Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.

Chapter 73 - Cap 73 (R-18)

Lian was stunned with her hand outstretched, trying to stop her son, but clearly she couldn't, the sound of the bullet hit, and a body falling to the ground, negated her effort.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, a son murdering his father, yang, his little boy, committing such a horrible crime, and the worst of it was the cost of him losing the game, it was his life, and everyone is afraid of death, Lian fell to her knees, dejected, her exhausted body forced her to put her hands on the floor, and her gaze on the floor, her hair covered her face full of sadness and regret.

While Lian lamented in his misery, Yang was happy, his dream would come true, the woman, or rather girl that I always wish, would be his, and he would have a large amount of money that would give him a life full of luxury and carefree .

- "ha ha ha, now give me what is mine" Yang said, pointing his weapon at Leon.

Pawn smirked under her mask, and walked over to his stepbrother who wore a crazy grin as he pointed at her.

- "Do you think I'm an idiot? I won't lower my weapon until you bring my wife."

- "Are you an idiot? If you had the gun, why didn't you threaten me before?"

-"Hey?" Yang said stupidly, he did not understand what Leon was referring to, apparently he was more of an idiot than we thought..

- "If you had the weapon, because you did not aim before, you could have saved your father, but I see that greed can reap even the most faithful son, and that no matter how many you spoil them, they will not hesitate to stab you"

León looked at his brother with disgust, he only saw scum, he thought it was good that he did not have children like that, and they would not stab him in the back, he knew that his daughters adored him too much and what they coveted the most was him.

- "You are a terrible son" said Leon indignantly.

- "No, you forced me!"

Yang was pointing at Leon with his trembling hand, his mind was clearing, and his greed was dropping, he was realizing that what Leon said was true.

- "You feel like garbage, right, guilt eats away at you little by little, you can already see the future and see how your father's soul touches your man, and cries your name at night."

- "Silence, my father adores me, and he would never do that, also he sacrificed himself so that I could fulfill my dream" Yang said, justifying his actions.

- "Is that so? He didn't even say I accept, he was a bloody vegetable, tell me, what decision power does such a person have!"

- "Shut up you bastard, you'd better give me what's mine, or I'll kill you.

- "Oh little yang! How can you be so cruel, you wouldn't do that to him ..." Leon teleported to Yang's back, and passed his forearm around Yang's neck, drawing her towards him, brought his mouth close to his ear, and I whisper, "to your older brother, o yeah"

- "What are-are you talking about" Yang said with a broken voice, that revelation shocked him.

A mirror appeared in front of the two, where yang could be seen clearly, and next to him, Leon with a mask, as for the gun, Leon left it on the ground, it was part of the show later on.

Leon brought his hand close to the mask, and made it disappear, yang's face turned pale, he remembered who the man behind the mask was, the same guy who beat him in that restaurant.

- "You, you, you, you, because you do this to me, I only offended you once, and you hit me for that, we should be close at hand"

Yang was in a panic.

- "It's not about that, maybe you didn't listen to me at the beginning, I'm your brother, the oldest, Lian's first son, the one I abandoned.

- "Im-impossible."

Leon patted Yang on the shoulder in a friendly way, a little affection does not hurt anyone, except when he is going to love.

- "It doesn't really matter that you don't believe me, I just wanted you to know that today you will die at the hands of your brother"

- "M-die? Wait, we can talk, if you're my brother, I didn't abandon you, it was her, don't blame me."

Yang did not hesitate to blame his mother, apparently this guy can no longer fix, Leon thought, who began to exert force on his arm, slowly tightening Yang's neck.

- "You hurt me, let me go!"

Leon ignored yang, and kept squeezing.

- "To be honest, I wouldn't be taking your life if you weren't a scum ..., unfortunately if you are, and since you are my stepbrother, I don't want to have an idiot like you dirty my name, imagine they discover that we are brothers, it would be horrible for me and my reputation "

Although León spoke of reputation, he was worth shit what the world, or others thought of him, as long as he enjoyed it, León would always do what he wanted.

- "Forgive me, brother, older, cough"

- "If only you had been a good brother, and you had behaved, I would not have to send you to eternal sleep." Leon said, shaking his head helplessly.

