Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 80 The Road to Ascension

The next second, Russell held Gray Feng's hand and appeared in the wound on the belly of the Oracle of Truth ship.

When the teleportation spell was completed, he let go of Gray Wind's hand. The Huntress's blade in the hand of the humanoid construct pierced continuously at a speed that he could not react at all, killing 4 animals that rushed towards Russell in the same second. , a Chaos Demon with feathers and scales.

Russell's mortal nervous system couldn't react in time to the demon's agile attacks, but Gray Wind could. Its thinking and action speed far exceeds that of the Space Marines, the biological weapons created by the Emperor.

The demons whose chests were pierced by the gray wind fell to the ground one after another. The psychic decomposition force field carried by the Huntress' Blade could not even be resisted by the Nurgle Demon. It was undoubtedly a special attack on mutated creatures affected by the subspace.

Later, during the gap between Gray Wind's attacks, violent electricity burst out from Russell's fingertips. The Steel Wraith warriors who were scattered in the dock and occupied favorable terrain to suppress fire were a little wary of the two people who suddenly appeared in the cabin. , and saw the previously extremely troublesome Chaos Demons convulsing and falling to the ground in the lightning storm that swept across the cabin.

The current dissipated, and Russell walked into the cabin without saying a word. The demon bodies that fell at his feet and behind him collapsed due to being penetrated by powerful psychic lightning, leaving only bloody human corpses.

Some white torn strips of cloth were still hanging on the corpses, but due to the influence of the power of subspace, their original faces could no longer be seen.

Behind the Steel Wraith Warriors, Bernadita looked at this scene with some astonishment... She had just pressed the soul-killing explosive bomb into the gun chamber, and the battle was over.

The star bomber's power was undoubtedly overwhelming, but what made her even more incredible was "Russell". The seemingly gentle mortal governor of Falla actually fought the devil head-on with only a knife, and he had an overwhelming advantage...

With rich experience in fighting Chaos, she soon discovered some other strange things - these demons were not summoned from the warp by Eldar magic, but were mutated by the crew of the Oracle of Truth. Come.

But why did these crew members suddenly mutate?

In the cabin, Gray Wind held the Huntress' Blade tightly and walked in front of Russell, going deep into the battleship with him.

"Sensors have detected that there are still a few unmutated life signals hiding in the weapons depot on the lower belly of the Oracle of Truth. The intelligent servitors protecting them are fighting against the chaotic mutants that have invaded the interior of the ship."

Russell nodded slightly: "There are actually survivors. Their reaction is quite fast and they can restart the spirit repelling field in time after the hull is damaged."

Members of the Order of Truth have acquired a large amount of forbidden knowledge about the subspace through Russell, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to their research on psychic theory and their pursuit of truth.

But truth comes at a price.

The Chaos Gods in the Supreme Heaven are conceptual-level existences. Just knowing their existence means that you will also be watched by the evil gods.

When the subspace rift created by the Eldar weapon tore through the zero-element armor and temporarily overloaded the spirit-repelling field covering the ship's hull, the brains of the members of the Order of Truth who knew too much forbidden knowledge were also exposed. in reality.

The evil god's gaze caused their bodies and minds to twist and mutate, turning into deformed Chaos Demons. Among them, Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, had the most profound influence. It seemed to have a grudge against the Star Destroyer.

After locking the coordinates of the survivors, Russell activated the teleportation spell again, teleporting himself and Gray Wind, who was wearing his own figure and appearance, to the intelligent servitor who was fighting the mutants.

The service servitors responsible for maintaining the system and assisting the crew in driving the warship are not good at fighting. They are only temporarily activated in defense protocols in emergencies, and some clumsily use various types of munitions in the arsenal to protect the only remaining weapons in the warship. of a dozen humans.

When Russell arrived, there were very few servitors standing in the way of the mutants. Even if the weapons in the arsenal were advanced and powerful enough, the aircraft models without combat specialization were still unable to cope with such a high-intensity battle. .

Not to mention the pervasive chaos corrosion that is constantly eroding their mechanical bodies.

Russell used psychic lightning to neatly eliminate the mutants that had been disabled by the intelligent servitors, and then turned around with Gray Wind and entered the weapons arsenal.

As soon as they entered the door, there was a small sound of metal friction and mechanical joint movement in the weapons warehouse. The survivors of the Order of Truth who were hiding inside held the weapons in their hands tightly and nervously aimed at the two figures who appeared at the door. .

Immediately afterwards, there were cries of aggrieved voices:


"Leader, we, we didn't leave the cabin..."

"I immediately restarted the spirit-repelling field, but..."

The truth monks put down their weapons one after another and walked out from various hidden corners. Many of them had blood stains and filth on their bodies, and their expressions were full of confusion and fear.

Of the 100 crew members on the Oracle of Truth, only the 12 people in front of Russell were left, and the rest had been contaminated by Chaos and turned into demons.

"This is the price of pursuing the truth." Russell said softly: "When you ask me for the forbidden knowledge of subspace, you should already know what kind of path you are going to take."

Everyone was silent. In the quiet cabin, there were only the faint sounds of the intelligently controlled servitors cleaning the hull of the ship after the defense protocol was lifted, and the faint sound of sobbing.

"I see fear in your eyes...I give you two choices."

Russell went on to say:

"If you can't go on, take a step back. I can delete all your memories of forbidden knowledge, permanently clear the chaos pollution in your brain, and become an ignorant but fearless mortal from now on."

"Even so, if you want to continue to seek the truth and continue research, take one step forward. I will give you further help and lead you on a path of 'ascension'."

As long as they complete "ascension", even mortals can gain enough power to compete with chaos and convince people with reason.

"Then make your choice."

As soon as he finished speaking, the 12 surviving truth cultivators took a step forward neatly without any hesitation.

This was a scene beyond Russell's expectations.

"I thought that after experiencing such a horrific change, quite a few of you would choose to retreat." Russell shook his head, with a hint of smile in his tone: "I looked down on you, and I apologize for that."

Russell bowed slightly to the survivors in front of him, then he straightened up and walked out: "Let's go, we don't have time to grieve for our dead colleagues, the alien battleship is still showing off its power over Nifl. Let's go, I authorize You activate all shipboard weapons, we have a blood debt that needs to be settled."

Gray Wind and the Truth monks who chose to continue following him followed Russell, and the group left the weapons depot. The nano-repair system carried by the Oracle of Truth had begun to repair the hideous wounds on the battleship on its own, but that would take time.

The heavily armored warriors of the Iron Wraith Chapter have broken into the cabin of the Oracle of Truth, and they need an explanation for what just happened.

But Russell used the authority of the prophetess to force them to give up their pursuit of the truth, and spent some time to obtain temporary command of the Iron Wraiths.

He opened the hangar of the Oracle of Truth for these warriors who were proficient in mechanical knowledge, and made all the carrier-based interceptors and high-speed fighters parked inside available to them.

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