lian said annoyed.
- "Isn't it? Well, it doesn't matter much, let's put that aside, and let's go to what summons us"
Lian just nodded, and then León began to explain the game, it was not very difficult to understand, more than anything it was about showing how reliable his yang son was, for that they could test him, León would make him another deal, if he accepted, Lian would lose and if not, he would win.
But Lian was hesitant to accept the game, as she thought that her son at this time was angry, and most likely he will accept and she will lose, Lian was very smart and cunning, but also sentimental, and feelings are dangerous when you put them into play.
- "It is not good to play him now, he is getting angry and that will affect the result"
Leon smiled at this, he knew he would say this, and with a wave of his hand, a middle-aged man, quite thin, and haggard, nothing bought from his old self, who was arrogant and dressed well, the man was Yung, Lian's current husband, who had been missing for a long time.
But it is not that the earth swallowed him and disappeared, Leon had taken him and left him his torture house, managed by his shadows and now by Keiko, who enjoyed torturing people.
- "Yung?" Lian said doubtfully, she couldn't believe that this man in such bad shape was her husband on paper.
- "You don't even recognize your husband? Or rather ex, since that body is only mine, but leaving that aside, how cruel! You lived so many years with him and you don't remember him"
Lian just made a face of disgust, and let Leon tease her, she didn't care so much about that, if not because she would bring Yung to the house, her heart was tightening and her instincts told her not to continue with the game, but she did not he could do it, he knew Leon would refuse, and he would have no choice.
Returning to Yung, his eyes were dead as if he had lived through hell, and he would not be far, Leon experimented various things with his body, from time to time he cut them into small pieces, and applied diluted minor healing potions, he wanted to see how much they regenerated , and if they were successful to sell in the market.
- "You will ask what your ex-husband is doing in this place, it will be part of the game, and no, it does not benefit me, but you, you know that your son Yang loves his dear father more, who consented to him in everything, and I teach him the way of pleasure "
- "I can't deny that." Lian said reluctantly.
Leon sonio, to which Lian wrinkled her eyebrows, she was quite annoyed that her obnoxious lover was almost always right.
- "Well, now I will explain to you what we will play, I will offer your son a deal, and as payment, he will give me the life of his father, you see, very easy"
The brightness returned to Lian's eyes after hearing that, she knew that yang adored his father, although that hurt a bit, but now it did not matter that, the important thing was that Yang would not leave his father, not for the whole world money, he really respected it, knowing that brought him immense relief.
Leon noticed the change in Lian's expression, but he only smiled mentally, Leon knew the end result, and that yang is not as faithful as they think, and although he adores his father, yang wants something more than anything in life, and I would not hesitate to leave a lot of things aside for that.
- "You look happier, as you would have already won"
Lian got up, and crossed her arms under her big chest, and she said to Leon mischievously:
- "heh, don't tell me you want to retract?"
Leon shook his head, giving her a pitying look, drawing a frown from Lian, who was snorting.
- "Someone said that human beings are bad by nature, another said that society corrupts them and turns bad"
-"And which are you?"
- "I believe that in both, some are born being evil, and others are created by the world, but all this has something in common, desires and feelings, some wanted peace for the world, and they fought for that, just using words, and not raising their weapons, others wanted to have power and money, and they killed and murdered for that, you see, in both cases they wanted something, and that imposed them to do horrible things, or good things "
Lian listened attentively, and nodded at some points, she knew that her son was carried away by her wishes, and that led him to where she is now.
- "So, you say that for the world to be at peace, you have to eliminate desire, and feelings"
- "No, because we should do that, if we all acted the same, it would be too boring, I could create a damn utopia in this world with ease, and make everyone follow my rules to the letter, everything would be peace, and happiness, there would be no wars, there would be no hunger, no disease, they would never die, but what good would that be, tell me "
- "If you do that, you will save many"
Leon snorted, he would never do that, because it would be very boring, and tedious, it would be a lot of work, since even if you erase all human feelings, sooner or later, one would be born who thought destiny, and wanted to change everything.
According to León, they were the chosen ones, or people blessed by destiny, who would help them achieve great things, since in the end, it is not only about effort, sometimes it is only about talent, and it does not matter how much
- "To save someone, he needs to want to be saved ..., and the world does not want that! Human beings are chaotic by nature, they love chaos, it is part of the fun of life, don't you think so.
Maybe this lunatic is right, in the end, we all love chaos, and problems, even I, if not, I would not have slept so many times with this bastard. Lian thought.
- "I think we deviated from the topic, now, let's bring the main protagonist of the game"
Yang, who was walking calmly down the street, was in a very good mood, although at first he was upset because his mother had a lover, it quickly passed him by, since his lover was very rich and gave him money, as for his father the Cuckold, he did not give it more importance, since he knew that his father, very much detested Lian, his mother, and did not love her.