My bad luck, because it could not be a sister, instead of a brother, so I could have made an Oyakodon, I have long wanted to try that kind of trio, now we just have to wait for Yuigahama to grow up, and Haruno the same, so I do double oyakodon. Leon thought, a pervert, ignorant of what he is about to do.

Yang was desperate every second, trying to bite Leon's arm, but his position did not allow it, his hands were trying with all their strength to get out of the grip, but it was also useless.

- "Rest little brother, your older brother will take care of the rest of the family, oh, of course also Shui, since I am her stepbrother too, and do not worry, I will treat her well, and I will send you videos to the most, of as I will take his first time, you should be grateful what a good brother I am "

- "AAAARRRGGG" A cry full of despair only yang, that he could not stop thinking, that his wife would be taken by another.

"Crack", Yang's body lost all strength, and his eyes were dead, Leon broke his neck.

- "Sleep well little brother" Leon said, undeterred, there was no sadness or regret, he even had a smile on his face.

Leon kept holding Yang by the neck, while he put his mask back on.

Suddenly, a black light began to come out of Yang and Yung's body, the light was slowly beginning to take shape from the bodies they came out of, these two black lights were the soul of yang and Yung, but they did not last long in that form, until they were absorbed into Leon's body.

- "Their souls were as black and horrible as their actions, they sure taste horrible." Leon said with a grimace.

Leon had eaten souls out of curiosity, and found that they had different flavors, the purer the more delicious, and the more corrupted, the more acid and bitter.

But even though they tasted good, Leon did not think about collecting pure souls to eat, he thought that would be stupid and wasting time, if he wanted delicious food, he had an incredible cook at home, who would not hesitate to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning. tomorrow, just to prepare whatever he asked for.

Leon with the mask on, eliminated the mirror, and the sound barrier that he had, so that Lian did not interrupt.

I don't want to die, I don't understand why my son accepted that proposal, he loved his father, but he sold him without hesitation, what did he offer him to show him that obsessed look? Why? Why? Why? I don't understand, how could I lose, shit Lian, you have to move forward, and find a way to live. Lian thought.

- "Come on Lian, until what time to be looking at the floor."

Lian raised his head, and looked at Leon, but did not pay much attention to him, his attention was taken by his yang son and the position he was in.

- "Yang ..., Yang?, Lian called his son, and called him again when he did not answer.

- "Come on yang, say hello to your mother" said Leon, who grabbed the forearm of his brother, and moved it from right to left, of course he looked quite strange, since he was dead.

- "You, what did you do to him!"

- "Hm? It's not obvious ... I took his life!" Leon said, throwing yang's body to the ground.

- "Yang!" Lian ran over to his son and started going through them.

First he put his ear close to his heart, and he noticed that it was not beating, then he felt his breath and he was not breathing, his body was frozen like ice, Lian was shaking him hard at yang, shouting his name again or again, "yang, yang wake up yang "but this one was just silent, Lian's heart clenched tightly, and her tears came out and ran down her cheeks to her chin.

Leon approached Lian, and touched him on the shoulder, he was at the height of Lian, who was kneeling on the ground, while he held the body of yang.

- "You should stop, he won't come back"

Those words were a cold bucket for Lian, who stopped all his activities, and looked at his son.

- "Sure you wonder, why did I kill him? Remember the bet, he would take your life, and you said that your son was your life, at that moment, bet on your son, not on you."

Lian was silent, maybe taking in everything, or she maybe she had gone mad with sadness, no one knew.

- "But look on the bright side, your son was trash, if the world knew what he was doing, your name would fall into disgrace, I did you a favor."

Leon kept talking, but Lian was still silent.

- "Are you thinking of ignoring me? Because that won't change reality"

Lian looked away from her son, and looked at the man who touched her shoulder, and spoke to her.

- "Is he dead?" Lian asked doubtfully, hoping it was a very cruel joke from her hateful lover, unfortunately for her, Leon shook his head very sadly, it almost seemed that he really regretted it.

- "I'm sorry for your loss, but life goes on." Leon said, shrugging.

And those words, were the water that overflowed the glass, Lian left the corpse of his son on the ground with care and affection, and slowly looked at Leon, with a cold look like ice, but this look was slowly changing, and the Fire burned in those eyes, and it seemed like her hair was rising from how angry she was.

Lian lunged at Leon and threw him to the ground, she was straddling him and her hands were holding his shirt tightly.

- "Give back my son enough."

