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"Jiela La La, Hitt lit the fuse, letting me appreciate how wonderful the human fireworks are!"A red hedgehog head, goggles, a dark red coat, a punk metal style, this is Eustas Kidd, the captain of the Kidd Pirates.

In the Sabaody Archipelago, somewhere in the No Man's Land, the captains of two pirate groups were handcuffed to the ground by Kidd and his gang, and two fuses were tied behind the two men, the fuses were directly connected to the two men, and the two men were covered with fireworks and gasoline.

Hitt, Kidd's subordinate, whose mouth was sealed with a thread like a zombie, opened his big mouth sealed with a thin thread after hearing Kidd's instructions, and spewed out a ball of flame, directly igniting the fuse.

The sound of the fuse being burned was heard, and the two tied pirates turned their heads and saw the fuse getting closer and closer to them, and they couldn't help trembling.

It was a pity that their mouths had been gambled by Kidd's men and they could only make a humming sound.

The fuse was getting shorter and shorter, and gradually approached.

An unknown yellow liquid also flowed out of their lower bodies, emitting a foul smell.

Seeing this scene, Kidd and the killing warrior Killer hurriedly ran out of the circle,"boom!

Sniper~~"The gasoline on the two pirates was ignited, and the fireworks tied to them were randomly ignited.

The fireworks were ignited, soaring into the sky, and exploded in the air.

The bright white fireworks were filled with traces of blood, and blood and feces and urine splashed everywhere~~ Many members who failed to dodge in time were affected

"Boss Kidd! You knew this was going to happen, right? Why didn't you tell everyone? Now it stinks.~~"Several of the infected men jumped into the water and washed themselves amid the laughter of Kidd and the rest of the crew.

""Eh, I really don't know what confidence these guys have to come and cause trouble for us. How did a pirate group that is not even as good as the pirates in the South Sea come to the Sabaody Archipelago and want to kill us for the bounty? It's really boring. Let's go on and meet those guys who are being talked about with us." Kidd said to Killer Warrior Kira, who also had a bounty of over 100 million, 162 million Baileys. Those guys were naturally referring to the rest, that is, a supernova.

"The bounty is 300 million Baileys, and the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey.


Luffy and his crew, the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro, have a bounty of 120 million Baileys.

Like our Kidd Pirates, they have two pirate groups with bounties over 100 million.

They are the ones I am most interested in.

"Strong people always compare themselves with strong people.

He doesn't bother to pay attention to guys like the strange monk Urouge, whose bounty is lower than that of the second-in-command of their pirate group.

Of course, there are two other captains whose bounties are lower than Killer, the gluttonous woman and Capone Bege.

Sabaody Archipelago, Shakey's blackmail bar, Luffy and his crew arrived here as scheduled, and Shakey was telling them about the current situation on the Sabaody Archipelago.

"When you entered the Grand Line, you should have chosen one of the six routes from the entrance and followed its pointer record to arrive here.

In other words, the pirates on the other six routes have overcome various crises and difficulties to come here, because no matter which route you take, you will be blocked by the Red Earth Continent.

In order to cross this cliff, everyone will gather on this island, understand? It is rare to see new people of the same period in the world gather together at the same time.

"Shaqi shook off the ashes that had been burned and continued

"Especially Kidd, Luffy, Hawkins, Dragu, Law, these are the names that are frequently reported. If you compare bounties, you are the second highest among them."Shaqi said

"What! Luffy's bounty of 300 million is only ranked second!"Chopper and Skeleton Gentleman Brook were shocked.

"Mafia Capone Bege, born in the West Sea, captain of the Flame Tank Pirates, bounty of 138 million Baileys; Gluttonous girl, Joelle Bonnie, born in the South Sea, captain of the Bonnie Pirates, bounty of 140 million Baileys; magician Basil Hawkins, born in the North Sea, captain of the Hawkins Pirates, bounty of 249 million Baileys; Haiming DJ Appu, born in the Grand Line, long-handed tribe, captain of the Onair Pirates, bounty of 198 million Baileys; Red Flag.


Draegu, born in the North Sea, former rear admiral, captain of the Draegu Pirates, bounty of 220 million Baileys; Urouge, the strange monk, captain of the monk pirates, unknown birth, bounty of 180 million Baileys; Trafalgar Law, the surgeon of death, bounty of 200 million Baileys, captain of the Heart Pirates; and Captain Kidd, captain of the Kidd Pirates, bounty of 315 million Baileys, born in the North Sea, his subordinate Killer Warrior Killer, bounty of 162 million Baileys.

"After introducing the other nine pirate supernovas with over 100 million Baileys, a cigarette was burned out unknowingly, and another one was taken out and lit.

The pirate Shachi, who had retired for 40 years and was being chased by Garp all over the world, looked at the reactions of the straw hats in front of him.

"There were countless pirate groups that entered the Grand Line in the beginning, but now there are only a few left.

The Grand Line is a huge survival elimination competition.

Those who survived on each route are the elite selected from thousands of miles away.

Especially this year, since Garp's disciple, the naval genius Lu Fei, guarded the Mogu Town Naval Base at the entrance of the Grand Line, the number of pirates has dropped sharply.

Garp's disciple, like Garp, is an incredible monster.

At least one-tenth of the pirates who entered the Grand Line were killed by their base alone.

Now among these surviving pirates, there may be the next person to lead the era.

In any case, if so many newcomers pour in at once, the New World is probably not peaceful.

And the reason why Captain Kidd's bounty is higher than yours is because he killed many innocent people and is very unpopular.

"Expelling a smoke ring skillfully, Shaqi must have been a smoker for at least several decades.

I don't know how he looks so young.

"Vice Admiral Lu Fei of the Navy Headquarters? I heard about him from Lu Fei's grandfather last time in the Seven Waters City, and I also read a lot of newspaper news. He is indeed a powerful navy."Hearing this, Chopper finally found an opportunity to interrupt and said to Shaqi as if to take credit.

"Vice Admiral? He is not now. He was demoted to Major General because of the confrontation with the Admiral and his navy let the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace, escape. The Major General who let Ace escape also became a wanted criminal with a bounty of 300 million. His name is Hakuba Cavendish, right? That's it." Shaqi took out a bounty for Hakuba from under the table and placed it in front of Luffy and others.

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