"I understand, old man, I'll rush over right away." On the other side, on the warship where Lu Fei was, Zhan Taowan answered a call from the Navy Admiral Kizaru. His actions in the navy were under the jurisdiction of Borsalino.

"Admiral Lu Fei, Mr. Kizaru told me that the navy has discovered the location of my target. We have to act separately. I will borrow this warship temporarily."Zhan Taomaru pointed to another warship next to Lu Fei's warship and said.

Without waiting for Lu Fei to nod in agreement, he jumped on with the pacifists. Lu Fei could only let all the navy personnel on that warship except for the cockpit be assigned to the other two warships. Admirals usually take three warships with them on missions, and Lu Fei is no exception.

As for what Zhan Taomaru said about Kizaru discovering the whereabouts of Hakuba, he was not worried at all. Not to mention Hakuba's own strength, Hakuba is now a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and has his own powerful team.

Half an hour later, in the New World, on a winter island. In the New World, those islands with winter climates are called winter islands, and vice versa for spring, summer and autumn. The location of Lu Fei's mission this time is this snow-covered island.

"Admiral Lu Fei, there are many messy footprints on the snow ahead!" Just as Lu Fei took out his camera to take pictures of the snow-covered island, bad news came from the navy ahead.

Lu Fei put away his camera, his footsteps left on the bright snow, and he walked towards where the footprints were found. The snow was deep, enough to cover the knees. It was very difficult for ordinary people to walk on it, but for Luffy with a superhuman physique, the difference from walking on flat ground was not much.

Soon Lu Fei saw this messy patch of footprints. It looked like they had been there for a long time. The footprints were almost covered with snowflakes. The footprints were big and small, and there were some that did not look like human footprints. They looked like hoof prints of animals such as horses or bears. Lu Fei felt a little uneasy when he saw these.

"General Lu Fei! Here! Here!"As expected, the marines who had entered the island village were anxiously calling out to Lu Fei, as if they had discovered something, but it was hard to say or describe.

Lu Fei's observation Haki quickly spread out, covering the entire village, and found no signs of life other than his marines.

In the center of the village, in a pile of snow that had been dug up, a number of frozen corpses were exposed, as if they had been torn to pieces by wild beasts, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

"Set up a monument and bury it in the snow."After experiencing the bloody war, Lu Fei was accustomed to these tragic scenes. Being too weak means being beaten. This is the rule of the pirate world. However, Lu Fei, who seemed calm on the outside, was burning with anger in his heart.

"It must have been done by Kaido's pirate group." The marines were filled with righteous indignation. Attacking weaklings who had no ability to defend themselves was something everyone despised. Few pirates would do this. Even the so-called evil deeds of the supernova Eustace Kidd, who was captured by Lu Fei and imprisoned in Impelton Prison, were only to sink many merchant ships and kill some navy officers.

"Lu Qi, can you find their traces?"Although the leopard's sense of smell is not as sensitive as that of a dog, it is also quite good. Lu Fei asked Lu Qi, who had transformed into a leopard man.

Lu Qi took a deep breath in the air and then shook his head.

"The snow is too thick, the current is always flowing, and the smell has faded."As a man who killed thousands of people when he was a teenager, Rob Lucci really has no interest in these deaths. If it weren't for Lu Fei's order, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these things.

"These guys are really troublesome. Where is the nearest island, kingdom or force under the World Government? We will rush there as quickly as possible."The dead cannot be resurrected. Saving the living is the key now. We must quickly board the warship and set sail again. We must race against time.

Dividing line————————————————————

A group of goats, as big as cows, dark brown with black horns more than half a meter long, were raging on the endless grassland, but some of them had human feet or human hands.

The only thing in common among these goats was probably the pair of long black horns.

After all, goats without horns had no attack power and had long been eliminated by Kaido as complete failures.

Although artificial devil fruits were replicable, they had various defects.

Kaido didn't care about these.

He only cared about whether they had the ability to attack.

Those without the ability to attack were inferior products to him.

That's right, this group of dark brown goats, as big as cows, were all the products of artificial devil fruits.

Nearly a hundred huge goats could destroy a small village with a collective charge.

At the front of the goat herd, on the back of the largest goat, a hairy strong man rode on the goat.

