This is also because Lu Fei was too anxious and too confident. He thought he had created a new era of devil fruits and used all the artificial devil fruits at once. Lu Fei was very depressed when he ended up like this.

But Lu Fei didn't know...There is a technology called artificial devil fruit recycling technology. Little did Kaido know that he didn't get angry even though Lu Fei killed nearly one-fifth of the 500-powered people, because if the technology is used to recycle them, the success rate of these successfully used artificial devil fruits will be 100%. Lu Fei's mass extinction actually caused Kaido to lose less than a dozen, but this technology is only known by Kaido, Mingo and Caesar.

But since it's like this, Lu Fei can only keep trying, for example, find a trainer to let them develop some instinctive reactions and conditioned reflexes, just like training dogs.

When you raise your hand, the dog will know that you want to shake hands with him by conditioned reflex.

However, the IQ of these fleas, which were originally the lowest level of creatures, is a little worrying for Lu Fei, but Lu Fei doesn't feel bad about it.

After all, this thing is given by others, not his own....

In the new world, Punk Hazard, the two sides of the island are surrounded by flames and ice, and in the center of the island is an experimental center where the crazy scientist Caesar Kullan is in the laboratory.

Compared with making artificial devil fruits, the human giantization experiment is a bigger problem. Someone once asked Caesar Kullan why he didn't change the taste of artificial devil fruits to sweet, sour, or salty....Caesar said he wanted others to experience the pain he felt when he ate the gas fruit.

""Lord Caesar, a new batch of goods has arrived, but the quantity is half of what it was before." Soon, one by one, men in heavy chemical protective suits came in and reported to Caesar. Caesar glanced at the surveillance screen that monitored the entire Punk Hazard Island and saw the familiar ship carrying the goods Caesar needed.

"Go knock them all unconscious and bring them to my lab.

Dover is such a fool.

With so few of them, how can I surpass Vegabank and succeed in the human giantization experiment before him?"Caesar naturally didn't know the difficulties of Doflamingo and Vergo, and kept complaining.

He was crazy about science and was very satisfied to be Doflamingo's subordinate and protected as a subordinate of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and to continue his own experiments, although he was often forced to do so....

At the port, the ship quietly crossing a glacier was filled with cries.

Boys and girls of all sizes, both male and female, under ten years old were loaded into the cabin.

These were human biological experiments sent by Doflamingo to Caesar Kulang.

The experimental subjects were not guinea pigs, but real human children.

It was unknown how many children had been transported to Caesar Kulang, but now there were only a few dozen children left on the island.

The rest had already died in the experiment.

On a snowy mountain with swaying ice and snow, a man wearing white camouflage clothes, a white hat and holding a long sword stood on it, watching Punk Hazard's every move, and suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that a breakthrough has been found. Without Caesar, even Tenyasha will be torn to pieces by Kaido."That man is none other than Trafalgar Law, the current Shichibukai who is bent on revenge.

As for the grudge between Trafalgar Law and Doflamingo, a simple explanation is that Law got sick when he was a child and could only live for three years.

He joined the pirate group of Mingo, who was not yet a Shichibukai at that time.

Mingo's brother Corazon thought Mingo was too bad, so he joined the navy and became a spy in the Don Quixote family.

Then the navy and Doflamingo wanted him to snatch the surgery fruit from a pirate.

But Corazon, Mingo's brother, saw that Law was dying, so he snatched the fruit and gave it to Law, saving Law, betraying the navy, betraying Mingo, saving Law, and then being shot dead by Mingo.

The original owner of the surgery fruit was the father of Akahata Drex, who was also killed by Mingo.

To put it in detail, the establishment of the Don Quixote Pirates After the Don Quixote Pirates, Doflamingo sent the first generation Heart"Oni Bamboo" Vergo to the Navy as a spy, and let his younger brother Rocinante take over as the second generation Heart, and in the year 1506 of the Sea Circle Calendar (16 years before the second part), he took in Trafalgar Law, an orphan who survived the Frevans War, as a member of his team.

In fact, Rocinante had already become a member of the Navy without Doflamingo's knowledge.

The reason why he chose to stay in the Don Quixote Pirates was that he wanted to use his position as an undercover agent in the Navy to try to stop Doflamingo's illegal behavior.

Just after Rocinante took Law, who was infected with"Perkins Disease", out to sea to seek medical treatment, Doflamingo learned about this through his members and became furious.

He then became suspicious of Rocinante's motives, and then confirmed that Rocinante was actually an undercover agent in the Navy.

Half a year later, Doflamingo took the initiative to call He gave Rocinante to inform him of the intelligence regarding the Navy's upcoming transaction with the pirate group that possessed the Operation Fruit; Rocinante, eager to save Law's life, resolutely decided to intervene in the transaction to seize the Operation Fruit and strive for a chance to save Law, whose condition worsened.

However, his undercover identity was exposed by Vergo, who worked as a spy in the Navy, and reported to Doflamingo.

In the end, Doflamingo decided to take this opportunity to purge Rocinante and Law, who were regarded as traitors, and sent his cadres to the scene to deal with the two.

Rocinante was seriously injured and was finally shot and killed by Don Quixote himself, while Law took advantage of the chaos to leave.


Rocinante's death, Law was officially promoted to the third generation of Heart. According to Doflamingo's own account, since all his family members passed away in the year 1509 of the Sea Circle Calendar (13 years before the second part), the opponent who accompanied him has been... The only ones who have such a strong character are the high-ranking officials of the Don Quixote family, so he treats his officials like family members.

Law naturally wants to avenge Doflamingo who killed his savior, and he has been enduring humiliation until now, when he has planned everything and is ready to take action. Law is similar to Blackbeard, both of them have calculated everything, but in the face of absolute strength, Blackbeard was killed by Lu Fei with one punch, and Law is probably about the same.

Caesar is the creator of the artificial devil fruit. Without Caesar, Doflamingo and Kaido, the better the artificial devil fruit, the less likely it is to be delivered on time. Then the Four Emperors got angry and killed Doflamingo, a typical method of killing with a borrowed knife.

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