The sea was still a little chilly in the early morning. The sea breeze blew on the faces of the sleepy marines and made them shiver and wake up. Early in the morning, Lu Fei received a package, which was anonymous.

Lu Fei did not think that it was a gift from Doflamingo at this time, so he opened the box directly in front of everyone. When the heavy box was opened, he saw a pile of red apples that were redder than the Red Fuji. However, when Lu Fei looked carefully, he did find some apples with strange stripes and white spots under many ordinary apples. He soon realized that it was an artificial devil fruit! He quickly closed the box.

"Isn't this the most delicious and famous Karst red apple in the New World?"An experienced old marine popularized the knowledge to everyone, and Lu Fei also heard it for the first time.

"I'll go in and pick a few, and you can divide the rest later." After Lu Fei finished speaking, no one except Rob Lucci doubted him and let him go in to pick apples. After all, it was difficult to see them from their angle and line of sight.

Lu Fei walked into the office, took out all the apples in the box, and then took out the special"apples" with patterns and put them in the safe. There were only five in total, and five artificial devil fruits were worth 500 million. Lu Fei was sure that this must have been given to him by Doflamingo.

"Do I look like someone who is so easy to deal with? You want to bribe me with 500 million berries? Doflamingo is not such a stupid person.

" Lu Fei said with some self-mockery, but the artificial devil fruit is also in the shape of an apple, which makes Lu Fei more confident about the authenticity of the golden apple.

After packing the rest of the real apples, Lu Fei took the box out and handed it directly to the greedy navy who clamored to taste the world's number one red apple.

Lu Fei also ate one, and it tasted very good.

However, when the same box of red apples was delivered on the second and third days, Lu Fei knew Doflamingo's plan. After all, a box can only hold 20 to 30 apples. It is impossible to hold 25 artificial devil fruits and 5 red apples. It is too easy to be discovered. Sure enough

, it was delivered on the fourth and fifth days, and stopped on the sixth day. There were a total of five boxes of apples, 25 artificial devil fruits, and a small instruction manual attached.

"Damn, they dare to sell it with such a high failure rate, Caesar Kulang is such a waste, even if the success rate is low, it can't be so low, it's almost like committing suicide, a five to one ratio, which means that if it is based on probability, 25 artificial devil fruits can produce 5 capable people, and the remaining 20 will be crippled with good luck, and those with bad luck will die directly.

"When an artificial devil fruit with only a 20% success rate is worth 100 million, you will know the value of real devil fruits.

Although many fruits may not have the ability of artificial devil fruits, they are safe and non-dangerous.

"The artificial devil fruit has 12 animal-type rhinos and 13 giant apes.

If this fruit is successful, it will give birth to some super-strong people.

After all, judging from the name, it means that they are powerful big guys.

"Although he has so many artificial devil fruits in his hands, Lu Fei has no place to use them now.

If he uses them on the navy, even if the navy doesn't care where the artificial devil fruits come from, it's still a troublesome thing to kill 20 navy soldiers for no reason.

Artificial devil fruits, the few people with eyes know that they are from Doflamingo, but more people only know that Doflamingo is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the king of Dressrosa. The navy will not let others know that there is a super invincible underground villain under the navy who is a Seven Warlords of the Sea, which will affect the reputation of the navy too much.

Therefore, the distribution of these 25 artificial devil fruits gave Lu Fei a headache. First of all, the first point is that the probability of death makes him not give them to his own people for experimentation. He must give them to those insignificant guys, and then use his strength to restrain the few successful guys. With such a high mortality rate, it's better to feed them to dogs, Lu Fei complained.

But at this time, Tubo reacted, yes, if you don't feed them to people, you can't feed them to dogs. Catching a group of animals to eat these artificial devil fruits should have the same success rate, but...Lu Fei thought of another point. You let a tiger eat a devil fruit and turn it into a rhino or a giant ape.~~~What is the purpose of this?...It's not as powerful as a tiger. It feels more effective than taming a tiger directly.

"For me, if the animal-type devil fruit ability users are not those awakened ones, then they will have little effect. If they are used unexpectedly, they may still have some effect. I feel that if they are used on animals that are not as developed as humans, it will be a bit useless."Lu Fei thought to himself, hoping to maximize the use of these fruits.

On the deck, Rob Lucci, who was exercising with a 1-ton weight, almost threw the weighted barbell into the sea when he heard a question asked by Lu Fei....

"Lucci, the introduction of the Devil Fruit says that any creature that eats the first bite of the Devil Fruit can become a special ability user, right?...Then I want to ask...Does eating ants and fleas count?..."Lu Fei asked a question that was human-like but logically correct.

Besides, isn’t the captain Leo, such a small guy among the dwarfs in Dressrosa, also a devil fruit user? Lu Fei believed that his idea was right, but after all, there was no precedent of insects eating devil fruits in the pirate world, so Lu Fei was a little nervous.

(Let’s not talk about microorganisms in the air, otherwise the devil fruits would be eaten as soon as they grow out, and the devil fruit users all over the world would be microorganisms.)

Yes, although fleas can’t eat such a big devil fruit, you can become a user by eating a bite. Rob Lucci also thinks it is feasible in theory.

Without saying too much, since the two of them have the same opinion, let’s give it a try and go directly to the warehouse of the warship.���He killed several fleas and locked them in a sealed box containing artificial devil fruits, waiting for the result.

It turns out that what makes sense in theory and logic is generally feasible. Seeing the two giant apes and three rhinos jumping out of the cracked glass box, Lu Fei smiled.

Looking at the five beasts rushing towards him, the domineering aura was released, shocking the five big guys, but then Lu Fei finally understood why there were no bugs in this world who could become devil fruit users....It's not that no one has thought of it, but because the IQ of these tiny insects is too low, not as good as those big and smart guys....Still can't understand orders, knows fear but can't tame it...

The order to transform back into fleas could not reach the fleas' brains at all.

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