- "Impossible, the deal has already been cashed."

- "aaaaaaaggrh! Lian shouted loudly, while he attracted Leon by his shirt, and looked him straight in the eyes, if the looks killed, this would kill a whole pantheon of Greek gods, this was the first time that Leon saw a such an angry person, but that does not mean it would scare him, he continued with a smile under the mask, and very calm.

Leon grabbed both of Lian's arms, trying to calm her down, but that made her more angry and she began to shake him up and down as she grabbed him by her shirt.

- "Calm down woman, if you continue like this, you will take out my brain."

- "And I will, I will take your brain out and eat it and dance on your unhappy damn grave!"

Lian began to look for something around her to kill Leon, and she found it, just a few inches from them, the gun that Leon left on the ground, she did not hesitate to take it and put her finger on the trigger. .

-"Last words?" Lian said, pointing her gun at Leon's forehead.

- "Are you sure you want to kill me? You don't want to know what's behind this mask, before ending my poor life." Leon said calmly, tranquility that again gave Lian a bad omen.

Lian shook her head, and moved her hand towards the mask, and although she wanted to shoot immediately, her interest won her, her small and soft fingers passed behind the mask, and she began to remove it, she could feel the soft skin of that face playing for the second time.

The chin was visible, then his lips parted open that showed pearl white teeth, centimeters higher, the nose was visible, Lian was familiar with that nose, as if he had seen it before, he shook off those thoughts, and continued to withdraw The mask, revealing red eyes that she would never forget.

They were the same red eyes that she saw almost 16 years ago, and then she saw again a few months ago, they were exactly the same, for her they were unique eyes in the world, that said that her child was special, and that he was born to change the world.

Lian still remembered when she had him for the first time in her arms, and those eyes looked at her, for her it was the precious thing she had seen in her life, but for her father, it was something that disgusted her, and she was forced to leave him, and today, she saw the result of that.

My little one, since he was born I knew that he would be special and was destined for great things, but unfortunately, I let my cowardice decide his fate. Lian thought regretfully,

- "Yang" Lian said softly, exactly, she put the same name to her two children.

- "She has been a mother for a while, or so I would tell you, but never consider you as such."

The weapon that Lian had in his hands fell to the ground, and his trembling hands slowly approached the lion's face, and very carefully, as if he were afraid that it would break, he began to run his hands over Leon's cheeks.

León did not remove his hand, it was not worth it, he let the woman, do what she wanted, for León the game was already over, now he would let Lian adapt to the situation, and he would take her, he could not waste a milf so beautiful, besides, Leon did not have a great hatred against Lian, he was just having fun, and punishing her for insulting his women.

- "It's you, you're my son"

- "How do you know I don't copy his face?"

Lian shook his head, and did not hesitate to say:

- "The maternal instinct, do not underestimate it, I would recognize you even if there are a hundred equal to you"

If so, your motherly instinct would force you not to leave me. Leon was going to say, but it would only prolong the conversation unnecessarily.

- "Because you are so calm Lian, you do not understand the situation, one of your children died at the hands of the other, add to that that you killed my father, by my order"

Lian made a sad face, and said:

- "Easy? I want to kill you, destroy the man who took everything from me, but how to do it, if you are my son, whom I abandoned, if it weren't for me, none of this would happen."

Lian was angry, but sorry, she thought that everything happened because of her, and that she should not have abandoned León, that would have saved her many tears, and bad times.

- "Sure you think, if I had not abandoned my son, none of this would happen, but you are wrong, even if I had grown up next to you, history would continue repeating itself." Said Leon, who noticed Lian's thoughts.

León was one of the people who could not have a superior above him, except for a father figure who told him what to do all day, also Lian was very beautiful, and had breasts that drove Leon crazy, how would he let such idiots ugly to touch her, being Leon, he would have killed his father if he had the power to do so.

- "But, you would grow up with my love, so you wouldn't walk this way." Lian said regretfully.

- "Mistake, even if you gave me all the love in the world, I would walk the same path, and without a doubt I would have killed my father and made you my wife, how to waste such a beautiful woman." Leon said that she touched Lian's chest and knead him hard.

- "Nyaaaaaaaa." Lian let out a cute cry of surprise. She didn't see that coming, it was a serious conversation, and they grabbed her chest.

