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"Ace was released? Ace was captured?"Luffy immediately became excited when he heard the news about his sworn brother Ace.

"Yes, I don't know the details, I just know this."Shaqi has been with Rayleigh for so long that he knows a little about Ace.

"This guy, turns out to be a good guy."At this moment, Luffy had long forgotten that Hakuba was chasing him everywhere. He only knew that this guy named Hakuba helped Ace and let Ace go. He was a good person.

"Speak of the devil, here comes the devil.

I just got the news that the White Horse Cavendish with a bounty of 300 million has also landed on the Sabaody Archipelago.

After not showing up for a few months, many people thought that this major general had been secretly captured by the navy.

It seems that this is not the case.

In this case, it must be the twelve supernovas.

It's really exciting.

"After going inside the bar, Xia Qi soon learned the news that the White Horse Cavendish had arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

At this time, the White Horse Cavendish and Lu Fei had just set foot on the Sabaody Archipelago.

What a powerful intelligence capability.

"Is this guy here too? If I see him, I must thank him and treat him to meat! By the way, since this island is so dangerous now, wouldn’t it be dangerous for that coated uncle to be outside?"Luffy's thoughts changed instantly and he thought of this.

"Hehe, don't worry about my guy, he is a hundred times stronger than you little guys." Shakey smiled knowingly when he heard Luffy was worried about Rayleigh's safety, and everything was said without saying a word. In the

Sabaody Archipelago, Lu Fei had already taken off his navy uniform and put on a mask. He didn't want to be found out that he was with Hakuba, and the navy would gossip if they knew.

More than a dozen pirates with a bounty of over 100 million gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago. It is impossible for the navy not to know this news, and the plot has been changed. Originally, the navy was planning for Ace's affairs at this time, but now, without these involvements, the navy will definitely take action against the supernovas in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Just as he said that the navy would capture these supernovas, the Den Den Mushi in his pocket remembered, and Lu Fei had an ominous premonition.

"belebelebele, hello, who is this?" Lu Fei answered the phone.

"It's me, Lu Fei. Now there is a good opportunity to gain military merit. A group of lawless and evil pirates have gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago. I want to send you to lead the fleet to capture them. What do you think?" Hearing the voice of Marshal Sengoku coming from the microphone, Lu Fei slapped himself on the forehead. He is in the Sabaody Archipelago, okay?

"It just so happens that I am traveling alone in the Chambord Archipelago, so I can go there and kill the group of guys you mentioned."Lu Fei did not refuse this task. After all, Bai Ma wanted the new stars to fight, and he could complete the task by picking up the corpses behind, so why not?

"Really? That's perfect.

Work hard.

Just one or two merits will be enough to restore your military rank.

I may retire in two years.

You should try to get enough military merits before I retire.

After I leave office, a new marshal will definitely be selected from one of the three generals.

Then you will fill the vacancy of the general who is serving as marshal and become a general.

Work hard.

"As for Lu Fei, Zhan Guo still wanted to take care of and help him when he was still the marshal, and paved a bright road for Lu Fei.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei apologized to Zhan Guo in his heart.

He and Akainu were destined to be incompatible.

Unless the plot changed and it was Aokiji who became the marshal, he might not leave the navy immediately.

Yes, it was immediately.

Sooner or later, he would have to leave the navy.

There were many lackeys of the government in the navy, and they were deeply rooted.

Although Lu Fei did not want to deal with the World Government, he just wanted to have fun in the pirate world, but many of the things he did would definitely not be allowed by the World Government.

As a modern man, Lu Fei naturally wanted to find the great treasure of the Pirate King to see what was in it.

This required collecting red road sign historical inscriptions, which would arouse the hostility of the government.

Leaving was destined from the very beginning when he joined the navy.

Walking in the lawless zone, it was obvious that many people recognized Bai Ma, the former navy with a bounty of 300 million, and they all hid far away for fear that Bai Ma would suddenly attack and kill them. After all, Bai Ma had the identity of Rommel Kamaitachi, and no one knew whether the other party killed people based on his mood or randomly.

"Boss, many of the weapons these guys are holding are made in our Magic Valley Town. It seems that your business with the flamingo is really big."Haima, who has become one of our own, naturally knows a lot of secrets from his conversation with Lu Fei, and the arms business with Doflamingo is one of them.

"These things can only help the weak to protect themselves.

The strong are not afraid of these things.

In front of the strong, these things may not be as useful as an iron pipe, but they are spreading too fast.

"The navy naturally asked Lu Fei whether there were any signs of weapons leaking from Mogu Town, but Lu Fei denied it, saying that anyone could copy anything and put the blame on Joker in secret.

But Joker is a Tianlong, so the investigation was left unresolved.

Power is sometimes a good thing, better than money.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Celestial Dragons, slaves, human trafficking shops, it really has everything.

It is worthy of being an island connected to the holy land Marijoa where the Celestial Dragons live.

Laws and regulations are of no use to the people who created them.

Compared with the greedy people in power who pursue their desires, the villains on the sea appear to be much more humane.

It is because the world is controlled by scum that batch after batch of scum is created.

They don’t even understand this truth.

The ugliness of the pirates can be regarded as cute to a certain extent.

It is really ironic that the navy and the government that were established for world peace actually serve these scum.

It’s really not worth it for the dead comrades.

" Hakuba couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the Celestial Dragons killing slaves at will and the shops auctioning slaves on the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Yes, every day we are helping these scums eliminate those who threaten their dominance. They wantonly enjoy everything in this world and use laws to restrain the rest of humanity. They regard the entire world as their playground and everything in the world as their property. Seeing the slaves killed in the street and the women robbed, Lu Fei's eyes flashed with murder.

"Bang~" The Tianlong who was pointing the gun at the woman's fiancée's gun dropped from his hand and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"The Conqueror's Haki is not strong enough.

If it is as strong as Red Hair, this guy's heart will probably be broken.

With the departure of Bai Ma, in a sense, the Revolutionary Army is worthy of people's following.

The strength and rapid development of the Revolutionary Army have a lot to do with this group of guys who do whatever they want.

There are too many people who don't like them, but few have the ability to kill them, so they united.

They created enemies for themselves.

This kind of idiot will never last long.

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