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""This old guy, Sengoku, is really ruthless." Seeing that there were not only his own pirates but also navy officers on the pirate ship, Whitebeard couldn't help but sigh in his heart at Sengoku's ruthlessness. He was tied up by Garp and Kizaru and couldn't use large-scale attacks on the battlefield. Huang Yuan was secondary. Garp really made him uncomfortable. Garp's fist was just like Sengoku's brain, still so smart and so hard!

But Whitebeard was not worried, because the warships were too close to the pirate ships. Some warships and pirate ships were next to each other. Even if the pirate ship was destroyed, it would be no problem to rob the warship. No matter how much Sengoku planned before the war, he might not have thought that the Whitebeard Pirates would directly break into the warship group, and the back-up plan was not only for the navy.

"Hellfire. Great Flame Emperor!" Lu Fei's move made Marco stunned for a few tenths of a second. He was too familiar with this move. Wasn't it Ace's Great Flame Emperor that turned black?

Marco transformed into a phoenix and flew into the huge fireball, then flew out from the other end. The dark blue body of the phoenix was stained with a lot of pitch-black hellfire, which really made Marco feel a little pain, but he didn't suffer any damage.

He knew that Ace and Lu Fei were good friends, but this kind of friendship was useless on the battlefield.

The two sides were opposite, but he didn't expect that many of Lu Fei's skills were similar to Ace's, and even more difficult.

From the confidence in the face of the navy at the beginning to the nervousness and anxiety now, Marco obviously saw that the situation was not good.

The navy came out in full force, and no matter how strong Whitebeard was, he was just one person.

If this continued, Whitebeard would be entangled by Garp and Kizaru until...

They will probably not be able to escape if they are eliminated by the navy.

On the scene, it seems that the situation is almost the same, but those who understand know that once Sengoku and Akainu take action against the captains, the situation will collapse directly. However, no one in the navy is careless and happy about this. Not to mention that the opponent is the pirate group of the world's strongest man, Whitebeard. Seeing that Whitebeard is not very anxious now, they are also very uneasy in their hearts, worried that Whitebeard has a backup plan.

With Whitebeard's IQ, he is naturally not stupid enough to fight the navy with his sons when he is not sure that he can't beat the navy. Since he dares to fight, he should have a certain chance of winning. Even if he doesn't have a chance of winning, he should have the ability to retreat unscathed.

At some point, Enel in the clouds in the sky had already prepared a big move. The whole sky suddenly became dark, covered with dark clouds, and arcs of electricity flashed in the dark clouds, which made people very uneasy.

""Be prepared for God's punishment, Ten Thousand Thunders!" With the help of the mind network, electromagnetic waves, and observation Haki, Enelu was confident that this attack would not hurt his own people. Of course, he had no way to avoid being electrocuted if he got too close to the pirates.

""Boom! Crack!" Lightning bolts fell from the clouds, hitting and knocking down the pirates in battle. They fell to the ground with their bodies charred. The navy who were unfortunate enough to fight against the pirates were also worried because their weapons were made of conductive metal.

Lightning bolts fell one after another, and the situation was very serious. Even Whitebeard prepared a bolt of lightning, which struck from the top of Whitebeard's head. Whitebeard obviously did not expect such a thing and had to block the lightning bolt. However, he did not forget that there were Garp and Kizaru in front of him. Once he blocked the lightning bolt, Garp and Kizaru would have the opportunity to attack him.

Looking at the lightning bolts falling from the sky, as well as Garp and Kizaru who were attacking him, Whitebeard had a choice. He held the naginata across his chest to block the attacks of the two and let the lightning bolts hit his body. The current flowed along Whitebeard and the naginata to Garp's body. Kizaru's transfer speed was fast enough to be affected by the lightning bolts, but Garp would not stop to avoid getting hurt, and let Whitebeard avoid the lightning bolts.

"It's so dangerous, the little devil of lightning is really messing around." Kizaru dodged and looked at the thunder that was still falling and said frivolously. At this time, the lightning hit Whitebeard and then transmitted to Garp. Both of them were jumping with arcs of electricity.


"Vice Admiral Garp!"Seeing the two people surrounded by lightning, the navy and the white thieves all turned their attention to them. The lightning that Enel prepared for Whitebeard was naturally the strongest. The 500 million volt lightning would not be easy even for the physiques of Whitebeard and Garp. Garp's hair and beard exploded, and Whitebeard's beard was also charred and smoking.

However, although they were attacked by lightning, the two did not stop and continued to fight. The lightning must have an impact on them. No one knows whether they are holding on or their original physiques can withstand the lightning. It is well known that Whitebeard is not in good health. There is usually a special medical team on the Moby Dick, and they are often infused with catheters. Although Garp is not much younger than Whitebeard, he is much better in physique.

Garp can feel Whitebeard's discomfort.

From the powerful attacks that Whitebeard vents, it can be seen that with Whitebeard's age and body, if he wants to fight a protracted war, maintaining a balanced output is the right way.

But now Whitebeard is obviously much more anxious.

It may be that the lightning has caused problems with Whitebeard's body.

The root cause It was not the power of lightning, but Whitebeard's health was not very good to begin with.

Now that lightning penetrated into him, it was like ignited gunpowder that could no longer be suppressed.

Garp was much better. He suffered a little pain, but after the pain dissipated, his body did not suffer any particularly serious damage. In short, although this lightning from Enel was considered to have accidentally injured his own people, the result was still good.

Diamond Joz was fighting with Aokiji on the ice. While avoiding lightning, one of his feet suddenly sank slightly into the ice. At this time, he realized that the ice had melted on a large scale without knowing when. There were also more people who noticed this problem like him. They fell into the ice hole inexplicably while fighting. The key was that the sea water was not cold but boiling hot. There were also lightnings falling towards them in the sky. The situation was very urgent.

Akainu's magma had penetrated into the ice layer without knowing when, and it was constantly melting the ice layer. The ice layer was getting thinner and thinner. Aokiji obviously did not use large-scale freezing skills very much, and deliberately controlled himself. Several pirate ships with heavy loads began to take in water and broke the ice and sank.

PS: In the movie, Garp and Sengoku teamed up to capture the Golden Lion that attacked the Marine Headquarters 20 years ago.

I set the Whitebeard in his later years to be as strong as the Golden Lion in his prime 20 years ago.

I think it is reasonable that the relatively old Garp and the prime Kizaru are both involved in Whitebeard's upper hand.

Of course, don't take it too seriously.

I know that there are many people who believe that Garp is invincible....

I am one of them.

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