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""Awoo~" Before setting foot on the island where the treasure was buried, the roar of wild beasts could be heard just by approaching the shore. It was a green and vibrant forest island. Due to the unique geographical conditions of the Calm Belt, many islands were isolated from the world and retained the ecological chain of hundreds and thousands of years ago, just like the small garden that Luffy and his crew went to, with many prehistoric creatures.

At least Lu Fei's observation Haki spread out, and he had never seen many strange creatures on the island. Moreover, the strength of these creatures was not bad. Although there was some gap compared to those cultivated by the Golden Lion, they were considered strong among natural creatures.

"What a pity, I don't know if I will have the chance to find the superhuman pet fruit again."Thinking back to when Lu Fei killed the pet fruit user in reality, he brought his body back to the pirate world. Now the devil fruit factor has attached itself to an unknown ordinary fruit. The ocean is so big, the chance of encountering one is too slim.

Lu Fei took the lead and set foot on this unknown land after the warship docked. Although these creatures are powerful, how could they pose a threat to him?

Lucci followed closely with a team of dozens of marines, so that if there was a treasure, it would be easy to transport. The rest of the original CP9 and the remaining navy stayed on the warship.

Indeed, few people visit this island. Except for a few fist-sized animal paths, there is almost no road to walk on. Large trees and shrubs cover the island tightly.

""Infernal fire~" Lu Fei's whole body was covered with black flames. He ignored the waist-high bushes blocking the way ahead and walked forward according to the location recorded on the treasure map. Wherever Lu Fei passed, the black fire would burn the bushes that touched his body, but it would not spread out and cause forest fires. Lu Fei's ability to control fire has reached an extremely terrifying level.

With Lu Fei leading the way, the others were naturally much more relaxed. Following behind Lu Fei, they heard a strange cry from time to time and turned their heads left and right to warn of the surrounding situation.

"Flutter~~"As they walked through the bushes, they startled waves of birds that lived there. These birds, which looked similar to owls but were more than ten times larger, were not scared away. Instead, they perched on the tall branches of a nearby tree, twisted their heads 180 degrees clockwise, and looked at Lu Fei and his group of uninvited guests strangely. Perhaps it was because they had never seen humans before, so they were not afraid of humans, but were more curious.

"Stop! A big guy is coming~" Lu Fei suddenly stopped, and his observation Haki discovered something. Amid the confusion of the marines, a chaotic sound of footsteps shook the ground.

""Teng-teng-deng~" The footsteps were getting louder and closer, and the vibrations of the ground were getting stronger.

The 'owls' on the tree trunks flew away without a single one left.

The marines who could serve under the admiral were the elites in the army.

They did not panic in the face of unknown enemies.

Instead, they quickly formed a formation and raised their weapons in the direction of the sound.

Lu Fei and Lucci looked relaxed.

The waiting time was not long.

Soon, the familiar creatures arrived.

There were about twenty of them.

Looking at their sharp fangs, it was clear that these guys were not peace-loving creatures like the owls before.

""Wolves? So big?" the crowd said in a skeptical tone. The reason they were not sure was that these wolves were very different from the ones they often saw. These wolves ran on all fours when they came over, but when they stopped in front of them, they stood up on their two hind legs. They looked more like a group of people who had eaten animal fruits and transformed.

"These werewolves are not evolving, are they?" Lu Fei thought of the process of human transformation from apes that he had learned in biology class. The werewolves now looked very similar to the initial form of humans.

"It seems that they treat us as food. Lucci is in your hands. Seeing the bloodthirsty eyes and bared teeth of the werewolves, Lu Fei gave an order to Lucci. After Lu Fei finished speaking, he walked forward without waiting for Lucci to make a move, with his hands in his pockets, ignoring the group of werewolves in front of him. The navy didn't know what Lu Fei wanted to do.

"Awooo~" Just as Lu Fei reached the attack range of these werewolves, these werewolves leaped and rushed towards Lu Fei. Dozens of werewolves jumped in the air, looking very ferocious.

"Finger gun—pull out!"Lucci's hands had turned into leopard paws without him noticing. He bent his hands with sharp black claws, and air bullets were ejected from his fingertips.

""Plop~Plop~" One after another, werewolves were pierced by Lucci's attack and fell from the sky. Lucci only fired ten bullets and killed more than twenty werewolves. Each long-range attack finger gun killed at least two werewolves.

Lu Fei swayed strangely as if he was drunk. These werewolves that fell from the sky and the bloodstains that splashed out all fell all over the ground, but they did not touch Lu Fei at all.

"Is this the Observation Haki, an ability that the strong must master!

"Lucci saw Lu Fei's understatement and began to desire to have the same ability as Lu Fei.

He had only been exposed to Haki for a short time.

Lu Fei taught it to him after he joined the navy, and he still had a very shallow grasp of it.

Lucci was still a quasi-vice admiral and had not become a formal vice admiral because he had not fully mastered a Haki.

After all, the requirement to become a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters is to have enough military merits and master a Haki, and a large number of Haki.

However, Luffy is not far from mastering Haki, and he may be able to master two colors of Haki at once!

There is a saying among the marines of the Navy Headquarters that the more great the generals you follow, the bigger the world will be, and you can only know more by following the strong. , and saw more. For example, the strength shown by Lucci now is incredible to these ordinary marines who are still elites. If they are not marines of the Marine Headquarters, they may never know that there is such a powerful Marine Six Styles.

Continue to move forward, getting farther and farther away from the buried place of the treasure. The powerful beasts that appear along the way are not Lucci's opponents. None of them can withstand Lucci's attack. Since losing to the Straw Hat Pirates, Lucci has been constantly getting stronger and transforming. Don't forget that Lucci is also the first genius of CP9 in 800 years. Even if his talent is not as good as Lu Fei, it is a natural talent for others!

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