"The animal-type mythical beast Teng Snake Fruit, whose owner is unknown; the superhuman Momo Fruit, whose owner is Bondiwald; the superhuman Enlargement Fruit, a close relative of the Momo Fruit, can enlarge creatures including humans, but cannot speed up like the Momo Fruit, and whose owner is King Youmu of the Giant Kingdom.

These are really incredible devil fruits.

"At the Navy Headquarters, Lu Fei has returned from the Seven Waters with a huge island ship customized for Kameyama, and he is holding a latest devil fruit illustration book in his hand.

It is now known that there are more than 500 types of devil fruits that have appeared in the pirate world, and there are more magical devil fruits waiting for the world to discover.

"If a giant gets the fruit of enlargement, how big will it be? If it can be enlarged ten times, it will be the level of Oz, and a single punch can knock down a warship. If it is 20 times, 50 times, or a hundred times!" The more Lu Fei thought about it, the more he felt a little scared. Some of the right fruits are extremely powerful when they are encountered by the right people.

For example, the dwarfs get the fruit of shrinking, and the mermaids get the fruit of flying. Just thinking about these makes people feel that there is a bright future. However, compared to the rest, the devil fruits they get are already strong enough, surpassing 90% of the people with special abilities.

No wonder the Giant Kingdom has such a transcendent status in the world. Just looking at the introduction, the combat power of the giants is incredible. A giant king who uses the fruit of enlargement and a group of giants, who can beat them? Lu Fei finally understood Oden. In the Giant Kingdom that Lu Fei introduced to him at the beginning of the Demon Valley Town, a rabbit was as big as a giant's palm, which is the same size as a car.

If the Giant Kingdom was not strong, it would have been fought over or enslaved by the big powers with its giants' fighting power. Think about the giants in the navy, each of them is at the level of a general. After all, with this size, it is natural that they will basically crush those smaller than them.

The devil fruit encyclopedia in the hands of the satisfied monk really satisfied Lu Fei's curiosity. Leaning back in his chair, Lu Fei wondered what would happen if he got the enlargement fruit or the nature fruit.

"I wonder if Vegabank succeeded in his research on human gigantism. If so, the navy will have a bunch of"giants" besides pacifists."After all, the World Government conducted human gigantism experiments a hundred years ago. With the long-term research and the help of Vegabank, Lu Fei has actually acknowledged the success of this experiment.

The more Lu Fei thought about it, the more terrifying he felt about the World Government. As the most powerful force in the pirate world that has ruled the pirate world for 800 years, even the navy, its thugs, can get so many powerful natural and superhuman devil fruits, not to mention themselves. This is a world where the strong survive. If the World Government can't beat the navy, the navy would have rebelled long ago.

"Fortunately, Vegabank has not developed a method to directly extract devil fruits from devil fruit users, otherwise, with the number of devil fruit users in Impelton's prison,"Lu Fei no longer wants to leave the navy. He wanted to leave the navy before because he had grown wings, but now that he has become a navy admiral, he knows more and is more afraid, and he wants more.

"It seems that the Golden Apple cannot be given to Vegabank for research. If it is a real World Government, wouldn't it be invincible?" Lu Fei gave up this idea. Although some people suspected that Vegabank was a member of the Revolutionary Army, Lu Fei didn't care because they were not his own people. Even if they were friends, there were many things that could not be shared.

"Report!"Just when Lu Fei was fantasizing about using the golden apple to get the Dark-Dark Fruit, and then getting Vegabank's technological capabilities to dominate the sea and defeat the World Government to unify the world, a report came from the door.

"Come in!" Hearing this report, Lu Fei woke up from his fantasy, wiped the saliva from his mouth, straightened Ge You's lying posture, sat up straight in the office chair, and his face became serious.

"Admiral Lu Fei, Colonel Coby of the Navy Headquarters, please report in!"The door was pushed open, and a young man with unique short pink hair and a handsome face walked in. It was Coby who had transferred from Garp to Lu Fei.

"When good luck comes, it can't be stopped.

According to the setting of Coby, he will become a navy admiral sooner or later, and such a talent has been delivered to me.

"Luffy, who was still worried about the lack of excellent people under his command a few days ago, didn't expect Garp to give him such a surprise.

Looking at Coby, who is only a colonel in front of him, he likes him more and more.

After all, he is the future navy admiral designated by Oda, and it would be great if he could be brought into his team.

"Sit down, don't be nervous. According to seniority, you have to call me senior brother. Grandpa Garp has told me about your affairs. From now on, you are a marine under my command. Work hard and strive to become an admiral of the navy as soon as possible!"Lu Fei tried to use words and relationships to narrow the distance between the two people.

Indeed, when Coby heard what Lu Fei said about the relationship between the two of them as brothers and sisters, as well as Lu Fei's caring words, he obviously had a better impression of the navy, the most talented admiral in the history of the Navy Headquarters, whom he had always regarded as an idol.

If he was worshiping him before, now he is a brainless fan.

Seeing such an amiable Lu Fei, Coby felt that his future was bright.

A junior brother of a navy admiral, a disciple of a navy hero, coupled with outstanding talents and excellent personality, this kind of person will definitely become a talent as long as he does not die.

Lu Fei looked at Coby as if he was looking at the future combat power of the navy admiral level.

When Cavendish was expelled because of Ace's matter, Enelu and Oden both became vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters and led their own teams, Sparrow and Carl stayed at the G-30 Naval Base in Magic Valley Town, Lu Fei, who only had Rob Lucci and Kameyama as two reliable subordinates, welcomed Coby with both hands and feet.

"I heard that you have awakened Observation Haki, that's great!

You should know that many vice admirals don't have Observation Haki.

Armament Haki is something that anyone can develop after training to a certain level, but Observation Haki is different, it's an absolute talent!

You should know that the three previous admirals only awakened Observation Haki and Armament Haki, and you are already on your way to the position of admiral of the navy!

"In the New World, the number of pirates who are determined to awaken Armament Haki is generally high, but those who awaken Observation Haki are not as rare as Conqueror Haki, but they are also one in a thousand.

"No way, I'm still far from that." Coby's expression now is the same as Chopper's when he was tsundere, showing a very cute side

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