- "Stupid mother, you will surely think that she will get away with it, and leave my father to shame, but it won't be that easy, hahahaha."
Yang was laughing like crazy, since in his hand, he had a picture of his mother with her lover, although he was acting like an idiot, he was also cunning and a bit smart, and when he saw his mother in a compromising pose, he did not hesitate to take some pictures as proof.
Yung, yang's father, had talked to her about a plan he had, was to find someone to conquer Lian, and then take photos and blackmail her with that, forcing her to give part of the company that was only owned by Lian, since she never gave her husband a share, something that made Yung very angry, hence the plan.
But that was no longer necessary, now that he had photos and the plan could move forward, it only remained to look for his father, although that will no longer be of any use now, not when the smiling Yang was teleported to the house again, where His family, stepbrother, mother and father are waiting for him, which he did not know, that only two would make it out alive.
Now everyone was gathered, Lian who had his face frozen like ice, Yung, he just looked at the air, there was no hint of life in his eyes, incoherent words were coming out of his mouth, and yang, he was stunned on the ground while rubbing the Butt, since he was not teleported with kindness, for Leon he was not his brother, he was just one more pawn of his game.
- "Holy shit, damn all your ancestors who brought me here, and kicked my ass!" Yang yang furiously.
- "Take care of your mouth little Yang" Lian said, he did not like bad words, although he said them a lot in bed.
- "Damn witch, ouch" Lian approached and hit yang on the head, who was now rubbing his head.
- "How beautiful, the whole family reunited, won't you say hello to your father, little yang" Leon said.
Yang who heard that, she turned to look at Leon very annoyed, she did not like someone treating him like a little boy, that was disrespecting him.
- "Like ..." yang was going to yell at Leon, but when he saw that he was wearing a mask, which he recognized, he was a little scared, there was no one in the world who did not know that mask, and what it symbolized, not even the crazier people would dare to use it.
It's not him, right? It's not real, no, no, no, what would someone like this do in my house, besides, as I got here, I remember that I was walking, and ..., I appeared here, what the fuck is this, Magic? No, I'm just hallucinating, maybe they drugged me, if that has to be it. Yang was thinking, trying to find the logic of the whole situation.
Lian who saw that her little one was scared, approached and stood in front of him, covering him with León, León just smiled, this scene was quite familiar, if you saw it from the outside, without knowing the context, it would only seem like a mother taking care of the brother Younger, from the older brother who intimidates him, and he is not that far away, since Leon is the oldest and Lian his mother.
- "Do you think I'll eat your little one? Lian"
- "Do not tell me that you throw to that side, if so, I will call you friend"
- "I don't, and good move" Leon said, who accepted that Lian won this time.
Yang who was hiding behind his mother, began to look around scared, looking for a way out, something told him that it was bad to stay longer, and he had to escape, that until his gaze fell on the other person in the room. .
- "Papa" said yang, who looked incredulously at the man who was lying only a few meters away from him, he looked a bit like his father, but he doubted how bad he looked.
-"Dad!" Yang yelled, who ran to his father, and hugged him carefully when he recognized him.
Yang adored his father, since he was always by his side, unlike his mother, who only happened at work, and a child's brain is simple and moldable, and Yung did not hesitate to instill absolute loyalty in his son .
What a pair of father and sons, both equally scum, of course, some will say that Yang is not to blame, he was just a child who followed his father's advice, but it is not so, he is already big, and he has had the opportunity of knowing, that every act that I perform has consequences, and that his actions were not good, and I do not change, his sins are his, and must be paid for. Leon thought, who was an executioner and a jury in this game, he smiled maliciously and was ready to drive the last nail into the coffin.
- "Well, now that our beautiful family is finally reunited, you don't think it's time to start the game"
Lian who was near the father and son pair nodded.
- "Good little yang, I have a proposal for you."
- "You, I don't know who you are, but you can take her if that's what you want." He said yang, which was pointing to his mother.
Lian's poker face broke when she heard this, it wasn't nice to hear her son throw her as bait to escape her.
- "Did you forget about me? It was the previous guy, the one who gave you money" Said Leon, who moved his hand towards yang and threw a small mana loop, which entered his brain, this loop, included information that It would help everything to go faster, Leon did not want to spend all day answering questions and his stupid brother being scared all the time.
- "It's you, what do you want, what do you want, leave my father and me alone"
- "Well, well, stop crying, he just wants to give you more money, and something else ..." said Leon, who threw several briefcases, all open and full of money.
Yang was already drooling over all that money, unaware that it had all appeared out of nowhere.
- "If you want, take it with you, just leave the money."
Lian gritted her teeth, while she held on, she and she would have time to rectify her puppy, who was quite unrelated.
- "What a good son, I don't hesitate to sell you ... again" Leon said maliciously.
-"shut up!
