Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 231: The Ending Of Mutual Loss

"The power of God?"

"It's really unfathomable, even I can't resist it now."

"If it weren't for Lemuel's broken divinity, I would have been hit like Jeff." Feeling the power that silently fell on him being wiped out by the broken divinity bit by bit, Fischer felt in his heart. silently.

There is no doubt that the god of Fairy Tail, Anxelam, is on the same level as the gods of Hunter.

This point is known from the fact that this guy's curse can be entangled with the broken divinity.

However, because it was just a curse, it was only entangled for a moment before the broken divinity took over and was gradually wiped out.

"Fischer, are you alright!!!!" At this moment, Jeff finally noticed the changes in Fischer, and a frightened look of "840" appeared on his face.

Because he could feel that the same power as himself appeared in Fischer.

However, the next moment, Zeref was stunned, because he felt that the power in Fischer's body, which was the same as his own, gradually disappeared after the powerful thunder erupted from Fischer's body.

In just ten seconds, that contradictory curse completely disappeared from Fischer's body.

"Fischer can erase the curse of contradiction." The thought came to Zeref's mind.

Fischer saw Zeref's reaction, but he ignored it. Instead, he looked up at the sky and waited quietly.

It should be the first time that his own broken divinity obliterated the curse of God Anxelam.

Fischer didn't believe that Anxelam would stop there.

Sure enough, the next moment, a more powerful force descended from the sky, and the black light shrouded directly towards Fischer.

"This is the power of God Anxelam!!!!!!" Zeref looked at this scene in shock, looking at Fischer and Natsu who were shrouded in black light

Affected by the contradictory curse of Anxelam, Zeref is very aware of the power of Anxelam.

Seeing Fischer now surrounded by the power of Anxelam made him very disturbed.

From the past few days of getting along, Jeff knows that Fischer is very powerful, a power that does not belong to magic, and can resist the black magic power of death released by the curse of contradiction.

Just now, a very terrifying thunder erupted, which directly resisted the curse of God Anxelam and wiped out the power of the curse.

But it's different now. What appeared this time was not a curse, but the real power of God Anxelam, which was far from the previous curse.

He was afraid, afraid that Fischer would not be able to hold back the force.

Once Fischer can't stop this force, then Fischer and his newly resurrected brother will die again.

Jeff was terrified.

It's my own reason.

I knew that touching the taboo of life and death would attract the attention of God Anxelam, but when Fischer said that he had the ability to revive Natsu, he selectively forgot about this, so Fischer touched this taboo, thus Here comes the gaze of the god Anxelam.

Even because of the powerful power on Fischer, God Anxelam directly lowered his own power.

"Everything is my fault, it is my selfishness that caused everything now."

"If it weren't for my selfishness, the people of Mildian Academy of Magic would not have their lives wiped out by death hunting.

"If it wasn't for my selfishness, Fischer wouldn't have been noticed by God Anxelam like me."

"It will not attract the power of Anxelam God itself."

"Everything is my fault." There was a huge change in his heart, and Jeff's eyes, which were as dark as black pearls, gradually lost their focus, and he fell into the inner confusion.

At the same time, Fischer, who was shrouded in black magic power, that is, the divine power of Anxelam, was safe and sound.

The broken divinity in Fischer's body that had just subsided broke out again, confronting the power of God Anxelam.

Fischer could feel that both the power of God Anxelam and the broken divinity in himself were constantly weakening in the confrontation.

However, the Anxelam god's power disappeared faster, twice as fast as the broken divinity disappeared...

The power descended by God Anxelam is not its original power, but its amount is very large.

On the contrary, the broken divinity is Lemuel's original power, the source of his gods, but the amount of this broken divinity is very small.

"From the perspective of the essence of power, my broken divinity is a level stronger than the essence of the power of God Anxelam.

"However, according to this situation, the broken divinity will be offset sooner or later, because my broken divinity is rootless duckweed and cannot be regenerated. On the contrary, the power of God Anxelam has a foundation and can flow Constantly increasing.

"It can't go on like this."

"I have touched the taboo of life and death in this world, and I have been targeted by God Anxelam, but passive resistance is not good for me."

"God Anxelam must be seriously injured, otherwise I will not be able to stay in this world."

"The task of the system is to become the number one magician in this world. I need time."

Thinking silently in his heart, Fischer took the initiative to take over the Broken Divinity.

In an instant, the broken divinity erupted with even more terrifying power, directly breaking through the black magic power, and completely destroying the black magic power, and then turned into a thunderbolt that soared into the sky and "submerged into the void air force.

After a while, a muffled hum came from the void.

Then, a 1.9 weak broken divinity appeared from the void, and quickly sank into Fischer's body.

"The shattered divinity that consumed nine levels temporarily severely injured God Anxelam, enough to stop this guy temporarily."

"During this period of time, God Anxelam should not come to harass me again, and I can learn to practice magic with peace of mind."

"However, the price is really huge." Fischer couldn't help sighing as he watched the originally huge ocean of divinity in his mind turn into a lake.

"Who are you?" Just as Fischer sighed, a childish voice came from behind him.

"Huh? Did you come back to life?" Fischer was not surprised at all, and turned to look over.

The child with cherry hair was showing a pair of Kazilan's big eyes and looking at him cutely. .

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