Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 103

Although Qiye and the other girls are both gagging, squatting, and having fun every day, Qiye is the absolute center of this family. After all, Qiye is the only man in this family.

In the arms of a woman who leaned on her like this, listening to her scolding of herself, and her meticulous care and care, Qiye was almost immersed in this feeling.

The sun doesn't seem to be so venomous now, Qiye leaned quietly in Xiaochun's arms, Xiaochun had been gently massaging Qiye's temples, and gradually, Qiye actually fell asleep slowly in Xiaochun's arms.

Xiaochun hugged Qiye for a long time. Although Qiye is neither fat nor thin, he is still a tall man of more than 1.8 meters. He always has more than one hundred catties of meat on his body. Xiaochun's body is less than one hundred catties. After holding Qiye for a long time, his whole body was numb, and he secretly glanced at Qiye. At this look, Xiaochun almost burst out laughing.

Qiye leaned against Xiaochun’s warm arms and slept very deeply. The purple eyes of evil intentions had been completely covered. The silver hair was no longer arrogant at this time, but revealed a rare tranquility, Qiye thin His lips opened slightly, and a trace of saliva came out of Qiye's mouth unconsciously. It seemed that Qiye was a child who slept very deeply.

Xiaochun looked at Qiye sleeping like an angel, and revealed a maternal brilliance suddenly appeared on her immature little face. She stretched out her soft and slender fingers and gently wrapped Qiye’s silver hair, gently stroking him white. His handsome face and his eyes did not conceal his strong and soft feelings. It was an extremely obsessive love.

After another half an hour, half of Xiaochun's body was numb, and she couldn't help it. She gently supported Qiye to lie down, then stretched her fingers, and moved her hands and feet that were completely unconscious, and then gently Tucked a quilt on Qiye, and then crept out of the room.

Xiaochun didn't know. The moment she walked out of the room, Qiye suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling. After a long time, Qiye smiled slightly, rolled over, and fell asleep again.


By the time Qiye wakes up, it is already evening, and his head is still a little groggy. Two bottles of vodka are not small, but there is no such thing as a splitting headache.

Qiye sat up with a teapot on the head of the bed. Qiye reached out and touched the teapot. There was still some residual temperature. It shouldn't be long.

I slept in Qiye for so long without dripping in. I drank a lot of wine before going to bed. Now my mouth is dry and thirsty. I can't close the tea pot anymore. I picked up the teapot and gurgled to my mouth. After pouring a whole pot of tea into her stomach, Qiye felt better.

After Qiye staggered to the living room, most of the girls were sitting in the living room watching TV and eating snacks, while Sakura, Xiaochun, and Xiaoxue were preparing dinner in the kitchen. The girls talked and laughed, and there was no barrier.

Qiye almost fell on the sofa, and the high spirits really made Qiye's footsteps drift a bit.

All of a sudden, all the women gathered around worriedly, Qiye smiled, and said: "It's okay, just the head is still a little dizzy."

The girls all breathed a sigh of relief, but Na Zi still said in a vicious tongue, "Deserve it."

Qiye rolled her eyes to look at Nazi, and said helplessly: "You are the most unforgiving mouth!" Then Pippi smiled and pulled Nazi into her arms, on top of Nazi's bright red lips. A kiss, and said: "But I like it!" Na Zi has completely transformed from a three-no-woman into a cold-faced and poisonous-tongued woman similar to Hui Yuanai.

Nazi blushed and glared at Qiye. This guy who loves to be a stranger, but there is still a hint of care in his eyes. Nazi is not insensitive, she is just not good at expressing her feelings. It is already she and Qiye who quarrel The most common way of communication.

Because of the hot weather, Nazi was wearing only a pair of tight-fitting short shorts, and she wore a thin waistcoat with the navel on top. Nazi's perfect figure was almost completely exposed in front of Qiye's eyes, and the girl’s white skin Severely stimulating Qiye's nerves, Qiye involuntarily put her hand on Na Zi's lower abdomen and gently stroked it.

