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Lu Fei mentioned the matter of the navy's slave ship to Zhan Guo, but Zhan Guo did not react. I think it was not because he didn't care, but because he was used to it. There are some things that even Zhan Guo, the Supreme Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, cannot control.

Lu Fei waited in the Navy Headquarters for several days.

During this time, Garp also returned from a mission.

In the presence of a group of generals, Zhan Guo awarded Lu Fei the rank of Lieutenant General.

From then on, he would be called Lieutenant General Lu Fei.

Of course, as the saying goes, one person's success will bring success to the whole family.

Lu Fei applied for the rank of Major General for his brothers as soon as the application for brigadier general was approved.

However, most of them have not yet achieved the military merits, and they need to accumulate tasks for a period of time.

The small number of people are Carl, the adjutant who followed Lu Fei the earliest, and Sparrow, the staff officer.

"Tsk tsk, it's only been over a year and you little guy can sit at the same conference table.

" Garp was very pleased when he saw Luffy who had become a vice admiral in front of him.

As a hero of the navy, Garp naturally hoped that his son would follow in his father's footsteps and let Ryu become a navy too.

However, things did not go as planned.

Some accidents happened and Ryu became the boss of the biggest enemy of the government and the navy.

Then Garp wanted to educate his grandson Luffy and adopted grandson Ace to become navy.

As a result, Ace has become a pirate and joined the Four Emperors Whitebeard as a captain.

Before Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he asked Sengoku to help invite Ace to become a Shichibukai, but Ace refused.

Luffy, who was still in Windmill Village, kept clamoring to become the Pirate King and would probably go out to sea as a pirate next year.

On the contrary, this little guy who was picked up on the isolated island with the same name as his grandson not only has outstanding talent but also inherited his legacy, with excellent physical skills and strength.

"I heard from Zhan Guo that you destroyed the slave-hunting fleet and auctioneer staff of Flamingo. Good job, boy. If you encounter such things in the future, you should continue to do so. Zhan Guo and I will clean up your mess." Karp said to Lu Fei with a smile on his face, applauding Lu Fei's behavior.

"Grandpa, why do some people still do this kind of thing even though the Navy has banned it?" Lu Fei complained about the Navy's inaction.

"The highest official in the Navy Headquarters is Sengoku, but the Navy is under the jurisdiction of the World Government.

What Sengoku says may not count.

Although we two old guys oppose it in our hearts, we cannot just do it to those guys, otherwise the government guys will intervene.

But you are still a junior, and the World Government probably hasn't paid serious attention to you yet.

Just kill them before those guys come out to remind you.

"Garp and Sengoku have too high a reputation in the Navy.

If they take action against these slave-hunting activities, the rest of the Navy may also do the same.

The Celestial Dragons will not be willing to see such a situation.

The government will definitely intervene.

Lu Fei is much smaller than the two older generations.

There will be no problem doing this for the time being.

There will be no loss if he stops after being warned.

"No matter which world politics is, it is always so complicated and mysterious."Since the small slave ship incident involved so many parties and high-level officials, Lu Fei could understand Zhan Guo's inaction.

"As for the G-5 naval base you mentioned, someone should pay attention to it."Lu Fei also told Garp about the G-5 naval base that was related to the Don Quixote family, the power of the slave ship. After listening to Lu Fei's reminder, Garp said

"Lieutenant General Lu Fei, there's a call for you. When Lu Fei was asking Garp about some training questions, a navy soldier came over with a Den Den Mushi. The Den Den Mushi was wearing ink and had lightning-shaped sideburns on both sides, which simulated the subtle curls of the person calling. Lu Fei felt very familiar when he saw it.

Speaking of the devil, the devil is here. Although it's not here, it's the call that's here. When he picked up the phone, it was the commander of the G-5 naval base, Vergo, who was just talking about.

"Lieutenant General Lu Fei, congratulations on your promotion. I am Vergo, the base commander of the New World Navy G-5 Base."The news was just sent to the generals by the Publicity Department of the Navy Headquarters. Vergo had already learned the news and congratulated Lu Fei.

"Thank you for your blessing, Lieutenant General Vergo. You called me just to wish me the best, didn't you?" Lu Fei answered the phone and said after hearing Vergo's blessing.

"I heard that Vice Admiral Lu Fei captured a traitor of enemy strength for my G-5 Naval Base.

I am very grateful.

This person told me that I was going to the Grand Line to hunt down a pirate.

I was deceived by him until now.

Thanks to Vice Admiral Lu Fei for catching him in the act.

I eliminated an enemy hidden in my team for my G-5 Naval Base and all the navy.

"Speaking is really a skill.

Vergo cleared the connection between him and the captured person in just a few words.

Lu Fei estimated that the G-5 guy in the escort ship has been killed.

Isn't this a common routine in TV dramas? Killing to silence people

"It doesn't matter. We are all navy. This is my duty. Vice Admiral Vergo doesn't have to do this." After chatting with Vergo for a few more words, Lu Fei hung up the phone.

Vergo's reaction was faster than Lu Fei had imagined. Although such a hasty rebuttal would arouse suspicion, it was impossible to move a vice admiral who was protected by the Celestial Dragons based on suspicion alone without evidence.

On the other side, in the G-5 base of the New World Navy, Vergo put down the phone with a gloomy face.

After confirming that his subordinate who was caught by Lu Fei was dead, he exhaled, took off the pen attached to his face, and wrote a letter.

The letter was naturally written to Doflamingo, his boss.

Although the phone was convenient, the greater the risk of being monitored, he had been writing letters to report some intelligence to Doflamingo over the years.

This person has great potential and is Garp's student who is not easy to win over.

It is recommended to deal with him as soon as possible.

At the end of the letter, Vergo used Write down a paragraph in code, the meaning of which is as stated above.

Tie the letter to the feet of the white pigeon on the window, and the envelope full of code reports will be carried by the white pigeon to the direction of Dressrosa. Even if it is intercepted, others cannot decipher the code in it.

At this time, there is also a letter in code on the table in front of Vergo, but it was sent to him by someone else. Caesar Kulang's human gigantism experiment has begun, and Vergo is needed to cover up the disappearance of the children captured by Caesar Kulang as a shipwreck.

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