Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 102

Chapter 147-Kona!

After Qiye returned to the villa, he closed the door, then set up the barrier, and immediately opened the uncovered conference.

The unmasked meeting originally referred to the Buddhism's large fast meeting held every five years to give donations to monks and lay people.It is inclusive and unobstructed, unobstructed, unobstructed, sanskrit-like, and free in Chinese.The uncovered meeting is a kind of big fast meeting held in Buddhism where everyone is treated equally regardless of noble and bad, monks and laymen, wisdom and stupidity, good and evil.There is an event in India called the Uncovered Conference. The so-called Uncovered Conference is where monks from all over the country gather to debate for 75 days, presided over by the King of Ordination.

But when Qiye is here, the meaning is completely different. It is indeed an "uncovered" conference.

A dozen young and beautiful girls with different styles were proficiently teased by Qiye. The spring was full, and the coquettish moan resounded in the huge villa again.

When the clouds and rain stopped, no one was awake except Qiye, all of them were weakened and fell asleep on the big bed.

Qiye looked at the dozen or so naked girls around her, smiled, and was about to go to bed. Suddenly, her eyes drenched and her mental energy radiated far away.

Qiye sensed that someone had broken into the enchantment he had set up. Qiye laid a total of three enchantments around the villa. The outermost one was the perception enchantment, which had no defenses, but any creature entered this enchantment. Qiye would perceive it, and even a mosquito could not escape.

And the second layer is the space barrier for defense, which contains the power of space. Normal people cannot pass through this barrier, and the space barrier also has the effect of blocking sound waves.

The innermost layer is the space-time enchantment, which combines the power of time and space at the same time. If you want to break through, you will be thrown into a different dimension by this enchantment and be completely annihilated.

Qiye closed his eyes and sensed the person who broke into his barrier, but the person who broke into the barrier made Qiye slightly happy-Kona.

The person who broke into the enchantment was the Ice Queen Kona!

In fact, Kona has already developed a faint affection for Qiye. Women like Kona who stand at the pinnacle of all trainers, weak men cannot be seen by Kona. Strong women need a stronger man. Come and love her.

Kona has never been defeated since he became famous. Even if he was Du, he was not Kona’s opponent. Qiye was the first person to defeat Kona after Kona became famous. For this man who broke his undefeated record, Kona certainly has. Heart slightly.

Kona saw the end of Qiye and Shiba's game from the beginning, and didn't let it go. It seemed nothing to others. After all, Qiye is very likely to become the first champion of the Kanto League. As the four heavenly kings of Kanto, Kona can watch Qiye's game. It's normal, but deep down in Kona's heart, it's actually not like that.

Sitting in the stands, watching Qiye's battle with Shiba from a distance, watching Qiye's commanding, confident and heroic posture, Kona's heartbeat speeded up slightly.

When Kona played against Qiye before, although Kona had watched Qiye at a close distance, at that time, Kona was mostly immersed in the game, and his attention to Qiye itself was reduced a lot. , But in this game with Shiba, Kona is completely as a bystander, and what he sees is naturally different. A typical fan of the authorities and a clear bystander.

Of course, Kona’s affection for Qiye has not yet developed to the level of deep love. Kona is a very calm person at all times. This calmness can sometimes make people feel scared.

After sensing that it was Kona, Qiye came into contact with the two layers of enchantment inside. Of course, Kona didn't know about these things. After all, no matter how strong he was, Kona was just an ordinary person.

Ke Na walked to the door of the villa, just stretched out her slender jade hand, and was about to knock on the door. The door suddenly opened, and what was printed in Ke Nai's eyes was Qiye sitting on the sofa and drinking coffee comfortably.

Kona was stunned for a moment, then smiled and pushed his glasses, very naturally on the sofa on the other side of Qiye, picked up the coffee cup in front of him, took a sip of the aromatic coffee, and his face was extremely comfortable. Expression, softly said: "Kopi Luwak, you really know how to enjoy."

Qiye put down the coffee cup and said, "It's not me, it's the sundae. That little girl only drinks civet coffee. Now it brings me to like the taste of coffee."

