Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 336 - HelperEnvy

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"Hu, not surprising," scoffed Mikumo as she looked at Sora.

Sora nodded and said, "He couldn't even react to a simple broken sword from 57 meters away."

Mikumo frowned at Sora's words. Although Hongo Akira, the man Sora killed, wasn't the strongest compared to Mikumo, he was still a very skilled fighter.

There would be no way that Akira wouldn't have noticed a broken sword from more than 20 meters away. The only way to slip by his senses was to be either faster than him, or a very skilled assassin that can hide his own presence.

'He's very powerful,' thought Mikumo as she looked at Sora with an interested look.

"He wasn't the best in the group," sighed Mikumo as she shook her head.

"By the way, I would like it if you stopped threatening me and trying to use my family and friends as a hostage," said Sora before casually taking one step forward.


Mikumo's face instantly paled as she felt a powerful pressure press upon her body, making her feel weak. Mikumo was shaking as she tried to fight back the pressure that tried making her bend.


Sora took one more step forward and the pressure instantly doubled, bending Mikumo's back forward. Her whole body had been drenched in sweat and her body turned more weaker as she was slowly pressed into the ground.

Raising his next foot ready to take the third step, Mikumo felt a sense of urgency as some pressure slowly leaked from Sora's incoming step. Mikumo shuddered and quickly yelled, "Okay!"

In an instant, all the pressure instantly vanished and Sora took back his foot.

Looking at Mikumo with a satisfied smile, Sora nodded and said, "A pleasure talking with you."

Sora's figure flashed and he appeared by Mikumo before disappearing along with her.

A couple of buildings away, Mikumo appeared in Sora's arms in a princess carry. If one too a closer look, one of Sora's arms was made from blue and red energy, the Sei and Dou Ki, respectively.

"Well then, I will be seeing you some other day then," said Sora, getting ready to leave.


"What is it?" asked Sora as he turned to face Mikumo.

Mikumo gave a weak smile as she looked at Sora, "Will you take in my daughter and train her?"

Remaining quiet for a few seconds, Sora looked at Mikumo with a 'difficult' face.

"On one condition," said Sora with a sigh.

"What is it?" asked Mikumo rather worriedly.

With Sora's level of strength, there's not much that he could really want. Mikumo feels that it may be a dumb request or an insanely difficult one like destroying a country or crippling herself.

If Sora had asked her to cripple herself for herself in exchange for her daughter to be Sora's disciple, she wouldn't hesitate to do it. After all, as long as her daughter becomes strong and turns into the perfect killer machine, Mikumo wouldn't mind much of what becomes of herself.

"Become my partner."

Sora headed home after he finished discussing with Mikumo.

He was rather tired after what had happened today. Sora had overused his Ki after using it twice to carry Mikumo. Creating an arm made entirely from Ki cost much more energy than it looked like.

Not having enough time to review what had occurred when he cultivated, Sora headed off to sleep.

The women in the house looked at Sora with a surprised look since they had never seen Sora look so tired before. Even after going ten rounds with them in bed, he would remain full of vigor and ready to make millions of babies in an instant.

"Did he meet someone who could take him on?" asked Saki doubtfully as she looked upstairs to where Sora disappeared.

Hiratsuka placed a hand on Saki's shoulder and shook her head, "Not a single person could rival and exceed Sora's vigor. There's no way he would be tired from that."

"... I guess you're right," muttered Saki. "Maybe a fight?"

"Hmm… also not probable since he's very skilled and can take down anyone in an instant with his raw strength," said Izayoi as she sweeped the floor.

"Then what could possibly be the reason?"

"Maybe he's mentally tired?"

"Impossible, he's always cool headed and it's very cunning. Maybe more cunning than a fox."

"Then what could it possibly be?"

"That will be one of the world's greatest mysteries."

Waking up the next day, Sora found himself very refreshed.

His mind was clear and his soul felt light.

Sitting up, Sora meditated and checked what he had gotten from the ancient cogwheel. As he searched through the many things he got, Sora revealed a shocked face.

Right there within his mind, Sora had unlocked techniques he had never heard of before. All coming from various professions such as Alchemy, Tailor, Blacksmith, Poison Master, Cook, etc.

Sora received a plethora of stuff, some obviously similar to stuff he has received before.

For instance, the Saintly Hands, Heavenly Vision Technique, Ancient Strengthening Technique, and some other minor techniques.

Sora received many amazing stuff from the ancient cogwheel.

Since all the information was instantly unlocked and sent into Sora's brain. Every technique was instantly comprehended and mastered under the effects of his Nirvanic Taichi.

Sora had gained much new knowledge where even past knowledge was broadened and made better.

Such as his Beast Taming, it had advanced by leaps and bounds.

Mannequin Master…

Ghost Master…

Formation Master…

Poison Master…


Demon Refiner…



Artifact Forger…

Strengthening Techniques, Meditation Techniques, Alchemy, Smithing Skills, Hidden Weapon Techniques, Tailoring, Cooking, Hunting, Foundation Building skills and various other Craftsmen techniques.

Many new amazing things appeared within Sora's mind. So much knowledge and information that had filled in various gaps of knowledge he had.

It was a pretty amazing feeling nonetheless.

Sora felt like he was looking at the world in a new light now.

All this new information just entered his mind and he could already feel like he could do whatever he wanted.

Throughout the many days he has spent in this new world, counting the days in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, Sora had been making good use of his 250 Thought Partitions (MAX) and 1,500% Though Acceleration (MAX).

