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Tải ảnh: 0.064s Scan: 0.368sAs long as you kill the devil fruit user and place the golden apple next to the dead devil fruit user, you can get the devil fruit that the user originally possessed. This is so amazing. Lu Fei looked at the golden apple and the paper with the formula in his hand at this time, as if he saw countless devil fruits being thrown at him continuously.

""Where are the formulas? Where are the agreed formulas?" Lu Fei wanted to see these so-called formulas, but after turning the pages, he found that, perhaps because of the long time, a lot of the yellow parchment had been corroded.

He searched the interlayer of the metal box, but he didn't find anything.

Lu Fei instantly felt like he had fallen from a high altitude to the bottom of the valley.

He thought he had obtained the capital to rule the world, but he found that he was about to lose him.

For a moment, Lu Fei was dazed in place.

Between great gains and great losses, Lu Fei's heart changed drastically from ecstasy to madness and sorrow.

It was unbearable and he was dazed in place.

The picture of golden apples and devil fruits all over his mind was instantly shattered, but fortunately, there was a ready-made golden apple in his hand, which gave Lu Fei some comfort.

"What am I thinking? I don't know whether the golden apple is real or not, but I'm complaining about it.

If I get it, I'm lucky.

If I lose it, I'm dead.

The most urgent thing is to pray that the golden apple is real.

As for the formula and method, let other professionals study it.

Maybe there will be a surprise.

"Lu Fei's realm of thought has obviously improved a lot in these years of training.

If he encountered such a thing when he first came to the pirate world, he would definitely be troubled.

"General Lu Fei, what does the paper say?" Seeing Lu Fei standing there without saying anything, his mood was sometimes low and sometimes high, the Marines were very curious and asked,

"It's nothing, I was just fooled. The paper told me that this is a golden apple that can make you live for a thousand years." Lu Fei said in a calm tone, silently and carefully put the golden apple and the paper into his pocket, and threw the metal box away casually.

"Eat the apple that can live for a thousand years.

I heard from my fellow marines that they caught such a liar in the Alabasta Kingdom of the Grand Line.

He colored ordinary apples and then deceived those ignorant passengers.

It seems that we will return empty-handed this time.

"When they heard about the apple that can live for a thousand years, these ordinary marines also laughed, thinking that it was indeed a lie.

Lu Fei's strange expression just now could barely be explained.

Only Lucci saw some details, but didn't say anything.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, in short, the line cannot tell others about the possible abilities of this golden apple. Even if there is only one golden apple, as long as it is real, it is a rare treasure for Lu Fei.

Back on the warship, Lu Fei seemed very calm, with a thoughtful look on his face. To others, he looked like he was lost for not finding the treasure, but this was exactly what Lu Fei thought. It would be best if this treasure hunt failed. In fact, Lu Fei was thinking about which devil fruit to use. Even if there was a 99% chance that it was fake, Lu Fei would try it. In case it was really used on the scum fruit, it would not be a loss.

"Why didn't I get this golden apple earlier? Golden Lion has been dead for so long.

What devil fruit should I choose? Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit? Even if the New World is peaceful from now on, Whitebeard won't live for ten years.

But ten years is too long for me.

Dark? Dark-Dark Fruit is the best choice.

If you get the Dark-Dark Fruit, you can hunt other devil fruit users.

The devil fruit will be endless.

But Kaido probably protects the Dark-Dark Fruit users as treasures.

Who can not protect this ability? Take your time.

Keep the golden apple by your side and use it when you encounter it in the future.

"The result of this treasure hunt is still unknown, and the value of the treasure cannot be estimated.

If it is real, it is priceless, and if it is fake, it is also priceless (worthless).

On an island in the Calm Belt that is similar to the treasure that Lu Fei just found, a huge white radish grows in the center of the island. On the tree trunk in front of the white radish, there is a straw hat that can be seen everywhere.

On the side, a bonfire is rising slowly. Straw Hat Luffy and Rayleigh are surrounding the bonfire at this moment, skewering the barbecue on the bonfire. The curling smoke rises up, passes through the forest layer, and rises to the sky.

""It smells so good, Uncle Rayleigh, is the barbecue not ready yet? I'm starving." Luffy, in a disheveled state, was shirtless, staring at the barbecue on the bonfire with shining eyes, and his mouth was drooling as if it was about to drip.

"It's almost done. Be patient. You need to work on your temper." Rayleigh flipped the barbecue and said to Luffy with a smile. Although he and Luffy were master and apprentice, the title remained the same, and he didn't know what was going on.

But neither of them cared about it. Luffy's training had started for several months, and Rayleigh was surprised by the speed at which Luffy's strength increased. Sometimes Rayleigh wondered if Garp didn't teach Luffy some fighting skills and ways of exerting force because he wanted to become a pirate. The basic skills were completely self-taught in battles. Luffy was like a dry sponge, absorbing the abilities taught by Rayleigh very quickly, which made Rayleigh quite satisfied.

"Hmm? Didn't we tell them to come once a month? The next time should be a week away." Rayleigh frowned slightly, and his observation Haki sensed something.

"No! It's not Hancock and the others. Luffy, stop eating. Uninvited guests are coming." Rayleigh's expression was serious. He was a little afraid of the strength of the newcomer.

Just a few minutes ago, when Luffy's warship was passing through a certain place in the doldrums, he suddenly saw the smoke rising from an island in the distance.

The artificial smoke rising in the doldrums naturally reminded Luffy of Luffy who was training with Rayleigh on an unknown island.

So he found a reason to let Luffy take the warship back to the Navy Headquarters first, and he flew towards the place where the smoke was rising.

No matter whether it was Luffy or not, Luffy didn't care at most that it would be a wasted trip.

However, when approaching the island where the smoke was rising, Luffy's observation Haki felt The two human beings who arrived on the island, although it is not certain who they are, but one is as powerful as Lu Fei, and the other is relatively weak, which can explain a lot of problems. Lu Fei's impression of Rayleigh and Luffy is exactly this condition.

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