Slap, Lian slapped Leon's hand very annoyed, she wouldn't mind before, but now.

- "I'm your mother, how dare you touch me!"

How disrespectful, sigh, if only I had raised him, but it's not too late, I think I can change him, and make him a good man, he's only in his teens, he had a long way to go. Lian thought, that she was beginning to resign herself that she lost a son, and would try not to repeat the same mistake again and save the other.

- "And do you think that changes anything? You are still my wife, and I will continue to enjoy your body!"

Lian gave a resigned sigh.

- "I once said that I would forgive all the sins of your brother, and I will do the same with you León, it hurts me a lot that you killed your brother, but I have to assume that part of that is my fault."

- "Don't tell me you had an epiphany, while he was touching your boobs"

Lian settled down, he was still on Leon, and looked into his eyes, Leon who looked at those eyes, saw that there was only sincerity in them.

- "Yes, I realize, that I have lived all my life dreaming of what I would like to have, that I do not enjoy what I had in my hands, I have lost a child, and it is not the first time, the first time it happened, I thought so much in the son that I lost, that I let the second walk on the wrong side, and ended up dying, and the worst thing is that the first, your Lion, could not guide you, and you walked a path full of blood. "

Leon frowned, he did not like me saying that his path and destiny was decided by his actions, so he grabbed her by the neck and looked at her seriously, Lian was not scared, and only groaned a little from the pain.

- "You still think that it is for you that I forged this path, you do not decide my steps, you do not decide my path, you are just one more pawn, in a chess game, don't forget it."

- "That no longer matters, it is the past, and I will live in the present, and like your mother, I will guide you on the right path." Lian said, that she was released from the grip.

- "Ha ha ha ha ha, right way? Hopefully you can resist when I touch you, and are you going to tell me what to do?"

- "It is my duty as a mother, not to fail again aahhhhh"

Leon did not let Lian continue with her stupidities, he would show him her place, and that it would be impossible for him to live without her touches, sometimes, words do not solve anything, and sex is the only option.

- "So mother, if I finish before you, you win, and I will be a good boy, and don't worry, there is no punishment if you lose, since this will be the last game, I will be very generous."

Lian screamed when a hand tore off her skirt, and she thrust into her pussy, three of her fingers began to play with her clit.

- "Wait, stop-stop!"

León ignored her, he thought she looked very cute trying to avoid being touched, and he kissed her, his free hand passed under her bra and grabbed Lian's breasts, his fingers were sinking into those twin orbs, which seemed to have grown a little more.

-"MMM!" Lian's moans were suppressed by Leon's lips, and the tongue that invaded the inside of Lian's mouth, and swept through her teeth, a feast of pleasure was generated in Lian.

Lian tried to get away from Leon, but she couldn't, not because Leon was stronger, it was because her willpower faltered with each touch, her body felt hot, and her pussy released a liquid that lubricated everything in its path, preparing the hole to be used, and penetrated until it turned red from continuous rubbing.

Slowly the thrusts disappeared, and her arms began to remove the shirt, and the belt, Lian did not stop touching the well-formed body of Leon, she could not deny, that she adored that body, that it has given her so much pleasure all these years.

- "Come on, come for my mommy, if you do it your son will be happy" Loen said, while she left Lian's lips.

Leon began to kiss the neck of his mother, and calmly went down that soft and clean skin that he wanted to be dirty.

- "ummm, ahhh, umm, yeah!

Lian couldn't stop her moaning, and though her mind said stop, her body was honest, and she moved on her own.

- "ahhhh!" Lian let out another moan louder than the previous one when Leon bit his chest, each bite left a red mark, Leon was being rude, but Lian didn't care, less when her pussy began to tighten, and her legs were tense, her His thighs spasmed slightly, and his hands were pressed tightly to Leon's head against his chest.

- "mmm, you like so many ah, my breasts mmm, aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Lian had reached orgasm, and a liquid shot out of her crotch when Leon removed his fingers from her, leaving the whole floor wet.

- "muah, you lost, muah, my darling, muah, mother" Leon said between kisses, then he stopped, and took his mother's chin, and looked directly into her eyes, eyes full of lust and seduction, which forced Leon to continue.- "but don't worry, this game has unlimited repetitions."

Lian didn't answer, and she mounted on Leon, while she pulled down his pants and underwear, letting Leon's cock free, Lian licked his lips.

