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Fei leaped, ignoring the cold eyes that appeared on the lake surface, and flew through the air. For a moment, the lake surface surged, and huge emperor crocodiles burst out from under the lake surface.

""Get lost!" Lu Fei's domineering aura leaked out a little bit, and these ferocious crocodiles just now seemed to have seen the world, with fear and tension in their eyes. They tucked their tails between their legs and shrunk back under the lake surface, diving to the bottom of the lake and reappearing.

""The domineering color of Conqueror!

" If Armament Haki is a kind of Haki that can be learned with hard work, and Observation Haki is a kind of Haki that requires a certain amount of talent, then Conqueror Haki is innate.

It is not something that ordinary people can master.

Only one person in a million may have this Haki.

Lucci is very envious.

Although his talent is strong, mastering Observation Haki and Armament Haki is no problem, but Conqueror Haki, he estimates that it is difficult for him to have it.

"That's right, it's here. There's only one small mound on the lake. The red cross on the treasure map is right here."Lu Fei's palm turned into a golden crow's claw. The three sharp claws easily pierced into the soil and began to dig. Lu Qi and others also waited by the lake. The mound was so small that it wouldn't take long to dig it all out.

"Clang clang! Looks like we found it."Hearing the metallic collision sound, Lu Fei's face lit up, and he pushed aside the loess above the sound, and a simple black metal lid emerged.

Continuing to dig down, a complete box soon appeared in everyone's field of vision, a square black metal box, which didn't look like it could hide much. Even if it was filled with gems and gold, it wouldn't be worth much, unless it contained something more valuable.

Lu Fei grabbed the box and returned to the shore. Everyone fixed their eyes on the black metal box in Lu Fei's hand, expecting to guess what might be inside. Even Lu Qi, who didn't hold much hope, was thinking about the good side at this moment, just like buying a lottery ticket, although you don't expect to win the jackpot, but once you have a chance, you will still hold out hope.

Lu Fei is not a person who wastes time. Looking at everyone's eager eyes, he directly opened the lid of the black metal box. Although the black had been buried for a long time, there was not much rust, and the box was sealed very firmly. Lu Fei used a little force to unlock the lid.

"Golden apple? Or an unknown devil fruit? How come there is no pattern on it?"A group of marines chattered as they looked at the items in the box, asking the same question that Lu Fei wanted to ask.

A pure golden apple without any pattern, just an apple of a different color compared to other red apples, but Lu Fei didn't think that an ordinary apple could be as green and juicy as one just picked from the tree after being buried, there must be something magical about it.

Lu Fei grabbed the golden apple, and it was indeed not made of gold.

The texture was similar to that of an ordinary apple, and the hardness was the same as that of an ordinary apple after being pinched.

If Lu Fei hadn't known that this layer of gold was not painted on, he would have bitten it long ago.

At this time, Lu Fei was thinking frantically in his mind.

Thinking about the things related to the golden apple in One Piece, I can't help but think of the golden apple that can live for a thousand years sold by those deceptive fruit vendors in Alabasta.

Could that deceptive routine be based on facts?

The origin of the fake golden apple that sells for 10,000 berries in Alabasta is this golden apple? Can you really live for a thousand years after eating it? Living for a thousand years is a scary thing. After all, no matter how strong you are, you will eventually turn into a pile of yellow earth. Living long and immortal is one of the ultimate pursuits of everyone in any world, and Lu Fei is no exception.

However, Lu Fei still doesn't believe this legend....Eating an apple that can make one live for a thousand years is too fantastic. He would rather believe that eating this golden apple can increase his strength by a decade.

He stopped thinking about it and put away the golden apple. Lu Fei carefully observed the box. After all, the protagonist usually encounters natural treasures or inheritances of powerful people when searching for treasures, not apples with uncertain real uses like this. Lu Fei believes that his luck as the protagonist is not that bad. There must be something fishy going on.

"Shake, shake, shake~ huh?"Sure enough, Lu Fei discovered the compartment in this box.

"It's just as I thought. I'm the protagonist of this book. How could my luck be bad? This golden apple must be a treasure that I don't know about!" His fingertips pierced through the metal layer and Lu Fei got a yellowed paper from it. There were many mathematical formulas and strange symbols written on it.

"Everyone knows the power of devil fruits.

After eating a devil fruit, you can become a superman in the eyes of ordinary people without training.

Especially some natural devil fruits are even more praised.

However, devil fruit users are common, but devil fruits are not common.

Moreover, even if you kill a devil fruit user, unless you are a dark-dark fruit user, you cannot obtain his devil fruit ability.

"Lu Fei was also surprised when he read this.

The guy who left the notes also knew about the dark-dark fruit.

However, he was only slightly surprised and continued reading.

"For this reason, I have been studying how to get the Devil Fruit ability of others after killing them.

I found that after the ability user dies, the Devil Fruit Factor in his body will look for a new host within a period of time.

These hosts are all ordinary fruits.

Therefore, I tried to bury the dead Devil Fruit users in the orchard, but things don't go as planned.

Only three of the hundreds of experiments were successful.

But I didn't give up and began to investigate the characteristics and properties of the general fruits that the Devil Fruit Factor is attached to.

After countless experiments and attempts, I finally succeeded!

I cultivated the golden apple that the Devil Fruit Factor is willing to attach to.

I used the cultivated golden apple to do experiments and placed it next to the dead Devil Fruit users.

Coincidentally, the Devil Factor in the bodies of these dead Devil Fruit users entered the golden apple and turned into new Devil Fruits!

But time is not forgiving.

Just when I wanted to do something big, I had exhausted my life's energy in research and was about to get old.

For this reason, I left a treasure map.

I hope that future generations can find the place where I buried the research and plan for cultivating golden apples based on the treasure map.

I hope it will be helpful to the discoverer.




" Lu Fei was completely shocked by the words on the paper.

This is really a masterpiece of genius!

This golden apple is beyond the existence of any devil fruit!

This guy with the same surname as Einstein is really a terrible scientist beyond Lu Fei's cognition.

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