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"Pilot turtle!"When Lu Fei was about to return to the G-30 branch of the Navy in Mogu Town, suddenly a piece of"island" on the sea surface shook, and then a huge head emerged from the sea. On the huge turtle head, a huge black-brown eye blinked and looked in the direction of the warship. It was probably the passing of the warship that woke up the giant turtle that was resting.

The lifespan of the pilot turtle is said to be more than a thousand years. Looking at the large trees that have grown on the turtle shell exposed to the sea, it can be seen that the pilot turtle has been sleeping for decades, and an island has formed on its back. The pilot turtle

, also known as the giant turtle, is a kind of sea king. It is mainly distributed in the Grand Line. After all, the four seas are only a small pond compared to the size of the pilot turtle. Fortunately, this giant Big turtles don't like to live in groups, otherwise any ship will avoid them.

The banana crocodile, which is as big as a warship, is like a baby in front of the pilot turtle. The pilot turtle, which is dozens of times larger than the deep-sea sea king, has no natural enemies in this ocean. The defense of their tortoise shells is comparable to that of diamonds. Although they are usually docile, once they go crazy and rampage through small islands, they will almost be sunk.

Island whales can only obediently avoid it. It is one of the absolute overlords of the sea. When the entire body of the pilot turtle emerged from the sea, the surging waves seemed to be about to overturn the warship. At this moment, Lu Fei looked at the"continent" in front of him and took pictures with his mobile phone. He was shocked after seeing so many wonders in the world of pirates.

"It is said that there are some powerful perverts in the New World who tamed the pilot turtles, and then placed an island on the back of the pilot turtles, and used it as a ship to travel.

All the sea kings avoided it along the way.

"Carl stood beside Lu Fei and looked at Lu Fei holding up a camera.

He thought that the mobile phone in Lu Fei's hand was just a special camera, and Lu Fei gave him one.

Anyway, this world has no network or satellite, so it can only take pictures, which is not very useful.

In addition, the pirate world cannot print photos in the mobile phone.

In Carl's opinion, it is not as good as other

"The largest amusement park, the Grand Desolo, uses a pilot turtle to pull its boat.

I envy it so much, traveling around the world with its own territory on its back.

"Lu Fei thought that he would definitely enter the New World in the future.

At that time, he was reluctant to abandon the Navy Branch in Mogu Town and build a new Navy Branch.

If he had a pilot turtle, he could put all the islands on it.

If the domineering aura was strong enough, he should be able to conquer it, or he could communicate with it by listening to the voices of all things.

Looking at the mountain-like pilot turtle sinking into the sea again, Lu Fei put away his mobile phone and watched the pilot turtle go away.

It was a wonderful two-dimensional world with all kinds of strange things.

In the New World Dressrosa Palace, Doflamingo, who had received Vergo's letter, was very calm when he learned about Lu Fei's affairs.

The loss of a ship of slaves and several auction house jobs was just a drop in the bucket for him.

He could just recruit a group of people.

It couldn't be simpler.

But he didn't expect that Lu Fei, who had defeated Baby-Farrow and other forces, would grow so fast.

He was only a lieutenant general in his early 20s, and he had only heard of him over the years, and he was not yet a member of the Navy.

"There's Garp standing behind this kid, so we can't just touch him. But there's an easier way. Wouldn't it be a better idea to just make him one of our own? Then it would be wrong not to make use of the equipment."Since we can't kill the other party, then we can cooperate for mutual benefit, and then gradually devour the other party's power. This is also what Doflamingo is good at. The profits from the advanced firearms in Magic Valley Town are inestimable.

Pirates who entered the Grand Line continued to come one after another.

Magic Valley Town extinguished and captured batch after batch, but there were still many lucky ones.

There were also many pirate groups that escaped by luck, but these were what Lu Fei was too lazy to care about.

It must be said that the location of Magic Valley Town was too good.

He just had to sit at home and wait for the pirates to pass by and then send people to catch them.

He didn't have to run around the world to catch pirates.

With nothing to do, Lu Fei returned to the modern era. He first uploaded the video of the pilot turtle taken on his mobile phone to his Weibo to attract fans. He was also a senior"otaku". When he went out, the guard looked at him with surprise. After all, he had been standing guard here. Unless this young man went out late at night every day and came back before dawn, he estimated that this young man had not left the villa for several months.

Lu Fei didn't know what the guard was thinking.

After solving Zhang Ya's problem last time, things had already happened.

Three months have passed.

He first gained this ability to travel through time in June.

He changed from just wanting to get gold to living a good life in reality to now looking down on gold and wanting to dominate the world.

As soon as he stepped onto the street, he saw that many shops around him had changed their signboards and the greenery had changed a lot.

He forgot to estimate the actual time.

It was almost winter and he was walking on the street in summer clothes, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

Even Lu Fei, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall, had to go into a clothing store and buy a set of clothes that matched the season.

During these three months, the righteous knights of Jiangnan City disappeared.

The stories circulating among the citizens were like urban legends.

The police force of Jiangnan City had a capable female detective who could find any clues in any case.

This was naturally Zhang Ya, who had switched to her job.

The cat's sense of smell and vision were both very helpful in solving cases.

As a police officer, catching criminals was also a way of doing justice.

This was Lu Fei's suggestion to Zhang Ya.

When a person's level of cultivation is high, his six senses will naturally improve.

Walking on the pedestrian street, Lu Fei could hear���The noisy sounds coming from everywhere, this is the result of him not opening the observation Haki, it is enough to make Lu Fei a little upset.

After finding a leisurely coffee shop, Lu Fei felt calm. It was the first time he discovered these disadvantages of being too strong. It was a pity that there seemed to be no mental attack in the pirate world, otherwise it would be a good choice to exercise the mind.

After drinking coffee, he went to see his girlfriend who he hadn't seen for a few months. Although the text messages of contact were often sent from the pirate world, he was also an unqualified boyfriend. He just slept with her and she contacted so little. Dong Mingzhu thought Lu Fei was a scumbag who wanted to be irresponsible after sleeping with her.

However, Wang Yan expressed her understanding of Lu Fei and defended Lu Fei, saying that Lu Fei's career was important, and she was also busy studying for the college entrance examination.

Lu Fei really didn't know where he got the shitty luck to find such a good wife and mother girlfriend, who didn't even give him a ring or flowers, and never left him and didn't doubt him.

So he decided to meet her parents after the college entrance examination.

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