Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 223: Young Jeff

The huge academy was extremely quiet, and Fischer's habitual users walked silently in the corridor, slowly walking towards where Jeff was.

The place where Jeff is located is a room. Looking at the location of this room, Fischer knows without guessing that this is the dean's room of the college, because it is guarded.

Gently opening the door of the dean's room, Fischer looked inside.

In the magnificent room, a black-haired boy was kneeling on the ground and weeping in pain. In front of him was an old man with a kind face, a neat long beard, and wearing the dean's costume.

However, the old man's face was ashen at this time, and he didn't need to think about it to know that there was no sound.

The arrival of Fischer awakened Zeref who was crying bitterly.

Jeff looked over in disbelief, his eyes revealed disbelief, as if he hadn't expected that someone would survive under the terrifying power released by him

"How could it be? I didn't feel any human breath at all." Looking at Fischer in a daze, Jeff read out uncontrollably.

At this time, Jeff didn't know what the black magic power erupted from his body was, but he felt that under the sweep of the black magic power that erupted from him, the creatures in the entire academy lost the breath of life.

In other words, the power he erupted killed everyone in the academy.

That's why he was in such pain, because he personally killed the entire anti-colleague companion.

But now, looking at the college student clothes Fischer was wearing, Jeff knew that the person in front of him was a survivor of the college.

Someone is still alive!!!!

For a moment, Jeff was overwhelmed with grief and joy, weeping with joy, crying and laughing.

Still a teenager, Zeref, who hadn't become the weather-beaten black mage, couldn't control himself, and rushed towards Fischer.

However, the next moment, the black magic power broke out again, sweeping out at close range.


The thunder on Fischer's body also swept away instantly, colliding with the death hunting on Jeff's body.

"How could it be!!!" Jeff also noticed it at this time, and he couldn't help but pause when he jumped at Fischer, and stopped at the same place and looked at this scene with disbelief.

"Calm down, Zeref." Fischer yelled loudly as he unleashed thunder against the black magic that hunted death.

He knew that Anxelam's curse had struck again.

Jeff felt joy because of Fischer's survival, and this joy took an extreme transformation under the curse of contradiction, directly turning into a death hunt to kill Fischer.

"The power in you is the curse of contradiction. The more you respect life, the more you will destroy life."

"Calm down, don't think too much, the power of death hunting will disappear." Fischer explained the situation of the contradictory curse to Zeref concisely.

"!!!!!!" Hearing this, Jeff's pupils shrank immediately.

Then, in less than two seconds, Jeff's expression became calm, and the black magic power of death hunting released from his body also gradually faded.

Ten seconds later, the power of the death hunt completely disappeared.

Obviously, Jeref is very smart. After Fischer explained it, Jeref immediately understood and controlled the launch of the death hunt.

"Thank you. A calm Zeref thanked Fischer with no expression on his face.

Obviously, Jeff, who had just started to control the death hunt, could not control his facial changes at will.

After thanking him again, Jeff turned around and returned to the old man with a kind face, squatting down, reaching out and hugging the old man.

This kind-faced old man should be the dean of the academy.

"Can you help me?" Zeref asked Fischer with a deadpan face.

"Ah, let me help too." Looking at Jeff's appearance, Fischer knew what Jeff wanted to do without him asking.

Jeff wants Fischer's help in burying everyone in the academy.

Without saying much, Fischer turned and left here, preparing to deal with the corpses in the academy.

After all, I will learn magic here next.

If you don't deal with it, this academy will be abolished, and you can't stay here.

After Fischer turned and left, Jeff hugged the dean's body and followed him.

The two spent two hours burying all those who died from the death hunt that erupted from the contradictory curse on Jeref, right in the playground.

This is the only place in the academy that has such a large open space.

Standing in front of the playground, Jeff stared at the densely packed wooden tombstones with a calm expression, without saying a word.

They didn't even dare to show their sadness, because once the thought of being sad because of the death of these people arises in their hearts, the death hunt will start again, which is the curse of contradiction.

And he is not the only one in the academy, there is Fischer by his side.

Fischer is now the only survivor besides him in the academy, and he doesn't want Fischer to die in the death hunt.

Looking at Zeref, who looked calm and didn't even dare to express grief, Shell sighed slightly. (Woo Zhao Zhao

"`||I'm leaving this academy temporarily, and I'll come back to you the day after tomorrow." Throwing a sentence to Zeref, Fischer turned into a thunderbolt and soared into the sky, leaving the huge magic academy.

Let's leave it to Jeff for now.

Zeref with a calm face looked up towards the direction Fischer was leaving, and remained silent for a long time.

A few minutes later, Jeff's expression was finally uncontrollable, the corners of his mouth were trembling and wriggling, he lowered his head, tears splashed from his eyes, fell to the ground, and the snot flowed from his nose uncontrollably The middle is left out, and the whole face is directly painted.

"Ah!!!!!!!" There was no one else in the academy, Jeff finally lost control, and burst into tears.

After all, it wasn't the black mage who had lived for four hundred years.

A death hunt swept across the academy. .

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