The Navy would never think of the ambitions of Kaido's pirate group. It only sent one general, Lu Fei, to the New World to teach Kaido's pirate group some small lessons, so as to curb the crazy activities of Kaido's pirate group on the sea in recent times.

Lu Fei packed the golden apple, which was not known to be true or false, in a box and put it back in his bedroom. Although there was only one general, Lu Fei, who went to the New World this time, there was another heavyweight who also acted together.

The captain of the security team of the genius scientist Vegabank of the World Government is known as the strongest defense of Zhan Taomaru. This time he will also follow Lu Fei to the New World, but his mission is different from Lu Fei. The purpose of the World Government is to obtain the aircraft technology in the hands of the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Hakuba Cavendish!

The World Government, like the Big Mom Pirates and other forces that covet the modern technology in Cavendish's hands, also wants to obtain these weapons and equipment that can dominate the air. The pacifists have leveled the ground for them. Now it is time to develop the sky. Now there are ready-made technological products in front of them. There is no reason for the World Government not to take action.

Air power.

Although many people in the pirate world can moonwalk, many people can jump dozens of meters high, and some people can use their abilities to attack high-altitude objects, but only a few can fly.

Who doesn't know how proud the birdman ability user from Alabasta was when he said that he was one of the top five flying ability users in the pirate world?...

Although there are more than that, those who can fly are definitely a minority, and attacking enemies on the ground from the air is definitely advantageous.

If the world government can get the planes in the sky, the warships on the sea and the pacifists on the ground will really dominate the sea, land and air.

"Whitebeard is already halfway to the grave, but a man like Cavendish would actually go to him, bringing with him such advanced technology.

General Lu Fei, Hakuba was originally your subordinate, why do you think he chose Whitebeard instead of Kaido or Red Hair?" Beside Zhan Taomaru, a group of pacifists wearing the white uniforms of the World Government Science Corps lined up.

For some reason, the original pacifists' black coats were also changed to white.

Was it to commemorate the death of the real tyrant Bear?

"Uh~ maybe he thinks the Whitebeard Pirates have a better future."I can't tell Zhan Taomaru that he asked Hakuba to join the Whitebeard Pirates, Lu Fei was speechless.

"I know! He must have known that Whitebeard was about to die and wanted to grab the captain position. If he succeeded, he could become the leader of the Four Emperors. If he failed, it would only take a few years to fight for it again!"Zhan Taowan was thinking wildly, which made Lu Fei's face black.

But you can say whatever you want. Zhan Taowan is not a normal person at first glance, so as not to have more weird questions later.

"By the way, Dr. Vegabank has moved out of Punk Hazard because of the duel between Kuzan and Sakaski, has he found a new place for research?"The incomplete formulas of the golden apple in Lu Fei's hand have been studied by someone else, but although this amazing product amazed Lu Fei's scientists, they were unable to study it. Lu Fei naturally had to think of Vegabank, the Einstein of the pirate world.

"I am the most tight-lipped man in the world. I will not tell anyone that the doctor has established a new scientific research base somewhere in the sea of the Grand Line."Zhan Taowan was still the same as always, but after that, Zhan Taowan quickly understood and shut up, which made Lu Fei much more obedient along the way.

Lu Fei was still very curious about the pacifists, and he would knock around the pacifists from time to time, but he didn't see anything. Lu

Fei's pet banana crocodile in the sea has grown from the size of a ship when it was first captured by Lu Fei to the size that can almost carry a warship on its back to swim. There is also a group of blue sea crocodiles in the sea that swim with the warships like dolphins.

The journey on the sea is not boring. The navy has a special communication from the navy headquarters. The currents flowed toward the New World. Lu Fei watered the orange trees on the warship. The oranges this year were very sweet, unlike the dry ones when Lu Fei first received them. This was one of the gifts from the little girl in Cocosia Village for his victory over Arlong.

In the New World, Drought Jack, one of the three major officers under Kaido's pirate group, was sweeping an island under the pirates' territory. A huge mammoth with sharp white fangs was trampling on the island wantonly. Everywhere it stepped on was dry and rotten like a drought demon. A wooden house was rolled up on its long nose and thrown into the sky fiercely. The whole island was devastated.

"Master Jack, just leave these things to us. There is no need for you to take action yourself against these guys."Beside the huge mammoth, there was a man with long silver hair, black sunglasses, and two black horns on his head. This was Jack's subordinate Sipshead.

Sipshead broke open a piece of building wreckage from which a wailing sound was heard, and stabbed the injured wailer to death. However, he was thinking about how much property and treasures had been destroyed by the huge mammoth that Jack had transformed into.

On the other side, Jack's female subordinate Jin Rami, who had purple-red hair and also had black horns on her head, was also finishing off those guys who were not dead yet. On this piece of ruins, Jack's men, each with black horns, were killing madly.

"Are all those power users hiding? Then I will kill all their friends and families and force them out. The goal of Kaiduo is to gather a thousand Devil Fruit power users within a year. I can't lose to King and Queen. I want to catch more Devil Fruit power users!"It is common for Jack to destroy a pirate group or village for a power user. Although the New World is mostly pirates, there are still some countries and islands under the management of the World Government.

""What's that sound?" The huge mammoth heard a whistling sound and looked up. In the sky, white lines cut through the clouds and flew towards this side.

Lu Fei was destined to miss Jack, because he was going to the countries and islands protected by the World Government, not the pirates' territory.

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