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"Oh, Admiral Luffy, what is your opinion on the Seven Warlords of the Sea? If your opinion is different from that of the top brass, I might as well listen to it."Fujitora Issho was really interested in the topic raised by Luffy.

Issho joined the navy to a large extent to solve the problem of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. These overlord-class forces on the sea who used the license of the World Government to do evil have caused too much harm to the peace-loving people.

Thinking of Alabasta where Crocodile was originally located, it was on the evil side.

If the Straw Hat Pirates had not uncovered Crocodile's conspiracy and saved Alabasta, the people of Alabasta would still be in war.

Issho hated all this, hated the government and the navy's investigation capabilities, hated the incompetence and inaction of the navy and the government, and needed pirates to help them solve their problems.

He hoped that he could have an impact or do something to change this situation after becoming an admiral of the navy.

"Shichibukai, say���They are seven hunting dogs without chains, and the navy is the hunter, and the people are equivalent to the poultry raised by the hunter.

Without chains, it is naturally difficult to fully control these hunting dogs, and these hunting dogs may attack and bite the poultry; although sometimes it can bring you rich prey, it will also cause trouble.

If the hunter wants to change this situation, he can either let these hunting dogs hunt by themselves, or tie them up with chains.

However, these Seven Warlords of the Sea cannot be bound by the navy like these hunting dogs.

The only choice is for the hunters to hunt by themselves, but in this case, they will definitely lose a lot of gains.

The navy is currently in this dilemma.

"Lu Fei told Fujitora his views and thoughts on the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which were all summed up by himself.

""Papa, that's right, Admiral Lu Fei. Comparing the relationship between the Navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea to hunters and hunting dogs is indeed a very good metaphor. It's very insightful. I agree with your idea." Fujitora showed some thoughtful and agreeing expressions on his face, indicating his approval of Lu Fei's idea.

"So, General Lu Fei, what do you think is the solution? A way to solve the problem of hunters getting enough prey even without hunting dogs."Fujitora was very interested. He had been thinking about this problem and had some ideas of his own. He wanted to know if his ideas were similar to Lu Fei's.

"Without the help of the hounds, the hunter can only equip himself to get enough prey, or use other methods to replace the hounds to get the same amount of harvest. If it were me, I would choose to equip myself, after all, you can't know if replacing the hounds with other substitutes will lead to the same situation as the hounds, or bring other troubles." Lu Fei gradually pulled Fujitora into his routine.

"Great minds think alike. You are indeed the youngest admiral in the history of the navy. Not only is your combat power outstanding, but you also have a lot of insights into things. My thoughts are similar to yours. You and I are like-minded people. I am not alone in my path."After listening to Lu Fei's views, Fujitora felt as if he had seen himself.

"So what do you think can be done to strengthen our navy so that we no longer need the Seven Warlords?"Fujitora sees Lu Fei as a powerful ally in the event of flying out of the Seven Warlords.


Yixiao must have thought about this.

The best and most convenient way is to do the same as Marshal Akainu, recruit soldiers from all over the world, gather strong elite troops, and strengthen the navy.

For example, you and Admiral Green Bull, if our navy has more elite generals, then there will be no need for the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

However, this seems simple, but it is the most difficult.

Capable people are either already in the navy or recruited by pirates or other forces.

However, there are always some who are missed.

I happen to know one who does not belong to any force at present, and his strength exceeds that of many vice admirals.

"Lu Fei's plan is revealed, and he is only a few steps away from achieving his goal.

"Then General Lu Fei, have you tried to recruit them? Did they agree? You know, many capable people are not willing to join the navy." Fujitora heard Lu Fei say this and asked

"No, I have some problems and need your help, General Yixiao. You should know that guy, Mr. Yixiao, Kameyama, the former Shichibukai. Lu Fei said a name that surprised Fujitora.

"Didn't Kameyama die in the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates?"Kameyama is an outlier among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, just like Hawkeye and Boa Hancock. He is one of the Seven Warlords that Fujitora doesn't dislike, but most of the Seven Warlords of the Sea are still tyrannical. It would be perfect if all of them were like Hawkeye and Boa Hancock.

"Everyone thought that Kameyama, a Devil Fruit user, would die if he sank to the bottom of the sea, but you need to know what Kameyama's true form is? Have you ever heard that a mountain can be drowned? It's just that the user will be powerless in the sea, and Kameyama's huge body makes it difficult for anyone to rescue him.

Admiral Yixiao, you are the one who has the ability to rescue Kameyama.

With this ability, you propose to Kameyama to join the navy.

He will definitely not be able to refuse.

After all, before he became a Shichibukai, he was a lone ranger like Hawkeye.

"Lu Fei replied, and he said so much just for this last proposal.

"You cunning boy, but if that's the case, I will do my best."Fujitora naturally understood Lu Fei's tactics, but he didn't object to Lu Fei doing this. After all, doing this did strengthen the navy's strength as Lu Fei said.

"Thank you, Admiral Yixiao. In this case, it is better to do it now than today. Since neither of us has any mission at the moment, let's go now. When the navy is strong enough, we will jointly propose to Marshal Akainu to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I believe Marshal Akainu will agree."Having achieved his goal, Lu Fei was in a good mood and was a little impatient.

"Then let's not dispatch the warships. Let me take Admiral Lu Fei with me. We can discuss and learn from each other on the way."As soon as Fujitora finished speaking, before Lu Fei could understand, he found that he was floating on the chair, and so was Fujitora. The two of them flew out of the window on the chair.

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