Leon shrugged his shoulders and continued:
- "Well, well, don't get mad, coming back to you yang," Leon joined his hands and pointed with his fingers to yang, who gathered the money and took his father, ready to escape. - "All that money you touch will be yours, you just have to do something very simple, you have to ... kill your father."
Yang, I doubt a bit, but he was still going to refuse, but first, Leon spoke.
- "Wait a minute, do not decide so later, that this offer does not end here, there is something more to offer, something you want more than anything the world"
León approached yang, and from his pocket, he took out a cell phone, it was not very big, León checked it a bit, until he found what he was looking for, a photo of Shui, yes, his little stepsister, and showed it to yang .
- "Little shu-shu" said yang, who looked at shui, shu-shu, it was a nickname of affection that he had given her.
But the look, it was not just any look, in those eyes there was longing, desire, love and obsession, yang was always obsessed with Shui, his father always told him that when they grew up they would marry and that idea stayed in his mind, add to that Shui was a very calm and good girl, she always served him tea and treated him with affection, of course affection from an older brother, she was too young to know things like love.
But for yang it was different, he was someone who always suffered from a lack of true and unpaid affection from a woman, and when he reached his adolescence, he began to fall madly in love with Shui, and began to see her as his wife, he did not let others people would approach Shui and so he began to isolate her so that she would not have friends, so she would only be of him.
Even yang many times thought about putting his hands on Shui, but he held on, he knew that he would have problems if he did it, let's not forget that Shui is only 10 years old, she was an illegal loli.
And since yang couldn't touch her, she sought comfort from human smugglers, and asked them to get her little girls, hence her obsession, and her fondness for little girls.
- "What are you saying, you don't think she looks cute in that kimono while she serves tea, you just have to kill your father and she will be yours, plus all this money"
Leon whispered to the hatred of yang, who was quite indecisive at this moment, he loved his father, but the desire to have his first and only love, was stronger, in the end, wishes are our downfall and that of all , more if you don't know how to control it.
Yang licked his lips, and was breathing hard, thinking of all the things he could do with that money and Shui.
Damn degenerating, drooling over an image, it's good that he didn't enter his room, something tells me that he would find things very unpleasant, brrr, it gives me a chill on my back, of course, and if you think that I will give Shui, for Of course I would never give it to anyone, the girl has potential, and something tells me that she will have huge breasts when she grows up, I can't lose that one. Leon thought, that he would not give Shui for any reason, she was just a bait.
- "Yang, my little one" Lian said worriedly.
She had seen the exchange, but she did not listen to what Leon said to her, she just watched her son drool, that gave her a bad premonition, and her confidence began to drop.
- "Now everything is in your hands"
Leon withdrew the cell phone, and yang came to himself.
- "Give it back to me" I cry desperately.
- "Do you want it ?!" Leon picked up the cell phone showing the photo. - "forget about this photo, it will be yours in person"
- "Will it be mine?"
- "Yes, you just have to put an end to your father's miserable life."
- "But, he is my father."
- "I know you seem to be doing something wrong, but look at it, I want you to see your father, tell me what you see"
Yang took another look at his father, and he could only see a gaunt, lifeless man, that made him sad, and he wondered if he was suffering, or even if he was sane, if his father was still behind those eyes without light, and doubt began to tangle in her heart.
Lian who was looking at all this, wanted to say something, but no matter how much she tried to scream, or move, she was stopped by Leon, who sealed all her movements with magic, he did not want her to interfere for now.
- "I know it seems cruel if you kill him, but oh you saw it, maybe you would like to be in that state, of course not, what do you think your father would do, if he saw you like that, he would let you live, or he would give you mercy"
- "He would have wanted the best for you, he is your father ..., the insurance would gladly give his life, so that you can fulfill your dreams"
- "Yes, he would" said yang, as if convincing himself.
- "You already know what to do, you only do the right thing, no one will judge you."
Yang was slowly approaching the table, where was the weapon that Leon left, it was a pistol.
- "Don't do it, think about your father, we are your family, how could you abandon your own father Yang, we are family." Said Lian, that she was released.
Yang stopped for a second, thinking about the words of her mother, he did not love her very much, but those words hit him, she was right, we are family, it would not be fair to abandon each other, they were the thoughts of yang.
- "We did not abandon the family, nice words, of someone who did exactly that."
-"Do not you dare." Lian responded to Leon's words.
-"What are you talking about?" Yang said.
- "You don't know, oh, Lian what a liar you are, and a bad mother, how could you hide that from your own."
- "Don't say a word"
- "Ha ha ha, what he plans to do, besides, is something he should know ... that he has an older brother."
-"Me what?" Yang was surprised.
- "Your dear mother, has another child, one who was born before you, but this cruel woman abandoned him in the orphanage and left, that is your mother, that woman who tells you that you should not abandon your family, she did no doubt"
- "Do I have a brother, mother?" Yang asked Lian, that he had a complicated face.
