On the Grand Route, a certain warship was playing an inspiring and uplifting song that was very contemporary and familiar to modern people. It was played from the speakers next to Lu Fei.

"General Lu Fei, this song is so passionate, what is it called?" Pink-haired Coby stood beside Lu Fei and asked with curiosity and excitement.

"This song, his name is He is a sea~ er, he is a navy!" Lu Fei closed his mouth and almost said his real name, a song from the previous life of Pirates of the Caribbean, He is a pirate

"A very appropriate name! A navy that is always moving forward and full of passion!"The nearby marines nodded one after another, which made Lu Fei feel embarrassed. If they knew the real name of the song, they would probably be speechless.

Accompanied by the exciting music, the warship galloped across the sea and set off for the next mission location.

Lu Fei was still very curious about this mission destination, because there was a kind of peculiar human being at this target location.

Perhaps it cannot be called human, but only humanoid, much stranger than the long-armed tribe and the long-legged tribe.

It was called the Snakehead Tribe.

If you heard it right, it was a creature similar to the name, with an appearance that combined the body of a human and the head of a snake.

This was not the first time Lu Fei had seen the Snakehead Tribe.

Do you remember the auction of the Chabaodi Archipelago? There was a photo of the Snakehead Tribe on that slave purchase list.

It seemed that there were tens of millions of people there.

However, that time it was just a photo.

This time Lu Fei really wanted to see them in person.

Go and have a look at this strange race.

The mission location is called Snakeman Island. Snakeman is what the Snakeheads call themselves. It is a relatively barren island. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Snakeheads is not very high, and they cannot have a country like the powerful Fur Tribe. All they have are the most backward villages located on the island covered with virgin forests.

Weak races can only become vassals of other forces. It is not easy for the Snakeheads to get on the World Government's good side. It is said that they have handed over something very important to the World Government, and only then have they become a protected race of the World Government.

Lizardmen, who are rare by slave traders and nobles because of their rarity, are often captured by human slave-hunting teams. Of course, the World Government looks down on these Snakemen, whose group strength is not as good as that of a naval colonel. Little did they know that the fishmen had lived in peace for many years with the protection of Jinbe, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Whitebeard.

Too weak? No value? Ugly? Then there is no need for them to exist. This is the cruel reality of this world. Unfortunately, all of these places are occupied by the snakemen. They are ugly and scary in appearance, with light blue skin color, and have no value or benefits.

Snakeman Island is a primitive island near the entrance of the Calm Belt. It is a sparsely populated place. Due to the unique geographical location of the Calm Belt, few pirates and human ships come here. It is relatively hidden and safe.

But unfortunately, there are always some strange sea breezes and waves that can bring garbage thrown in the East China Sea to the New World.

There are always lucky guys who are brought here by the ocean currents and sea breezes.

There are hundreds of snakemen on an island, and tens of millions are worth billions.

Even civilians who were not originally engaged in the slave trade would be tempted by such benefits.

This is indeed the case in reality.

An ordinary tourist discovered this place in a shipwreck.

He discovered the snake people without being discovered by the snake people, and then~then he called people over.

Didn’t the mermaids join the World Government at the time of the mermaid princess? They are still captured in secret. Even with the protection of Whitebeard, there are still people who capture them. Benefits are attractive to people. The same is true for the snake people. Although they are protected by the World Government, as long as the benefits are big enough, nothing can stop people’s desires.

Of course, these things do not require the deployment of admirals like Lu Fei. The most important thing this time is for Coby to brush up his record. Brush up his record and be promoted to major general as soon as possible. I have never seen a colonel who can use the Haki of Observation.

"These bounty hunters are so despicable! They knew that the snake people were protected by our navy, yet they still dared to attack them!"When Coby learned about this mission, he was indignant. He was the same kind of person as Zefa, and he despised people bullying the weak the most. However, Coby was not particularly angry. After all, the snake people were aliens, not humans. It was sad~ Unconscious racial discrimination was something that no one could avoid.

Bounty hunters would do anything as long as they could make money. Even some pirate hunters would be driven by profit to become thugs or pirates and criminals.

Just like a ship crashing at sea, if the people who died were not from their own country, there would not be much sympathy and pity in their hearts. If the people died were from their own country, they would definitely pay continuous attention to the inner torment. This was not a question of morality, but of ethnicity..

However, Lu Fei does not want Coby to be a saintly bitch. As a navy admiral, you cannot have too much sympathy. Sympathy is something that only needs to be known to others, but others do not care much about what you think in private. This is mostly a matter of attitude. On the

Grand Line Snakeman Island, the snakemen who are accustomed to the jungle hid in the forest while being captured by a group of bounty hunters. In their hearts, they are compared to the humans with weapons outside, and they are looking forward to the arrival of naval support.

After all, the things handed over to the World Government are indeed very good, otherwise the World Government would not promise to shelter them. A hard stone tablet engraved with incomprehensible words!

"Hahaha, don't set fire, if they burn to death, they will be worthless. If we catch them all, the ten of us can each share several hundred million Baileys! We are rich! If you want women for the lower body, you have women, and if you want subordinates, you have subordinates!" The bounty hunters holding weapons in the forest were full of excitement. After all, things worth billions of Baileys were in this forest.

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