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"This time, I signed a favor for Fujitora."Kameyama successfully joined the navy and became a lieutenant general under Lu Fei. For this, Lu Fei had to spend a lot of money to build a ship large enough, otherwise he would not be able to take Kameyama with him on the expedition.

However, in terms of cooperation, it is definitely more suitable for Kameyama to be Fujitora's subordinate.

Kameyama's size combined with Fujitora's ability can kill too many enemies by using Kameyama as a hammer.

However, Fujitora still humbly allowed Kameyama to become his subordinate, and Lu Fei remembered this favor.

Akainu had no reason to refuse Kameyama's joining.

After all, he was the admiral of the navy and he was in charge of the navy.

If Hawkeye had not clearly stated that he was unwilling to join the navy, Akainu would have wanted to personally lobby Hawkeye to join the navy.

He could even give Hawkeye the position of an admiral.

Unfortunately, this was impossible.

"The Empress - Boya Hancock, Hawkeye - Joracle Mihawk, Tenyasha - Donquixote Doflamingo, and Trafalgar Law, one of the eleven supernovas who just joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea, there are still three vacancies in the Seven Warlords of the Sea."Although there are many pirates who want to become Shichibukai, Akainu is not satisfied with most of them. However, he is not in a hurry. The navy still has to maintain a high posture, otherwise where will the navy put its face?

But Akainu doesn't know that one of his admirals is considering how to kill Doflamingo, one of the four Shichibukai, and the sea is not necessarily one.

The New World Whitebeard Pirates are holding a grand welcome banquet at this moment to celebrate Hakuba Cavendish becoming the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Fourth Division.

It has not been long since Hakuba joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and Hakuba's strength has been unanimously recognized by the members of the Whitebeard Pirates in several actions, and he also saved the life of Ace, the current captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Putting aside the fact that he is a show-off, Hakuba is indeed the perfect candidate for captain.

"Let's have a party! Don't stop until you're drunk! Let's celebrate the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Ace took the lead and raised his glass and drank it all. Under Whitebeard's guidance, Ace now looks much more mature. Who knows how much his strength will grow in the future.

The navy and pirates have suddenly become a little quiet during this rare period of time. There has been no major movement on the sea. It seems peaceful and beautiful, but smart people know that this calm sea will one day cause a storm. During this rare rest time, Lu Fei was patrolling the sea with a warship, and by the way, he was looking for the treasure map he got from a group of pirates he killed two days ago.

When you see pirates, you will naturally think of treasures. Lu Fei has been in the pirate world for so long and has never found any treasures. This time, he is very interested. In the pirate world, with so many pirates, nearly half of the treasure maps are fake. Sometimes, they may be traps set by pirates to attract people.

He escaped from the parchment that had been folded many times and was a little damaged. On it was a rough topographic map of mountains and oceans. In the upper left corner of the map, there was a red cross, indicating the burial site.

When it comes to the collection of ocean charts, the governments and navies of the world are absolutely the most comprehensive. Unlike other pirates who may not even be able to find the location on the treasure map in their lifetime, Lu Fei quickly found the area where the treasure was buried by comparing it with the nautical chart owned by the navy, the Calm Belt! The Calm

Belt is indeed an excellent place to hide treasures. There are no ocean currents that can drive sailboats, and the Calm Belt sea area, which is also the home of sea kings, is indeed a dangerous place.

For ordinary pirates, they may be killed by groups of sea kings as soon as they enter the Calm Belt.

From this, it can be seen that the strength of the pirates who can bury treasures in the Calm Belt is not low, which makes Lu Fei even more interested in this treasure hunt.

Driving an outboard warship with seastone inlaid on the bottom, there is no need for wind to propel it, nor to worry about attacks from sea kings.

The navy's technology in the Calm Belt can be said to have confirmed a very good saying: technology determines strength.

This saying is also very correct in the world of pirates where there are many strong people.

The Calm Belt, which is difficult for others to enter and pass through, is like the back garden of the navy's home.

They can enter and exit as they please.

For the pirate world where most places are still in the sailing age, the navy's outboard-driven mechanical gear ship is like the black technology of the pirate world, invincible.

""Lucci, what do you think we might get from the treasure burial ground? Gold? Bailey? Or weapons?" After entering the doldrums, Lu Fei was very interested. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the treasure burial ground, he couldn't help but look forward to it. He asked Rob Lucci beside him. The man in a black suit with the pigeon on his shoulder stopped

"There might be nothing inside, just an empty box and a note left by the pirate who drew the treasure map, mocking us for searching. I found treasures a few times before, but the best I found was just a few gold coins. It would be better to kill a pirate and make money quickly."When Lucci was young, he was also full of curiosity and adventurous, but it seems that the result hit him and made him lose interest in treasure hunting.

"A mocking note? What familiar words, but I believe we will not return empty-handed this time."Lu Fei thought of the purple-haired little girl who stole the wealth in his warship and left a note. Lu Feihai remembered it all clearly.

While Lu Fei and his group were leisurely searching for treasure, Feng Dai Amazon Lily, Empress Boya Hancock and the previous generation of Empress Zha Po Po were very nervous and anxious.

"Mother-in-law, this new admiral Luffy is not here to capture Luffy! We have to inform Luffy quickly, where is the Den Den Mushi? Bring it here."When it comes to things related to Luffy, the aloof empress will have big mood swings

"It's useless. Rayleigh and Luffy were isolated from the outside world during their training and didn't bring Den Den Mushi with them."Looking at the empress pacing back and forth anxiously, Grandma shook her head helplessly. Lovesickness is also a disease.

"What can I do? I have to go out to sea. I have to go and tell Luffy in person!"The empress regained her dignity and gave orders to her subordinates below. She could no longer control herself and was anxious to tell Luffy. She was worried about his safety.

"Don't worry too much, this Admiral Lu Fei is Garp's disciple, and Luffy is Garp's grandson, so he shouldn't attack Luffy.

Moreover, the place where Luffy and Rayleigh practice is very hidden, and even our warriors who live in the Calm Belt all year round can hardly find it.

"It's a pity that before the mother-in-law finished her words, the empress quickly rushed to the port.

I don't know whether she wanted to inform Luffy about this or she wanted to see Luffy because of lovesickness.

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