Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 25 Recruiting Kurapika

"It's amazing, this is Nen, I feel full of strength." In Zoldyck Castle, in Fischer's separate training room, Killua was entwined with Nen Qi, showing a look of surprise.

For Killua, Fischer did not choose to teach step by step like ordinary Nen practitioners, but directly used 'fa' to guide the qi in his body, and then taught him to control his own qi.

Killua's current state is the state where he has just completed the awakening of Nen, and is using 'winding' to restrain his qi.

"As expected of Killua, the Qi just awakened is so strong." Looking at Killua in front of him, Fischer sighed slightly.

I have to say that the talent of Killua is really nothing to say.

If Fischer hadn't been accompanied by a plug-in, he probably wouldn't be able to compare with Killua.

"Okay, brother, teach me how to use Nen next." When Fischer sighed, Killua also understood his own situation and couldn't wait to learn the new use of Nen.

"It's not a good thing to want to fly before you learn how to walk. It's not a good thing to aim too high."

"Cultivate the entanglement well, let your qi be completely fixed, and don't talk about accidents."

"I'll give you two days, and come to me the day after tomorrow to practice other Nen uses." Facing Killua's impulsiveness, Fischer couldn't help reprimanding him.

This guy is too unstable, just learning Nen is like practicing advanced skills, and he is not afraid of breaking his teeth.

"Um, well, let me practice entanglement first." Killua also reacted to being reprimanded by Fischer, and said embarrassingly.

"Well, you can practice here, I'll go back first." Fischer nodded, and then turned around to leave here.

However, just a few steps away after turning around, Killua's voice came from behind him.

"Brother, can you teach Gon and them by the way."

This made Fischer pause, and looked back at Killua, frowning slightly.

"No, can't it?" Seeing Fischer frowning, Killua was slightly disappointed.

He knew that his old brother was very talkative, as long as there was nothing he could not agree to, he would directly agree to his request.

And once the elder brother frowns, it means that the possibility of the elder brother's rejection is very high.

"Apologize to mom tomorrow, and bring them over the day after tomorrow." Fischer frowned and thought for a moment, then agreed.

This made Killua slightly surprised, he didn't expect his elder brother to agree after frowning, it was really the first time.

However, Killua was so surprised that Fischer also turned and left at this time.

For Fischer, teaching others such a time-wasting thing is a reluctance for Fischer.

Even if one is teaching and the other is training, there is no difference.

However, since it was his younger brother's request, Fischer agreed after thinking for a while.

It's for Killua's sake.

Also, Fischer wanted to see if he could recruit Kurapika, a Kuruta survivor.

"Thank you, brother!!!" Killua who reacted immediately put his feet on his feet, excitedly waved his hand to Fischer's back, and thanked him.

Fischer didn't look back, just raised his hand lightly, and waved it casually, which was regarded as a response.


Two days passed quickly, and Killua brought Gon and others to Fischer's exclusive training room.

For the three of them, Fischer didn't say much. According to Killua's request, he directly used the hair to open the Aura Nodes on the three of them as he taught Killua, and released the qi inside.

Then he taught the three of them to control their qi.

Among the three, apart from Leorio, both Jay Freecss and Kurapika are geniuses among geniuses. Like Killua, although Leorio is not good enough, he can barely control his qi, so there is no genius Death due to excessive gas loss.

Then Fischer asked Killua to supervise Gon and Leorio's practice of entanglement, and he called Kurapika away.

"Arnold, Fischer, why did you call me out alone?" Kurapika asked Fischer in front of him as he walked in the spacious corridor.

"I heard from Killua that your enemies are those spiders." As soon as Kurapika's words came out, Fischer also stopped, turned to look at Kurapika, and said.

Hearing this, Kurapika's expression was slightly agitated, his eyes turned red unconsciously, but he soon calmed down and nodded silently.

"Would you like to be my direct steward, I can give you great power, so that you can find those spiders for revenge."

"You should also understand that those spiders are Nen."

"I can tell you in charge, among those spiders, except for a small man, none of them is weaker than those examiners, except President Netero."

"Based on your current situation, it will take at least several years to seek revenge from those guys. Can you wait?"

"Your talent is very strong. After a few years of practice, Nen can be comparable to the members of the brigade. However, even if you can defeat one of them, you cannot defeat the entire spider brigade. Once you start to take revenge Spider, then you will be hunted down by spiders, and you alone cannot escape the hunted down by the entire spider brigade." Fischer sent out the invitation lightly, and stated the situation of the spiders.

These words made Kurapika more silent.

He also knew what Fischer said. After knowing the existence of Nen, Kurapika already had a guess in his heart.

The Kuruta people are very strong. Most of the Kuruta people are experienced warriors, but they were exterminated by Phantom Troupe, who had only a few people at that time.

No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is impossible. He has always been very puzzled and confused by this matter.

It wasn't until he knew the existence of Nen, and felt the breath released by Illumi and Fischer in the final test, that Kurapika was convinced that most of the members of Phantom Troupe should be Nen.

Only the existence with this kind of supernatural ability can wipe out the Kuruta people in a group of only a few people.

Fischer is right, even if he has strong talent and Nen cultivates quickly, it still cannot make him reach the point where he can defeat spiders in a short time.

Unless he has devoted himself to cultivating for more than ten years, he will be able to deal with the entire spider with confidence.

But, ask yourself, can you bear it for such a long time?

Can I really restrain the hatred in my heart all the time?

The answer is impossible, I can't wait to wipe out all the spiders now.

"Fischer, can you really give me great strength, making me strong enough to deal with the entire Phantom Troupe in a short time!!!"

"Ah, I can, if not, then I will personally help you deal with Phantom Troupe." Hearing this, Fischer knew that Kurapika was moved, so he promised directly.

What happened to Menchi earlier let Fischer know that the system should be happy to help him cultivate members of the power.

Menchi has obtained the powerful power of gourmet cells. Once Kurapika joins his forces, the system should not be stingy with giving Kurapika powerful abilities.

If not, then it's up to you to avenge Kurapika yourself.

"Okay, I promise you!!!" With Fischer's assurance, Kurapika was silent for a moment, then spoke firmly and agreed.

"Welcome to Zoldyck, Kurapika."

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