In the beginning, the only one who would drink such extravagant coffee was the Sundae. For a luxury of several hundred dollars a pound, most people would drink it once or twice at most. It’s almost enough to comfort yourself. Xiang Sundae The kind who drink one or two cups a day, if it weren't for the seven nights' money, he would really not be able to support this prodigal wife.

"Coffee is good, don't know if there are snacks?" Kona asked with a smile.

Qiye rolled his eyes, and it was really good. A woman should take it for granted. It would be shameless if a man was good, but Qiye had to be prepared, with a blue light on his body, a few very delicate snacks.

Kona didn't pay too much attention to the snacks on the table, but looked at the blue light slowly dissipating from Qiye's body and smiled and said, "Super powers are really convenient. Can you teach me?"

"Haha, learn superpowers, I have to charge tuition." Qiye smiled with a hint of joking.

"Oh, isn't it? I don't know how much to charge?" Kona pushed his glasses and smiled jokingly. It is easy for smart people to talk, but it is very troublesome for outsiders to understand.

Qiye stood up, bullied herself up, put her hands on Kona’s shoulders, and gently pushed her down on the sofa, her purple enchanting eyes stared at Kona’s eyes evilly, and smiled evilly: "I want you ,how?"

A blush flashed quickly across Kona's face, but it immediately drew away. Even the momentary shame in the depths of his eyes disappeared. I have to say that Kona's self-control ability is too strong.

"It's not that simple to want to be my man." Kona said lightly, his tone was as flat as saying another thing that had nothing to do with him, it didn't seem like saying it in such an ambiguous atmosphere. So ambiguous words.

"Oh, is it?" Qiye still had a wicked smile on her face, "I always like to challenge high levels of difficulty." He is ready to fight a protracted battle. Kona is different from other girls. The character and experience are much richer than others. Although Nazi also has the strength of the king, but Nazi’s experience is completely incomparable with Kona. Kona is too able to regulate her emotions. In this case Under the pressure of a man who has a good opinion of him, Kona can still achieve no fluctuations in his emotions. It is almost like a piece of ice that has never changed. As for whether this piece of ice can be melted into water, Look at Qiye's ability.

Qi Yeyi bowed her head and directly kissed Kona's beautiful red lips, sucking and kissing Kona's sweet juice deeply.

Kona was taken aback, and then he didn't struggle to push away. He put his arms around Qiye's neck very naturally, and gently responded to Qiye's request for a kiss, as if they were a pair of lovers who had been in love for many years. From the first meeting to today, I haven't got five fingers.

Kona is twenty-seven years old this year, and she will be an old girl soon, her body is fully mature, and her body exudes the rich fragrance of a mature woman, making Qiye intoxicated.

Kona was also intoxicated. For the faint feelings in her heart, Kona abandoned all her sense and calmness. His tongue was warmly entangled with Qiye, and his hands were tightly wrapped around Qiye's body.

The kiss between Qiye and Kona was almost earth-shattering. The kisses continued until the two of them almost fainted. Kona’s eyes were filled with mist. She was already in love when she was mature. At this time, if Qiye directly took her body. If it does, Kona will also take off his clothes directly to cooperate with Qiye.

However, Qiye's eyes became clear, and there was no half of the lust in the purple eyes. It was unimaginable. For half a minute, he was still kissing a woman who made all men crazy.

Qiye stroked Kona's long hair and smiled confidently: "Kona, you will definitely be my defeated man. You are not my opponent in battle or love!"

Hearing Qiye's words, Kona's eyes also recovered a bit of rationality and calmness. He smiled softly and said, "Really, then I will wait and see."

After that, Kona left. Qiye didn’t think he would overthrow Kona at the time, but based on what Qiye knew about Kona, if Qiye ate Kona directly, then he and Kona could only keep the gun at best. The relationship between friends, if Qiye wants to get Kona's heart, she can only use other gods.

In order to fully get the heart of the Ice Queen, Qiye is not as good as a beast only once...

Chapter 148-Transition!

After Ke took it, Qiye went to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of wine. As Qiye’s prestige and status increased, the alliance gave Qiye more extravagance, and even a world appeared in Qiye’s wine cabinet. Top luxury goods-Romani Conti.

