Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 217 Nasby Who Changed His Mind

"Why would Silva Zoldyck meddle in this matter?" Sitting on the sofa in the same room, Nasby's face was extremely gloomy.

When he got Camilla to go to the Zoldyck area to find the Zoldyck family, he already had some background.

But his previous guess was that even if Camilla invited the Zoldyck family, at most, he only invited some subordinates of the Zoldyck family.

Unexpectedly, Silva, who was the predecessor of the family, suddenly ended up.

If it's just assassination, then there's no problem.

But the point is, now is the succession battle of their Kajin Empire.

Earlier, he invited Fischer to a banquet, and he made a request to Fischer in the hope that the Zoldyck family would not intervene in the succession battle because of this.

After being rejected by Fischer unceremoniously, Nasby still held that Fischer would not intervene, so even if other members of the Zoldyck family intervened, it was nothing

At most, it will make the battle of succession develop in a direction that he can't predict in 09.

But now, Silva started, everything changed.

The nature has changed.

Silva, the previous head of the Zoldyck family, took action, which means that the Zoldyck family has fully participated in this battle of succession.

In the name of the Zoldyck family, it intervenes in the affairs of the Kajin Empire.

"Your Majesty, according to Silva Zoldyck, the second prince Camilla is married to the Zoldyck family, and the married person is the current head of the family, Fischer Zoldyck." At this time, the report from his subordinates came from the earphone.

This made Nasby stunned for a moment, and the next moment, Nasby's eyes flickered.

"A marriage?"

"I have no problem with this, but the heirs they give birth must be inherited by someone who will inherit the Kajin Empire." Hearing that this was the reason why Camilla asked Silva to move, Nasby immediately changed his previous gloom, and his face became calm , even with a slight joy.

He's taken to the Zoldyck family genes.

The egg in the pot ceremony, to put it bluntly, is to raise Gu, let many princes swallow the eggs that appeared in the pot, and evolve into spirit beasts, and then let the princes kill each other, and then many spirit beasts merge to complete the winner, let the winner The strength of those who have become stronger.

The ability of the new king can also be seen in the succession battle. After all, a prince with weak ability cannot survive.

Putting aside the ability to govern the country, in terms of strength, the Kajin Empire is the effort of several generations, and the continuous integration of excellent genes has made the royal family of the Kajin Empire even better.

In the Zoldyck family, strong men were born from generation to generation, especially in this generation, there were too many strong men.

Its genes are absolutely excellent.

If Camilla can marry someone from the Zoldyck family and give birth to offspring with more powerful genes, making some of them descendants of the Kajin Empire, then it is not unacceptable for the Zoldyck family to intervene in this succession battle .

This time the eve festival, although the Zoldyck family did not participate, but he also met with the Zoldyck family.

This generation of the Zoldyck family includes the previous generation, and the patriarchs of the previous generation, none of them are simple.

Even the youngest black-haired boy gave him a faint sense of crisis.

Once they fight, he dare not say that he can win steadily.

All this made Nasby Hui Guorou understand how excellent the genes of the Zoldyck family are.

It is the best proof that my decades of hard work are not as good as others' hard work for a few years.

If Camilla really got on the line with the Zoldyck family, and won the succession battle, and later gave birth to an heir with Fischer Zoldyck, let one of the heirs inherit the Kajin Empire in the future.

Then Camilla becoming the new king is not a bad thing. (The concept of succession in the Kajin Empire is different from ours. Women can also become kings, and their descendants can still inherit. Just like a certain country, the queen, otherwise there will be no female princes joining the succession battle.)

On the other hand, being able to join forces with the Zoldyck family is also a good political ability.

"If this is the case, then the egg-in-a-pot ceremony can be abandoned." Rubbing his fat double chin, Nasby whispered to himself.

Although he is the beneficiary of the egg-in-pot ceremony, he doesn't want his children to kill each other.

After all, the egg-in-pot ceremony is for the prince who chooses powerful genes to inherit the throne. Now that Camilla, the Zoldyck family, and Fischer are on the line, and they are preparing to marry, then this ability has already surpassed their Kajin Empire by so much Generation's achievements.

After all, Fischer's growth lies there.

There is such a terrifying power in his teens, isn't this situation enough to explain?

Once the two are combined to give birth to an heir, they will definitely be the best existence in this world.

"Once Camilla's affairs are really successful, then the egg-in-a-pot ceremony doesn't need to exist."

"Because there is no need to raise Gu Kaka, the successors of the Golden Empire will become very powerful."

"It just needs to develop strong political and military strategic capabilities.

"However, this decision should start with the next generation."

"This is the only way for this generation." Contemplating, Nasby no longer paid any attention to the battle of succession, because even if he was the king, he couldn't stop the egg-in-the-pot ritual.

Those spirit beasts born from the eggs in the pot will kill each other when the time comes, even if the host does not act, until only the last prince remains.

Standing up from the sofa, Nasby left the room and walked in a certain direction.

The bodyguard standing at the door hurriedly followed.

And the place Nasby was going to was the Zoldyck area.

Since the Zoldyck family has this intention, he is also ready to directly implement this matter.

The Zoldyck family and the Kajin Empire married and gave birth to powerful children.

Naturally, Pixel didn't know about this matter.

At this time, Fischer was communicating with Netero about the Dark Continent.

Among the many descriptions of the Dark Continent, what Fischer cares most about is Netero's report on the Dark Continent after he went to the Dark Continent.

Because Netero's coverage of the Dark Continent is really too huge this time.

Huge creatures, huge plants, everything is huge.

The Dark Continent is different from the human kingdom, which also has huge vegetation and magical beasts, but there is a world of difference between the two.

The huge creature in Netero's mouth, in Fischer's view, is the monster power of the Dark Continent.

The monsters living here are definitely very powerful, and they are Fischer's goals. .

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