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Tải ảnh: 0.096s Scan: 0.364sThe ice was broken, and the pirate ships that had been breached by the navy had begun to sink. The seawater flowed into the cabin along the breach. In addition to the pirates, there were also navy ships fighting with the pirates on the pirate ships. As for the navy and pirates on the ice, they all ran towards the nearby ships after seeing the ice melting, regardless of warships or pirate ships.

Before the war, Sengoku probably didn't think that the Whitebeard Pirates would directly break into the warships, resulting in the two sides being mixed together.

Although all the pirate ships were destroyed, the pirates ran to the navy's warships before the pirate ships sank with the pirates.

The original plan of Sengoku was to separate the navy warships and the Whitebeard Pirates on both sides, and then use the pacifists to attack on a large scale, let Zefa destroy the pirate ship from the bottom of the sea and let the pirate ship sink, leaving the pirates with no place to stand, becoming wet rats and artillery targets floating on the sea.

Now this plan has completely lost its greatest effect because of Whitebeard's decision.

However, when they saw the Moby Dick, one of the symbols of the Whitebeard Pirates that had accompanied them for many years, sinking, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates still felt sad. The Moby Dick carried their families and their dreams.

"Damn the navy! How dare they do this! Brothers, charge aboard the warships!" Wiping away the tears from their eyes, turning their grief and anger into strength, the pirates looked back at the Moby Dick that had completely sunk into the sea, picked up their weapons, bravely moved forward, and charged at the navy to avenge their lost comrades!

"What a mess."Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, looked at the pirates stepping on the deck of the warship and couldn't help but speak. Plans can't keep up with changes. Whitebeard is an old guy with rich experience in naval battles and knows a lot about Marshal Sengoku. Both sides know each other well and it is difficult to deal a heavy blow at once.

The ice melted, and now the warship deck is the main battlefield. Affected by the heat, the high tsunami frozen by Aokiji also showed a tendency to fall, which looked very dangerous and could fall at any time. The bottom of the frozen tsunami was already melting under the influence of Akainu.

"Bang!"The demon Oz was pushed down by Kameyama, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and fell toward the sea. His fall directly crushed the warships on the sea. These unfortunate warships were directly crushed by his huge size and weight, but Oz did not fall completely, because his back seemed to hit a huge wall, a wall frozen by the tsunami!

""Crack~" A shattering sound was heard, and a huge crack appeared on the frozen tsunami. Along with the sound of cracking, the ice tsunami, which was originally unstable, was about to overturn and overturn. The size of this ice wall was enough to cover the entire battlefield. The shattering sound was loud and crisp. Many people heard the sound, and as the cracks became larger and larger, the sound became louder and louder.

This is definitely a catastrophe. If this ice wall collapses, both the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates will suffer a fatal blow. Finally, the ice layer where the ice wall connected to the sea surface completely cracked, and the huge ice wall began to cover downwards. Fear began to permeate the entire battlefield. More and more pirates and navy made these two choices, hiding in the cabin or jumping into the sea.

Even the high-end vice admirals and the Seven Warlords of the Sea frowned. Only some of them could protect themselves under such an attack. Doflamingo shook the hand that was invisible to the naked eye, Be prepared to suffer the disaster. As for guys like Moria, they can only pray that a great god will take action to eliminate this huge ice wall.

Neither the navy nor the pirates will let this ice wall fall down. Both sides have a consensus at this time. If this ice wall falls down, it will not benefit either side!

In an instant, waves of attack and shells hit the ice wall falling from the dome. A huge blue slashing wave was particularly conspicuous among so many attacks. The huge ice wall was directly cut in half by Hawkeye. Then a rose-colored slashing wave followed closely, dividing the ice wall into four. Flower Sword Pista was not inferior.

On the deck of the warship where Sengoku was, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the deck collapsed. A huge golden war Buddha appeared on the deck. Sengoku's golden giant palm like a cattail leaf fan slapped a piece of ice wall falling here, completely shattering the ice wall into ice particles that fell down.

"Big firefight!"The huge lava fist was swung out, and the huge ice layer that was cut into a quarter was instantly melted by the lava, turning into raindrops made of sea water and falling down.

"Iron Fist!" To others, the huge ice wall was nothing special to Garp. In order to train his cone-shaped fist that could burst green peppers, he used mountains as sandbags and smashed countless mountains.

Whitebeard swung his naginata, and the moment the shock wave entered the ice wall, the shock wave completely shattered the ice wall from the inside, turning it into a rain of flowers.

This is the terrifying power of the world's top fighters. Even in the eyes of ordinary people, it can turn the tide of a disaster. Oz climbed out of the sea, and an invisible blade slashed across his knee. He didn't feel any pain for a moment, and his calf was completely separated from his body.

"Fffffffff, damn demon." A pink flamingo-like figure flew past Oz and fell to the ground. This was Doflamingo's revenge for the shock he had just suffered. Oz was mainly responsible for the collapse of the ice wall and became Doflamingo's revenge target.

"Oz!"The demon who lost one of his legs could not stand up steadily. The pain from the wound made him fall into the sea again, splashing huge waves.

"Doflamingo! You destroyed my perfect body!"Oz's missing leg is a great loss to Moria who wanted Oz's body.

"Captain Squardo!"At some point, Akainu appeared near Squardo, and with just one strike, he killed the Whirlpool Spider Squardo, one of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates' affiliated pirate group. Akainu joined the battle, and Sengoku, as the commander-in-chief, withdrew his golden body and continued to observe the situation.

"Vice Admiral Longz!"Finally, the battle has reached its white-hot stage. Casualties have begun to appear among the high-end combat forces. More and more pirate captains and naval generals have fallen.

"Hahahaha, Whitebeard Pirates, Navy Headquarters, the more deaths the better!"If the Whitebeard Pirates have many pirate enemies, then the Navy is the enemy of all pirates. Although many pirates hate the Whitebeard Pirates, they definitely hate the Navy more, for example, the Feikong Pirates! _

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