Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 222 Death Hunt

"Mirdian School of Magic?"

"Is there a school of magic in Fairy Tail?"

"I've never heard of it." Hearing this title, Fischer was full of question marks.

"However, since it is the era of Fairy Tail four hundred years ago, it should be an academy that did not appear in the original book.

"That's right, the system asked me to come to this world to learn magic and become the most powerful magician, so it is indeed reasonable to send me to the magic academy."

With this in mind, Fischer felt a torrent of information appearing in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, Fischer understood his identity in this world.

The identity arranged by the system for me is a student of the Mildian Academy of Magic, who specializes in space-type magic, and has only learned one magic in the past few years since entering school, and that is flickering.

"Hey, is my identity arranged according to my actual situation?"

"System, you really have a heart." After reading the information given by his 09 system, Fischer couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Having a suitable identity will be much more convenient for Fischer to learn various kinds of magic in this magic academy.

After all, if a person's situation is seriously inconsistent with the person's design, then people in the Magic Academy will also suspect it, which is also a big trouble for Fischer.

"However, I just don't know whether there are many magics in this magic academy, whether they are powerful enough, and whether they can let me learn more powerful and numerous magics."

"To be able to stand on the continent of Ishgar four hundred years ago and not be destroyed by the dragons, the strength of this magic academy should be very good.

"I guess it should be extraordinary."

"Sa, let's take a look at the library of the law school."

"I remember it was in this direction." Standing up, Fischer walked towards the door, preparing to go to the library of the Magic Academy where he was now to find out.

However, as soon as he left the dormitory, Fischer felt a very powerful force erupted somewhere in the academy, so powerful that even Fischer felt it was very difficult.

Fischer's pupils constricted instantly.

Is there such a terrifying existence in this academy!!!!

And just as Fischer's thought flashed, a black air appeared in Fischer's field of vision and swept towards this side from the depths of the corridor in a diffuse shape.

"Danger!!!!" Seeing this lightning-fast black air, this idea appeared in Fischer's mind for the first time.

"This black air, death hunting!!!"

"That guy Jeff is around!!"

Fischer thinks that his strength is very terrifying, and he is also a top existence in the world of Fairy Tail.

Even the era of the coexistence of humans and dragons in the Fairy Tail world four hundred years ago was the same, it was a top existence.

Fischer thought he could be compared with the Dragon Kings of this era except the Black Dragon King.

However, facing the black aura now, Fischer felt a dangerous aura.

Moreover, the diffusion pattern of the black air was very familiar to Fischer, and the appearance of Jeff flashed in his mind instantly.

There is only one move that can make oneself feel dangerous, and this is still the case.

That is the death hunt unleashed when Jeref, cursed by the god Anxelam, gets out of control.

In the Fairy Tail world, there are only two people with the ability to hunt for death, one is Jeref, and the other is Mebis, the first generation leader of Fairy Tail.

But now, in this era four hundred years ago, it is naturally impossible for Mebis to appear.

Then the only reason is Jeff.

"The college I'm in now is the college where Jeref is, and it just happened to be the time when Jeref was cursed by the god Anxelam?" A thought flashed in Fischer's mind, and a powerful thunder erupted from his body. A halo of thunder wrapped around the surroundings, contending with the power of the death hunt.

The struggle between Death Hunt and Fischer's Thunder erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations, the entire corridor was thundered and lightning, and black air raged.

In just a few seconds, the dormitory area where Fischer was located was completely destroyed by the terrifying impact of the collision of two forces, turning it into a ruin.

And as the dormitory area turned into ruins, the power of the death hunt quickly shrank back and flowed back in a certain direction.

Standing in the ruins, Fischer frowned slightly as he felt the situation in the academy.

"It's such a terrifying power, it wiped out all the creatures in the entire academy in an instant." Fischer murmured to himself after perceiving the situation in the academy.

When he first came to this world, Fischer could still feel the vitality in the academy, but now, the entire academy has completely quieted down. "Song is left with him and another breath.

"Jeff." Fischer looked at the direction of another aura in the academy with a complex expression, and remained silent.

Although he knew that this was not Jeff's original intention, all the creatures in the academy did indeed die because of Jeff.

The curse that Jeref received is Anxelam's black magic, one of the ancient curses, also known as the "contradictory 253 curse". The more you respect life, the more you release it.

1 The energy of death, on the contrary, if you do not respect the life of all things, you will not release the energy of death.

Killing all the creatures in the entire academy in an instant means that Jeref respects the lives of creatures very much, and the more he respects the lives of creatures, the more terrifying the death energy that can erase life will be when the contradictory curse is modeled. .

"Although I sympathize with your situation, you have caused me a lot of trouble." Slightly sighed. Fischer looked helplessly at the dim yellow sky.

The purpose of the system sending him to this magic academy is self-evident, that is to let him come here to learn magic.

Fortunately for Jeff, he has just arrived, and he hasn't had time to say hello to the instructors of the academy, and he hasn't formally touched the learning of magic yet.

This guy directly killed all the tutors, students and others in the entire academy.

Who did this lead him to learn magic from?

"Since you have killed everyone else, the burden of my learning magic can only fall on you." Fischer looked back at the sky, looked at the location of Zeref's breath again, and murmured Nam, then walked over there and walked past the doctor.

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