- "Come on Lian, talk and confess, if you want to have your family back, first end the lies, or don't you trust your son? Just tell him the truth, tell him what kind of woman you are.
Lian who received every word, only clenched his teeth, and her hands were clenched tightly, you could see a drop of blood that ran from her, by the force that he exerted.
-"Mother." Yang said furiously, he couldn't believe they were hiding something so big from him.
- "I ..., sigh, I didn't want you to find out this way. Lian said, relaxing his body, he had no choice, it was time for truth -" Before I married your father, I had a son, but I couldn't stay with him, and I was forced to leave him. "
- "Listen to her, she just victimizes herself, don't let that sad expression move you"
- "Don't believe him yang, it's not my fault, it was my father, he forced me to abandon your brother"
Yang looked at her mother with disgust, he could not believe that the person who told him a few beautiful words ago, that reminded him that they were family, was so garbage that he abandoned her own son, although he was also garbage. .
- "Lian, and who was the boy's father, or don't say it, let me answer, it was Feng Cheng, exactly yang, your father's friend, you see where this is going, they were lovers, all those trips that you made mother to see a friend, and leave you with Shui, they were just an excuse to sleep with a lover, now the question is, who is your father.
Yang was left blank, he could not believe what he hears, if it were true, he and Shui, they would be brothers, how could he carry out their relationship, and their wedding, he wanted to get married and do many bad things with her, but now, everything that dream was going to waste, and less the dream of having a child, since they would come out with problems if they really were brothers.
- "What's wrong with that yang face, your dream is gone."
Yang's body seemed lifeless, and he fell to the ground, he had so much sadness inside, Lian who saw this, he was quite sad, she thought that her son was disappointed, for his actions, but nothing that, he was only sad because He couldn't get his cock into little Shui.
- "I know how you feel, not being able to have what you want" said Leon who approached yang, and patted him on the shoulder, showing his sympathy, which was completely false, inside he was laughing.
-"What can I do now"
- "It's simple, kill your father, if you do it, no one will know that you two are brothers, and you can live with your dear Shui, if no one knows, it is not illegal, and with all the money I will give you, you can live easily, and don't worry about your mother, I'll take her away, and she won't say anything "
Each word that Leon said, only encouraged yang that he found a little hope.
- "But, if I want children"
- "With all the money I will give you, you are just looking for a good doctor and that will be solved, do not worry and pursue your wishes, follow your yang heart, I support you, ah, I forgot to mention that Shui does not know this, and He will never know, of course, if you kill the only ones who know "
It's true, because I felt so bad, with all that money, and with Shui not knowing that we are brothers, my dream will be possible, I will find a good island, and I will stay in that place, so no one will touch my wife, and we can have a great family, I only have ... He thought yang, who got up with a new confidence that flooded his body, and took the weapon.
- "Noooo yaaanggg." Lian wanted to stop her son, but it was too late.
"Bang", the trigger was pulled, and the bullet hit Yung's skull, which was now lying on the ground, with a trail of blood coming out of his head and reaching the ground.
Leon looked at Lian, and said.
- "Oh dear Lian, the feelings can corrupt you, and the desire to lead you astray, and all that together ..., it will take your life."
he will continue.
- "You are afraid, my dear Lian, you feel how you lose your breath, how you slowly lose consciousness and go to the world of dreams, although this dream would be eternal" said Leon, who ran his tongue slowly over his mother's face.
Lian looked at him with hatred and some incomprehensible words came out of her mouth, she was twisting hard trying to free herself from her.
But this effort to escape slowly was fading, Lian's legs lost strength and his small hands could no longer hold onto Leon's, his eyes became blurry and Lian's mind was trapped by darkness, but before he lost Consciousness was released by falling to the ground on his rear, which was fat enough to mitigate the impact.
- "Cough, cough, bastard, cough, you almost killed me"
Lian held onto her neck as she tried to speak and calm herself, being on the verge of death was exasperating.
- "I would never do that without first playing a game, it would be very boring if I killed you just like that, now that I think about it, how about we play a game?" Leon said with a smile, as if nothing had happened.
I would not kill this woman, after all, I have no hatred against her, besides, her sex with her is a lot of fun. Leon thought..
- "unhappy, I won't play anything with you"
Leon touched his lip with his finger, thinking about what he could do to finish everything, lies so much Lian sat on the couch, to rest.
- "Okay, how about this, you told me that you believed in your son, didn't you? That he could change, that maybe there is goodness in his heart!" Leon said wryly, Lian was not bothered by this, and she said without hesitation:
- "My little one is my life, and as such, he trusted him and myself."
How naive, she really trusts her son, there is nothing left to do to show her that garbage will always remain garbage, and people like him do not change. Leon thought.
- "And why did she sell you so easily?"
