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Tải ảnh: 0.049s Scan: 0.572sThe number and location of islands on the Grand Route nautical chart are updated every day. There are always new islands being discovered or some existing islands disappearing or sinking for some reason.

Today is no different, but this time the number of sunken islands is obviously a bit more, although they are all islands not much bigger than a football field.

"General Yixiao, can't you use up some of your strength? Now, let alone the pirates you defeated, even the islands have sunk to the bottom of the sea." The navy officers looked helplessly at the dozens of small islands disappearing and sinking before their eyes. They didn't know which one this was.

"Sorry, sorry, I haven't made a move for a long time, my hands are not as good as before, and I am blind."Wearing a lavender yukata, a dark purple belt, a purple cape, a navy admiral's coat, wooden shoes, a cane sword, a bandage on his arm, and hand guards, Fujitora was like a primary school student who had done something wrong.���Apologizing to his subordinates, there is no other admiral with such a good personality.

Fujitora's strength instantly made the marines who were originally unwilling to become the subordinates of a man who had never seen him before and stood out from the world conscription to become the new admiral of the navy no longer have any objections. If you have a boss who can easily flatten several small islands by himself, would you still want to object?

However, these marines changed from being in awe of Fujitora at the beginning to having such an attitude now. It can also be blamed on Fujitora for being too easy to talk to, and he did do something wrong.

"Are there any other pirates that need to be dealt with?" Fujitora asked his subordinates. After all, even if his Observation Haki was awesome, he couldn't see the words on the paper....

"There is also an island near the Sabaody Archipelago, which is the first island we encounter on the left side of our warship."After the marine said this, he unconsciously hugged the mast of the warship with both hands. This is a habit he developed after Fujitora came.

"Weightless control!"Get up~" Fujitora's fruit ability is quite similar to the ability of the Float-Float Fruit of Golden Lion, the captain of the Flying Pirates who was beheaded by Akainu. It can control objects to float up or fall down, just like now. Under the power of Barnacles, a navy warship full of hundreds of people took off from the sea and flew into the distance under Fujitora's control.

Moreover, Fujitora's superhuman gravity fruit is much more amazing than Golden Lion's in many aspects. First of all, Golden Lion needs to touch objects to control them before he can awaken, while Fujitora does not need to touch them. Second, Golden Lion cannot control creatures other than himself to float up, while Fujitora does not have these troubles. Whether it is human or non-living things, his ability can affect them. It is really amazing.

"We are short of manpower.

" At the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, Lu Fei had just completed his mission and returned to the Marine Headquarters.

Enel and the others were now vice admirals, and they were all on their own.

There were indeed very few people Lu Fei could use.

Now Lu Fei was thinking about where to find a few more powerful subordinates.

Bartolomeo? Destroyer Cannon Ediol? Not to mention that Bartolomeo was a pirate with a bad record, even if it was Destroyer Cannon Ediol, Lu Fei really didn't like him.

"Lu Qi, what do you think about us trying to get him out of the mountain?" Fei's adjutant is Rob Lucci, formerly of CP9, with the rank of Lieutenant General. Lu Fei doesn't want him to be promoted to a general, otherwise he would probably be sent out alone again.

"Kameyama's strength is very strong, and his defense is also amazing, but with Kameyama's size sinking to the bottom of the sea, I really can't think of anyone who has the ability to take him out to sea."Lucci's words made Lu Fei despair. Indeed, it is almost an impossible task to pick up a huge mountain from the sea.

Lu Fei shook his head and began to think about the masters of the sea who would appear in the subsequent plots. Lao Cai? That's the Babao Navy, the enemy of the navy, pass, Ili smashes Belo II? The charging time is too long, PASS, I can't think of any suitable candidate after thinking about it.

At this time, a warship had just docked at the port of Marinford. Lu Fei saw Fujitora walking in the front square from the window of the attic. His heart suddenly brightened.

"Let's go, Lucci, I haven't really met or communicated with my new comrades yet." Lu Fei looked happy as he walked out of his admiral's office and headed towards Fujitora's office.

Fujitora smiled. Fujitora's color is purple, and the purple of Fujitora is a combination of the blue color, which is the representative color of Aokiji, and the red color, which is the representative color of Akainu.

And Fujitora's personality is also a combination of Aokiji and Akainu in the author's setting. Fujitora has the sense of responsibility like Akainu, but also the sense of humor like Aokiji.

However, unlike Akainu's"absolute justice", Fujitora often follows his own ideas when doing things. Compared with tracking down and arresting pirates, Fujitora is more concerned about the safety of innocent people, while abiding by the regulations of the navy.

Fujitora will turn a blind eye to kind pirates, which shows that Fujitora has a sense of responsibility like Aokiji. The same is true of good and evil. At the same time, Fujitora has a strong sense of self-esteem. When he argued with Sakaski, he refused to apologize for letting Luffy and Law go, which is very similar to Aokiji's personality.

This may be the image of the admiral that One Piece fans are most willing to see and appreciate.

Even when Luffy knew that Fujitora blinded himself because"it is a blessing not to see things, there are too many dirty and vulgar people in the world that people can't bear to look at", and the words he said when he had a disagreement with Akainu, Luffy was full of respect for the new admiral of the navy, thinking that this is the image of a real soldier.

When Luffy first joined the navy, he also wanted to become a navy like Fujitora!

"General Yixiao, this is the first time we have met since the inauguration ceremony. I am sorry that it has taken so long to come to visit you."Because of his respect for Fujitora, Lu Fei behaved very politely.

"Hehe, Admiral Lu Fei, you don't need to be so polite. As admirals of the navy, it is more important for you and me to serve the navy and the people under the government. Please take a seat."Fujitora did not say that he served the government and the navy, but served the people. His ideological stance was very similar to that of Lu Fei, a modern man.

Although Fujitora could not see with his eyes, he could automatically form an image of Lu Fei in his mind based on his breath and voice. It was the respect in Lu Fei's tone that made him feel a little strange. After all, the two had only met a few times and had no in-depth communication.

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