Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 234 Queen Of Dragons, Creator Of Dragon Slayer Magic

"Children?" Seeing Natsu appearing suddenly, both dragons and humans showed surprise.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Seeing that the dragon and the people ignored him, Natsu suddenly showed a dissatisfied expression, put his hands on his hips, and asked again angrily.

"Interesting, a child is not afraid of meeting this old man." After seeing Natsu's reaction, the giant dragon immediately became interested in Natsu.

Not to mention normal human beings among humans, even those mages who have never seen themselves, the first time they see themselves is a reaction of fear.

Let alone a small child.

Only those residents of the Doragunov Kingdom who are used to seeing the pro-friendly dragons will not have this kind of reaction.

"Ah, giant dragon, you are a dragon!!!" As the giant dragon spoke again, Natsu seemed to react, and exaggeratedly shouted out with his eyes wide open and pointing at the giant dragon.

Seeing Natsu's belated reaction, both the dragon and the humans who came together were speechless.

Well, let’s just say that in this era, how can children not be afraid of giant dragons.

It turned out that Natsu's reflex arc was too big.

However, the next moment, the pupils of the giant dragon and the human being constricted simultaneously.

Because beside Naz, a figure appeared without any warning.

If this is the case, it is not enough to make one person and one dragon lose their composure.

The reason why the two lost their composure was entirely because of the sense of crisis brought to them by the sudden appearance of 820.

A sense of crisis, Berserion has been in this world for hundreds of years, and he has never felt a sense of crisis from a human being.

From birth to now, he has only felt the crisis from his own kind, and this is the first time he has felt a sense of crisis from a human being.

"It seems that the rumors are not groundless. There are indeed people of the same kind who perished because of human beings." Berserion said solemnly in his heart.

They came here for two purposes, one of which was to confirm the authenticity of the rumors.

It now appears that this rumor has been confirmed.

"Sorry, sorry, my child was rude."

"However, I didn't expect guests to come to such a remote place." Standing beside Naz, Fischer stroked Naz's hair and apologized to the ten people and ten dragons in front of him.

"Brother Fischer?"

"The old man didn't expect that there would be a powerhouse of your level here."

"No, it should be said that there is an existence of your level among human beings. I am really shocked." The huge dragon's mouth opened and closed, and the dragon named Berserion was deeply moved.

"I also didn't expect that the princess and guardian dragon of the Kingdom of Doragunov would come to my (ajeh) remote academy."

"My lord, do you know us?" Hearing Fischer's words, the woman standing beside the dragon suddenly became excited and said.

The person who appeared in front of Fischer was none other than the future queen of dragons, the queen of the Doragunov kingdom, the first dragon slayer, and the mother of dragon slayers, Irene Berserion.

Of course, judging from her current reaction, Irene Berserion has not yet created a high-level additional magic that can attach dragon moves to humans, nor has she inherited Berserion's surname, and she is just a Ordinary Queen.

After being confirmed by her guardian dragon Berserion, Irene seemed very excited.

Because this means that human beings are no longer ants, and human beings have existences that can compete with giant dragons.

"I know." Fischer nodded slightly, and then asked the purpose of the two: "Hey, what is the purpose of you two coming here?"

"Ah, yes, my lord."

"Irene's visit this time is to invite Sir to be the general of the Doragunov Kingdom, and to fight against the dragon of the Slaughter faction together." Irene put one hand on her chest, bowed slightly, and her tone was extremely respectful.

"Well, what is your purpose?"

"Then I can only say sorry."

"Because I don't have time to care about those dragons now.

"I still have my own things to do here." Hearing Irene's request, Fischer was slightly surprised, and then rejected Irene's request.

Four hundred years ago, the dragon clan was very powerful, and the number of giant dragons of the Slaughter faction was too large compared to the giant dragons of the Affinity faction.

Even Fischer has great strength and the Dragons of the Affectionate faction cannot fight against the dragons of the Killing faction.

So Fischer doesn't want to get involved in the battle between dragons and humans for the time being.

Of course, only temporarily.

When Fischer has learned all the magic here, Fischer will also leave the Mildian School of Magic and walk on the mainland, looking for more magic.

Of course, the magic Fischer on Jeff will not let it go.

The wool is the wool, but Fischer himself can't just hope to get it from Jeff.

I also need to go to various ruins to find them.

At that time, there will definitely be conflicts with those giant dragons.

At that time, even if Fischer doesn't want to do anything to the dragon, he will definitely not be able to stay out of it.

Of course, it is estimated that the dragon slayer wizard will also appear at that time, and Fischer will not fight alone with the dragon.

Of course, at that time, it is estimated that even if he fights alone, Fischer will not be afraid of the Dragon Clan.

After all, Fischer's strength is not constant.

Fischer will grow, and grow very fast.

Fischer estimates that it will take a year to learn all the magic of the Mildion Academy of Magic.

In one year, it is self-evident with Fischer's growth rate.

However, it is not necessary now, Fischer still wants to learn all the magic of the Mildian Academy of Magic.

"Then, my lord, forgive me, can I ask my lord how you have such a powerful power!!!" Hearing that Fischer rejected her without even thinking about it, Irene was slightly startled, a little disappointed , but quickly cheered up, and asked for advice with a solemn expression.

"You, you're really welcome." Fischer raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at her with a strange look on his face.

"I'm very sorry, I know it's wrong to inquire about this kind of thing, but there is really nothing I can do."

"Recently, the giant dragon of the Slaughter faction has become more and more irritable, and they often attack."

"If we humans can't master the powerful power to fight with Berserion and the others and deal with them, then the human race is likely to become extinct."

"I don't want this kind of thing to happen, so I don't want to give up when I encounter a little bit of hope." Hearing Fischer's words, Irene's expression became sad.

"Haven't you thought about letting humans master the magic of dragons?" Fischer was a little surprised by Irene's words, and couldn't help but say.

It stands to reason that attaching the power of the dragon to humans should be something Irene has been thinking about and preparing for, otherwise she would not have created such a powerful magic as high-level additional magic.


"Let humans master the magic of dragons?" Irene was stunned.

Even Berserion was stunned.

Fischer was also stunned when he saw one man and one dragon.

What's the meaning?

Neither of you have ever thought of such a thing?

"Thank you very much, my lord!!!!"

"Thank you, strong human."

Fischer: "....."

In other words, I became one of the creators of Dragon Slayer Magic?.

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