Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 218: Decision

This trip to the Dark Continent, Fischer's goal is to find a powerful existence to fight and continue to upgrade the favor.

As for finding the longevity thing and the kiwi mother plant to improve the body, Fischer handed it over to Gailu and the others.

It is impossible for me to go all the way with them.

After all, his body has already been marked by those guys.

Hanging out with the Zoldycks would do them harm.

Since half a month ago, Fischer has been keeping himself in a state of 'extreme', slowly dispelling the atmosphere of getting along with his father and the others.

Just so as not to implicate others.

And for the past half month, Fischer has been guarded by Neferpitou.

In the state of 'extreme', Fischer's strength is greatly weakened, almost none of them exist.

And this one is because of Fischer's own physique.

Just using the power of the body, Shell is stronger than the cold ability master.

When the Dark Continent begins, Fischer will part ways with the Zoldyck family and let them explore by themselves to find their respective opponents.

However, in the final analysis, whether Fischer can use powerful enemies to improve his strength on the Dark Continent this time is still uncertain.

Although he obtained the Breath Containment Technique from the system, even the gods cannot detect his own breath after using this ability.

However, it is impossible to use the Breath Containment Technique in battle.

Once a battle breaks out, Fischer's aura will definitely be exposed.

After all, Fischer's trip to the Dark Continent this time is full of uncertainties.

However, if it is really impossible to use the battle to increase the favor, then Fischer can only return to the Zoldyck family and his party to explore and be a teleporter.

Magic·Flicker does not burst out with a powerful breath, but it is silent, and it will not be discovered if it is used.

As for combat, unless it is absolutely necessary, it cannot be done.

However, let's talk about it, but this does not prevent Fischer from Netero to learn about these situations.

"How much do you like fighting?" Jin's face was covered with black lines as he watched Fischer chasing Netero and asking where the powerful monsters existed.

Those who come to the Dark Continent are not here to explore all the inconceivable substances here, but Fischer, it seems, is here to fight.

"Huh? What's the matter, can't you?" Fischer looked over suspiciously.

He came to the Dark Continent to find a powerful opponent to fight, is that wrong?

That's right.

"Well, yes, but why don't you just focus on this?"

"There are many incredible existences in the Dark Continent. Compared with fighting and fighting, it is more interesting to explore these existences."

"For example, the uninhabited city is very interesting, isn't it?"

"You know, it's a city. Although I don't know if it was built by humans, the possibility is very high.

"Of course, it is also possible that it was built by humanoid creatures."

"But these mysteries are very intriguing, aren't they?"

"It's better to explore this place than to fight and kill."

"What do you think?" Jin tried to change Fischer's mind, and tried to persuade Fischer.

"Is there no one in the city?"

"That place really caught my attention."

"It can indeed be regarded as the first purpose of exploration."

"However, let me test it first."

"If the test is what I think, then we will divert to explore the uninhabited city." Fischer heard this, pondered for a moment, and then gave a reply.

Originally, I was thinking that there was nothing I could do, so I went back to be a tool person with everyone.

Now that Jin has sent an invitation, if he can't use the battle to improve his strength by then, it's not a bad idea to explore the city of five.

"That place is indeed very interesting."

"If we can unlock the secret of the uninhabited city, then we will be able to know whether there are native humans on the Dark Continent." Netero was also very moved.

However, he is now the person in charge of the Hunter Association this time, and even if he is tempted, he can't walk away at will.

"Don't come here to make trouble."

"You guys are with the two of us. Once the group of guys targeting Fischer shows up, we two have a way to save our lives, but you old man doesn't." Hearing Netero's words, Jin Fu bluntly vetoed it.

"What the hell, you kid, how dare you underestimate this old man!!!!" Being so despised by Jin, Netero immediately blew his beard and stared, and the faint light behind him was the prelude to the formation of the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara. The meaning of Shi Guanyin photographed.

Seeing this, Jin unceremoniously walked to Fischer's side, directly using Fischer as a shield.

Sure enough, Netero's Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara disappeared before it was formed.

Still, Netero glared at Jin unhappily.

|| You really deserve a beating, no wonder you are so unpopular in the association. "Fischer looked at the triumphant Jin on his left and said speechlessly.

"Hey, thank you for the compliment." Jin said with a smile.

"Shameless." Netero curled his lips in disdain.

Seeing this, Jin stared back immediately.

"Fischer, Killua and the others have been attacked. After killing the enemy, let me give them the location of the enemy's organization base."

"Do you want to give it to them?" At this moment, Mi Ji who was not far away suddenly looked up, returned to Fischer and asked.

"Huh? Being attacked so quickly."

"Since they want the location of the base, then give it to them."

"Let them handle it themselves." Fischer was a little surprised that Killua and the others would be attacked soon, but he still gave an answer.

With the current strength of Killua and Gon, it is more than enough to destroy an Ai family.

After all, although the members of Ai Yi's family are all naughty, they are all rubbish after all.

With the current strength of Killua and Gon, destroying this kind of organization is almost effortless.

Just need to be careful about the fourth prince of the Kajin Empire, Chelidonish.

This guy's ability is probably not simple.

"Okay." Mi Ji nodded and started sending messages to Killua.

"Where is that Celidonish guy now?" Fischer asked.

"Let me see."

"It seems that we have already reached the third floor, and we are rushing towards the base of Ai Yi's house." Mi Ji inquired for a moment, and then gave the answer.

"Well, tell Killua slave about this together."


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