As soon as Na Zi's body softened, her eyes sparkled and she was charming and charming. Na Zi was definitely the most sensitive one among Qiye's women. As long as Qiye teased her slightly, Na Zi would lose all her strength.

"Big bad guy! Don't touch it..." Na Zi said shyly.

"Hehe, I want it!" Qiye said pimply, the so-called tree does not need bark, it will definitely die, people are shameless, the world is invincible, and Qiye has the essence of it.

Seeing Nazi's extremely shy expression, Qiye got even more intolerable. She stretched out her hand directly across Nazi's close-fitting hot pants, stroking Nazi's elastic buttocks, and put her index finger on Nazi's little flower deliberately.

"I want you here..." Qiye said viciously, biting Na Zi's ear.

"Hmm..." Na Zi's face instantly blushed. Although all the girls except Xiao Xia had been picked by Qiye, none of them could fully adapt to the feeling of walking behind. No exception.

Do what you want. Qiye has always been a person whose body reacts faster than his brain. Qiye directly opened her pants to release her extremely strong second brother, and then retracted Nazi's hot pants and small inner to the corner of her leg. , Pushing his second brother into Na Zi's crotch and rubbing back and forth.

"Asshole... um... um... ah... ah..." Na Zi yelled weakly, but immediately burned all her senses by the heat of her body, her eyes blurred.

All the girls looked at them with blushing faces. Originally, Qiye would converge a little bit. At least she did this kind of thing when she returned to the room. After all, not all girls had a relationship with Qiye at that time, but now they Qiye is already a member of Qiye, so Qiye has nothing to worry about. Therefore, Qiye often takes off her pants and loves girls regardless of occasion. Of course, it is limited to the villa. Qiye does not allow anything else. The man sees his woman's body.

Qiye’s current life is definitely an emperor’s enjoyment, but if he insists on linking Qiye with an ancient emperor, it is probably Shang Zhou or Song Huizong. The reason is the two words-faint king!Being a faint emperor is much easier than a wise emperor.

Drunk lives and dreams of death, wine pond meat forest, Qiye has fallen...

Because I have written a lot of battles in succession, I can relax when I write chapters.

Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine-The Battle of Kings (15)

In the third battle of Uranus, in the same order as in the game, Qiye’s opponent is the oldest of the four kings in all regions-the conspirator Juko.

The most terrifying thing about Chrysanthemum is not her strength, but her omnipotent tactics and extremely weird abilities of elf. Chrysanthemum's fingers can change the pattern on Arbor monster, which is the so-called "death make-up technique". This kind of pattern represents a kind of ability, which can greatly strengthen the power of the Arbor monster.

Generally speaking, the majority of young trainers will support such handsome men and beauties as Watari, Kona, Sirona, and Michaeli.

For those older trainers, Chrysanthemum is their goal.Juzi is the oldest four heavenly king in all alliances. For those older trainers, Juzi's existence is like a spiritual beacon for them.

Now Qiye has more supporters than most of the Four Heavenly Kings. At present, the number of supporters is higher than that of Qiye. Only the champion of Longjidu in Chengdu, the battle goddess Sirona in the Shenao region, and Fangyuan region have more supporters. Water-loving artist Mikri, there is also the new league champion Alice in Yixiu area.(Alice is the champion of the Yixiu region, and Alice is the heroine of the decisive battle of the Tower of Time, the same name is really troublesome)

Qiye’s current popularity has surpassed the four kings of the leagues, and only the regional champions are still above Qiye. When Qiye becomes the Kanto champion, the popularity will definitely skyrocket again. Of course, this is not what I want to say now.

As before, looking at the opponent before the war, Juko is an old woman in her fifties. The word kindness cannot find a trace on the face of this woman who is more than half a hundred years old. She has long gray-golden hair and a purple one. Dresses, purple and gold, have always matched very well.