- "It's because he saw us doing something he shouldn't have, he was just upset, if it weren't for that, he would accept your dirty money"
Although she said that, Lian doubted a bit, after everything she saw, and what yang did, even her most loving mother would doubt the fidelity and sanity of her son.
Leon stared at Lian for a moment, and nodded, it was time to start.
- "Well, if you believe in your son, the best way to prove it is by testing his loyalty, don't you think?"
- "Because it should, my family is none of your business, you are just my lover" Lian said, putting one of her hands on her waist, and combing her hair behind her ear, to that add her sharp gaze, she looked very seductive , nothing to do with the image of a rude girl I wanted to give.
Oh if she knew we really were family, plus she looks fucking sexy, this woman is like wine. Leon thought.
- "How cruel, and I thought you loved me" Leon said with feigned sadness, but he quickly recovered and continued talking.
- "Leaving that aside, before you say no, how about if you listen to the prizes of the game in which we will participate, if you win, I will leave you free forever, I will not bother you anymore, and you can continue with your life, but if you lose. .., "Leon's gaze turned cold as ice, and Lian felt his body freeze, his skin went goose bumps, and he swallowed, something gave him a horrible feeling. - "if you lose, I'll take your life"
-"I will die?" Lían asked doubtfully.
- "I already said it, I'll take your life." Leon said, avoiding answering directly, Lian didn't notice this.
Leon had a mysterious smile on his face, something that Lian did not like, it was as if she was hiding something, and did not give him all the information, even so, she did not have many options.
- "I have the option to refuse"
Sigh, if I had a chance to go back in time, and not get involved with this lunatic, I would, although I enjoy his touches a lot, I have suffered too much at his hands too. Lian thought self-deprecatingly.
-"and why do you ask"
- "I wanted to be democratic"
- "That is not democracy!" Lian said annoyed.
- "Isn't it? Well, it doesn't matter much, let's put that aside, and let's go to what summons us"
Lian just nodded, and then León began to explain the game, it was not very difficult to understand, more than anything it was about showing how reliable his yang son was, for that they could test him, León would make him another deal, if he accepted, Lian would lose and if not, he would win.
But Lian was hesitant to accept the game, as she thought that her son at this time was angry, and most likely he will accept and she will lose, Lian was very smart and cunning, but also sentimental, and feelings are dangerous when you put them into play.
- "It is not good to play him now, he is getting angry and that will affect the result"
Leon smiled at this, he knew he would say this, and with a wave of his hand, a middle-aged man, quite thin, and haggard, nothing bought from his old self, who was arrogant and dressed well, the man was Yung, Lian's current husband, who had been missing for a long time.
But it is not that the earth swallowed him and disappeared, Leon had taken him and left him his torture house, managed by his shadows and now by Keiko, who enjoyed torturing people.
- "Yung?" Lian said doubtfully, she couldn't believe that this man in such bad shape was her husband on paper.
- "You don't even recognize your husband? Or rather ex, since that body is only mine, but leaving that aside, how cruel! You lived so many years with him and you don't remember him"
Lian just made a face of disgust, and let Leon tease her, she didn't care so much about that, if not because she would bring Yung to the house, her heart was tightening and her instincts told her not to continue with the game, but she did not he could do it, he knew Leon would refuse, and he would have no choice.
Returning to Yung, his eyes were dead as if he had lived through hell, and he would not be far, Leon experimented various things with his body, from time to time he cut them into small pieces, and applied diluted minor healing potions, he wanted to see how much they regenerated , and if they were successful to sell in the market.
- "You will ask what your ex-husband is doing in this place, it will be part of the game, and no, it does not benefit me, but you, you know that your son Yang loves his dear father more, who consented to him in everything, and I teach him the way of pleasure "
- "I can't deny that." Lian said reluctantly.
Leon sonio, to which Lian wrinkled her eyebrows, she was quite annoyed that her obnoxious lover was almost always right.
- "Well, now I will explain to you what we will play, I will offer your son a deal, and as payment, he will give me the life of his father, you see, very easy"
The brightness returned to Lian's eyes after hearing that, she knew that yang adored his father, although that hurt a bit, but now it did not matter that, the important thing was that Yang would not leave his father, not for the whole world money, he really respected it, knowing that brought him immense relief.
Leon noticed the change in Lian's expression, but he only smiled mentally, Leon knew the end result, and that yang is not as faithful as they think, and although he adores his father, yang wants something more than anything in life, and I would not hesitate to leave a lot of things aside for that.
- "You look happier, as you would have already won"
Lian got up, and crossed her arms under her big chest, and she said to Leon mischievously:
- "heh, don't tell me you want to retract?"
Leon shook his head, giving her a pitying look, drawing a frown from Lian, who was snorting.
- "Someone said that human beings are bad by nature, another said that society corrupts them and turns bad"
-"And which are you?"