He was Bill, the captain of the sixth team of Kaido's pirate group.

Originally, he had no chance to lead this 100-man artificial devil fruit ability team.

This time, in order to hunt more devil fruit ability users, Kaido distributed some of the ability users in the hands of the Three Calamities to the five captains 6-10, each with 100 people.

After all, the strength of each of the Three Calamities is comparable to this 100-man ability user team.

Letting the Three Calamities lead the ability user team is a waste of resources, especially at this time when Kaido is in urgent need of devil fruit ability users.

"Today I have already sacked three islands and obtained two parahuman devil fruits. I can now go back and report. I will go back after sacked this island. I have killed so many people that I am tired of killing people."The captain of the sixth team of Kaido's pirate group, Explosive Bear Bill, was originally called Giant Bear. After Tyrant Bear died, he lost his name. You can tell what kind of person he is just by listening to his name.

"The navy support hasn't arrived yet! It seems that our village is doomed this time!"In the villages on the island, the villagers were already desperate. In despair and fear, they dared not take up arms to resist.

"Village chief, the world government is useless and can't protect us, why don't we join Kaido's pirate group, maybe there is still a chance of survival"

"Yes, village chief, since the world government can't protect us, why should we rely on it!"The villagers were in chaos at this moment.

"Shut up, have you forgotten who fought off the pirates and protected our village? It was the navy!"The village chief is nearly eighty years old and is walking on crutches.

"The Navy saved you, not us!"Vice Admiral Garp protected this island from the pirates. It has been nearly forty years now. It is also because of this that an island village in the New World did not submit to the nearby forces but to the World Government. However, the younger generation has long forgotten this, and the older generation who experienced that time are almost dead.

"Old man, you don't want to live, but we do. Kaido's pirates are almost at the village. The navy is doomed to be unable to save us this time. Go to hell!" Several thugs who yearned for the life of pirates but were stopped by the older generation suddenly attacked and injured people, killed those opponents, and went to the village entrance with money to wait for the arrival of Kaido's pirates. Everything is empty talk in front of death.

""Captain Bill, those guys at the entrance of the village seem to be welcoming us? Did I see them wrongly?" The goat under Bill's seat spoke in human language.

"Hahahaha, the weak have always been obedient to the strong. It seems that these guys are very smart. They know that if they surrender to us, they still have a chance to survive. I am in a good mood today. As long as there is a capable person in the village, I will let them go!"

At the entrance of the village, when the villagers saw the huge herd of goats rushing towards them, they were glad that they made the right choice to surrender, but they were filled with fear. Many of them trembled in their calves and fell to the ground.

"Stop!" Bill gave an order, and the goats stopped at the entrance of the village. In the fearful eyes of the villagers, Bill got off the goats' backs. His nearly three-meter height and ferocious appearance frightened the villagers.

""Sir, we are willing to offer our property and surrender this island to Kaido Pirates. We hope you will be generous and let us go." The thug who first killed the village chief flattered, hoping to join Kaido Pirates and become a subordinate of the Four Emperors.

"I will let you go, but that depends on my mood. I will accept your money, but I have one more condition. If you can meet it, I will agree to your request. Bill asked people to accept the property offered by the villagers, and said

"Sir, you say!" Seeing the treasures in Bill's hands, the villagers were relieved. As for the conditions, they would do it even if there were ten of them!

"In that case, let me be frank. There is a devil fruit in your village.���A person with special abilities, that is, someone abandoned by the sea."Others put forward their own conditions

"this..."After hearing the conditions proposed by Bill, the villagers were stunned for a moment. They did not expect such conditions, and the key point was that they did not have them!

"What? Can't speak? It seems that there is no more. What a pity. My original mood has become worse. I rejected your request. You should die! Go, don't leave any one alive!"Bill suddenly turned his face and gave the order to massacre without giving any chance.

After the first villager fell in a pool of blood, the villagers fled everywhere, screaming and painful sounds continued to sound in the village.

In the sky, above the clouds, there was a figure watching all this. It was Lu Fei. In order to catch up with the traces of the Kaido Pirates, Lu Fei took the recording pointer and flew here at the fastest speed. He didn't expect to see such a wonderful and dramatic scene.

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