Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 235 Creating Magic, Fischer's Magic Aptitude

"It's outrageous, I've only traveled here for half a month, even if the butterfly effect happens, it's impossible to affect the past.

"Why did things develop to this point?"

"Also, why was there only one magic academy in Myrdion four hundred years ago?" In the library, Fischer rubbed his chin, looking at Irene who was looking at documents, with a look of disbelief.

Irene had no intention of creating a dragon slayer before.

What made Fischer even more unbelievable was what Irene said, that the only magic academy on this continent is the Mildian Academy of Magic.

No, it should be said that Mildian Academy of Magic is a magic academy with the most complete heritage.

There are still other small magic schools.

It's just that those magic schools can only learn magic, but can't create magic, and they don't have that background.

But Mirdi~An Academy of Magic is different.

There are a lot of magic literature and materials here, and there are enough foundations. Here, as long as the talented wizards have the heart, they can create all kinds of magic based on various magic knowledge.

While other small schools of magic taught a man to fish, Mildian School of Magic taught a man to fish.

It's a pity that many of the pioneering wizards of this academy were taken over by Jeff half a month ago.

As for Irene, this guy stayed at Mildian Academy of Magic after getting the idea of ​​a dragon slayer from Fischer.

He plunged headlong into the library of the Magic Academy to browse various magic documents, absorb all kinds of magic knowledge, and wanted to create magic that would allow humans to obtain the power of dragons.

"However, you should prepare your own food anyway." Holding the food in the other hand, Fischer came to the side of Irene who had forgotten to eat and sleep, put the food in front of her, and said helplessly.

This guy has rarely left here since the beginning, and it has been ten days.

Sometimes I didn't even leave for a day, just sat there reading literature, didn't even eat, and lay down on the table to rest when I was tired.

The highest record is not leaving the library for two days. (Of course, there are also various facilities in the library.)

Fischer couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to bring this guy along with the meal when he brought Naz.

"Thank you, Fischer." Irene, who was reading a book, noticed the lunch box that suddenly appeared in front of her, and reacted, raised her head, and thanked Fischer with a smile.

After a few days of getting along, Irene also got to know Fischer a lot better, and she no longer speaks honorifics, and can communicate in ordinary ways.

"I know you want to create magic that allows humans to master the power of dragons as soon as possible, but at least pay attention to your physical condition.

"Don't create magic, but your body collapses, so the loss outweighs the gain." Fischer reminded kindly, and then walked away, went to the bookcase around the wall to look for books.

Of course, the books Fischer was looking for were magic books, books that recorded various magic practices, not magic literature.

Fischer's goal now is to learn all the magic of the Mildian Academy of Magic.

As for creating magic himself, Fischer has not considered it for the time being.

Wait until there is no magic to learn.

Moreover, that guy Jeff went out this time, and he would definitely bring back new magic when he came back.

This Fischer is very confident in Jeff.

Speaking of which, Jeff in the original book created a lot of magic and made a lot of contributions to the magic world.

If it weren't for this guy's curse of contradiction, it wouldn't be an exaggeration for this guy to be the number one in the Demonic Dao.

Fischer is looking forward to what kind of magic this guy will get when he goes out this time, and what kind of magic he will create.

To put it another way, Fischer regards Jeff as a tool man (laughs).

Soon, Fischer took a few magic books, sat opposite to Irene, and began to read.

The two were relatively silent, quietly browsing their books.

At a certain moment, Irene, holding a panel in her hand, looked up slightly at Fischer.

Because at this time, Fischer was flipping through the book with one hand, while unconsciously releasing magic with the other hand.

Needless to say, this is magic Fischer is learning.

In the past ten days, Irene has watched this scene countless times.

I see a dozen of them every day.

It's all the magic in the magic books that Fischer has read more and more.

This situation made Irene very aware of how terrifying Fischer's talent is.

What kind of talent is it to learn more than a dozen kinds of magic in one day?

"It would be great if Fischer could help." Looking at Fischer who was reading and unconsciously releasing the auxiliary magic she had learned, Irene murmured inwardly.

Irene is very sure that if Fischer can help develop the magic that allows people to master the power of dragons, then with their own qualifications, the two of them will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, no, five times or even ten times the result may be possible.

In fact, Erin's thoughts are very real.

If Fischer also develops high-level additional magic together, then the time will definitely be shortened to the extreme.

Because, Fischer's aptitude in magic is really strong, second only to Jeff in this world.


Even Irene, the queen of dragons who created high-level additional magic, can't compare.

After Zeref helped Fischer complete the basics of magic, Schell could be said to be flawless in magic practice.

In addition, the ability to increase tenfold exists.

Creating magic is something Fischer can really do, and it can be said to be a piece of cake.

Even for high-level additional magic, Fischer can create it now as long as he has the heart, but it will take some time to verify it.

It's just that Fischer is too lazy to develop it for the time being.

After all, there is Jeref, the tool man.

"Why are you looking at me?" Irene's gaze caught Fischer's mind, and Fischer stopped reading, looking up and asking suspiciously.

"I want to ask you to help develop magic together." Irene blurted out while watching Fischer in a daze.



"Eh..." Hearing Irene's words, Fischer blinked, a little surprised.

Immediately, Fischer turned his eyes back to the book again, without raising his head, and asked again: "Why are you looking for me?"

"I should say, I'm learning magic now, and I don't have time to create magic."

"Because your talent is very strong. With your help, the time to create magic will be shortened a lot."

"Human beings can also fight against the giant dragon of the Slaughter faction as soon as possible, and Berserion and the others don't have to work hard to support them." Irene replied without hesitation. Now that I have said it, let's directly point it out.

This is her dream and her motivation.

She has always known that the reason why the human side was not destroyed was entirely due to the help of Belserion and the dragons of the affinity faction.

However, the number of dragons of the affinity faction is scarce, and it is very difficult to fight against the dragons of the killing faction.

So he has always wanted to help Berserion, and he also wanted to allow humans to master the power to fight against the dragons.

This method is urgent, and if more time is wasted, tens of thousands of innocent people will lose their lives and leave this world because of the destruction of the giant dragon of the Slaughter faction.

She doesn't want this to keep happening.

Hearing Irene's words, Fischer was about to say something, but he suddenly paused, and immediately changed what he was about to say.

"Yes, I promise you."

"However, I also have a request."

"Whatever request, as long as it is not too much, I can agree to you." Hearing that Fischer actually agreed, Irene was extremely excited and blurted out.

"Become my family."


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