Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 219: Illumi's Actions, Restrained Foresight

"It's really weak." On the fourth floor, in Xiuwu's base, Illumi looked at the lying corpses all over the ground with a blank expression on his face.

As I said before, Illumi's original purpose of joining this trip to the Dark Continent was to use his own abilities and use the Nen in the lower ranks of the BW to improve his own strength.

And the underworld organization that dominates every floor is naturally Illumi's primary target.

After boarding the ship, Illumi left the Zoldyck family directly and went to the lower floors to find the target.

And the first floor that Yilumi stepped into was not the third floor, but the fourth floor.

Because he knew that the third layer was a cooperative force of the four princes of the Kajin Empire, he still knew this information, so he skipped the "planning to hand it over to Fischer, the fourth master of the Kajin Empire, Cheridonish."

His goal is on the fourth and fifth floors.

The power of the Xiuwu family is very strong, and it is very strong for ordinary people.

Even for first-class Hunters, it would be very difficult for those who wanted to clean up Xiuwu's house. At least several first-class Hunters would be needed to deal with it.

But for Illumi, a nen organization at the level of Xiuwu's family is very crotch.

It was easy for Illumi to clean up the organization.

Moreover, he deliberately showed mercy.

You know, it is easy to kill a person, but it is more difficult to kill this person and save his life.

A hairsprayer once said 363, it is difficult to master the power to step over the ants without killing them.

Although Yilumi is not that big BOOS, it is very difficult for Yilumi, a killer who is used to killing people, to do this kind of thing.

Not to mention being merciful when dozens of nen besieged Illumi together.

"Sader, the next step is to accept the results." Looking at the many nen people lying unconscious on the ground, Illumi took out a bottle from his clothes, then slowly bent down, and poured his blood in the bottle one by one. poured it into the mouths of these naughty men.

After pouring his own blood into all the nen, Illumi casually found a sofa, sat down regardless of the clutter on the sofa, took out his phone and started playing.

Quietly waiting for his blood to take effect.

Time passed quietly.

Half an hour passed, and Illumi, who was playing with his mobile phone, paused slightly, his expressionless face turned to the unconscious Nen on the ground and forgot about the past.

"Successful." Muttering, Illumi stood up, then flicked his hands, dozens of reading needles appeared, flung them out without looking at them, completely erasing the lives of these Nen people.

After doing this, Illumi closed her eyes, quietly waiting for her ability to take effect.

Within two seconds, a powerful force erupted from Illumi's body, the arrogance soared to the sky, and a violent wave of air began to spin in the spacious room.

"It's really a powerful force."

"However, the Nen practice of these guys is not really stretching the hips.

"Forget it, don't care about this, let's find the next target now."

"I remember that the management organization on the fifth floor is Xia Ya's family. After feeling the power emerging from his body, Illumi opened his eyes, whispered faintly, and then left here.

Leave a messy room.

As for whether the people on the fourth floor will be difficult to manage after the people of Xiuwu's family are killed by him, that's not his business.

Illumi is not interested in this.

At the same time, on the other side, Killua and Gon also found the base of Ai's family after reading the information from them.

"Celidonish, the fourth prince of the Kajin Empire?" When he came to the base of Ai's house, Killua could not help frowning and read out when he saw Cheridonish.

"Yo, Killua Zoldyck, it's our first time meeting." Celidonish smiled and waved to Killua, saying hello, as if he didn't mean to be hostile at all.

Behind him are the surviving members of Ai's family, standing respectfully.

However, although Celidonish behaved very naturally, both Killua and Gon could feel the killing intent on Celidonish, the killing intent was very weak, so weak that even the strong would It's hard to feel.

But Killua and Gon are not ordinary powerhouses.

One is a killer, very sensitive to murderous intent.

Not to mention the other one, Gon (ajcb) guy is a weirdo, very sensitive to breath, even more to smell.

So, after seeing Celidonish and thinking about the information Fischer gave them before, the first thoughts in the two people's hearts were surprisingly consistent.

That is to do it directly and kill Chelido Zhongxi.

Now that it has been confirmed that the relationship is hostile, and the other party has murderous intentions towards him and others, Killua and Gon will naturally not wait for Celidonish to deal with him.

However, just when Killua and Gon were about to make a move, Celidonish, who was sitting on the sofa, seemed to have sensed something, with a frightened expression on his face, and the whole person stepped back, kneeling on the ground with one knee, terrified. He looked at Killua and Gon.

Especially Gon, Celidonish looked at Gon as if he was looking at a monster.

"Huh? Sure enough, you guys have the ability to predict the future." Seeing Celidonish's reaction, Killua showed a look that was so true.

With Fischer's reminder, the attack that Killua was about to release just now was to deal with Celidonish's future attacks.

That is to release a huge thunder, covering the entire room.

In this way, even if Celidonish has the ability to predict, it is useless.

However, before he even used it, this guy had already exited, and the direction he retreated was still another door in the room.

However, Celidonish didn't care about Killua's words of exposing his ability, and still stared at Gon firmly.

"Huh? Why is this guy staring at Gon." Killua also noticed this keenly, and was very puzzled.

How did Killua know how afraid Celidonish was of Gon at this time.

It is true that Celidonish's ability is to predict the future, but there are other abilities on this basis.

That is, when you enter the state of "extreme", you enter a predictive dream similar to a parallel space, and you can watch everything that happens in the future in the predictive dream that is separated from reality, and you can also make changes in the predictive dream. In reality, moreover, the change in reality is only for him, and other people will only have his cognition of predicting everything that happens in the dream.

However, just now, after he activated this ability, he indeed foresaw the dream that would happen in the future, and also foresaw the future where Killua was going to release thunder to cover the entire room and carry out a ranged attack.

However, it wasn't Killua that shocked him the most, it was Gon who shocked him.

Because, the unknown ability released by Gon actually shattered his precognitive dream space and drove him out of the precognitive dream.

This means that his invincible ability was restrained by Gon.

His precognition is useless in front of Gon.

No, it should be said that it cannot be used under Gon's weird power.

For a moment, Celidonish's killing intent towards Gon became more ferocious.

"Kill that guy!!!!".

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