- "I believe that in both, some are born being evil, and others are created by the world, but all this has something in common, desires and feelings, some wanted peace for the world, and they fought for that, just using words, and not raising their weapons, others wanted to have power and money, and they killed and murdered for that, you see, in both cases they wanted something, and that imposed them to do horrible things, or good things "
Lian listened attentively, and nodded at some points, she knew that her son was carried away by her wishes, and that led him to where she is now.
- "So, you say that for the world to be at peace, you have to eliminate desire, and feelings"
- "No, because we should do that, if we all acted the same, it would be too boring, I could create a damn utopia in this world with ease, and make everyone follow my rules to the letter, everything would be peace, and happiness, there would be no wars, there would be no hunger, no disease, they would never die, but what good would that be, tell me "
- "If you do that, you will save many"
Leon snorted, he would never do that, because it would be very boring, and tedious, it would be a lot of work, since even if you erase all human feelings, sooner or later, one would be born who thought destiny, and wanted to change everything.
According to León, they were the chosen ones, or people blessed by destiny, who would help them achieve great things, since in the end, it is not only about effort, sometimes it is only about talent, and it does not matter how much
- "To save someone, he needs to want to be saved ..., and the world does not want that! Human beings are chaotic by nature, they love chaos, it is part of the fun of life, don't you think so.
Maybe this lunatic is right, in the end, we all love chaos, and problems, even I, if not, I would not have slept so many times with this bastard. Lian thought.
- "I think we deviated from the topic, now, let's bring the main protagonist of the game"
Yang, who was walking calmly down the street, was in a very good mood, although at first he was upset because his mother had a lover, it quickly passed him by, since his lover was very rich and gave him money, as for his father the Cuckold, he did not give it more importance, since he knew that his father, very much detested Lian, his mother, and did not love her.
- "Stupid mother, you will surely think that she will get away with it, and leave my father to shame, but it won't be that easy, hahahaha."
Yang was laughing like crazy, since in his hand, he had a picture of his mother with her lover, although he was acting like an idiot, he was also cunning and a bit smart, and when he saw his mother in a compromising pose, he did not hesitate to take some pictures as proof.
Yung, yang's father, had talked to her about a plan he had, was to find someone to conquer Lian, and then take photos and blackmail her with that, forcing her to give part of the company that was only owned by Lian, since she never gave her husband a share, something that made Yung very angry, hence the plan.
But that was no longer necessary, now that he had photos and the plan could move forward, it only remained to look for his father, although that will no longer be of any use now, not when the smiling Yang was teleported to the house again, where His family, stepbrother, mother and father are waiting for him, which he did not know, that only two would make it out alive.
Now everyone was gathered, Lian who had his face frozen like ice, Yung, he just looked at the air, there was no hint of life in his eyes, incoherent words were coming out of his mouth, and yang, he was stunned on the ground while rubbing the Butt, since he was not teleported with kindness, for Leon he was not his brother, he was just one more pawn of his game.
- "Holy shit, damn all your ancestors who brought me here, and kicked my ass!" Yang yang furiously.
- "Take care of your mouth little Yang" Lian said, he did not like bad words, although he said them a lot in bed.
- "Damn witch, ouch" Lian approached and hit yang on the head, who was now rubbing his head.
- "How beautiful, the whole family reunited, won't you say hello to your father, little yang" Leon said.
Yang who heard that, she turned to look at Leon very annoyed, she did not like someone treating him like a little boy, that was disrespecting him.
- "Like ..." yang was going to yell at Leon, but when he saw that he was wearing a mask, which he recognized, he was a little scared, there was no one in the world who did not know that mask, and what it symbolized, not even the crazier people would dare to use it.
It's not him, right? It's not real, no, no, no, what would someone like this do in my house, besides, as I got here, I remember that I was walking, and ..., I appeared here, what the fuck is this, Magic? No, I'm just hallucinating, maybe they drugged me, if that has to be it. Yang was thinking, trying to find the logic of the whole situation.
Lian who saw that her little one was scared, approached and stood in front of him, covering him with León, León just smiled, this scene was quite familiar, if you saw it from the outside, without knowing the context, it would only seem like a mother taking care of the brother Younger, from the older brother who intimidates him, and he is not that far away, since Leon is the oldest and Lian his mother.
- "Do you think I'll eat your little one? Lian"
- "Do not tell me that you throw to that side, if so, I will call you friend"
- "I don't, and good move" Leon said, who accepted that Lian won this time.
Yang who was hiding behind his mother, began to look around scared, looking for a way out, something told him that it was bad to stay longer, and he had to escape, that until his gaze fell on the other person in the room. .
- "Papa" said yang, who looked incredulously at the man who was lying only a few meters away from him, he looked a bit like his father, but he doubted how bad he looked.
-"Dad!" Yang yelled, who ran to his father, and hugged him carefully when he recognized him.
Yang adored his father, since he was always by his side, unlike his mother, who only happened at work, and a child's brain is simple and moldable, and Yung did not hesitate to instill absolute loyalty in his son .