Chrysanthemum leaned on a cane with a smile on her face, but that smile did not make people feel half of the warmth, as if she was being stared at by the snake demon Medusa, from the top of the head to the soles of her feet, she felt chills and her black eyes. Here, the twinkling eyes are like a poisonous snake eyeing a prey in the desert, cold and venomous.

The sentence that ginger is still old and spicy is for the sake of chrysanthemum, of course, the sentence that green onion is still tender and fragrant is for Qiye.

"Ha ha ha ha... the kid is very strong, he can beat the two little guys Kona and Shiba, let the old woman try to see if you have the strength to become the first Kanto champion, come on! Ghost Stone! !!!" Kikuko said with a big smile, and threw a pokeball at the same time.

"Ghost Stone?" Qiye smiled and looked at Ghost Stone, then took out her poke ball and shouted: "Then I will use this! Go on! Dakulay!!!"

As soon as Dakulai came out, the battlefield that was originally at night immediately became more gloomy. Even if countless headlights illuminate the battlefield, it suddenly dimmed and became a gloomy, black-body Dakulai. With the purple-black body of Ghost Stone, he looked particularly courageous in such a battlefield.

Even Kikuko’s Ghost Stone was stunned when he first saw Dakulai. As a ghost-type Ghost Stone, he could feel the huge dark power that reached Kurai’s body more than other elves. In addition to the category, the power of the elves is also divided into attributes. The evil elves are dominated by the power of darkness, while the superpowers are the opposite.

The ghost type and the evil type are all elves dominated by dark power, and the legendary elves of the evil type and the ghost type are pitifully few. The ghost type is the strongest, Qiladina, and the evil type is the strongest. The dark power of Dakurai is far stronger than the general evil and ghost elves.

Darkness is not equal to evil. Light and darkness are originally an inseparable whole with two sides. Light is never right, and the existence of darkness is not wrong. In Digimon IV, there are also dark elements in the Ten Fighters. Of course, This is not an issue to be discussed at the moment. As for whether to write a comprehensive comic, I have to consider it.

"Dakulai, use Shadow Claw!"

Dakulai's face was calm, and the powerful dark power condensed in his claws grabbed Ghost Stone.

The defensive power of the elves of the ghost type and the super power type are not very good, not to mention the shadow claws of Dakulai, who has the strength of a first-class beast, the body of Ghost Stone quickly faded, and then disappeared into the air. The shadow of Ghost Stone was lost in an instant.

The scarlet eternal kaleidoscope in Qiye's eyes turned, and the actions of Ghost Stone could not hide his eyes. Even in the dark, with Qiye's current strength, it would have no effect. He shouted: "Dakulai , Back left!"

Dakulai's eyes sank, and a purple-black energy ball appeared in his hand instantly. He turned and pressed it behind him, and was facing a purple-black paw.


The shadow ball exploded, and Dakulai just numbed his hand and immediately recovered to its original shape, but Ghost Stone was not very good, and the shadow ball blasted a lot of scars on his right paw.

"Ghost Stone, use hypnotism!"

Ghost Stone’s eyes were fixed on Dakulai’s eyes, and there was a strange wave in his eyes, but surprisingly, it was not Dakulai who fell asleep, but Ghost Stone, Ghost Stone. He fell directly to the ground, snoring, and fell asleep.

"How can hypnotism hypnotize the god who controls dreams? Dakulai, use nightmares!" Qiye said jokingly.

Dakulai's nightmare hit the ghost stone lying on the ground, and the ghost stone, who was still sleeping soundly, immediately showed a very painful expression. It seems that the effect of the nightmare is extraordinary.

"Humph!" Chrysanthemum snorted heavily, pounded the ground with a walking stick, and shouted, "Ghost Stone, use snoring!"

Ghost Stone opened a big mouth and spit out a few huge "Z"s as high as one. The ghost stone like a nightmare is not so much a snoring, it is better to call a ghost.

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