He had his thought partitions remodeled many techniques and amazing arts to go well with any type of Qi. He even made sure to combine other techniques to make them stronger. Some were just simply revamped and made flawless since most techniques were already near perfection.

Now, the only area of profession Sora doesn't have full access to is Magic. Sure he has some, but it doesn't hold much.

Even with half of his Thought Partitions studying magic and making it better, Sora doesn't have perfect knowledge on Magic. Without perfect knowledge, Sora can't create perfect and powerful knowledge.

However, even without that perfect knowledge, he was able to cross reference many other techniques and improve his own knowledge on magic through trials.

'Besides magic, I need more knowledge on cultivation techniques,' thought Sora as he glanced at the 9,999+ cultivation techniques in his mind, and growing.

All the cultivation techniques varied in rarity, skill, difficulty, strength, potential, and talent requirement. Sora had many cultivation techniques that were extremely weak, but flawless, and many powerful and perfect techniques.

Standing up from the bed, Sora smiled happily at the various good abilities he had.

His wide range of skills had increased once more and his skills have increased even more than before.

Now that he has new skills, and even has them perfected thanks to his Nirvanic Taichi. However, even if they are perfected, Sora's body has never used them.

"I guess I will have to proactively start acting when playing with everyone today," mumbled Sora as he showered and dressed himself up.

"Maybe I can make Nirvanic Taichi go through another massive change and become more complete," said Sora allowed as he felt himself on the brink of having an enlightenment.

'Although the Nirvanic Taichi won't be completed even after a round of enlightenment. I would still need magic, whether it be Ancient Magic, God Magic, Dragon Magic, all must be collected for a truly perfect Nirvanic Taichi. Although by then the said technique won't be much Taichi anymore.

The foundation will still be there, but it wouldn't be fit to continue calling my own original technique Taichi. After all, the foundation isn't only Taichi anymore. Magic, Meditation Techniques, Ki Techniques, Breathing Techniques, Cultivation Techniques, Martial Techniques, Immortal Arts, Tempering Techniques, Supporting Techniques, Beast Taming, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Cooking, Hunting, Hidden Weapon Techniques, Hiding Techniques, Escaping Techniques, Movement Techniques, Strengthening Techniques, Physician, Needle Master, Soul Techniques, Blood Techniques, Spiritual Energy...'

Countless things were used as the base, and these things just kept on growing. When Sora compiled this entire knowledge into a book, what appeared was-

[Unnamed - Rank impossible to determine. (Incomplete)]

[An incomprehensible art that not even Gods, Demons, and Primordials can ever hope of grasping and understanding. Through the help of ********* granting Sora amazing items that no being should ever possess, Sora was able to create an amazing art that only he could make use of.

A technique so powerful that it can not possibly exist, unrivaled against millions of techniques.

Currently in progress to becoming a peerless technique that leads one to the Truth and the Peak. To where the mysteries of the universe are unwinded and understood, to where only one being can sit upon the throne that rules over both existence and that which does not exist. A place where the governor of the Void, Abyss, Chaos, Infinity, Time, Space, Yin, Yang, Five Elements, Life, Death… may exist in peace.

To reach such place, one mus* ** *** **** ******* ****** **** ***** ***** ****** ****** **************** ******************* ******************* * * ******** ***** ****** ********** ********** ********* *********** ********** ** * *** *** ***** * ****** ********* *** ***** ** *** **** *** *.]

Whenever the screen revealed more knowledge, Sora was closer to coming close to knowing what must be done to rise in power. As long as he can complete this technique, Sora can begin to fully train in this martial art/technique and become stronger..

"I have an inkling as to what this mysterious being that helped me may be, but for now, it can only be considered a guess. After all, there are only two sides that can possibly help me like this," Sora mumbled after leaving his house and heading to Argus to work.

The System and the Primordial Family he had helped.

It can be thanks to the System that Sora had created this monstrous technique whose potential is endless with the help of the stuff he had received from it. However, it is also thanks to the Primordial Family that he had reached this level of strength with the wishes he had made.

But, even with that thought, Sora knew that it is most like The System that had helped him out. He had a feeling that The System is a very powerful being that can quite easily deal with the Primordial Family.

'Let's leave this for another day,' thought Sora.

Without enough strength and knowledge, even if he knew who it was that helped him, he can't possibly do anything about it. He won't be able to thank them without becoming stronger and being knowledgeable of who it may be and what they may want from helping him.

Let's keep things simple and deal with it when the time comes!

Sora entered Argus and found all of his 11 guests already there waiting for him with wide smiles.

"Looks like you're all here early," said Sora as he opened the room where their NerveGear is at.

"We wake up early for school to evade the delinquents at school," said Raku, ignoring his Yakuza background.

Shu nodded and said, "After waking up at the usual time, we found it hard to sleep and rest after remembering what will be happening today."

The girls remained quiet as they looked at Sora with various expressions. Interest and passion evident in their eyes as they looked at Sora. Sora knew what their thoughts were, so he no longer bothered asking questions as he guided them in and let them enter Sword Art Online Beta.

"Today we will be going to the 2nd floor," said Sora as he grappened his NerveGear.

"But the first floor hasn't been cleared yet," said Raku.

"Which is why we will be clearing it," chuckled Sora as he gestured for everyone to hurry up and enter the game already. Sora checked the computer and monitored everyone's condition before entering Sword Art Online next.

Over the next few days, Sora used one technique every 10 seconds. His adaptability was really high, so he only needed to use a technique once to feel like if he trained in it his entire life.

It was a very enviable skill, which he thankfully had in his grasp.

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