What a pair of father and sons, both equally scum, of course, some will say that Yang is not to blame, he was just a child who followed his father's advice, but it is not so, he is already big, and he has had the opportunity of knowing, that every act that I perform has consequences, and that his actions were not good, and I do not change, his sins are his, and must be paid for. Leon thought, who was an executioner and a jury in this game, he smiled maliciously and was ready to drive the last nail into the coffin.
- "Well, now that our beautiful family is finally reunited, you don't think it's time to start the game"
Lian who was near the father and son pair nodded.
- "Good little yang, I have a proposal for you."
- "You, I don't know who you are, but you can take her if that's what you want." He said yang, which was pointing to his mother.
Lian's poker face broke when she heard this, it wasn't nice to hear her son throw her as bait to escape her.
- "Did you forget about me? It was the previous guy, the one who gave you money" Said Leon, who moved his hand towards yang and threw a small mana loop, which entered his brain, this loop, included information that It would help everything to go faster, Leon did not want to spend all day answering questions and his stupid brother being scared all the time.
- "It's you, what do you want, what do you want, leave my father and me alone"
- "Well, well, stop crying, he just wants to give you more money, and something else ..." said Leon, who threw several briefcases, all open and full of money.
Yang was already drooling over all that money, unaware that it had all appeared out of nowhere.
- "If you want, take it with you, just leave the money."
Lian gritted her teeth, while she held on, she and she would have time to rectify her puppy, who was quite unrelated.
- "What a good son, I don't hesitate to sell you ... again" Leon said maliciously.
-"shut up!
Leon shrugged his shoulders and continued:
- "Well, well, don't get mad, coming back to you yang," Leon joined his hands and pointed with his fingers to yang, who gathered the money and took his father, ready to escape. - "All that money you touch will be yours, you just have to do something very simple, you have to ... kill your father."
Yang, I doubt a bit, but he was still going to refuse, but first, Leon spoke.
- "Wait a minute, do not decide so later, that this offer does not end here, there is something more to offer, something you want more than anything the world"
León approached yang, and from his pocket, he took out a cell phone, it was not very big, León checked it a bit, until he found what he was looking for, a photo of Shui, yes, his little stepsister, and showed it to yang .
- "Little shu-shu" said yang, who looked at shui, shu-shu, it was a nickname of affection that he had given her.
But the look, it was not just any look, in those eyes there was longing, desire, love and obsession, yang was always obsessed with Shui, his father always told him that when they grew up they would marry and that idea stayed in his mind, add to that Shui was a very calm and good girl, she always served him tea and treated him with affection, of course affection from an older brother, she was too young to know things like love.
But for yang it was different, he was someone who always suffered from a lack of true and unpaid affection from a woman, and when he reached his adolescence, he began to fall madly in love with Shui, and began to see her as his wife, he did not let others people would approach Shui and so he began to isolate her so that she would not have friends, so she would only be of him.
Even yang many times thought about putting his hands on Shui, but he held on, he knew that he would have problems if he did it, let's not forget that Shui is only 10 years old, she was an illegal loli.
And since yang couldn't touch her, she sought comfort from human smugglers, and asked them to get her little girls, hence her obsession, and her fondness for little girls.
- "What are you saying, you don't think she looks cute in that kimono while she serves tea, you just have to kill your father and she will be yours, plus all this money"
Leon whispered to the hatred of yang, who was quite indecisive at this moment, he loved his father, but the desire to have his first and only love, was stronger, in the end, wishes are our downfall and that of all , more if you don't know how to control it.
Yang licked his lips, and was breathing hard, thinking of all the things he could do with that money and Shui.
Damn degenerating, drooling over an image, it's good that he didn't enter his room, something tells me that he would find things very unpleasant, brrr, it gives me a chill on my back, of course, and if you think that I will give Shui, for Of course I would never give it to anyone, the girl has potential, and something tells me that she will have huge breasts when she grows up, I can't lose that one. Leon thought, that he would not give Shui for any reason, she was just a bait.
- "Yang, my little one" Lian said worriedly.
She had seen the exchange, but she did not listen to what Leon said to her, she just watched her son drool, that gave her a bad premonition, and her confidence began to drop.
- "Now everything is in your hands"
Leon withdrew the cell phone, and yang came to himself.
- "Give it back to me" I cry desperately.
- "Do you want it ?!" Leon picked up the cell phone showing the photo. - "forget about this photo, it will be yours in person"
- "Will it be mine?"
- "Yes, you just have to put an end to your father's miserable life."
- "But, he is my father."
- "I know you seem to be doing something wrong, but look at it, I want you to see your father, tell me what you see"
Yang took another look at his father, and he could only see a gaunt, lifeless man, that made him sad, and he wondered if he was suffering, or even if he was sane, if his father was still behind those eyes without light, and doubt began to tangle in her heart.
