Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 24 Menchi Is Gone, Killua Is Back

The battle between Fischer and Silva came to an end with the intervention of Grandpa Jeno, and the entire training room was completely scrapped.

Although there is no winner, everyone in the Zoldyck family knows that Fischer can already compete with Silva in strength, and it is estimated that he is only inferior to his great-grandfather Maha and grandpa Jeno.

After leaving the training room, Fischer separated Menchi from the rest of the family.

"Zoldyck is worthy of being an assassination family. Not only is the head of the family powerful, but the strength of the tribe is also so terrifying." Walking on the way back, Menchi felt emotional.

Just now she clearly faced the strength of the Zoldyck family.

Except for Miji and Kalluto, the strength of the others is terrifying, far beyond her expectations.

Especially the terrifying aura on Illumi, it might as well be more than the aura she felt from Hisoka before.

"There's no need to be envious, you can also become stronger to this extent in the future, or even stronger." Fischer said lightly.

"Well, I know, I'm sure." Menchi nodded confidently.

Menchi, who has acquired gourmet cells, is full of confidence in improving his strength.

"By the way, what do you plan to do next, do you want me to teach you tricks here or go to all over the world to find delicious food?" Fischer nodded and then asked.

Before bringing Menchi back, I thought that I would feed Menchi to improve my strength, but I didn't expect the system to come out halfway, and I signed in to a special food cell for Menchi.

Now Menchi has a new choice, and it's a better choice than feeding her.

Feeding Menchi by myself is just an ordinary favor promotion. Unlike myself, Menchi does not have a ten-fold increase, so the speed of promotion is relatively much slower, and it cannot be quickly effective.

And now that there are gourmet cells, Menchi can rely on devouring all kinds of dreamy delicacies to improve his strength. At the same time, while looking for these delicacies, he can also fight with those monsters. The favor is also useful. It is completely killing two birds with one stone. .

Fischer felt that this new option was a better fit for Menchi.

Of course, if Menchi is willing to stay here and rely on his own methods to improve his strength, Fischer will not mind.

"Well, originally it was the best choice to spar with you Fischer, but now that I have a gourmet cell, I have a new choice."

"Sure enough, I'll choose the second one." Menchi hesitated for a moment, and then gave a reply.

"Well, it's okay, then you can decide the next itinerary yourself." Fischer nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, I see."

"By the way, Fischer, why don't you use gourmet cells yourself? Why do you give me such a precious thing?" Menchi nodded, and then asked Fischer after hesitating for a moment.

Hearing this, Fischer's eyes twitched suddenly.

You think I don't want to use it, this thing is specially prepared for you by the system, I can't use it at all.

If it could be used, I would have used it long ago.

Gourmet cells, this kind of thing is very scary.

As long as you eat delicious food, you can quickly upgrade, and you can easily increase your strength.

Who would want to let go of such a good thing.

However, no matter how much drama there is inside, on the surface Fischer has not revealed any telltale feet.

"Your strength is too weak, so I will increase your strength."

"Or you don't want gourmet cells?" Fischer glanced at her lightly and said.

"Of course I want to, but..." Menchi shook his head quickly after hearing this, and then said.

"Okay, you can use it well if it's given to you, don't need mother-in-law." Seeing what Menchi wanted to say, Fischer waved his hand and interrupted, and then flashed forward quickly.

Ma Dan, if you continue to stay here, you will almost be unable to suppress your jealousy.

In the back, Menchi stared blankly at Fischer's figure who was quickly going away.

After a while, Menchi burst out laughing.

"Thank you, Fischer, no matter what happens in the future, I will stand by your side."

"Don't worry, I will improve my strength as quickly as possible, and I will definitely be your right and left hand and help you." Looking at Fischer's back, Menchi shouted loudly.

Menchi, who got the gourmet cell, naturally knows how precious the gourmet cell is. Menchi is extremely grateful to Fischer for giving him this precious treasure.

Scholars die for their confidants, Menchi now has this mentality.

Fischer has the heart to cultivate himself, and even gave himself this precious treasure. Naturally, Menchi is not an ungrateful person. He is very grateful for this kindness in his heart, and this kindness, Menchi decided to repay it with his whole life.


The day after he sparred with Silva, Menchi left the Zoldyck family, left the Dry Mountain, and embarked on a journey to find food and fight monsters all over the world.

And on this day, Killua brought Gon and others back to Kukulu Mountain.

Once back at Mount Kukulu, Killua went straight to Fischer.

As for the three of Gon, they were thrown by Killua to Gabriel, and Gabriel was asked to train the three of them.

The strength of the three is too weak in Killua's point of view, and they must be strengthened.

The first thing that needs to be enhanced is strength and speed. Wearing weight-bearing objects to train is the easiest way.

Killua did the same before to exercise his strength and speed.

"Brother, I'm back."

"I promised to teach me Nen. You can't just let it go." As soon as he returned to Kukulu Mountain, Killua went directly to Fischer and asked Fischer to teach him Nen. He didn't mean to go to his father Silva at all.

However, this is also normal, Killua is still inexplicably afraid of his father Silva, so he dare not go to him for nothing.

Even if he is practicing Nen, he will come to Fischer directly.

Of course, if Fischer is not around, no matter how much he is afraid of Silva, Killua will find him in order to practice Nen.

"Come back so soon?"

"I thought you were going to play outside for a few days." Fischer said with some surprise.

"How can playing be compared to practicing Nen."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, teach me quickly." Killua rolled his eyes at Fischer's words.

"Yes, yes, yes, this will teach you."

"Before I teach you how to practice, let me popularize the concept of Nen to you."

"Nen is an ability to manipulate life energy, is..."

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