Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 100 Machi's Fortunately, Go To Youkexin City

"Hisoka, who is that guy?" In the dimly lit room, Machi crossed his arms and asked Hisoka without looking up, with a frightened expression on his face.

She was taken aback by Fischer's anger just now.

Although Fischer's aura was not mixed with any evil aura, the pure aura made her feel like she was in an abyss, and she didn't dare to have a little bit of resistance.

"He, Fischer · Zoldyck, a member of the Zoldyck family." Hisoka looked at Machi with a smile, and replied~ with a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes.

For Machi's current situation, Hisoka is very satisfied.

Hey, I can't be the only one who is scared.

Now seeing Machi being frightened by Fischer like this, Hisoka's inner balance is much more balanced.


"How can there be such a terrifying existence in this family!!!" Machi heard this, and his pupils constricted suddenly.

Of course, she knew about the Zoldyck family. Several years ago, another member of their Phantom Troupe was assassinated by Silva, the patriarch of the Zoldyck family.

At that time, the head of the regiment deliberately found Silva Zoldyck for revenge, but she didn't know the result.

However, since then, the head of the group has given orders, and the matter has been exposed.

I didn't expect that the person who fought against the department last time was actually from the Zoldyck family, and he was so terrifying, but his aura made him dare not make any moves.

Thinking of this, Machi's heart suddenly sank, and at the same time he was a little grateful.

Ah, yes, I am glad.

Fortunately, the team leader didn't decide to fight the Zoldyck family at the beginning. Instead, he fought with the Zoldyck family's patriarch in a fighting way, and then revealed it.

If that feud continues to this day, then Phantom Troupe is definitely at stake.

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, it is probably useless for the members of the entire brigade to go together.

This matter must be reported to the head of the group.

Thinking of this, Machi immediately got up and said goodbye to Hisoka: "Hisoka, I'm leaving, remember not to be late."

"Heh heh heh, this guy Ma Ji was quite frightened. 11

"However, it's no wonder that I was also scared."

"How did this little monster cultivate?"

"The aura has become so terrifying."

"However, with such a terrifying aura, his strength has definitely improved greatly, and I really want to fight him.

"But!!! Forget it." After Machi left, Hisoka laughed lightly, murmured in a low voice, and halfway through the murmur, Hisoka's expression became excited and perverted, but the next moment, Hisoka looked like Li Half of the eggplant was wilted down.

Although I am a perverted combat killer, this kind of purely suicidal behavior is still not advisable.

"I'd better focus on Chrollo and Gon." Shaking his head, Hisoka got up and went into the bathroom to show off his figure.

It seems that because of Fischer's arrival, Killua wanted to show his progress in front of Fischer, so he ran to make an appointment for a quick battle that could be fought at any time.

The kind that started fighting the next day.

I have to say, Killua is really a genius.

This guy has developed super speed in this time period.

The speed is fast, but the power is a bit unsatisfactory.

Moreover, all kinds of Nen skills have been used freely, and they have become proficient.

The enemy on the opposite side was completely fooled by Killua, and Killua specially showed off his various cold ability skills under Fischer's gaze.

It is estimated that in a year or two, this guy will be able to fully rank among the Nen masters.

Facing his brother's great progress, Fischer is naturally very pleased.

"However, it's still a little immature now, and it's still a little powerless to face those famous Nen people."

"Just in case, give this guy a mark." Looking at Killua fighting below, Fischer commented to himself.

Although Fischer wanted to leave after watching Killua's fight, but under Killua's special plea, he stayed and gave some advice to the two of them. (clean up.)

After that, he left the Sky Arena contentedly and went to Youkexin City.

0………… Ask for flowers…

This trip, Fischer's purpose is to give Menchi, Killua and Kurapika three people with energy fruit.

The work of Menchi and Killua is done and only Kurapika is left.

I don't know how this kid is doing in Youkexin City.

Although there are reports, they are not reported as frequently as Menchi, and Kurapika does not report too many work matters.

"Speaking of which, this Youkexin city is also a three-way zone."

"Gangsters are everywhere, prosperous and corrupt."

"It's exactly the same as a certain city in the previous life, but it's no wonder, after all, the prototype is that city." Sitting in the car, Fischer looked out the window at the bustling steel forest, and said silently.


Soon, Fischer's car arrived at a luxurious hotel.

This was arranged with the butler who came out this time.

"Master Kurapika has been notified. Master Kurapika said that he will be here on time at nine o'clock tonight, Master Fischer." In the luxurious suite, the butler bowed slightly and reported to Fischer.

"Ah, it's hard work, you go down." Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window, Shell said.

"Yes, this subordinate retreats." The steward replied, and then retreated.

"Sure enough, I still prefer quiet places. This kind of steel forest is not suitable for me." Looking at the traffic flow outside the window, Fischer's face remained unchanged, but he felt a little tired inside.

Just simply don't like this place.

Compared with the steel forest, Fischer prefers the secluded forest.

Shaking his head, Fischer left the floor-to-ceiling windows, sat on the sofa, slowly closed his eyes, and started his daily practice.

Time passed quietly in the continuous rotation of the hour hand on the wall, and the night came quietly.

At a certain moment, Fischer opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

"Come in!!!!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Fischer." The door was opened, and Kurapika, who hadn't seen him for a long time, came to Fischer and said with a smile.

"Long time no see, Kurapika, it seems that you haven't abandoned your practice knife."

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