Lian who was looking at all this, wanted to say something, but no matter how much she tried to scream, or move, she was stopped by Leon, who sealed all her movements with magic, he did not want her to interfere for now.
- "I know it seems cruel if you kill him, but oh you saw it, maybe you would like to be in that state, of course not, what do you think your father would do, if he saw you like that, he would let you live, or he would give you mercy"
- "He would have wanted the best for you, he is your father ..., the insurance would gladly give his life, so that you can fulfill your dreams"
- "Yes, he would" said yang, as if convincing himself.
- "You already know what to do, you only do the right thing, no one will judge you."
Yang was slowly approaching the table, where was the weapon that Leon left, it was a pistol.
- "Don't do it, think about your father, we are your family, how could you abandon your own father Yang, we are family." Said Lian, that she was released.
Yang stopped for a second, thinking about the words of her mother, he did not love her very much, but those words hit him, she was right, we are family, it would not be fair to abandon each other, they were the thoughts of yang.
- "We did not abandon the family, nice words, of someone who did exactly that."
-"Do not you dare." Lian responded to Leon's words.
-"What are you talking about?" Yang said.
- "You don't know, oh, Lian what a liar you are, and a bad mother, how could you hide that from your own."
- "Don't say a word"
- "Ha ha ha, what he plans to do, besides, is something he should know ... that he has an older brother."
-"Me what?" Yang was surprised.
- "Your dear mother, has another child, one who was born before you, but this cruel woman abandoned him in the orphanage and left, that is your mother, that woman who tells you that you should not abandon your family, she did no doubt"
- "Do I have a brother, mother?" Yang asked Lian, that he had a complicated face.
- "Come on Lian, talk and confess, if you want to have your family back, first end the lies, or don't you trust your son? Just tell him the truth, tell him what kind of woman you are.
Lian who received every word, only clenched his teeth, and her hands were clenched tightly, you could see a drop of blood that ran from her, by the force that he exerted.
-"Mother." Yang said furiously, he couldn't believe they were hiding something so big from him.
- "I ..., sigh, I didn't want you to find out this way. Lian said, relaxing his body, he had no choice, it was time for truth -" Before I married your father, I had a son, but I couldn't stay with him, and I was forced to leave him. "
- "Listen to her, she just victimizes herself, don't let that sad expression move you"
- "Don't believe him yang, it's not my fault, it was my father, he forced me to abandon your brother"
Yang looked at her mother with disgust, he could not believe that the person who told him a few beautiful words ago, that reminded him that they were family, was so garbage that he abandoned her own son, although he was also garbage. .
- "Lian, and who was the boy's father, or don't say it, let me answer, it was Feng Cheng, exactly yang, your father's friend, you see where this is going, they were lovers, all those trips that you made mother to see a friend, and leave you with Shui, they were just an excuse to sleep with a lover, now the question is, who is your father.
Yang was left blank, he could not believe what he hears, if it were true, he and Shui, they would be brothers, how could he carry out their relationship, and their wedding, he wanted to get married and do many bad things with her, but now, everything that dream was going to waste, and less the dream of having a child, since they would come out with problems if they really were brothers.
- "What's wrong with that yang face, your dream is gone."
Yang's body seemed lifeless, and he fell to the ground, he had so much sadness inside, Lian who saw this, he was quite sad, she thought that her son was disappointed, for his actions, but nothing that, he was only sad because He couldn't get his cock into little Shui.
- "I know how you feel, not being able to have what you want" said Leon who approached yang, and patted him on the shoulder, showing his sympathy, which was completely false, inside he was laughing.
-"What can I do now"
- "It's simple, kill your father, if you do it, no one will know that you two are brothers, and you can live with your dear Shui, if no one knows, it is not illegal, and with all the money I will give you, you can live easily, and don't worry about your mother, I'll take her away, and she won't say anything "
Each word that Leon said, only encouraged yang that he found a little hope.
- "But, if I want children"
- "With all the money I will give you, you are just looking for a good doctor and that will be solved, do not worry and pursue your wishes, follow your yang heart, I support you, ah, I forgot to mention that Shui does not know this, and He will never know, of course, if you kill the only ones who know "
It's true, because I felt so bad, with all that money, and with Shui not knowing that we are brothers, my dream will be possible, I will find a good island, and I will stay in that place, so no one will touch my wife, and we can have a great family, I only have ... He thought yang, who got up with a new confidence that flooded his body, and took the weapon.
- "Noooo yaaanggg." Lian wanted to stop her son, but it was too late.
"Bang", the trigger was pulled, and the bullet hit Yung's skull, which was now lying on the ground, with a trail of blood coming out of his head and reaching the ground.
Leon looked at Lian, and said.
- "Oh dear Lian, the feelings can corrupt you, and the desire to lead you astray, and all that together ..., it will take your life."
he will continue.
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