Romani Conti is the most luxurious and noble red wine in the world. Robert Parker, the world's most famous wine taster, called it "a millionaire's wine, but only billionaires can afford it!"

A real Romani Conti can definitely be sold at a sky-high price at auction. At that price, many people will never see that much money in their lives.In mainland China, there are only a few authentic Romani Kandi, and they are basically collectors’ town houses or treasures of town cellars. If it were not for extremely distinguished guests, they would never be opened.

The Alliance didn't know where Romani Conti got it from, and it also appeared in the wine cabinet of Qiye.When Sundae saw the wine, she almost couldn’t help swallowing all the bottles. Although she was Genji’s eldest lady, the chances of drinking Romani Conti weren’t particularly high. Since childhood, Sundae There are probably five or six times to drink Romani Conti. The noble and beautiful sundae will never be forgotten.

Qiye wouldn't taste this kind of high-class wine. He was still more suitable for a boring wine. To red wine, a glass of wine that can be tasted for half an hour, is really not suitable for Qiye.

That Romanikandi Qiye would not move, otherwise the Sundae would fight him desperately, Qiye just took out a bottle of vodka.The vodka tastes as tasteless as water when it is first imported, but it is full of stamina. After the wine enters the stomach, it is absolutely hot and exciting. The feeling of ice and fire is really the ultimate enjoyment.

Qiye poured himself a glass of wine, put two ice cubes, sweet and clear vodka into Qiye’s belly, Qiye suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his face, Qiye doesn’t like smoking, he hates the smell of cigarettes, The taste is extremely repulsive, but Qiye is a complete wine fairy. No matter how many things are happening every day, Qiye has to take some time to drink.(I don’t smoke, just drink some)

Qiye pours and drinks, sitting alone in the quiet living room, not long after drinking two bottles of vodka, how to say vodka is also one of the world's eight famous spirits, alcohol content is more than 40%, Qiye sincerely wants to drink Drunk, and did not use chakra to suppress drunkenness, two bottles of vodka, already completely dim eyes, fell to the sofa, and fell asleep.

Qiye slept on the sofa, and the corner of her mouth somehow sketched a smile that could kill any woman in the world. The beautiful man lying drunk, showing a different kind of charm, but there is no one in this scene. Can appreciate.


When Qiye woke up, she found out who she was on the big bed in the room. Don’t even think about it, but also knew that it was Nazi’s masterpiece. Even if Qiye became drunk and unconscious, he would definitely wake up if someone came to touch him. When he was drunk, it was only Nazi's superpower to get Qiye into the room without knowing it.

It's already three poles in the sun. The violent summer sun shines through the windows and hits Qiye's body. The heat of the sun has aggravated Qiye's headache symptoms. Yesterday, I had a big drink and the symptoms of a hangover came.

At this time, Xiaochun opened the door and saw Qiye covering her forehead with a pained expression in her heart. She was both pampered and funny in her heart. She reached the bedside with a bowl of sobering tea, and supported Qiye’s body to let her He slightly leaned on himself, gently brought the bowl to Qiye's lips, and smiled: "I'll make a sober tea for you, drink it."

Qiye’s hangover is the most serious now, and her head is groggy, as if the sky is spinning, Xiaochun didn’t hear clearly, she just felt something was passed to her mouth, and she couldn’t think about what it was. , Opened his mouth and slurped the contents of the bowl.

After drinking sober tea, Qiye leaned on Xiaochun for a while, and the hangover symptoms were slightly relieved. The two bottles of vodka were a little too much, although Qiye can now control her own strength and drink more soberly. Suppress it, but thinking about the feeling of being taken care of, Qiye gave up wisely and let her hangover.(This guy is pure bones!)

Xiaochun saw that he still had thick eyebrows and a look of pain after drinking the sober tea, and couldn't help but whispered, "Really, who told you to drink so much alcohol." Although the words were blaming Qiye , But in his tone it was obvious that pity was far more than blame, otherwise Xiaochun wouldn't be talking while gently massaging Qiye's temples with his hands to ease his pain.

Qiye barely lifted his eyelids and smiled tiredly. To be honest, he actually enjoyed the feeling of being cared for and scolded very much. This feeling made him feel real and warm.

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