I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I can't stop myself, this pleasure calls me, and I want it with longing. Lian thought, before grabbing Leon's cock, and putting it of her own accord into her pussy, which was already well lubricated, the cock entered without problem to the last inch.

This drove Lian crazy, who began to move her waist in a sway, Leon did not let her do all the work, he took her by her waist and helped her up and down quickly, over and over again.

After a few minutes, Leon got up, and took Lian against the wall, his arms went around Lian's legs and raised them, they were almost at the level of his ears, Lian seemed like a V pressed against the wall, and he couldn't move , but it was not necessary, Leon began to thrust her with force, and in that position, she could feel how she was touching Lian's uterus, asking for semen and being impregnated, ignoring that they are mother and son.

- "Don't stop, continue"

Lian wanted to sink into pleasure, that would help her forget what happened during the day, and the loss of her son, also she thought, that sooner or later she would have another if they continued like this, Lian would not have these kinds of thoughts normally, but now She was horny, and at this moment she was not a mother, she was a woman, she had her wishes and dreams.

"Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, squish, squish, squish", the blow of meat with meat, and the brush of Leon's cock, and Lian's wet pussy, flooded the room with erotic sounds, as soon as Leon, he kept ramming Lian, who had a red face, and his body full of sweat, each drop released an erotic smell, and any woman who entered the room, would immediately get horny just by smelling it.

Lian's eyes turned upward, and turned white, her pussy clenched tighter and tighter, her hands marked Leon's back with her nails, and finally, another orgasm for Lian.

- "Mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

And Leon could not stand that face so erotic, and he also reached the climax, releasing all the load of her inside her, and filling Lian to the bottom, as for her, it was only happiness, it was only enough to see her ahegao .

- "ha, ha, pretty good my dear mother, but you lost again." Leon said arrogantly.

Lian did not respond, she could not, she was still recovering and coming to herself, it was the strongest orgasm she had had so far, and Lian had come many times when she did it with Leon, in addition to having tried many perverted games that her. they made them reach many orgasms, and very intense ones.

But this was the best of all, but she did not know why, maybe it was because she was dominated by her son, which gave her an extra touch of eroticism, or she was just very stressed about everything, and exploded, it only mattered that I enjoy .

An hour passed, and during that hour Leon did not stop lashing out at the poor woman, who no longer felt her legs, and asked for compassion.

Then they took a few minutes of rest, both were dressed and clean, Lian was sitting, thinking about all the possibilities of her, as for Leon, he was ready to leave, but first, he would tell the reality of things to Lian.

- "I'm the last thing you have Lian, dead son, dead husband, dead lover, dead parents, maybe you have uncles or aunts, but those are not worth, hopefully they spoke to you or they took your attention" Leon took a breath and continued. - "You will wonder, why do I tell you this, it is just so that you know the reality, your only option is to come with me, I am your only reason to live and if you decide to stay, you will be alone, and sadness will take over you, taking you to the inevitable road to ruin, and finally ..., your death "

Lian listened attentively, and she knew that Leon was right, she had nothing left.

- "Today I am generous, and I will give you the opportunity to choose, come with me, wear this maid outfit and it will make you one, or you stay to die in your eternal solitude" Leon said, who knew he would answer.

Lian had a strong mentality, which kept her going, but her character, hers was weak, and if you push her, she will fall quickly.

- "You mentioned once that you had children, is that true?"

Leon approached Lian, and grabbed her hair tightly, and looked into her eyes, he had to remind him of her place.

- "I see where you are going, but don't forget, you are not my mother, you will only be my personal servant and those girls, they are nothing of yours"

- "I ..., I'll go with you" Lian said, who was very sad, but at the same time, happy.

Sad because her son did not look at her as a mother, and relieved, because she would see her little grandchildren.

- "It's good that you're smart, but before we go" Leon pointed at the corpse of Yung and Yang, and erased them from existence.

Lian wanted to protest, and give her son a proper burial, but she knew that Leon would not listen to her, and from now on, she would try to win her son's favor, and try to change him, and perhaps one day he will call her mother, but we all know That Leon will not change, and will continue raping, blackmailing, and destroying everything in his path.

Today was a turning day for Lian, where she lost everything, but she gained something in return, now if that change was for the better, or for the worse, only time will tell.

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