Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 230 Touching The Taboo

Soon, Jeff ran over with a pale cherry-haired child wrapped in a white cloth covered with magic runes.

The cherry-haired child held by Zeref is none other than Atrias Naz Dragneel, the protagonist of the Fairy Tail world.

At this time, Naz didn't make any sound, and even the corpse was preserved so well because of the white cloth covered with magic runes wrapped around his body.

Those magic runes seem to be able to suspend the time around them, making Natsu Dragneel's time stop forever in the gap between time and time.

Therefore, even though he had been dead for a long time, Naz Dragneel was only pale, without any other changes.

"Fischer, please." Quickly running in front of Fischer, Jeff placed Nazi on the table in front of Fischer, looking at Fischer expectantly.

"I can't be sure, I can only try." Fischer is not sure, because it is the first time for him to use natural teeth.

The resurrection is also the first time.

"It's okay, just do your best." Jeff was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then said with a far-fetched smile on his face.

Obviously, he has now recovered from the initial surprise and has calmed down.

Fortunately, he didn't explode the death hunt just now.

Based on his extravagant desire for life just now, it is not surprising that Fischer has had several death hunts.

Without speaking, Fischer nodded slightly to Jeff, and then took out the natural teeth from the system space.

Jeff was not surprised by the sudden appearance of natural teeth.

Because of this magic of storing items and props, he will also.

What Jeff cares about is, what is Fischer doing with a knife?

Of course, Fischer didn't know what Jeff was thinking.

At this time, Fischer had already slowly grasped the hilt of Tianshengya's knife, his gaze was slightly fixed, and a pulsation appeared on the body of Tianshengya he was holding.

In Fischer's sight, the surrounding space lost its color at this moment, only gray.

Looking at Natsu on the table, Fischer could see that the white cloth wrapped around Natsu exuded a faint silver light, which was the light of time.

It is a time rune researched by Zeref to preserve Natsu's body.

However, Fischer doesn't care about these things. What Fischer cares about now is the situation with Naz.

"What's going on here?" Eyes narrowed slightly, Fischer was puzzled and puzzled by what happened to Naz.

"There is no kid at all, but I can feel that as long as the natural teeth in my hand cut Naz's body, then I can revive him.

"Is it because the world is different?"

"When Tianshengya is used in the world of Inuyasha, little ghosts will appear because there is an underworld in that world, and those little ghosts are the messengers of the underworld."

"And the world of Fairy Tail doesn't exist in the underworld, so there won't be such a thing as a soul ecstasy."

"A person's death is like a lamp going out, and his soul will not be taken away."

"The first president of Fairy Tail, Mebis, exists as a soul not because he is dead, but because he is still alive, his body is killed, his soul still exists, and he still has Anxela on his body." The curse of God Mu's immortality, so he is in a half-dead state."

Thinking silently in his heart, Fischer quickly swung his natural teeth at Natsu under Zeref's frightened eyes.


A white ray of light emerged instantly, completely enveloping Naz.

"What's going on!!!" Zeref, who was panicked when Fischer suddenly swung a knife at his brother's body, was stunned when he saw this scene.

"It should have survived." Fischer slowly inserted his natural teeth back into the scabbard, and said lightly.

He could feel his natural teeth working.

This means that Natsu will come back to life later, it should be at the moment when the light dissipates.

"Really!!!!" Fischer's affirmative tone made Jeff very happy.

At the same time, he could also feel the breath of life appearing in the light.


The black death hunt burst.

Seeing the sudden eruption of Zeref, Fischer's eyes twitched, and he appeared in front of the light transformed by Natsu with lightning speed, blocking Death Hunt.

0………seeking flowers 0

"Calm down, Jeff."

"If your brother dies again, he won't be able to be resurrected again." Fischer yelled at Jeff.

"Sorry, Fischer."

"Thank you very much." After being reprimanded by Fischer, Jeff also regained his composure, a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his face was full of fear.

Feeling joyful because of his younger brother's resurrection, he couldn't control his thoughts for a while, and directly broke out a contradictory curse.

If Fischer hadn't stopped his death hunt in time, his revived brother would have died again, and it was still by his own hands.


In an instant, the surprise in Jeff's heart disappeared completely, replaced by boundless fear.

"Contradictory curse, hateful!!!" Jeref lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and blood continued to flow from his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Fischer was slightly taken aback, but then he knew Jeff's state at this time.

"It's so sad."

"Even if I revive his brother, he can't be with his brother."

"All this is because of the curse of God Anxelam." Looking at Zeref's annoyed look at this moment, Fischer muttered inwardly.

"However, I have also touched the boundary between life and death now, why didn't God Anxelam do anything to me?" Fischer frowned, thinking puzzledly.

Jeref touched the boundary between life and death, and the taboo was cursed.

But now he has completely broken the boundary between life and death, resurrected Naz Dragneel, why did Anxelam God not do anything to him.

As soon as the thought came here, Fischer felt an invisible force fall on him.

"This is!!!"

"The curse of God Anxelam!!!" The first time Fischer felt this power, he knew the source of this power.



The broken divinity in Fischer exploded at this moment!!! Ten!.

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