On the Snake Island, the Snake People's space has been continuously compressed and reduced by the bounty hunters. The forests where they could hide have been thoroughly searched, and the Snake People are about to be discovered by the bounty hunters.

In a low bush, there are green Snake People lying down. They can already hear the sound of the bounty hunters pushing aside the bushes and the footsteps of their movements.

Fortunately, these bounty hunters want to kill them alive, otherwise they would just burn the forest and no one would be able to escape. There is a sea all around, and the powerful creatures in the sea are more terrifying than the bounty hunters.

"Hey, hey, we found the boss, there's a foot over there!" At this moment, a bounty hunter with a full beard suddenly shouted loudly, not far from the bushes where the snake people were hiding.

""Where?" The others asked, looking around.

The snake people in the bushes thought they were discovered and became a little nervous. They shook their bodies and moved the bushes on them.

"Look, isn't it right there?"The bearded bounty hunter grinned and found something strange in the bushes. In fact, he didn't find anything just now. He just shouted to scare the snake out. Unexpectedly, the snake really came out. This is also a useful method of some old bounty hunters. It seems to be effective.

Everyone smiled at each other and walked towards the shaking bushes with weapons.

Although the combat effectiveness of the snake people is not high, if they don't have weapons in their hands, they will easily be beaten to death by a large number of people.

After pushing aside the bushes, they saw the snake people hiding in it.

The bounty hunter The hunters laughed heartily.

After shooting several snakemen who wanted to resist in the legs, no one dared to resist again and they were all captured.

The importance of weapons can be seen from this. If the snakemen also had such weapons, there would not be such a tragic result. They were handcuffed with hand chains and taken to the waiting ships at the port.

When the warship arrived, all the snakemen were loaded onto the slave ship. They had already been loaded into iron bars covered with black cloth. Fortunately, there were no casualties because living slaves were more valuable.

"Boss! It's the navy!" Pirates and criminals will get nervous when they see the navy. After all, the navy that can drive a warship with a thousand people are mostly generals in the navy. Not to mention the strength of the navy, they are very afraid of the firepower of the warship. Then the next step is the drama of the warship chasing the ship.

Although the warship was discovered when it was nearly a kilometer away from the slave ship, relying on the excellent performance and speed of the warship, the distance of chasing the slave ship is getting closer and closer.

When the distance was less than a hundred meters, at the bow of the warship, Coby held a sniper rifle and aimed at the slave owners on the slave ship. He did not need a scope. The observation Haki was more accurate than any scope, and it could predict the enemy's next move. With the ability to use this observation Haki, Coby is powerful enough. As long as he is equipped with Shanghai Floorstone bullets, it will be very convenient to capture people with special abilities.

"BANG�"Gunshots rang out, people fell down, Coby proudly showed his strength in front of Lu Fei, but Lu Fei was not satisfied with this.

"Use the Six-style Moon Step of the Navy to get on the enemy ship, and then use the finger gun to kill them."During this period of sailing, Lu Fei and Rob Lucci have both taught Coby the Six-style of the Navy. Now they have to see how effective it is in actual combat.

Coby was a little nervous when he heard it. After all, he had just learned the Moon Step and the Finger Gun not long ago, but he still did it truthfully. He jumped from the warship to the front, and just when he was about to fall into the sea, he took the Moon Step, walking higher and higher, walking and jumping in the air.

It is impossible to connect this excellent marine in front of him with the short, fat and insignificant Coby. The little brat in the East China Sea has grown up!

"Shoot! Kill that guy!"These bounty hunters have obviously seen the Navy Six-Type, and they were not surprised. Instead, they raised their weapons and shot at Coby in the air. However, even in the air, Coby would not be hit by them.

""You have mastered the Observation Haki well." Lu Fei praised Coby slightly as he watched him dodge enemy bullets in the air. However, since he had no support in the air, his Moon Step was also average. Although he dodged all the bullets, his method was still a bit awkward.

"Next time, I will teach him Iron Block. If he masters Iron Block, he won't have to dodge these ordinary bullets that don't have much power, and it will also be convenient for him to learn Armament Haki."Lu Fei looked at Coby's performance and thought about what to teach next.

""Shave! Finger Gun!" Shaving was the first of the six navy styles that Coby mastered. It was a way to move by stomping on the ground more than ten times in an instant, which was almost invisible to the naked eye. It was somewhat similar to teleportation. Shaving and finger gun were very good methods. Rob Lucci and Lu Fei himself had used these two moves to deal with the enemy.

Now Coby has learned three of the six navy styles: Shaving, Moon Step and Finger Gun. He is very skilled in Shaving, but his Moon Step and Finger Gun skills are average. He has not yet learned Paper Drawing, Storm Kick and Iron Block, but with the guidance of Lu Fei and Rob Lucci, it will probably not take long.

Soon, bounty hunters fell to Coby's finger gun. Under the circumstances, Coby did a good job in dealing with the enemy, killing them with one blow without mercy.

After releasing the captured snakemen, Lu Fei and others left directly with the snakemen's gratitude. When they first became navy, they felt very recognized in their hearts when they helped others and were thanked, but now, it has become dull.

However, the next time the snakemen may not have the same good luck as today. The navy arrived in time to rescue them. Even if the snakemen practiced crazily, their upper limit was limited and they could not compete with firearms.

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