Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 99: Killua's Pride And Regret

"Brother, your Nian Qi is too terrifying." Fischer shouted in shock from Killua in the room on the floor of the Sky Arena.

He wanted to shout this sentence from the auditorium of the arena just now.

"Yeah." Gon on the side also nodded like a chicken chasing rice, his eyes full of admiration.

"Work hard, with the potential of the two of you, sooner or later you will be able to cultivate Nian Qi to the level as strong as mine." Fischer encouraged with a light smile.

"Ah, I will." Killua nodded firmly.

He has now made Fischer his target.

Well, as the first goal, surpass my brother.

However, this goal is peaches for Killua.

The Killua ghost cannot surpass Fischer in his life.

After hearing Killua's words, Gon on the side quickly said: "I will definitely work hard."

This guy seems to have become Fischer's little fanboy.

Fischer doesn't care much, though.

"I came here this time to find you, Killua."

"Here, this is the Vitality Fruit. After eating it, you can increase your mind energy. As for how you want to use it, you can decide for yourself." Fischer said while taking out the Vitality Fruit share belonging to Killua from the system space.

With Killua's personality, it is estimated that he will not eat alone, and will definitely share it with Gon, and Fischer is too lazy to care about it.

I guess I can't handle it.

"Hey, there is such a thing, thank you old brother 107." Killua was surprised when he heard Fischer's words, but then he understood the meaning of Fischer's words, and thanked him quickly.

Killua is very clear that his elder brother doesn't have a good sense of Gon, so he will never give such good things to Gon.

And with his own personality, he won't enjoy this kind of thing alone, just now Fischer's exhortation has been specifically explained, and he doesn't care how he uses it.

In other words, my elder brother allowed himself to distribute the vitality fruit to Gon.

This is very contradictory, but it makes him very grateful.

"Hey, Gon, thank you brother quickly." After thanking Gon, looking at Gon who was still dumbfounded and unresponsive, Killua suddenly twitched his eyes and slapped Gon on the head, reminding him.

Although Gon didn't know why Killua slapped himself on the head, but he knew that Killua wouldn't do it for nothing, so he followed what Killua said and quickly bowed to thank him.

"Thank you, brother Fischer."

"In the future, report your location to Wutong every month, and I will ask Wutong to give you two vitality fruits every month."

"Well, that's it, you guys go back." Fischer glanced at the bowing Gon, sighed slightly, then waved his hand casually, and drove away directly.

Sure enough, Fischer still doesn't like Gon, a stunned young man.

"Is there anything else, that's really great, thank you brother."

"Then let's go, brother." Killua was a little surprised, and then said with a smile, and then impatiently took Gon's hand and left here.

"This guy distributed his share to Gon, which is equivalent to giving up more than a thousand thoughts per month."

"However, this guy's talent is stronger than the rest of the family, and he probably won't lag behind the rest of the family." Sitting on the sofa, Fischer thought silently.

The vitality fruit has the best effect only when it bears fruit for the first time, and each fruit can increase the mind energy value by two thousand.

After that, there are only more than one thousand to two thousand.

"Uh, Killua, why did you ask me to thank Brother Fischer just now?" In the corridor, Gon asked in confusion.

"Idiot, brother, if you say that, you have already allowed me to give you this thing."

"My brother said that this thing can improve the cultivation of mind energy." Killua glared at him, and then explained.

Gon, this guy doesn't know how to grow his brain.

Sometimes it's very witty, but sometimes it's a bit dull and can't turn its head.

When my brother said that, he already knew that his character would do this, and he allowed it.

That is to say, the elder brother handed over the vitality fruit to Gon through his own hands.

In this case, shouldn't Gon be thankful?

"Um, didn't Brother Fischer give you this?" Sure enough, Gon didn't expect this at all.

"Phew, Gon, sometimes I really want to pry open your head and see how your head grows."

"If you get something good, will you (ajbb) share it with me?" Killua said after taking a deep breath.

"Of course." Gon nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, so I am the same."

"In this case, I have obtained such a good thing, do you want to share it with you?"

"And my brother has always been very bad at your senses, so according to my previous attitude, I will never allow me to give you the vitality fruit."

"And my brother just said those words, what do you think they mean?" the former said with a bit of hatred.

"It means Brother Fischer gave me the Vitality Fruit through your hand!!!!" Gon's mind was spinning fast at this moment, and he figured it out all at once.

"That's it, so you said you should thank brother." Killua nodded in satisfaction, looking at Gon with a childish look.

"In this case, I really want to thank brother Fischer." Gon also came to his senses, scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and said.

"Yeah, let's go back and taste the vitality fruit my brother gave me." Killua nodded and said.

Fischer naturally didn't know that what he said would be made up by Killua's brain.

Fischer just doesn't want to be bothered with this kind of thing, doesn't want to interfere with Killua's character development.

If you know, you will definitely be dumbfounded.

The two quickly returned to the room.

By the way, the two of them asked for a double room specially from the management staff of the Sky Arena.

As soon as they returned to the room, the two couldn't wait to taste the vitality fruit.


"very sour!!!!"

Although it was very sour, the two of them still ate the vitality fruit.

Soon, the two of them felt the changes in the mind energy in their bodies.

"It's amazing, one vitality fruit is worth ten days of cultivation." After feeling the changes in the mind energy in the body, the two opened their eyes, and a flash of light flashed, Killua said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's amazing." Gon also nodded excitedly.

"My brother will ask Wutong to send us two vitality fruits every month from now on, that is to say, we can gain ten more days of cultivation effect every month!!!!" Killua remembered what Fischer said before driving away In other words, it got even more exciting.

"I'm really looking forward to it!!!!"

"Killua, your brother is so kind!!!" Gon nodded, and then said enviously.

Killua's elder brother has always been thinking about Killua, and will send Killua as soon as he has any good things.

If only I had such a brother.

"Hey, you are envious." Killua said proudly.

However, Killua felt a little regretful immediately.

"I really don't know why my brother hates you so much, otherwise you could be my brother's younger brother." Killua sighed.

After saying this, Gon fell silent.

Even though Fischer had said the reason why he hated himself before, he was still at a loss and didn't know. .

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