"The spirit bone stealth ships driven by the Eldar have extremely high maneuverability and advanced stealth technology that can block almost all detection methods. With the performance of the existing fighter planes of the empire, if you want to intercept and shoot them down, you can only rely on the advantage of numbers and firepower. , and it is extremely easy for them to wait for an opportunity to escape..."

In the hangar of the Oracle of Truth, Russell briefly introduced the various functions of the large number of carrier-based interceptors and fighters parked in the hangar to the Destroyer Squadron of the Iron Wraiths:

"...The tachyon sensor mounted on the mother ship can decipher the Eldar's stealth technology and accurately lock their location and movement trajectory. All you have to do is to fly the carrier-based aircraft, and with the assistance of the mother ship and the precognition interface, seize The Eldar’s stealth warship.”

"Don't worry about the weird maneuverability of the wraithbone battleships. The dark matter thrusters will give you enough speed to catch them - as long as your body and skills can handle the powerful functions of the fighter jets."

"All the weapons reserves on the Oracle of Truth are at your disposal. My monks of Truth will give you all the instructions for use and precautions."

"And I only have one request -"

The illusive mist on Russell's face stopped moving at this moment, all spiritual energy stopped around him, and the atmosphere became solemn and solemn.

Even the captain of the Destroyer Squad, a veteran on the battlefield who was also the first company commander of the Iron Wraiths, couldn't help but feel a chill that penetrated his bones when he stood in front of him.

"——After shooting down the Wraithbone Battleship, capture those Eldar alive, and use the psychic chain reaction formula I gave them to burn them to ashes."

Only in this way can those aliens enjoy the ultimate pain.

After explaining these things, Russell took Gray Wind away from the Oracle of Truth and boarded the Bliss Ark anchored on the other side of the dock.

The Ark of Elysium had better luck than its sister ship. The Oracle of Truth withstood a direct hit from Eldar weapons. Without the influence of the subspace, the subsequent chain explosions in the dock could not even scratch the armor of the Ark of Elysium.

"The Second Company and the Third Company of the Iron Wanderer Chapter have all been assembled. The Adeptus Mechanicus troops led by the Great Sage Coster are coming from Musbell... They seem to want to move a few Titans on board, I Already rejected.”

In the control room of Ark of Paradise, Gray Wind reported the current situation and next arrangements to Russell:

"Several navigators and astropaths led by Alexei have boarded the starport... The Adeptus Mechanicus is protesting against me for not allowing them to enter the weapons depot."

"All personnel are in place. With the help of the Musbel Mechanicus and its own nano-repair system, the Oracle of Truth can be restored to perfect condition in about a week."

With that said, Gray Wind ordered to activate the propellers of the Ark of Bliss:

"We will lead the vanguard into the Lost Dream Nebula to launch the first wave of attacks on the Eldar. After the Oracle of Truth is repaired, it will arrive immediately with the next wave of reinforcements."

The annihilation energy of the dark matter engine provides a huge boost for this battlecruiser carrying a large number of combatants and weapons and equipment. The dense orbital defense systems of Nifl's main star have made way for the Ark of Paradise, clearing a relatively empty space.

As the Ark of Paradise sailed out of the star port, the curvature of space around the ship began to be distorted, like a slingshot that was constantly being bent and accumulating elastic potential energy.

"Clear ahead, jump allowed."

"Then let's go!"

When the bow was opened, the battlecruiser Ark of Bliss disappeared from the detection range of all detectors in the Nirvana galaxy.

On the Oracle of Truth, the 12 crew members left behind on Nifl were driven by the rage of revenge. They recovered their sober minds from the shadow of their colleagues' mutations, and activated the tachyon sensor on the battleship in accordance with the instructions left by Russell. .

The rotating tachyon beam covered the entire Nifl main star in less than a second. In an instant, four ethereal and ghostly signals were projected on the three-dimensional projection of the Nifl main star in real time.

"The target is locked, and the information has been synchronized to the carrier-based aircraft operating terminal. It's up to you, the Emperor's Angels of Death."

"Got it, we'll leave immediately."

After the communication ended, the hangar door on the side of the Oracle of Truth opened, and a series of graceful light fighter jets took off from it in a neat formation.

Each of the warriors of the Iron Wraith Chapter is a skilled mechanic. It didn't take them too long to perfectly master the various functions of these fighters, and they no longer feel awkward in operating them.

Driving a high-speed interceptor and leading the battle formation at the front of the formation, "Clementine", the leader of the Iron Wanderer Chapter, is a senior pilot who has been with machinery for five hundred years.

It was this experience of using a large number of war machines that made him realize what kind of creation it was the moment he boarded the interceptor.

That perfectly aerodynamic streamlined fuselage, that extremely powerful propulsion engine, that crazy weapon configuration... God knows how the bomber can carry anti-matter bombs, neutron torpedoes, quantum missiles... etc. on a carrier-based aircraft. All kinds of destructive weapons.

The human empire is not without advanced weapons with such excellent performance, but those are mostly relics of the dark age of technology. Either it is extremely difficult to produce, or it is impossible to produce at all, using one less piece.

In either case, it is extremely scarce and is a strategically important resource.

On the Oracle of Truth, the number of such advanced fighter jets and destructive weapons is huge.

In addition to the second company and the third company that followed the Ark of Elysium to the Lost Dream Nebula, each of the more than 700 remaining soldiers of the Iron Wanderer flew an interceptor or fighter provided by the Oracle of Truth, carrying a Chinese Destroying weapons such as sub-torpedoes and anti-matter bombs fly towards the target location indicated by the tachyon sensor at extremely high speeds.

If the performance of these fighter planes were not too extreme and unsuitable for mortals to pilot, Clementine could have pulled out a mighty formation composed of thousands of fighter planes to make the arrogant Eldar feel what despair meant.

"Target No. 1 has entered weapons range."

Synthetic electronic sound sounded in his head, and Clementine took a long breath. He glanced at the enemy position displayed by the instrument, and then looked back at the hundreds of high-speed fighters behind him. He felt that this cold electronic sound also seemed... Extraordinarily pleasant.

Today is different from the past. In five hundred years of service, this is the first time he has fought such a rich war.

It is said that the STC of the ancient relic "L-Star Gate" was found by the Star Bomber and given to the Adeptus Mechanicus. This guy is really rich...

"The target is trying to avoid it. Turn on the prediction interface and launch the torpedo in 4 seconds!"

Chapter Commander Clementine's order was issued to every fighter plane at the same time. At the same time, hundreds of neutron torpedoes carrying destructive potential energy streaked across the sky.

Their number was like a heavy rain blown by the wind, falling one after another on the invisible Eldar warships that they thought were well hidden.

"Target No. 1 has been shot down."

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